[Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 4: Pieces & Shards, Scene 2


Maelstrom Engineer
Lorenzo, Alek, & Zen

Alek and Zen, with careful guidance by Morinth, you've made your way through a long hall riddled with traps. Now, you stand before seven-foot tall golden doors.

Lorenzo, you stride up behind Zen and Alek as they look at the doors.

Before any of you can say anything, Morinth appears next to you all. "Only a proper prayer to Sol Invictus himself will open these doors. And only by one of his chosen."

- Don't look at me, I am not even trying. - Declares Lorenzo after looking at his comrades.

- And actually, before we go all pious, I think I should show you mates what I fished from our pale lady down in the other chamber...

Lorenzo holds the little soulsteel cage in front of Alek and Zen.

- When she'll find out she will NOT be happy...

Uh, Morinth, any chance you recognize this?

Zeniths should have 1 auto suxx or something on prayer rolls.
Morinth's ghostly face looks horrified. She stands shocked for a moment. "That's...that's the vessel of Motugoro. He is negative Essence, more commonly called 'Dark Essence' in my time. He's dangerous. Be very careful with that. You hold his very prison. Where did you get that?"
LOL! +2 XP.

Morinth shakes her head. 'When I was just a newly Chosen, Motugoro had finally been found and trapped by a man named Larquen Quen. During the war with the Primordials, the builders of Creation itself, it was Larquen and his new weapon, Motugoro, that brought them to their knees. He had mastered Essence itself and used that knowledge to create anti-Essence. His final touch was to give it sentience. It killed half the Primordials overnight before the rest surrendered. It was all Larquen could do to reign in his new creation. It eventually escaped, though in a weakened state, and he had to track it down and lock it away."

She thinks a moment. "When the Usurpation began, Larquen disappeared. He wasn't heard from at all. It was rumored he left to find a hiding place for Motugoro's prison so he could find him after the war blew over. Who knows. I wonder how this girl came about it."
"Prayers...right...and I suppose I am gonna be the one doing that, right?" Zen raised a brow and his face turned pale,"I am pretty certain that I was never taught how to do that...there was no crash course or whatsoever given by SUN, Himself....Oh...Nevermind...let me try"

Zen closed his eyes and searched deep into his deep seated memories, trying to figure out how he could offer a prayer to Sol Invictus. After a while, an ancient chant came out from what was once a pursed lips. Zen didn't know where in his locked first age memory did these words come from, but it seemed to sound and feel holy as it should. Though they did sound really familiar. Then he brought his palms together at his chest and began a ritualistic prayer to his God.


Prostration to Him who is affectionate to all.


Prostration to Him who is the cause for change.


Prostration to Him who induces activity.


Prostration to Him who diffuses Light.


Prostration to Him who moves in the sky.


Prostration to Him who nourishes all.


Prostration to Him who contains everything.


Prostration to Him who possesses rays.


Prostration to Him who is God of gods.


Prostration to Him who produces everything.


Prostration to Him who is fit to be worshipped.


Prostration to Him who is the cause of lustre.

Toward the end of the chant, he brought his palms back to meet at his chest. A soothing flow of bright golden light rushed through his body, and his caste mark began to glow faintly. Then he opened his eyes to see what happened to the door, desperately hoping that the 'prayer' that came intuitively to him worked.

What do I roll for the prayer? ; p

Haha...thanks to Xarh
Lorenzo tries desperately to keep track of the events around him.

- So, uhm, Morinth, wouldn't be best to let go with your tomb and run like crazy to find a way to dispose of this monster thing here?

And why is Zen stretching on the floor?


I hate this day already...
Zen's face reddened at Lorenzo's comment and snorted in defense,"Do you know a simpler way to pray? Lorenzo...Tell me about it! This is as good as I can remember..."
"Alright...Both of you...if my attempt fails, you both should give it a try." Zen took a deep breathe, trying hard to stop a smirk on his face.
"Uhm," Alek coughs slightly. "It really depends on what sort of prayer is considered a proper prayer. There are a good hundred that I know of in just this era. That wouldn't take into account what would be appropriate for whatever time period was actually involved here."

With a frown Alek holds up his palm and calls forth one of the older tomes his artifact contains. They didn't have a massive amount of time, but he might be able to recall a good reference for this.
- Naaaaah, offending the Most High once will be more than enough. - comments Lorenzo.
Sorry, Wuming. It would have been Charisma + Performance, but your roll and narrative works well. Take a 2-die stunt worth 4 motes.

Love the RP guys. Everyone take 2 XP. Keep up the good work.

Your discussion ends as you all notice the door is already cracked open about an inch. Zen's prayer must have done it without any of you noticing.

Before anything else is said, Morinth decides to speak up again. "Lorenzo, you're right in many respects. What you hold there is a power beyond belief. It demands your attention. However, the only thing that CAN destroy it lies within this manse. As the main architect, the Creator,' she points to Alek, "built this, the Last Manse, as a place to house most of his work. One such piece is called the Fist of the Divide. It was his greatest achievement. With it, the wearer had the power to reach into an Exalt and pull out his spark. In most cases the subject died as part of his physical, mental, and emotional being was inherently tied to his spark. But, the Creator didn't have time to perfect the process.

"It was highly theorized by the Creator that the Fist had other applications as well. One such theory was to "push" a held spark into a being. Another was separate Motugoro from his prison. Of course non of this was tested, but it had potential.

"As it stands now, the girl you stole Motugoro from is heading to that chamber now. I believe she has noticed that she is missing the vessel, but intends to recover the Fist first. If you hurry, you can gain control of the manse and seal off the Fist's chamber from her."
- Ok.

Lorenzo gulped, uncomfortable.

- Let's hurry forward.

Trying to pass the door with the others.

