Zombie Apocalypse (Actual RP)

Carter drove down the street carefully avoiding the rubble. His wrists were destroying him. They bled and hurt. Bad. Then he heard the gas mask girl speak up. "So, got any names?" Carter spoke. "Carter." Shay asked what the gas mask girls name was, and rubbed her dogs head. Carter could see the apartment now. He pulled into the driveway, and stopped the engine. "Do you two want to spend the night?" He heard gas mask call out. "I'm fine with it if she is. I will gladly take a couch over a car anyway."
Scarlet held her gun on her lap as they drove, "Scarlet," she told them blandly. The two of them seemed nice enough, but Scarlet was only sheltering herself, which may or may not have been selfish. She didn't want to be responsible for anyone else in this hell but herself, and she hoped nothing would chance the fact that that was how it was.

Once they arrived at her apartment, she opened the door and slid out, adjusting her rifle, swinging it on her back as usual. Walking up to the decently in tact brick building, she kicked the stiff doors open and motioned the others in with her, "don't take the elevator, you'll die." She told them, "there are a lot of stairs but it's good cardio."
Carter slowly stepped up the stairs, they creaked and groaned. "This is one shitty apartment building." He held his pistol holstered to one side, and had his machete ready strapped on his back. He was also lugging the supplies from the pharmacy in his back pack, and the ammo boxes from the car. Shay had the hunting rifle and Scarlet held the shotgun. Carter took off his hat and strapped it into one of his belt loops. All it was doing was making it extremely hot, and he was tired. Can't complain in the apocalypse though. On the fourth floor the trio came up to a door. Carter peered over to it, and he heard a loud banging sound.

"Hey, you guys can go ahead. I'll catch up." Carter watched the two shrug and start the trek once again. He grabbed the door handle, an twisted and pulled. Locked. Carter held the doorknob in hand and dropped everything except the machete and the pistol. He began to kick on the door, an fit sorta cracked open. "Okay, last try." He grabbed the door again, and slammed his body into it and busted in. An old woman was kneeled down in the living room, and was sobbing. "Ma'am? Are you ok?" Carter took close notice of the banging on behind the closet, and the woman held a tabby cat.

"My husband. He's acting very strange. He locked himself in the closet after he bit me. Can you please help him?" The old woman looked up at him, and be noticed the giant bite mark on her hand. "I'll take care of him ma'am." Carter looked over at the closet. He judged his shot carefully, and shot the closet. The pounding stopped. Carter reared up a slight bit. He sucked it in. "Is my husband ok?" Carter looked over at her. She was in shock. "Yeah, he's fine." Carter pulled the handcuffs out of his bag. He asked the woman to sit by the chair, and he handcuffed her arm to the armrest. Carter was about to leave when the woman called to him.

"Can you please take my cat Simba? I need a cat sitter this week since me and my husband are going out of town. Can you take him for the week?" The old woman looked at him pleadingly. "We'll, I'm more of a dog person, but I'll take him for ya." The old woman smiled, and Carter picked up Simba, said goodbye and walked out. "Hey buddy, get in my backpack." Carter picked up Simba and put him inside the backpack, and opened the zipper enough for him to breath. "Let's go bud." Carter picked up his stuff and walked up the now very sad stairs.
shay looked around at the apartment building." Oh this place is horrible. " she muttered and walked up the stairs, She saw carter go in a room. " Hey carter, why'd you stop?" she asked as he was putting the cat into his backpack, she run s over to him. " Aw where'd you get that cute little thing? noe muffins can have a friend, she loves cats." She smiles slightly, " What going to happen to that old woman? " she asks and starts to pet the cat, then hears pounding on a closet door. " Uh, we should go.." she said slowly backing out of the room, she trips and falls down a stair. " Ow" she cried out in pain, she tries to get up but hopelessly.
Carter adjusted his backpack straps so they wouldn't chafe his shoulders anymore. They were starting to hurt like hell. When he came out of the room, Shay said something about the cat, and attempted to go up the stairs. Shay tripped over some unseen object, and fell back down the stairs, screaming in pain. "Shit!" Carter yelled and walked down to pick her up. "Come on get up!" He was yelling at her to get up furiously, but to no avail. Carter saw something down the stairs, moving slowly and...groaning. "Shit, get up! Shit GET UP! SHIT GET UP SHAY!" Carter yelled. He grabbed his pistol and pointed it at the zombies. Bam, headshot. Click. Click. Click. He was out of ammo.

