Zombie Apocalypse (Actual RP)


The Lovelorn Princess
The government has conducted an experiment in one of many labs found in the U.S, in Nevada something went very wrong. When the experiment was being preformed, the scientists had created an airborne disease that turned living, breathing humans into mindless, living dead zombies. The small town that was once so lively and well is now run down and nearly completely destroyed from the turmoil of the apocalypse. People are dead, others are undead, but the ones that hold all of the power are the ones who are alive and fighting. These few people basically have the fate of the world on their shoulders. Since you've come this far, I presume you're one of them.

Let's get started then, shall we?


Brushing a lock of hair away from her eyes, nineteen year old Scarlet Kring walked along the broken streets of a place she was once proud to call her home town. Oddly enough, the female had not seen a decent sized horde in what seemed like forever, though, that was more or less a good thing; for herself, at least. Not many buildings were still intact do to the past residents who thought blowing buildings up to get rid of the living dead was a good idea. A few small houses, a couple apartment buildings and about half a dozen stores still stood in decent shape.

A thumping sound caught the female's attention, she averted her gaze in the direction of the sound. A small, blue tinted house seemed to be the only thing intact in that particular area and it sparked her interest. Scarlet furrowed her brows as she cautiously made her way towards the small house, the sound getting louder with each step she took. Reaching over her shoulder, she readied her gun and opened the small white door slowly and carefully, trying to make the least amount of noise as she could.

Entering the house, Scarlet could hear the thumping coming from the room next to the entry way of the house. Poking her head around the corner she caught sight of a small girl, she couldn't have been older than about four or five years old. The small child was bathing in the blood of someone else, as she wasn't battered herself. In her hands was a head, probably the source of the immense amount of blood in the room, staining the walls, floor and furniture. The head was one of a woman with long hair, which the child was gripping as she knocked the head on the floor in a steady beat, like a metronome. The decapitated woman's eyes were tinted yellow, she had probably been dead for about a week or so; turning away from the scene with her back against the wall that separated the rooms, Scarlet closed her eyes as that was the most disturbing thing she had seen so far, other than the incident that happened when hell broke loose.

It wasn't long before the zombie child caught Scarlet's scent, the thumping was replaced by dull footsteps. Backing up, giving herself some room to shoot, Scarlet cocked her gun and closed one eye, ready to aim and fire when necessary. The small girl came around the corner and there was no doubt she wasn't a little girl anymore, the color of it's skin and it's eyes gave it away more than anything (other than the fact it had just been playing with the head of what Scarlet determined to be was it's mother). Scarlet shot her once in the stomach, barely having any effect on the zombie child, she shot it once more in the head. It seemed that was enough to take it's (second) life, however, just to make sure, Scarlet shot it just one last time to assure it's death. There was only one more thing for her to do in that house; walking slowly into the room where the dismembered woman was, Scarlet knelt down and adjusted her gloves before closing the eyes of the woman. With that, the brunette slung her gun across her back and quietly walked out of the small house, onto the sad streets.
Carter slowly but surely opened the door outside of his apartment. His wrists were bloody and his sleeves were ripped because of these handcuffs on him. It had took him an hour just to get his clothes and backpack on, now how could he fight a zombie? Yes, a zombie. Never thought he'd have to use that ridiculous word for real life. But here he was. Walking outside, a gun holstered to his side, and a machete strapped to his back. "Shit."

Carter managed to sneak by a few zombies before they spotted him. He figured it would be better to not risk dying. He finally decided that the handcuffs were too much to handle. He had to find a way to get them off without shooting himself in the guy. Maybe a person would be kind enough? Unless they were like the bandits down at the Gander Mountain store. That was terrifying. Gunshots had rang over his head in a terrible firefight where he had managed to stab some bodies head with an arrow, yet only manged to keep two items from the store. All he had were two weapons and a few measly bits of food. Well, back to the handcuffs.