Also, I just rised my Ess to 3.
Morinth's image dissipates as the three of you pass through the door and enter a small chamber. Inside, the walls, floor, and cieling are all built from copper-colored blocks. In the center of the room stands an eight-foot diameter ball built from the same copper-colored blocks. Every half-minute or so, a pulse of energy passes through each of the orbs arms.


You hear Morinth's voice echo in the chamber. "This is the Core. To control it, and the Manse, one of you must step inside and it will be transferred to you. Only one individual can control the Core and that individual is required to be one of the Sun's Chosen. Whoever has control has full knowledge of the Manse, its workings, and any activity within. Once this gift is bestowed upon someone, it cannot be taken back or transferred while they are alive. The Manse becomes part of you and you a part of the Manse. Upon death, the controller's soul and Essence return to the Manse as a protector, until he or she deems another worthy."

There is a small pause. "I deem all three of you worthy to gain control of The Last Manse. I give you the choice of whom shall have control. Do you all understand all that I've said?"
"Yeah...right. Lorenzo is the crafty one. Alek...the smarter one. So go Alek!" Zen nods in approval with his white teeth visible.
- Me crafty? The last time I tried to create something it exploded.

And it was a paper crane!
"That's actually pretty impressive." Alek chuckles at Lerenzo's comment. "But, I suppose needs must and all that." With that he begins to walk towards the core.

Here was hoping that everything was as the spirit said. He really didn't want to deal with what would happen if it wasn't.

Alek, you stride forward to step into the core. As you do so, the arms that make up the sphere of the core fold away then envelop you. A crackle of white energy bursts from the core then pulses along the surface of it.

Zen and Lorenzo, you can see Alek floating inside the core, suspended by energy.

Suddenly, the doors burst open and the zombies from the other room rush in groaning and hissing. Somehow, you see a renewed determination in their dead eyes. They surge forward and try to overwhelm you.



Alek, your vision fades to white as you see a tide of zombies pour into the room. But here, in the endless white, it's quiet. You look down at your hands to make sure you're intact. Your clothes are untouched and you're in one piece.

"Welcome, Alek," says Morinth's voice from behind you. She strolls into your field of view then in front of you. She's almost completely naked save for the wisp of white silk that is curled around her body hiding some of it and highlighting her golden curls. "I want to thank you for coming here and freeing me. It has been a long wait." She smiles warmly. "Once the transfer is completely, I will cease to exist and will return to the Wheel's cycle. But, a part of me will live on in your heart and mind. I pass on more than this Manse's power; I pass on knowledge and understanding. You will find with time, more of the collected knowledge that I've passed to you can be unlocked, allowing you greater insight. For now, though, you'll have immediate access to change the Manse and it's grounds to your needs."

She steps forward, keeping her eyes locked on yours. "Now, the time has come. But, before I proceed, allow me to thank you one more time." She leans in and presses her supple lips against yours, locking you in a long, passionate kiss. Pulling away, she adds, "I needed to kiss the Creator one last time. I wish you and your friends all the luck in the world. Goodbye Alek." She steps back and raises her arms.

Her body bursts into golden Essence that swirls through the air and whirls around you before enveloping you. It's warm and comforting and you relax. You know this is, and always was, your destiny.

You're home.

Then, you feel the collected knowledge of Morinth explode into your mind. Visions race through your head showing you hundreds of scenes and people. People ruling, laughing, making love, betraying, killing, running, fighting, hiding. Some are Morinth, others aren't. They are all difficult to pin-point and focus on as they don't last more than a few moments each.

Finally a memory takes shape in your mind. You see the chamber you were just in with Zen and Lorenzo. The copper blocks in the room don't look quite as tarnished as they did just a few moments ago. You see a blood trail from the door to the sphere and a man in Red Jade armor straddling Morinth's body. Somehow you know she's still alive, but you can't help her. The man has a knife in his hand is is stabbing her in the chest over and over. She's not screaming--she's barely breathing--but her eyes are open and she knows exactly what's going on.

You hear the man give her an order: "Die, dirty Solar dog!"

She disobeys. Instead, she reaches a bloodied shaking hand and thrusts it into the core. Her physical body dissolves into Essence that slips into the core. The man stands, unsure. Then the doors to the room slam shut and lock. He runs over and pounds on them for a long while, then screams to the sky, "No!"

Suddenly, your sight snaps back to the room with Zen and Lorenzo and the core opens and releases you behind them.

And you know.

You know you can close that door with a thought. You know that there are exactly 54 zombies in the hallway and this room combined. You know that there is no one else in the Manse. There are many other things you know, but the situation in front of you is too chaotic to think about that now.

The zombies' attacks didn't hit you guys, so declare your actions.
And I wasn't clear about it either. He basically stepped into the core then stepped right back out. To him it was a few minutes. In real-time, it was a few moments.
Lorenzo backpedals towards the opposite end of the room, looking for features in the room apart from the Core.

Ok guys, you have the guns, I'll be just watching.

ST, what other features does the room have besides the core? Is it just an empty square?

Is the room large enough to contain all the zombies that are swarming in?
"Urg." Alek makes a noise as he attempts to concentrate.

There was too much here right now, too many new sensations. The new arrivals weren't helping anything either.

"What's next is we remove the undead." Alek finally speaks and glares at the creatures.

Alek focuses for a moment, and sends the command to close the doors. All of them.
The doors to the Core chamber boom as they slam closed, sealing all of you with about ten undead in the room. Outside, the sounds of scratching, moaning, and banging can be heard as the zombies do their best to gain entry.

In the back of the room the Core glows with Essence and crackles with power.


Alek, you know for certain, though you're not sure how, that every door in the Manse is sealed.

No, the room is empty. The Core is the only feature of the room.

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