Fallout 3: War Never Changes [Inactive]

Blue Puppy

Junior Member
Blue Puppy submitted a new role play:

Fallout 3: War Never Changes - The steel door to Vault 101 hasn't opened up for 400 years, until one day some crazy scientist did.


War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage.

In the year 2077, after a millennium of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could sustain itself no longer. The world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation. But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world. Instead,...

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War. War never changes.

The Wasteland, best described as a land of sudden extreme pain and death. The land created by missiles of radiation and fucked up minded people. Covered in vast broken cities and craters the size of lakes. Scorching heat is accompanied by the dancing sands and bone-meal.Mountains of sand dunes and valleys of death. Night and day chase each other through the skies, and weeks may past while you sit there starving. A place that is thought up by the nightmares of murderers and psychopaths. This is what they fear, no normal human being can ever imagine what this world has begun. And yet no one can survive this forever, and this is just the area. For we haven't begun about the creatures who live there.

Scorpions the sizes of motorcycles to the deadliest of all creatures. They are called Deathclaws. Thought to be radiated wolverines that were already tampered in the labs of the dark societies, in the shadows of the government. But what happens when you mutate one which is already not of natural decent? A creature larger than man, with claws that will cut your skin faster than a scissor does with a piece of paper. No
normal human can survive this, but who is to say that we are not human anymore? Ghouls, Super Mutants, Trogs. We are nothing more than a race quickly dieing due to our own stupidity and hotheaded-ness. To see another figure that is not affected by the radiation or has all their limbs is a sight. But, is common to the people of the Vaults. It's not exactly known when the construction of Vault 101 began, but it was probably constructed in the 2060s like the other vaults in Washington, D.C. To protect the ones who can cram into the underground bunkers, and survive the incoming nukes.

But this is not where
my story lies. I have lived out in the wasteland since it's origin. They call me Xero, the hero of no noise. I do jobs, but for a price and I do not come cheap. I wear my suit, so no one can know who I am. Because what I have done, is a disgrace to mankind. They blame me for what world we live in today, if they can remember. The assassinated president who started this whole thing, is not a name I want to hear. Because I never called him by Mr. President. Or James Woaklen. To me, his name was dad.
For those of us inside the vault, we're starting a little bit before the doctor leaves. And Verrici.... Your post intimidated me xD

Taylor was wandering around the vault, bored out of him mind. Class had just got out and even though he had already taken the G.O.A.T. he hadn't started work yet. He was a doctor. That was fine with him. He was happy to work with medicine. He walked past the doctors office and peaked his head in. The doctor was in the back in his office. Taylor didn't really feel like going in, so he just kept walking until he came to his room. All the rooms here looked exactly alike, so if anybody new came here, which of course never happened, they wouldn't know where they lived. But everyone here knows exactly where they live.
Serena sat cross legged on the floor, sorting through the old and yellowing pages of paper. Surrounding her were shelves of books. Classics, fairy tales, survival guides (these were her favourites), atlases, and several large volumes of encyclopaedias. When she had first been appointed book keeper, Serena had been disappointed. It had to be the most boring job in the vault. So it surprised her how much she had come to love it.

"Hey Silas?" She called out. A grunt could be heard from a neighbouring pile of books. "Do you want these bound by rope or metal rings?"

"Bind it with rope kid, I can't stand the feel of metal." Came the gruff reply. Serena shook her head but did as she was told. Silas was senior bookkeeper he was probably as old as many of the books here. She knew that at first he had been disgruntled and annoyed at having to look after and teach someone as young as she was, but now Serena felt that he was secretly pleased. It gave him more time to keep writing on that infamous book of his.

Serena finished the binding and placed the book on a nearby pile, "Okay, I'm done." She said. Silence.

"And I'm going to head home to get something to eat."

"There's food here" Came the somewhat irritated reply. Yup, cans of beans and mushrooms.

"No thanks." Serena stood up and brushed the hair out of her eyes, making a mental to note to bring back some fresh food. Well as fresh as canned food can be.

"I'll be back here in a couple of hours." She called. Another grunt.

Serena smiled and walked out the door.
Alice stood in her temporany settlement in the town of Megaton, gathering her gear from the tent. "Two cans of beans, three bottles of Nuka-Cola, and a thing of Mentats.." She sighed as she took inventory. She departed from her canvas-bound abode and strode off to the vendors to haggle for food.

"Evenin', Eyepatch. What can I do for 'ya?" The merchant asked.

"Six cans of String Peas. I got eighty-two caps on me." said Alice. She poured the currency onto the table and picked up her rations. Eighty-two caps was a pretty penny for just killing a couple of scorpions outside town. She headed back to her tent and began to pack up for her next settlement. When she reached the outside of the town, she immediately gripped for her rifle. It was the type of gun that had definitely seen better days, but it still worked. And that's all that mattered. She trudged out in the blazing heat before deciding to take a seat in the remnants of a couple of houses at the base of a hill.
"Xero" felt the winds change once more. Something wasn't right in this situation. The figure in black garb stood on top of a small sand dune, where an overlook of Megaton could be seen. He wouldn't get hired here and there due to the shadows and black-markets in this peaceful town. Something drew him to this town, not the money or jobs. But. . a feeling. Yet this isnt the only feeling the boy would have. Someon- No. . .Something. Was watching him.