The hunting rifle was downstairs, the shotgun was upstairs with Scarlet. Carter pulled out his machete, and began to drag shay upstairs. He put her down and readied up his machete. He swung down and sliced one's head in half. It fell down the stairs with a thump. The other three zombies were pushing him back to the hotel hallway. He grabbed Shay and pulled her in. A zombie then decided to grab Carter, and his buddies came around from the corner. One fell on top of Shay and she pushed it away from her with all her strength. The other zombies pushed Carter up against the window, and the glass broke. Carter grabbed onto the windowsill and dropped his machete down. "HELP ME! SHIT!"
Click, click.

The hooded boy pulled the hammer of his pistol down, and fired, putting a bullet through each of the zombie's skulls. He dropped his aim at the man, and looked away, before grabbing his tomahawk from it's hip sheath. He flipped his Glock's safety on, before turning to the zombie attacking Shay, and rushed at it. He spun it around so it's spike end faced the outward instead of the axe end. He rushed around to the zombie's side, driving the spike end into it's chest and pulling it off Shay and onto it's back. He looked almost more monstrous than the zombies, with his gas mask and leather hood and body armor. He spun the tomahawk back around to it's axe end faced out, and spun it in a half moon formation, before slamming it down on the zombie's head.

The force behind the bladed weapons split the corpse's cranium, and drove itself deep into it's brain. He stared down at the zombie for a moment before realizing that people were around him. He put his tomahawk back in it's holster. He pulled his other gun out and flipped both off of their safeties. "Shut the fuck up." the hooded and masked boy said, pointing the Glocks at both Shay and Carter. "Now, I want you to do exactly what I say. If you dont, I will kill you." he said very slowly. "I want to to call off help from whoever you were talking to. Understand?" He said, squinting his eyes under the gas mask. They couldn't see this. But he didn't care.

He had followed the car on the freeway he had been on. He had hidden himself before it passed, so they hadn't suspected anything. They had taken refuge not far from where they had passed him. That made them easy to track. He was here for supplies, but he could always be coaxed into helping out if given a good offer. "Call them off. Now." He seethed.
Carter stared at the boy/man/thing. "Hey, thanks for the-" he was cut off when the masked figure spoke strongly to them. Carter frowned, and squinted his eyes at the boy(thing?). "Motherfucker." He mumbled under his breath. There was no way he could take him. Shay wasn't strong enough, and Carter had no weapons. He motioned to Shay to raise her arms up, and he did too. Carter looked at the door. "SCARLET! GET OUT OF HERE!" He yelled, and looked back at the brooding figure. Carter looked straight at where he thought the mans eyes were and mouthed off to him. "So then, my friendly neighborhood Batman, what are you gonna do to us now?"
Shay looked at the mysterious man with wary eyes. " H-hello?" she asks scared and confused, " What's going on?" she asks And looks over at carter. " C-carter? Is that you? " She slightly smiles, then puts her hands up, and looks around. " Haha, batman..." she says, kinda bubbly, " I feel light headed." she says and blacks out.
"Friendly neighborhood SPIDERMAN." The hooded an masked boy corrected, before moving to the entrance of the room, keeping one of his Glocks trained on the man and one at head level with the door. If someone came in he could force them to drop their weapon if they had one, or just simply kill them. "And I'm far from your friend." He mumbled. Looking to the girl through his gas mask.

