[Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1

She cries out. "Feels fantastic, bitch. I don't know who you think I am, but ... " She trails off in pain and grits her teeth.
"But you and your sorry lapdog here won't last the night." She spits toward your feet, missing by a long shot since she's in such an awkward position.
- Uhhh, it seems that your hot ass is very well backed then.

But sorry darling; whoever your friends are, they will find no more than a lump of meat and bones when we're done with you, while we'll be miles away already.
"Do your worst, wench. I'm not afraid of you. And there will always be more — someone else who will replace me." She struggles fruitlessly against your hold.
Selima rises her eyebrows and looks at the woman beneath her.

Then, pulling violently the woman's arms towards herself, she slams her head against the nap of her prisoner.

Punch or Crunch, whatever is mechanically more appropriate.

B damage, I just want her to lose her senses.
No need to roll, she's so close to unconsciousness. You just want to make sure to knock her out?
- Shing, why don't you ask your faithful to bring us some death-worshipper?

The big fish don't seem to talk, maybe the smaller ones will be more diplomatic.

Or at least, we'll make it harder for them to move.

Yes. Incapacitated.

Also, Zenith can be incredibly powerful...
The woman, while still breathing, is unconscious and not moving at all. The sound of the crowd grows outside the cave. People cheering and yelling, hoping to catch another glimpse of Tyrs bel Dacanos.
- The mortal lackeys of these guys, Shing.

Selima points at the unconscious woman.
How do you suppose I find them? Lady.

Shing raised one brow and tapped his right finger on his lips.
- Just ask your followers! They know the streets and the rumors much better than us.
-Oh! Why don't you say so earlier?

Shing gave a short chuckle and return to the alter platform.

He looked over the prostrated cultists and marveled at how much authority a God commands over mortals.

- You may rise now.

- Amongst you...are constables. Come forth to me. 3 of you who deem yourself worthy. I have much to discuss about our future.

- The rest of you. You are dismissed. Though keep a keen ear for I may call upon your service as I wish in divine timing.

3 constables came forward and Shing brought them to meet Selima.

- Yes...you faithful ones... you will be much blessed to answer to my call. Now, this lady here is my prophet. Lady Ho (fire) She is in the middle of some investigations. I like 3 of you to facilitate all the helps she needs.

Shing turned to Selima and motioned her to continue her interview.
Love it. 3 XP for both of you.

Ish, a well mannered merchant is wiry and thin. He strokes his mustache as he waits to be questioned.

Strong Kolas, a portly tall fellow seems like he could survive a volcano explosion. He stands with his arms folded.

Marin, a young teen girl with tattered rags has cool eyes and a warm smile.

All three wait for you to speak, Selima.
With a single hand, Selima lifts the unconscious woman whole for the three men to see her face.

-- *Ahem*.

You that are worthy in the eyes of Tyrs bel Decanos, do you recognize this wo-- Selima stumbles on her words for a second and glances the woman, unconvinced, then spits on the other hand and clumsily attempts to clean away some dirt and blood from her face -- As I was saying, do you worthy whatever recognize this woman?
Marin shakes her head. She seems confident in not knowing this woman. Ish turns red and looks away.

Strong Kolas, however, isn't fazed and blurts, "She's from the brothel. I had her twice last night. Or was it three time?" Marin looks up at the big man with disgust written all over her face.
Selima has opinions about prostitutes and their clients, but learned to keep things practical long ago.

- Has she been at the brothel for long?

Besides you, would she entertain particular guests?

Also, have you heard any rumors about ancestor cults, death worshipers and such?
Strong Kolas shakes his head. "No idea. Just met her last night."

Now, Ish speaks up. "She's been there a few months. She's picky about whom she entertains. I couldn't figure her pattern out and I went back to her four times. I'm sure you could ask around. She was at Lady Blackbird's."

At your last question, Marin nods. "There's a group that holds daily meetings in the upper floor of old man Redmond's smithy. I live across the street and I've seen robbed men, undertakers, and coffins go in and out of that place during the day." You figure daytime because in Gem, being outside with the sun will kill you. All sort of people use that time to do dirty deeds.
- Whoohoo, another can of worms.. - ponders Selima.

- Uh... Ehm, I guess you served you God well and all, He'll bring you happiness and wisdom and culinary insights...

Ehm, keep your eyes open, if you discover anything more write it on an inexpensive but dignified parchment and leave it at the Temple among the offers to your God. Ok?
All three of them acknowledge: Marin gives a paranoid look over her should as she turns and leaves, Ish looks at you both for a long moment before leaving, and Strong Kolas just grunts and walks out.

What do you do now?
Shing maintained a solemn look while the conversation took place and simply nodded when the three left.

"Well...To Lady Blackbird's we go!" The God imposter smirked.

"What do you think? How all these connects? And what do we do with this lady..."
- Brothels are hubs of our (despicable) society.

They are one of the few places where the rich and the poor see each other.

But I think we should decide what to do with her - Selima points at the woman.

- Also, Shing, you may want to remove the whole costume before we take the streets...

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