Carter looked around the city. Wrecked cars and various zed heads roamed around. The occaisional squirrel or raccoon would run by, but so far no humans. Carter sighed and walked on. He was glad he had gotten that prison uniform off of him, but he still had these cuffs on, which would tip off any survivors. He could make a decent alibi, but he knew if anybody had watched the news before the apocalypse, he was screwed. He wasn't a bad guy, just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Shaylyyn looked around she didn't see any zombies, yet. She Pets her dog muffins,Muffins was carrying some supplies the shay couldn't carry on her back. shaylyyn started walking forward hesitantly Muffins hot on her heels. Shay raises her cross bow, she steadies her self, preparing for a zombie to pop out at any moment. She sighs and thinks. "Why do these things happen to me? Why can't i have one thing! one thing in my life go right!" she throws her hands up in frustration. She walks forward a little bit more. She stops knowing there was a zombie right there, growling on her back. She swings her bow and it hit it in the gut. " Da*mn it!" she yells, muffins starts to bark. " Muffins be quiet! you'll attract more zombies!" she whispers/yells then she takes out her machetes and slices it's head off. She runs and grabs some more supplies, and runs out of the store, not knowing where she was going, with muffins beside her.
Carter walked outside the buildings, hoping survivors who weren't insane would see him. He was going to have to take a risk. "HELLO!!" His voice echoed between buildings, and a few zombies looked up. They looked nasty. They had blood all over tere face, and it looked like they were hungry. The blood wasn't exactly fresh. And the noise they made. It was horrible. A loud groan that just got louder and eventually turned to a blood-curdling deformed scream. It's like they were asking for help. Carter jumped on the nearest car and kicked the occaisional zombie trying to crawl its way up to him. He finally checked if the car had a sunroof. It did. He broke it open and checked for zombies. Nope, nothing. He was about to jump in the car he was grabbed by a zombie. He held onto his foot tight, like a strong man. Carter struggled with the man, before he was able to kick it in the face. He jumped into the sunroof, and sped off. "Looks like that was worth yelling." Of course his handcuffs made it very hard for him to drive, he was pretty good at it. Carter smiled and turned around back to the zombies, in his brand new Honda Civic. He then slung his machete around him as they came walking down the street. He awkwardly picked up his machete and positioned it outside the car window. He then drove by the zombies, slicing them, and had made himself a game.

After Carter had took out every last zombie, he saw a lone silhouette walking on the road. Carter slowly drove up to them, but cautiously too. "Hello? I'm not going to hurt you! I just want..." Carter sighed and decided to say it. "To get these cuffs off! Bandits cuffed me. I guess they stole them from a cop?" Ok, so he lied. But what could one lie do? Hell, the lie was probably better then the truth. It always is.
Shay swerved her head towards the car," Hello!" she waves her arms, hopping someone would see he and muffins. She fought off a few zombies before stopping in front of the car. " UM, What cuffs? i could probably get them off!" she calls, then muffins barks at a few zombies. She slices off there heads." Could you help please?" she says. and slices off a few more zombies head, getting blood on her white shirt. She hoped he wasn't some criminal, some escaped convict. She hoped he was crazy, or messed up in the brain.
Carter looked at the girl with a raised eyebrow and her barking dog. "I'm coming!" He jumped out of the car, machete awkwardly held in between his hands. He sliced one in the leg, and it fell over on his foot. Another zombie came up behind him, and he knocked it over with his backpack. The other one grunted at him and he crushed it with his foot. He then sun around at the zombie laying on the ground. He crushed its head in too, and peered over to the girl and her dog. A zombie was coming right for her and she hadn't even noticed it yet. "Shit! Look out!" Carter ran up and grabbed the zombie by the neck with his handcuff chain. The zombie sorta gurgled, and blood spurt out of its mouth, and its neck started bleeding. Carter pulled up on the chains and its head splattered down on the ground, along with a few chunks of it on his shirt.