She said something about his batman nickname, laughed, and then passed out. She was no threat. No need to pay any mind to her. "I'm here as a hunter." He spat, as if he didn't like the name he had given himself. "I am the predator. You are the prey. The zombies just happen to be a buffer." He explained, checking his ammo quickly. Full clip on his left gun. Two off on his other. "I am here not to kill you. I need supplies." He continued, looking away from the door momentarily and to Carter, before back to the door. However he kept the man in his peripheral vision. "I dont want to kill anyone unless I have to. I just want to stay alive with a full stomach. Why else do you think I killed those zombies? I could've easily just let them finish you two off. But I dont want you dead."

He shook his head. His voice was scratchy from talking so much. However, it held a softness it hadn't had before. "If I did how would I be better than the monsters we work to destroy?" He decided to get out of the softer mood he was in. His voice hardened once again, before speaking. "I would normally shoot you in the leg." He answered. "But you seem to have someone depending on you." He said nodding to Shay's unconcious form. "So please don't bring me to doing so. While you might not be dead, you probably wont survive. Taking it farther from that will do nothing but make me use bullets and help you commit assisted suicide. When it comes down to it, the choice between you or me isn't going to be much of a choice."
Carter looked at the boy, observing him. "I swear to god you look like Batman." Carter grimaced at the boy, and looked at Shay, fallen over on the floor. "Damn." Carter began to observe the boy once again and tried to notice his weapons. All he saw were the Glocks. Plus, the boy looked very disturbed. And disturbing. The boy stared him down stone cold. There was something wrong. More wrong than a dead man walking. "Listen buddy, I don't want any trouble either ok? I'd much rather not you die either ok? But how about a deal? We could head out to the prison a couple miles down the way from here, I will drive and everything. You can just relax. It's safe there. There are supplies there. It's a perfect place. Sounds much better than stealing our supplies eh?" Carter may have come straight out to him, but he didn't want to kill a person again. No matter how evil. "So then, deal?"
The boy looked down at himself for a moment. He wore a tight black long sleeve shirt above an urban digital skin shirt. Above his long sleeve shirt was his brown leather hoodie. O'Neal youth underdog body armor adorned every part it was supposed to go on above his leather hoodie. He also had long black cargo pants which held spare clips, a combat knife, and holsters for his guns. He also had a backpack on his back, which kept an FN-FAL fairly hidden. On his backpack was a Dead On Annihilator crowbar, and an FNX-45 which could be used at nearly any time of need. The FNX-45 was the gun he had taken from the zombie he had pack muled. He had cut off it's arms beyond usage, but one still hung there to carry the weapon.

Well, USED to hang there. Now it's dead and he has to carry his stuff. But he didn't think he looked like any superhero there was. The man then proposed a deal. "I'm listening." The hooded one said, listening to the man. "I'd rather not go to a place where you could lock me up and leave me for dead. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of people there who are now turned because of the fact that they couldn't escape." he said, reasoning out of going there. "Going there on my own, maybe. But I dont think you fit the bill in trust. You are a gun point after all."

He didn't like doing this. But survival tended to push people to things they wouldn't do unless they needed to. If he had plenty of ammo, food, and water; he wouldn't be trying to pirate them. But unfortunately, in the world they were in, that wasn't a choice. Nothing had ever been handed to him on a silver platter in the past, but he hadn't had to work for things as much as he had to now. He didn't have to put people at gun point or even kill them.

He had killed five people by now. They had attacked him after he told them to stand still and shut up. But it hadn't worked. They didn't listen. Now... Now he had to live with his choice.

He was a predator.
Carter furrowed his brow and stared at the boy again. "Listen, please don't take our stuff. You know what that world is like! If you take our stuff, you will kill us! Do you really want that much blood on your hands?" Carter could tell that this boy... Was a killer. He had killed people before. "I know you've killed people before. But, c'mon man! If you take our stuff, we die a suffering, hard death. Please. We have enough to share. I can give you a few bits of food. But not all of it. Understand? If you take all of our stuff, I will not hunt you down. But, do you really want to live your life, knowing you just stole everything from a defenseless man, and a passed out little girl? Do you really want to live with that?!?"

