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  1. Skyedancer

    Things That Go Bump in the Night

    Name: Aislin Hunt (Pronounced Ash-lin) Age: 18 Birthplace: Augusta, Maine Personality: Easy going, slightly cynical sense of humor at times. Biography: Aislins parents migrated to the U.S from Ireland many years ago. Aislin however, was brought by her Grandmother after her parents died...
  2. Skyedancer

    Survey (For My Sociology Class)

    Mine's pretty much identical to Jellymints:) 1) How you racially identify? Asian 2) What is your socio-economic make up? (Example, Lower class, middle class, etc. ) Middle class 3) What is your sexual make up? (Male, female, other, etc.) Female 4) What is your educational background...
  3. Skyedancer

    League of Legends: Welcome

    Champion: Jinx Skin: Default (Thought I'd add a picture for those who aren't familiar with her) Goal: Most likely going to stay on earth Personality: Think of a scantily-clad Joker armed with the coolest weapons possible and you pretty much have Jinx:D Edit: The picture came out larger...
  4. Skyedancer

    Never shall we die... (a Pirate RP)

    Looks really interesting. Is this still happening?
  5. Skyedancer

    Fallout 3: War Never Changes [Inactive]

    Serena sat down gratefully and waited till Taylor had returned with the food before answering his question. "Yeah, all out. I'll be restocking afterwards." She tugged at the collar of the jumpsuit which was all but strangling her and watched Taylor eat for a few minutes before realising that...
  6. Skyedancer

    Fallout 3: War Never Changes [Inactive]

    Serena waved back at Taylor and continued on her way. She walked back to her place and and checked out her food cupboard. Running low. Serena took a quick drink of water from her canteen and walked out again, heading for the diner. She'd grab a quick meal then head to the food supllies in the...
  7. Skyedancer

    Fallout 3: War Never Changes [Inactive]

    Serena sat cross legged on the floor, sorting through the old and yellowing pages of paper. Surrounding her were shelves of books. Classics, fairy tales, survival guides (these were her favourites), atlases, and several large volumes of encyclopaedias. When she had first been appointed book...
  8. Skyedancer

    Fallout 3: War Never Changes

    No probs... I should have let you know when I posted the questions. Thank you for answering them.
  9. Skyedancer

    Fallout 3: War Never Changes

    Okay so these are the questions I wanted to ask so that I have a clearer picture on what life is like in the Vault 101. Firstly what is the Vault made out of? It sounds like it's large so what would the population be roughly? Then there's the food and water source, Would we grow our own food...
  10. Skyedancer

    Fallout 3: War Never Changes

    Basics Name: Serena Turner Nickname: Ren Age:17 Gender: Female Physical appearance, (sorry I don't have a pic): Pixie cut black hair. Green eyes. Slim but strong build. Identification mark: Serena has a tattoo of a vine that snakes up her body starting from the lower spine and works...
  11. Skyedancer

    Zombie Apocalypse (Actual RP)

    Ashley entered the pharmacy with her dog at her heels. Despite having been raided recently it still had some packages of food and bottles of water. She grabbed as many of these as was practical and headed behind the counter where the prescription medication was kept. There were still several...
  12. Skyedancer

    Zombie Apocalypse (Actual RP)

    Crack. Ashley awoke suddenly, her knife already held in her hand. She scanned the surrounding forest intently but nothing jumped out and tried to bite her head off. She pushed herself up on her elbows and glanced at Shadow. He lifted his head from where it had been resting on his paws and...
  13. Skyedancer

    Anybody Know Any Good Bands To Check Out?

    Hello October Rain, What type of music do you like?
  14. Skyedancer

    Greetings everyone

    Oh, thankyou. I wasn't expecting any replies:)
  15. Skyedancer

    What void have I stumbled upon?!

    I agree. Very nice:)
  16. Skyedancer

    What void have I stumbled upon?!

    Wow, that was quite an introduction.
  17. Skyedancer

    Greetings everyone

    Ok... I may as well get the whole introduction thing over and done with. My name is Skyedancer. Skye for short. I have absolutely no role-play experience whatsoever. I heard about it from a friend and decided to try it out. A bit about myself, I like reading, writing, and listening to music...
  18. Skyedancer

    Hey guys!

    Lucky guess:)What other books do you like?