Carter walked over to his machete and picked it up again. More zombies were coming out of the buildings, and down the street too. "I think that now would be a good time to leave!" He yelled to the girl. "And can you drive?"
Shaylyyn looked at the guy. " Uh, Ya it would be best to get out of her before more zombies come. " she giggles in her cute way she does." Uh, I can, but i'm not that good. " she sighs and cuts a few more zombies apart while muffins barks at a few coming by." Muffins! Shut up! you'll attract more of the zombies! " she yells. " Woof!" muffins barks in response and stands besides shaylyyn." Uh, Why do you have hand cuffs, May i ask?" she says and cuts a zombies leg off then smashes it's head with her foot."Uh, We should go!" she backs up towards the car, opening the passenger sides jumping with muffins besides her.
Carter looked over at the girl, right before pushing another zombie back with his foot. He jumped in the car and grabbed the wheel. It strained his wrists and his handcuffs, but he decided to just roll with it. He pushed down the gas pedal and sped out of there. "So, you wanna know about the handcuffs? Well, I got them from bandits. I walked inside a Gander Mountain store to get some supplies, and then one of them cuffed me. I managed to get away, but not before breaking a bow over one of their backs. It felt terrible. Even if they were going to kill me, I mean they were just trying to survive." Carter sighed. Yeah, he lied, but it wasn't entirely a lie. The only lie was them handcuffing him. The rest were true. "By the way, I'm Carter. And this looks like a good spot to pull over!" Carter pulled around the curb and stopped in front of a CVS Pharmacy. He and the girl got out, and Carter gulped and looked down at his hand cuffs. "Uh, grab my gun, it's inside the glove box." The girl nodded and grabbed the gun out of the car.

Carter stood patiently outside, his hands sweaty. The girl came by with the gun in hand. Carter shivered. "Hold on a second." Carter hunched over on the sidewalk, and vomited all over the road. He wiped some off with his cuffs. "OK, now I'm ready..." Carter walked back over and held his cuffs out. "Go ahead, shoot them off." He would have closed his eyes, but he had to watch. He was about to be shot at, by somebody he barely knew. Not exactly the best circumstances. But he had to get them off somehow. One way or another.
Shay gulped then eyed him suspiciously."Maybe he was lying! maybe he was so convict some criminal!"She sighed and took the gun." I c-can't d-do that! I'll just pick the lock!" she takes out a bobby pin trying to pick the lock. a second later his wrist where free.'um there you go!' she says unsure if it was the right thing to do. She hands him back the gun." We should go get more supplies!" she says, warming up to him a little bit" Muffins,Could carry some supplies. " she rubs the back of her head nervously. " And,you can call me shay. " she starts towards the pharmacies door.
Carter sighed in relief when his handcuffs fell off of him. "Hey, thanks for getting them off of me." Carter smiled the turned around and looked off in the alleyway. He thought he saw a figure moving down there. Probably just a zom. Carter shrugged it off and walked inside the pharmacy.

After grabbing as many supplies as possible and loading them in their backpacks, Carter and Lyn walked outside in the night sky. Carter was about to say something, but a he saw something moving down the street. They were close. He held his machete up in caution, and called out."Hello?" No answer. Carter turned his attention back to Lyn. "Did you see something running down the street?" Carter wanted to make sure he wasn't crazy before calling out again.
shay tensed up a bit when he walked past him, she walks in to the pharmacy after him. She wasn't sure if she should be around him. but she had to have a group to be in, so they could survive. After grabbing much needed items, food, medical, a new backpack, more food. She ran out the pharmacy. She smelled the night air, it didn't smelled like it did back at her foster home, It smelled like acids,blood and zombies. She sighed and looked up at the man, then she saw the moving figure, she held up her two machetes in caution. " Yep, but it didn't look like running more like limping?"
Crack. Ashley awoke suddenly, her knife already held in her hand. She scanned the surrounding forest intently but nothing jumped out and tried to bite her head off.

She pushed herself up on her elbows and glanced at Shadow. He lifted his head from where it had been resting on his paws and tilted it.