He wasn't one to be hunted, but to be the predator. As he turned around quickly, a giant radscorpion leaped at his face. This one was larger than others. Easily could be about two hundred pounds. Pure black, with red decals, the mutated scorpion oozed with saliva and radiation. Seeping from its brutal mouth and set of eyes, the instinct to kill bounced around in its head. The figure would fall down the hill tumbling with the super arachnid and would hear it's exoskeleton crack due to the fall.

If it wasnt for the sentries at Megaton, the assassin for hire would of died to a radscorpion. It is almost as bad as dieing to a fly. The coded robot that had a southern accent shot lasers towards the insect and would eradicate the monstrosity.
Alice turned to watch a figure tumble down a hill and get shot at by the ol' sentry. She then stood up and went to its location, in case it was friendly or for a couple more supplies. As she neared, Alice branded her rifle in one hand just to be safe. "Oi. Kinda strange to be tumbling down sand dunes, don't you agree? Kinda like painting white roses red." She inquired, keeping a little distance but being close enough to indicate that she's friendly.
The stationary mask on his face blocked all the shit that flew at his face. It also helped with sunlight and letting no one know who he was. The boy dusted of some of the sand and stood up. Suddenly he smashed the radsorpion's skull with his boots. He hated everything that had more than four legs. Centaurs were his least favorite. The boy had seen many monsters and mutations in his days of being out here. But nothing. . nothing gave more fear than a centaur. Purely mutated and deformed.

Snapping back into hell, the mysterious figure gave a nod to the female, and walked towards the gates of Megaton.
Taylor had finished up his homework for the day and didn't want to sit in his room. So, he got up from his bed and walked though the living area attached to the room then back out into the hallway. The jumpsuit was clinging to his skin. He tried his best to ignore it though. He turned a corner and saw Serena walking. He lifted his hand to wave at her before turned another corner and walked into the little diner. Walking right up to the bar, he told the robotic servant what he wanted and then sat down in one of the booths, waiting for his food.

@Karma200 ... Sorry, forgot to say we were starting
"Wait up for me!" She shouted, sprinting after it. "Leaving a lady all alone, such class. I'll let it slide though - this time." Alice chuckled, following him and doing all of the talking. "But I digress, you may call me Wonderland." She introduced herself and adjusted her eyepatch. With her free hand, she held out to him for a handshake.
Serena waved back at Taylor and continued on her way. She walked back to her place and and checked out her food cupboard. Running low. Serena took a quick drink of water from her canteen and walked out again, heading for the diner. She'd grab a quick meal then head to the food supllies in the main to restock.

The diner was already pretty full when she arrived and she had to weave her way through other similarly blue clad citzens to order at the counter before turning around and scanning the area for a place to sit. She noticed Taylor sitting by himslf and made her way over.

Serena gestured to the seat opposite him, "Is this spot taken?" She asked.
Taylor was waiting for his order when Serena came up to him and asked to sit, "Uh, no, it's not. Go ahead, sit." he said. He watched her sit and rested his head on his hands, "Outta food?" he asked, trying to not have any awkward silence. Right then, his order was called and he hurried and grabbed it before sitting back down at the table, taking a few bites of the mashed potatoes.
Serena sat down gratefully and waited till Taylor had returned with the food before answering his question. "Yeah, all out. I'll be restocking afterwards." She tugged at the collar of the jumpsuit which was all but strangling her and watched Taylor eat for a few minutes before realising that that was probably a little creepy. She quickly averted her gaze and studied the diner, wondering how the cooks were going with her order. Probably opening a tin and plonking the contents onto a plate. She shuddered and turned back to Taylor.

"It's been a while since I've seen you around, do you come here often?" She asked.
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The boy, covered in black thread and a mash-up of possessions of now dead people, gave a look of annoyance to the girl. But once again, forgetting of the style of the mask he wore wouldn't let her see any of his face. He continued his path to Megaton. Friends couldn't be made here, unless you were weak and needed help. Like the girl.

He flicked two fingers to the stationary robotic guard, and continued inside.
By a sign that read Springvale school was a peculiar sight, a raider and mercenary stood arguing while another raider was face first in the dirt bleeding out.

"Okay all I am saying is if you guys kept her from shooting up jet every 2 minutes she would not have ended up with a railroad spike lodged in the side of her head, she came at me, I just stabbed it in there to defend myself." The merc said to the raider, who looked frightened of the woman. He was shaking a little because in her hand was a detonator and the north end of the building was rigged with explosives.

"I-I know Sphinx, look we could not control her when she shot up on her drugs we just let her be, she probably could not recognize you." The raider said in his defense to the accusing woman. She was ready to pull the trigger on the explosive but paused to add one more thing.

"Okay apologize, if you do I'll be on my way." she said with a smile, the raider looking a little relieved as he took a deep breath

"Okay I am sorry for my friends stupidity, she is dead now and no longer a problem for us and more importantly you." He said, a meek smile hoping he was out of the fire now. Sphinx smiled and patted his head, "Good boy-" was the last thing the raider heard before a laser blasted from the bottom of his chin and out the top of his skull. "- Apology accepted." The merc added, pulling the trigger on the detonator and blasting the front of the school to bits, destroying a large portion of the raider's hideout as she walked away from the burning blaze. She had heard stories of a town with a giant bomb in the middle, Megaton, it sounded like her kind of place.
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