Carter was tired of the endless threats from the hooded boy. If Carter had a weapon, he could probably easily take the boy over. Carter wanted to kill him. This little ass thought he could take from their group? No. The more and more Carter thought about it, the more he got pissed. He almost lashed out, but remembered the two guns. Carter would be dead in a second, then this boy would take all of his stuff. "Listen man, I'm sorry. I know it's hard out there. But you can't have our stuff. I have to protect this group. And you have to protect yourself. But listen, I really don't want to kill you. I already have enough blood on my hands. You can either take a little and leave, or try and take it all and die." Carter grabbed his gun from the holster and pointed it at the boy. "You shoot me, I shoot you. Now then, you have two choices. You shoot, you die. You leave now, or cause no more trouble, you live. You may kill me, but I will sure as hell kill you too." Of course Carter was bluffing. He had no bullets. But did the boy know that? Nope. He thought that there were bullets in that gun. Carter thought so at least. Although maybe this boy was a valuable asset...

"How you die is not my problem. I just dont want to kill you myself." The hooded boy replied. He "But it wasn't like I would take everything. I can only carry so much. I-" He trailed off as the man before him pulled a gun. How had he not noticed that? Was he loosing his edge? No, then man must've not pulled it beforehand for a reason. Whether it was defective or was out of ammo. Not that he would care either way. A wicked grin rose from the boys face under his mask, and he holstered one of his guns. He marched up to the man, and grabbed the barrel of the gun, putting it to his forehead.

"C'mon. Pull the trigger!" He said, his face still contorted into a grin under his mask. He was ecstatic about this. While he might have people waiting for him still on the aircraft carriers off shore and out to sea, he didn't care. This could be an escape for him. A way out of the madness that was his only companion in the world he was living in. "Shoot me motherfucker! PULL THE TRIGGER! End this torture!" He said, beginning to shout at the man. If the man tried to punch or kick him, he would fight back, and win. He knew how to fight better than this man would ever know, plus, he had one of his guns in his other hand. The gun would be the thing that took him out of the world and put him... he did not know. He didn't think he would go straight to heaven though. He was either going to hell or had a long sentence in purgatory. He had never been particularly religious, but now, if he was going to die, he would want to do so with hope of where he would go.

"Take me into your heart... Accept me as your savior... Nail me to a fucking cross and let me be reborn." he said to the man. His eyes could be seen through the glass holes of his gasmask now. They held many things in them. Anger at why it was taking the man so long to shoot, happiness that he would finally have an escape, excitement at what was to come, repent that he was leaving his family and friends for this and the fact that he killed several people, and something else that didn't belong. A small amount of... insanity. However, there was no fear in his eyes. None at all.
(Song: This Ain't No Place For No Hero) I'm on iPod so no way to post videos... D:

Carter furrowed his brow down some more. He almost wanted to cry. He could plainly see the boys eyes now. They were filled to the brim with insanity. "FUCK YOU!!" Carter yelled between panicky breaths from his nose. Carter pulled the trigger. Click. Click click click click. "Godamnit!! Why do you have to do this. Fuck you! Fuck you!" Carter threw the gun on the ground and looked at the boy. "I'm.... Sorry." Carter breathed out of his nose some more. Hhhhhh-hhhhhh. "Oh god I'm sorry. I really thought for a moment that there were bullets in my gun." Carter straightened up. "Listen. Your fucking insane. But... I wanted to shoot you. So, does that make me insane too?"

"Names Carter. You?"
"Because I am not allowed to leave on my own." He said, grinning wider under his mask. His eyes widened as the man threw the gun to the floor. What was this? The man's gun was out of ammo. He would have to continue living on. He wouldn't... couldn't kill himself. He couldn't bring himself to even when he wanted to. So many others before him had killed themselves rather than turn into zombies. He couldn't bring himself to join them. "I hoped there were bullets in the gun." the boy said nonchalantly, as if it wasn't even a big deal. "I dont thinks so. The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Imagine how many guns I've had to my head." he continued.

