Fallout 3: War Never Changes

Blue Puppy

Junior Member
Blue Puppy submitted a new role play. @Blue Puppy, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Name: Taylor Rosewood

Nickname: Make one

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: snake bits, nose piercing, upper cartridge pierced


Getting to know you::


~ Likes to be childish for fun sometimes

~ Really sweet and kind

~ Can be serious when he need to be

~ Can get extremely jealous

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Family: His parents


Name: Amber Torrents

Nickname: Am, Amy

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: She has a tattoo of entricate lines on her lower back

Eye Color: Grey


Getting to know you::


- Likes a good laugh, doesn't really like uptight people, they bore her

- She's playful but when she's in a bad mood its best to leave her alone

- Amber loves to drink monsters or coffee, if not she's eating something with sugar or has it stashed away in her pocket for later

- Amber isn't a morning person so its best to stay away from her until she gets her coffee or energy drink

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Family: Roxanne Torrents (mother), Andrew (father)

Other: She likes sugary things, donuts, smoothies, energy drinks (not that 5-hour crap), dyes her hair a few times

Name: Serena Turner

Nickname: Ren


Gender: Female

Physical appearance, (sorry I don't have a pic): Pixie cut black hair. Green eyes. Slim but strong build.

Identification mark: Serena has a tattoo of a vine that snakes up her body starting from the lower spine and works it's way up to her neck and arms. A scar on the left side of the neck. No piercings.


~ Usually calm and composed

~ Cares deeply for her younger brother but has a rocky relationship with her mother.

~ Serena has a problem with sleeping and usually only sleeps about 2-3 hours a day.

~ Enjoys jokes.

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Family: Diane Turner (mother) and a six year old brother, Bo Turner.
Name: Unknown

Nickname: No one knows who the man in the mask is, but the name of Xero have been tossed around.

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance::

Outside outfit:


Without Outfit:


Identification Marks: Whole outside outfit.

Eye Color: Deep green

Hair Color:Brown

Getting to know you::

No one has seen him without his mask, nor does he talk when he is in it. He is an assassin for hire.

Personality: Only seen on the job as a very serious quiet person.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Family: All dead.

Other: He escaped from a different vault years past. He has been out in the wasteland for at least four years.
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Name- Alice Jaegar.

Nickname- Wonderland/ Mad Hatter.

Age- 21.

Gender- Female.

Physical Appearance- Alice stands about 5'11" in stature, with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. I should say eye instead, as she wears a white medical eyepatch over her left eye.

Identifying Marks- A tribal tattoo on her left hand and scars running along her back in large X's.


-Shy and frightfully curious in safe areas, homicidally insane outside in the Wastes.

-Very resourceful. (Can turn the tides of battle with a can of beans and a lighter.)

-Actually very flighty and ditzy when it comes to many things: people skills, understanding jokes, and romance.

-Is very fascinated by murderers and criminals of the ages past.

Sexual Orientation- Panromantic Asexual.

Family- All abandoned her, leaving her to the raiders who kept her for a long time. (They also caused the X's on her back and her need for the eyepatch.)
Okay just a few more questions, tell me if you had put this and I missed it or something lol x]

1. What ways are we able to get food/water

2. Is there anything we should be careful of?

3. -.- I forgot what this one was lol
Name: Simon (See-mon) Hayha

Nickname: Sphinx

Age: 26

Gender: Female

::Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: None

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Color: Chestnut brown


::Getting to know you::


- Never happy unless she is in a fight

- Hates authority, will oppose anything that resembles authority

- Explosions = bliss

- Very very very very lucky, every bullet seems to connect with an enemies head (luck is 10 on her SPECIAL "How does one measure luck though?")

- She is highly unpredictable, making her a dangerous foe, but if she is on your side you better hope you do not get caught in the cross fire.

- Likes to scalp dead opponents she deems "Worthy"?

- Insane?

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Family: N/A

Other: Sphinx got her name when she ran with a merc group known as the DC Rangers, they used to be known for being ruthless head hunters until they disbanded. She has no traumatizing story she is naturally an anarchist, the world burned and she was born perfect for what remained.