It was only then did Ashley heave a sigh of relief. Just some forest animal. Her dog would have warned her if it was otherwise.

She remembered a time when you didn't need to sleep holding a knife. When people weren't flesh eating zombies. When every waking moment wasn't a nightmare. Those days were long gone.

The first rays of sunlight seeped through trees casting a golden glow over the small campsite. With a soft groan Ashley sat up fully and began her everyday morning routine. She reattached the string to her lightweight compound bow and laid it down next to the quiver of arrows. Next, she sharpened the hunting knife and attached the case to her belt. Only after this was done did she start preparing a meal.

Ashley divided the last packet of instant soup in half and poured Shadow's portion into a container. He finished it in a couple of seconds. She'd eat hers on the walk to the nearest town. Her supplies were running a little low on food and water purification tablets. This was not a trip she had been looking forward to. She absentmindedly ran a hand through Shadows fur as she thought about the best possible route to the town. Ashley knew that it was about a three and a half hour walk. Maybe four since she would be trekking a hundred metres from the road to avoid meeting anyone. Undead or living.

Ashley stood up and slung on her back pack, attaching her bow and arrows to it as well. She whistled softly to her dog and took one last look at the lush and tranquil forest before turning away.
Scarlet leaned up against a red bricked building that was just barely intact. She wiped the fair amount of sweat that had accumulated on her forehead throughout the course of the day. However, regardless of the time of day, the air was mostly always humid and muggy; fortunately, the gas mask that covered Scarlet's nose and mouth assured her decent, breathable air, which she was incredibly thankful for. The young adult scanned the area, so far nothing very exciting had been happening since her little encounter with the zombie child. Shaking her head at the thought, Scarlet pushed herself off of the building and bit the inside of her mouth gently before beginning to walk again.

As her pace slowed Scarlet knew the fatigue and dehydration she was experiencing needed to be cured one way or another or she would be completely useless. A long sigh escaped her masked lips as she closed her eyes for a few brief moments before opening then again and heading in the general direction of a drug tore she remembered. Scarlet motivated herself by thinking of the feeling of quenching her thirst in a few minutes, and the fact that she didn't want to get stuck in the middle of a horde at that particular point in time. As she approached the pharmacy, she noticed two figures outside it; furrowing her brows, Scarlet swung her rifle around and held it in both of her hands, preparing to shoot if necessary.
Carter tensed himself up when the figure walked over to them. He held his machete high and backed up. The figure finally came into view. Another teenage girl, maybe 20. But the thing that really tipped Carter off was that she had a gas mask over her face. "Hello? Listen, we won't hurt you if you don't hurt us first, OK?" Carter swallowed and brought his machete down. He was still ready to strike if things got hairy. Carter looked at Lyn, then back at the brooding girl. "Hey, looks like your all alone, so you could come with us. We got tons of supplies with us. And the more people the better. Being alone is probably a death sentence out here at night, so." Carter held onto his machete tight, and gas mask cocked her head. But then Carter finally realized, that the girl in the gas mask had a rifle. "Shit." Carter mumbled under his breath.
Scarlet remained cautious, they seemed harmless enough, but being harmed by people wasn't what she was spending a lot of time avoiding. As she got closer she noticed one figure was a man and the other- a teenage girl; narrowing her piercing emerald eyes at the two, still pointing her rifle in their general direction, cocking the gun. "Why would I waste my time harming the two of you when there are dozens of hordes of monsters out there. What a waste of ammo." she scoffed. After examining the two, Scarlet cocked an eyebrow up at them; "first of all, I tend to work alone- less deaths to be responsible for. Second, does it look like I'm in need of assistance?" she asked before raising both eyebrows at the two, waiting for a response.