He had exactly five guns to his head. By choice of course. All of the guns belonging to the five people he had killed. Six now. He was still completely healthy and unharmed. "I dont see you putting the gun back up and trying to shoot again." The boy raised his eyebrow as the man introduced himself as Carter. "Carter? Nice name. It reminds me of someone heroic I once knew... But that was a while ago. He's dead now." He said backing away and holstering his other gun. He kept his hand near his tomahawk just in case though. "I dont really remember my name." the hooded boy said. "Its on the tip of my tongue, but I havent needed a name in so long."

He looked to the man, his eyes boring into Carter's. "I dont have a name. You people have names. That's because you dont know who you are. I know who I am. So I dont need a name. Call me... nobody."
Carter stared at the boy. Er, Nobody. "Ok then Nobody. Nice to meet you. The girl with the bad stomach is Shay. I don't remember her yappy dogs name. Muffins, I think? The girl outside the door right now with the shotgun, is Scarlet. And, thanks for comparing me to a dead guy Nobody. Real swell. Ah, wow. I can't call you Nobody. That seems stupid. You mean I can't at least give you a different nickname? The Terminator? Darth? The Lone Wanderer? Vault Dweller? Anyone of those sound good?" Carter smiled at the boy who almost just killed him. Nobody. Or something else. Whatever. "I also have a cat. Named Simba. It's kind of a long story with that guy." Suddenly, Carter almost have himself whiplash when he turned around. An engine. Carter peered out the window and saw it.

Two men took off with the Honda Civic, laughing along the way. "Shit. Damn. Dammit!. Dammit!" Carter spit at the two men speeding off, but knew that they would never see him. It was dark and they were far away. He looked out the window, an saw two zombies walking down the street. No problem. But, they needed a new car. Maybe somebody had keys? Carter was cut off when he heard the distinct sound of air. Coming out. Of a tire. "Dammit. Looks like we have no ride." Carter looked at nobody. "Help me get the girl in Scarlets apartment. On the top floor." Carter shouldn't have been so naive. While he had been fighting with Nobody, those guys must have hotwired the car and sped off.
( @Everlasting♥ Where'd you go? ;_; )

"Pleasure's all mine." the hooded one said simply, keeping an eye on Carter. He was watching him, not in a menacing way. That was past them. Now it was calculating. "I have some medicine for upset stomaches in my pack. I dont need them right now, because I dont eat things that aren't supposed to be eaten." He said, casting a look to the unconscious girl. "Shouldn't we do something about her? That position looks uncomfortable. If she throws up, then she could choke on it. Roll her on her side and keep an eye on her." He instructed. He had no idea where it had come from. It just came from his mouth. Unknown to both men, Nobody had once been a lifeguard, before the world went to hell.

"I never said I was the one who killed him. Then again, I never said I didn't. You can decided... Nobody, let's just leave it like that." He knew full well that he once had a nickname- Tar. But he didn't need to know that. Nicknames were meaningless without real names. He... he was nobody. He liked it that way. At the mention of the fact that there was a girl outside and most likely with a shotgun, he pulled out his most recently holstered gun and kept it ready for use if things went sour with whoever came through the door. He want to scare his prey. You cannot simply die once insane... you must pass it on to another. Like a disease. "If she does anything stupid I will kill all three of of you without hesitation. I might be on your side for now, but if you're not careful you will be at gunpoint, and you wont be as happy to see the barrel of a gun as I was." he warned without any emotion in his voice. At the mention of a cat named Simba, he waved the gun around in a circle lazily and began to sing the beginning to 'The Circle of Life' before sitting down. Nobody rested his elbows on his knees, and rested the gun against his mask. It was dangerously close to where his eyes were.

