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  1. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Kyrios grits his teeth and continues to pour fire into the damaged Chimera, eager to get at least a single tank kill before the air support arrives. His sight starts to go a little red as bolts and grenades converge on the APC, and he growls low in his throat as he pours more bolts into it. "Go...
  2. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Seeing the lack of impact his grenade caused to the foe, and ducking even as the multi-laser plays ineffectually across his position, Kyrios growls and resorts to the next best thing: one of the two heavy bolters still in place from the heretic-defenders. As Sevolt pure the fury of one of the...
  3. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Hey all. I'm going to be traveling abroad the next two weeks for work. I anticipate being able to post (unless this site is blocked by the government of the country I'm visiting for whatever reason) but my posting rate will probably slow and/or be at off hours. Just wanted to give a heads up...
  4. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    The ordered scene goes to Hell quite fast. Kyrios looks to see the Carcharodon marine falling from the tower he had hunkered down in, his arm flying separately from his body, and notes the Kill-Team's brutal retaliation: heavy bolters roar to life, krak grenades sail through the air. Kyrios...
  5. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    I'm dealing with the aftereffects of a migraine so might need to wait til tomorrow to get a proper IC post up. Also for most of the day these threads said I didn't have posting privileges even though I was logged in for some reason...
  6. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Remember y'all: Bulging Biceps means we never need to brace. Also, what are the Chimeras' weapon facings, or are they turrets?
  7. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    6197 slowwwww
  8. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Well, Thief, I'm sorry to hear that and see you go. I think it's mostly people not carefully reading every post (I actually saw a response to Kyrios from days ago just yesterday when I was looking back over the thread, it was indeed lost in a shuffle of posts) but I understand how it would be...
  9. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Kyrios draws his force sword, holding his tongue: it is not his place to confirm such aid, but his Kill-Sergeant's. Though it might be prudent, it is not as if a pack of APCs is a match for a Kill-Team of the Emperor's Finest, he thinks. He sends the command to his jump-pack to process a quick...
  10. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Kyrios surveys the scene, making a face behind his mask. At least we shall not be bored with this holding action... he thinks. "Brother Hyrion, is there a way to...retract or raise the causeway? Barring that...well-placed krak grenades, into gun turrets or through viewing ports will make short...
  11. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Kyrios, noting that the fleeting heretics have been purged, fires up his jets to launch and land on the tower next to Keuranos; he takes a moment to survey the Carcharodon's bloody chainblade. "Are we moving forward now or continuing to secure this area until the Guard lands? Certainly, Space...
  12. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Sure it speeds things up, but it can make credible threats (i.e. CSMs, gene stealers) too easy if they're a Horde. I don't necessarily like the "PCs go then baddies go" but PbPs suffer the most in pacing, especially with larger groups as you wait for everyone to post, and if that's a way to...
  13. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Enemies sharing initiative is probably a good way to keep the action going, though obviously it works best for mooks like traitor PDF hordes rather than more powerful solos. In some ways when the threat is more relevant, it's nice to have Brothers able to act in response to the enemy's actions...
  14. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    "I shall prevent those stragglers from alerting aid too quickly," Kyrios announces as he watches the surviving heretics take off down the causeway, taking a moment to peek through the bunker he roasted to determine if any survivors lurk within. With a controlled burst of his fiery wings, he then...
  15. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    OK. I'll be able to do that later tonight.
  16. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    I think I'll do that. Are we still in structured time (initiative order)?
  17. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    So the bunker we haven't assaulted yet emptied? Where did they flee to? Or did they all shoot themselves?
  18. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Hmm, did I kill all of em in the left bunker? Suppose I won't know til I take a peek though.
  19. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    I'm good with my result. Post is up.
  20. kshatriya

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Autogun shells spurt from the bunker's firing slits, bouncing off of Kyrios's moaning armor. He opens his vox channel, as well as the external speakers, and shouts, "Your pathetic attempts are wasted! Judged in the name of the Angel, ye guilty! Be purged, filth!" At the same time, the Librarian...