Never shall we die... (a Pirate RP)



For thousands of years the rein of Piracy ruled the seven seas!

So much so that even the Pirate king was more respected then the Monarchs that claimed the land.

However, this all ended with the Holy Monarch took power and claimed all pirates outlaws and enemies of the law. All people accused of piracy would be hung without a trial.

All following the supposed 'Pirate King' were to be killed.

In an attempt to finally destroy that what is Pirate, the Monarch had ordered that the Pirate King be turned in and executed.

And when he is at the gallows awaiting his turn to be hung? What is it that a Pirate King can say to his people that will enforce their courage?

'Never shall we die'

And thus the age of Piracy disappeared....

Or... had it?

Now, a twenty years later, pirates have appeared once more...

Ready to reclaim the seven seas that once were theirs!

*Yeah so that's basically the plot. Tell me if you're interested! It can be a 1x1 or group ^.^
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ahah! Well, If you'd like we can do this as a 1x1, in which case I will PM you. Or we can wait and see if any one else wants to join in?

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