"I would say you should've locked it, but it looks like they would've broken the windows anyway. I would've at least." Nick said thoughtfully. "I hear a few... turned. I'll take care of them. You make sure Scarlet or whatever doesn't bust through the window and shoot me." Nobody said, holstering his pistol, and taking one of his arms out of his backpack shoulder strap loop. The backpack swung to the side, and exposed the butt of what looked like an assault rifle. Across his crest was the sling after all. Nobody pulled the sling around to show an FN-FAL with a stand, grip, and a suppressor. It didn't have a sight to it, but that didn't really bother Nobody. "I've walked a few hundred miles to get here. I can walk plenty more. Move." He said, grabbing Carter's shoulder with strength that seemed like it didn't belong to him. He pulled the window up, and set his gun down on the window frame, and aimed.

He took a deep breath, and aimed down the iron sights, focusing on one zombie's head. He fired. FWT! The sound was not loud enough to be heard from the ground well, but it was still easily audible and made a distinct sound that could only be made from a suppressed gunshot. He aimed down the iron sights at the other zombie, took a deep breath once again, and shot. FWT! two zombies, two shots. "That's enough ammo for now." Nobody said, pulling his gun back out and flipping it's safety on, before slinging it back around his back and reseting his backpack. "I'll get the girl. You just open the doors and make sure Scarlet doesnt shoot me. I'd rather not be fishing out led pellets out of my body for the next week, if I stay alive that long." he said, moving over to Shay and kneeling down. He checked her over to make sure she was still in "I can survive" condition, before putting his arms underneath her armpits and bringing her into a standing position. Then, he pulled her around his side and knelt down, allowing her body to fall over his shoulders. He grabbed her arm, and then picked himself up with her on his shoulders. "Lead the way." He said simply, waiting for Carter to lead him to where they need to go.
(I think Everlasting is actually at camp right now. BTW that picture is the best thing ever!)

Carter smiled at "The Circle of Life" bit, and also began to sing out of key. "A Kumba Matata!! It means no worries!!" Nobody said he would grab up Shay and help take her upstairs.Carter nodded to Nobody, and walked up to the door. He grabbed the doorknob and leaned up against the door. "Were coming out now Scarlet! He's a friendly!" Carter opened the door and let Nobody drag Shay through. He looked at Scarlet and nodded and began to walk upstairs. He looked down at Muffins the dog, sitting there wagging its tail. Carter reached down to get a weapon from the dogs backpack, but it growled at him. It bared its teeth and stared him down. Carter touched the backpack. The dog started at his arm. "It's OK buddy. It's OK." Carter managed to get a machete from its back, before the dog growled him off. "Well, fuck you too." The group walked upstairs. Up tons of stairs. Tons upon tons, it seemed. Until they finally got up to the top floor. Carter brought up his machete. He looked at Scarlet. "Uh, you didn't have any roommates did you?"
(So sorry! I was in fact at camp and I have no reception there whatsoever!)

Scarlet held the shotgun out, safety off and more than ready to shoot if need be. She chose to ignore the moans and groans of the others, complaining about the condition of the building. It was much better than having nothing and essentially being served on a silver platter to the undead that roamed the streets. It took but the decent amount of commotion a level lower caused by Shay, Carter and other person who's voice was unfamiliar to her. She decided to wait, it was no exception when Carter ordered her to run- Scarlet was definitely not one to run from a fight. Her past was one thing, she didn't need anything more to run away from as she was by no means a coward.