Scarlet was a little harsh and bitter, however she had her reasons which were valid to herself, most of the things she stated were valid points as well. Perhaps she did look like she needed some sort of help, but in her own state of mind, she was the bad ass hero that seems invincible, it may get her killed at one point or another, but she was doing just fine at that point.
Carter raised his eyebrow at the girl. Wow, snappy. But he wasn't here to make enemies. "Well, those monsters aren't the only things to be worrying about out there. And, no it doesn't look like you're going to need saving at the moment, but, if experience serves me right, there are zombies crawling all over the place. See down there? I count at least 5, coming at us, and more will follow." Carter looked at the girl and frowned. "Because this is your last chance and if you argue with me this time, you are not coming. So then, choice is yours right now. Slightly used Honda, or overused rotting flesh. What will it be?" He may have come off as a little snappy too right there, but he was not kidding. He wanted to grab some stuff out of the city and get out while he could. And maybe save a few people along the way.
Scarlet huffed, glaring at the man; the zombies wouldn't be a problem, the problem was the fact that she lived on the other side of the town and her fatigue would surely work against her, more than likely resulting in something she'd rather not have happen to her. "Just give me a ride to my apartment. It's on the other side of town." she told him, not breaking eye contact. "But first-" she began before entering the store and snagging a new bag, a ton of two liter bottles of water and a few boxes of protein bars. Hopping over the counter, she grabbed a bunch of packages of batteries, you never know when you'll need them. Exiting the pharmacy, Scarlet met up with the two again- "alright, I'm ready to go." she stated bluntly.
Carter jumped inside the car, leaving his handcuffs begin on the sidewalk. He grabbed the wheel and started the engine, and began to drive on. A few zombies walked by, but had no way to catch up to the car. After a turning a few corners, Carter slowed the car down to a halt. "Looks like we have a problem." Carter hopped out of the car and looked at the obstacle. A traffic jam. He turned around back to the car. "Do you think we can push these out of the way?" He yelled back to Shay and gas mask.
Scarlet shrugged at the jam, "it shouldn't be too much of a pain I don't think." She told them as she slid out of her seat and stood beside the Honda. She trotted up to one of the abandoned vehicles and pushed with her right shoulder, the vehicle moved easily enough, she didn't have to push hard enough that shed strain herself but she had to use quite a bit of force. "The ones that are in 'park' will be harder to haul." Scarlet stated as she cleared that vehicle. She wiped her forehead and allowed herself to breathe before she even thought about moving onto another vehicle.
Carter helped push and pull the cars out of the way. About half way through, he heard a groaning from one of the cars. A man stood in the back of the car, knawing on some poor souls hand. He turned and looked at him. "Graaaggghhhh..." It moaned at him. Carter took out his machete and stabbed it in the face. He broke the window and opened the door. Carter reached inside and pulled the man out onto the road. This guy was set. He had a bullet-proof vest on and a pistol holstered to his side. "Hey come and check this out!" Carter called back to Shay and gas mask. He climbed in the back seat and looked in the trunk. A shotgun, a hunting rifle, and 2 boxes of ammo,bone for each gun. "Nice." Carter grabbed the stuff out of the back, and started to take it back to the car.
Sorry just going to catch up . ))

Shay jumped into the car, they headed down to the Gas masks apartment, Shay thought that gasmask was rude and she knew she wouldn't like her, she thought that she was the one who " doesn't care about any thing, but them selves. " she hated people like that, but she would have to get over it if she wanted to survive. She pats muffins head, who was sitting on her lap looking out the window at a bunch of zombies we pasted by. They stopped at a traffic jam. " Sh*it" she mumbles under her breathe. She gets out of the old beat up honda, walks over to jam, helping them move it out of the way with a big grunt. She watched as Carter broke the window and pulled out the man. She walks over to him " How awesome! " she says then grabs some stuff and ran back tot he car, opening the car trunk , putting it inside.
After all the cars had finally been moved out of the way, Carter panted heavily and wiped the sweat off of his head. "Alright, let's get going." They jumped back into the car and drove through the wreckage. They scraped a few cars a couple times, but they made it through. After about an hour of driving, Carter looked over down the next street. Looked like a couple apartment buildings. "Are one of these yours?" He called back to gas mask.

