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Fandom Lord of The Rings! (Won't be accepting anymore people for the time being. Sorry!)


Friendly Neighborhood Gem-Collector
I was thinking of having nine players, each one a member of the fellowship. It will be very similar to the journey that Frodo, Gollum and Sam take, although even more treacherous with even more dangers. The Fellowship also wouldn't split up like they did in the Trilogy, instead they will stick together.

Maybe even have three characters who could play villains. Following and hunting the fellowship across the land. Each villain would have to be a different race though. So maybe one Uruk, one Orc, and one Ringwraith etc...

In the fellowship themselves, we would have any of the free races in Middle Earth: Men, Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits. However I would prefer if people didn't play a wizard.

If anyone is interested just let me know! And I'm absolutely open to suggestions!

Also I'm looking for active posters, at least two a day to keep the plot moving.
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Killigrew said:
How long of posts were ya thinking?
I'm interested >__> but ahghgg
Probably Casual. At least 5 sentences a post.
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I'll be sure to check out the RP you make! ovo-b I love LOTR, and really wanna sit down and read the books.
Killigrew said:
I'll be sure to check out the RP you make! ovo-b I love LOTR, and really wanna sit down and read the books.
I'll start making it when I have at least seven people interested... :D
So, I'm considering having ten people in total, instead of thirteen. Since Merry and Pippin are both relatively unimportant characters. So we could cut two spots and have a fellowship of seven with three villains...
Killigrew said:
But thirteen has Catholic significance! The number of rebellion -- that's why it splits O:
B-but... S-seven is my lucky number! A fellowship of seven! B-beat that...
It's not going to be super complex but I am sorry if it isn't detailed enough, or it just plain sucks. Tis my first thread!

(Who wants the One Ring?)
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]Can I join?
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[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]I'll have to do mine later, I'm going to breakfats
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No rush!
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]I'm definitely interested!

Cool! The RP is up on the second page and we have one more spot in the Fellowship and two more spots for villains!

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