Suddenly, there was a thump, followed by the soothing yet eerie tranquility of the once loud scene below her. Soon after everything cooled off, she noticed Carter and the other figure, who was carrying a passed out Shay. A low growl came from her throat as Carter introduced the other person as a friend; she thought she had made it very clear about how she felt about people and working with them, however she knew complaining about it wouldn't do any good for any of the four. Still holding the shotgun out, in case the mysterious figure were to try to pull anything off, she narrowed her eyes at Carter. "Don't ask stupid questions." She said simply before averting her attention back to the other masked person. For one thing, she thought that Carter was a little more observant than that, she thought that she had expressed her opinion on working with others clearly enough for him- however it was nothing for her to get rattled about.
Carter looked back at Scarlet. "Fair enough." Carter shrugged off the hostility from her and looked back at the door. He opened it, and walked inside. Somehow the lights still worked, but were slightly dim. Carter could tell that Scarlet was not approving of the new "member" to the group. Not enough room for two gas masks? Carter sighed and walked around Scarlets apartment. Clothes scattered on the floor, and what were up with those posters? Carter looked away from them, and eyed Scarlets bed. Not exactly made. But, it's not like these things were problems. Just slight nitpicks. "Nice place you got here." Carter looked out at the night sky. The moon shone bright. Carter grabbed a pillow from the bed, and walked over to the bathroom door. "Well, I'm turning in for the night. Sleep in the bathtub. Just like the days of college." He walked inside the bathroom, closed the door, and jumped in the tub, his head resting up on the soft pillow. Finally.
Nobody followed Carter, when he came across the girl with the shotgun, who ordered Carter around like he was her servent. When she pointed the gun at him, he decided to make a few things clear. "Save me the bull shit!" Nobody snapped, his voice rising to a much more intimidating tone. It was strange, because he had not yelled before. It was terrifying actually. "Or I will kill you before you know to pull the trigger. We have all lost things to the damn undead. None of us need you acting like some stuck up Jehovah's witness." Nobody said, quieting down. "Now I suggest you drop your attitude with me, because I have nothing to loose." he said, moving over to the bed and allowing Shay to fall off his shoulders and onto Scarlet's bed. "I saved Carter's life, and I nearly took it. I wont think twice about either of your lives. I have enough blood on my hands as it it, but I can deal with a little more if need be."

The hooded and masked boy then stood up and turned around. "She's your problem now." He said adamantly. He walked past her and back out the doorway, however, he stopped beside her. "I don't want to take your position as leader, but if you ever point a gun at me again, I will make sure that the last think you ever learn is that guns do not kill people. People, kill people. I'll be on the roof." He said, turning and going out into the hallway and making it up the stairs again. He could get good views from the roof and could find spots that were scavenge-able.

Or he could kill himself or any approaching zombies. Whichever worked.
Ashley entered the pharmacy with her dog at her heels. Despite having been raided recently it still had some packages of food and bottles of water. She grabbed as many of these as was practical and headed behind the counter where the prescription medication was kept. There were still several bottles of oxycodone, antibiotics, unpronounceable sleep enhancers and water purification tablets. These were thrown into the backpack as well.

After all this was done, Ashley sat down behind the counter and took a long drink of water. The exhaustion was starting to creep in from the long walk into town. Luckily she had met no one along the way and the town wasn't swarming with zombies like the other places she had been forced to venture into.

A low groan coming from the direction of the pharmacy's entrance made her freeze and sigh tiredly. The zombie wouldn't be able to see her. Yet. But it was only a matter of time before it smelt her out. She slowly reached for the compound bow and arrows that lay beside her. The shuffling grew closer.

Ashley took a deep breath and stood up, bringing the bow in front of her, ready to shoot.

A gleeful look appeared in the zombies usually dull black eyes as it spotted her and shuffled closer. It was still freshly turned, in the second state of decay, Ashley guessed.

The zombie still had most of it's hair which was matted with it's own dried blood and bits of grey matter which was seeping out of a wound on it's head. A thin line of black drool hung suspended on the side of it's mouth as it regarded her with a hungry expression.

Ashley drew back the arrow just as Shadow emerged from one of the nearby shelves and pounced on the zombie, sending the Undead crashing to the floor. The dog stood with his paws firmly planted on the zombies chest, his long canines inches from the zombies rotting face. A guttural growl emanated from his chest.

Ashley looked away and lowered the bow as the zombies furious screech was cut off by the sound of ripping flesh. Shadow softly padded over to her and nudged her leg. She stroked his head gently, trying not to notice the black blood around his mouth, "Good dog," She said softly, her voice cracking from lack of use.

It was getting dark outside now. She'd have to find a place to stay before nightfall. Ashley grabbed her back pack from the floor and walked out onto the street.

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