A zombie tied to a chain gurgled. It's lower jaw had been ripped off and it had no arms left. It stumbled around a little bit, it's chain jiggling as it did so. It had traveled over three hundred miles in the past week and a half. It was ragged, it's body beaten down and near it's second death. On it's back was a backpack. It felt a tug, and gurgled in response, following it's master. A young man with a gas mask on held the chain loosely in one hand, and a pistol in the other. He had been moving a great deal in the past few days, scavenging food and supplies. He had chosen the zombie beside him for one reason and one reason only: It carried a gun in it's hand. He had come across a survivor that had turned. It had died with a gun in it's hand. It remained there even in it's second life. Upon closer inspection it could be seen that his trigger finger had been removed with a swift and clean cut.

The man didn't care. The zombie was beginning to have trouble keeping up with him now. It was dying again. On his hip was a tomahawk in it's sheath, positioned above a gun holster. It could be seen that both legs had a holster on them. The side closest to the chain still had a gun in it. On his back was a FN FAL with various attachments, held bound by a sash around his hooded body. The man holstered his gun, and dropped the chain, prompting the zombie to halt it's movement. He unsheathed his tomahawk, and prompted the zombie to kneel down. He crouched down in front of the zombie, sitting on his haunches and looked the creature in it's dead eyes. "Thank you..." He said, his voice cracking from little usage. "For your assistance." He said, standing up and taking his backpack off the creature, before flipping his M48 Tomahawk around so that it's spike end was facing the creature. "Rest in peace." He said, driving the spike end home on the creature's skull.

He knelt down once again and took the gun out of the zombie's forever dead hand and examined it. It was an FNX-45. A good gun. He checked the ammo, which was nearly a full clip, and made sure the safety was on, before he placed the gun in the backpack pocket closest to him. It would make itself of use later, just like those brass knuckles he found. He would rather not get that close to a zombie if he could help it. His Tomahawk and Crowbar were last resorts. He gave one more look to his deceased pack mule zombie, and continued on his way. He couldn't stay in one place for long.

He jumped on top of and old dead car, and took a good look down the highway road he was on. He would take the next exit he came across. He had been moving for long enough. He would need to rest. His body while far better off than what the zombie's was, was still suffering from the sustained long distance movement. He would find a safe place to spend the night, and then scavenge in the morning. That was his plan, and he would stick with it.
The drive was generally quiet, a little eerie to Scarlet; "so, you got names?" she asked the two others, watching the broken city fly by as she stared out one of the vehicle's windows. She remembered exactly what it looked like before any of this happened, the memories she had in the area were fresh in her mind, but like all other memories, he knew that these ones would soon fade and all that will remain is that broken town. The thought of it tugged at her heart, she wouldn't remember most things in a few years, however, the bad memories will be implanted in her head forever.

Scarlet never really put any thought into what she would do after the apocalypse ended- if it ever would. Maybe run away to Canada and settle down there, maybe meet a boy and get married, but util now, she was stuck in hell and she would stay there until it was done, or until she died, whichever would come first. Zoning back into reality, she scanned the area that they were in, "yeah, last one on the left..." Scarlet told him and bit her cheek, hesitating for a moment, "do you two want to spend the night? I mean, it's getting kind of late and what not."
shay looked around she saw familiar things, but she pushed that a side, then rubbed Muffin's head till she heard gas mask speak up. " shaylyyn, this is muffins. " she gestured to the dog on her lap. "He comes in handy alot. " She had muffins since h was a puppy, she loved him when he was born and she still loves him. " Ya, maybe we should stay here. " she scans her surroundings " Ya, it is getting late. Maybe that could be our secret shelter or whatever." she paused then continues. " For now. " she glanced around and confirmed it was safe enough, for now at least. " SO gasmask, What's your name? " she asked, trying to brighten up the mood, and quietness of the drive.

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