Having used to run with a large group of raiders at one time she gets respect from certain groups who will just leave her alone when she walks through their territory, they fear that she will blow them up.
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Name: Siri End

Nickname: Wolf

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: One inch long scar on left cheek, Perpendicular to the nose.

Eye Color: Hazel. From 11:00 to 1:00 (the hours around midnight), Her eyes turn to a piercing white-blue.

Hair Color: Brown

Looks: Very Attractive. A touch on the skinny side, not because of not eating, but rather a high metabolism. When at her peak of happiness, she appears to have a wild fire in her eyes.

Getting to know you::

Personality: Fun and Flirty. Can lift almost anyone's spirit.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Family: Anyone and Everyone.

Other: Do Not Betray Her!!!
Name: Alex Johnson

Nickname: Alex

Age: 16

Gender: male

Physical Appearance::<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7d13fa0_download(4).jpg.b24be9d216a6074e3d2f2f6ae085be76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7d13fa0_download(4).jpg.b24be9d216a6074e3d2f2f6ae085be76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Identification Marks: (piercing, tattoos, scars, ect.)nose peircing, snake bites

Eye Color: green (only 6% of the worlds population has green eyes:P)

Hair Color: black

Looks:um...hawt :P

Getting to know you::

Personality: Alex is a fun loving guy who never abandons his music ans is a super talented singer(pointless). He loves animals and hates it when people put him down.

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Family: they all abandoned him and he was left to live alone in the vault.

Other: nothing else :P



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Name:James “Strider” Stride



Character's signifying traits and attributes: Strider lives in fear from the mercenaries as he left there organization with secret knowledge of their modifications to guns and ammo. Strider hates fiends and raiders after what they did to his home town of leginster. after many nights of scavenging and fighting raiders from his prize he learned how to fight and defend himself from blood thirsty killers. He is a dead eye with a rifle or any long range weapon. he is good with a shotgun for close range, can hit the a mole rat for 200 yard away with his sniper rifle.

Appearance:Strider wares a scarf over his mouth to keep sand and other bits out of his mouth. He has grey clothes that cover his chiseled body. A hood is also drawn. He has short brown hear. He has different color eyes, one brown one blue, and He stands at 6'1".








Bio: John Kupfer was born to Marge Kupfer and Mark Kupfer. He grew up in the new york area with the statue of lady liberty. He would have a hard time trying to find something to keep him from boredom, so he would hang out with the guard of his home town of leginster. He would do small stuff like killing rats and many other small task that the guards didn't want to do. When Strider had become old enough, he joined the guards of leginster.But this was short lived. On the 20th of march, raiders attacked leginster. Strider was out on patrol in the wastes with his partner. when they returned to leginster he was dumbfounded when he saw smoke rising over the town. he was lucky that the raiders had left. He went to his parents house to find it on fire. Their were no survivors.

After he left leginster with his partner. They took to the wastes, looking for any type of civilization. But all they found was nothing but raiders and fiends , and rummers of a city of new lands. so he ventured west, where he found new vegas. They spent a few years out there finding work with a group of mercenaries. In the years that they were there they were told of another city that NCR wanted a part in. As time went on Strider had heard that the NCR had found a prison somewhere near colorado and where the NCR went, they would be fallow by the caesar’s legion. When the NCR military moved out east, so did caesar’s legion, setting up an a foot hold in the new location of Dog City. They picked Strider and a group of mercenaries to go and set up shop .With a caravan in fount of him, he set forth on his journey. On his way out of the new vegas strip he took one last look around and found an odd looking device that went upon a persons head. But it did not work so he took it with him and tried to get working any time he can. With the mass amounts of dust storms strider put a scarf to cover the device, over his mouth and lower jaw

On the tenth day of the trip he was ambushed by a band of raiders and powder gangers. He snuck away. He abandoned his position at the back of the mercenaries caravan.Looking for a new start, and a hiding spot. After finding the new city, strider took refuge in one of the camps in dog city in one of many skyscrapers. He changed his name from John Kupfer to James Stride. There he would start as a new person wanting to fight the good fight. There he would start a new life hiding form the mercenaries.

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