[Deathwatch] Mission 01

To save me time all npcs will share init for this fight only.

Also when you have finished your action please roll initiative for the next turn.

I cannot roll dice fron my phone. I have asked Hellrazeromega to roll for me. Ag bonus is 3.

Never mind. Got to a computer first.

Heretics have initiative 12 (!), so they will go after Thorvald.

Proceed with combat actions. This is my favorite part: watching marines unceremoniously rip hordes into little pieces. Wonderful!
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Sevolt saw Keraunos jumping by wordlessly. 'Good', he thought to himself with grim determination. Voxing a brief "Requesting covering fire", he joined the Assault Marine on the final meters to the bunker door. The marine was apparently hell-bent on throwing himself at it. Also good. 'Vell, let him have at it.' Arriving at the bunker door, Sevolt positioned himself so that he would not interrupt the path of Keraunos. At the same time, he wanted to be clearly seen from inside once the door was open. They were MEANT to shoot at him. Sevolt already reached out to pull a frag grenade when he realized that this was an air control bunker. Alas, this also ruled out the holy flame of the Emperor. 'So, let us do it ze old-fashioned vay instead zen.' The shining silver blade of the Emperor's Harvest suddenly appeared in his left hand. The low buzz as he activated its power field was like an ominous sign, indicating that the end of the heretics inside was near.

"Go, show me your hatred for the enemies of Mankind", he urged as Keraunos was charging the door.

Full Action: Run; still -20 shooting me, +20 melee. Positioning myself, if possible, so that I could be shot at from inside once the door is open. If anything tries to shoot at me from inside with less than a meltagun, I'll use my Solo Mode ability and try to move 5 m towards them. Ideally into melee before they can shoot but they will get an additional -10 to hit me anyway.

Conditional: If the door is so heavy that in my mind a marine couldn't break it open even with Feat of Strength, Sevolt is going to ready a Krak grenade instead of the power sword.

R2: Init 11 (Ag 47)

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Kyrios makes another pack-powered hop through the heavy bolter kill-zone until he's between the left tower and the bunker it's covering; to his mind, this is hopefully too low of an angle for the heavy bolters to hit him at. With Priad's bolts slamming into the heavies on that tower, Kyrios focuses on the bunker. His armor's growling has lowered from the horrifying whine to a merely-terrifying growl, and the sacred icons he bears still glitter with a fell light promising hellfire to the enemies of Man. The Librarian murmurs a prayer to his Primarch, that the promised hellfire be manifest now, and again after these traitors meet their doom. He stretches out his free hand toward the bunker and the firing slits, and pours forth his fury...

Nothing happens.

Kyrios has the good sense to switch off his broadcast vox before letting forth a stream of the foulest San Guisuga curses.

Focus Power vs 70 (Unfettered, so 55+15)


Initiative for next turn:

Thorvald, seeing the others advance left, decided to take the right. Things were getting hectic quick, and he felt lost without his pack. He always knew what his pack would do at any given time. They acted as a single unit, knowing what the others thought without a sound. There was nothing like that with this group. He hardly knew any of them, and felt lost for the first time in his life. But he quickly shrugged those thoughts aside as he slid into cover, advancing to the right. Either this group will learn, or we will fall. No use worrying.
Heretics move: in left bunker, they opt to fire on kyrios. Left tower, a single heavy bolter returns fire on priad. In the right bunker they fire on thorvald. Right hand tower splits fire on priad (the obvious threat) and thorvald. In the command bunker they open the door and fire on sevolt.






Heretics pass fear vs kyrios and fire on him, but the autoguns do nothing. The same result is experienced by Sevolt and Thorvald. The heavy bolters burp out fire, and two of them miss completely, but one lucky shot grazes Priads chest, dealing one point of damage.
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[solo Mode]

Sevolt's helmet hid an expression of genuine surprise as the bunker door was opened from inside. It was probably out of a sense of betrayal that those inside desired to hasten their end. Before anyone could act, Sevolt seized the opportunity and moved on in. He pressed the heretic's autogun aside and angled his beakie helmet downwards so that its tip was almost pressed against the sweaty face of its bearer. Leaving his body carefully positioned at a right angle to the door to leave a narrow but sufficient space for the Carcharadon to slip by, he stood eye-to-eye with the puny human.

My Solo Mode Ability gives me a free move before the dude with the autogun can even fire, sacrificing my Reaction this turn. Moving up 5m into melee against the dude. Pressing my helmet before his face, I guess I'm leaving myself open to an attack of opportunity by the dude. I'll take it GM. I would like to combine the Reaction-based move with a Strength-based Intimidation check here (if you don't think it's possible, just ignore).


I don't know how many DoS but it should be a lot.
At the sight of the bunker's doors sliding open, Hyrion cranial circuit began to calculate the most favorable course of actions, analyzing all the inputs datas

"Length to the door...... 24 metres..... Doable in under 10 seconds..... Heretics inside: number unknow..... Entering the bunker: possible if Sevolt stands still..... Percentage of performing a successful action: 0.43...... Threat posed by the heretics: apparently minimal...... Response: Risk acceptable"

Hyrion dashed from his cover through the ground between him and the bunker, with his servo-arm ready to strike, like a scorpion's tail; his preternatural speed helped him in getting at melee range with the heretics, passing beside Sevolt like a black and red lightining. Then he struck the first human he saw inside with a sweep of his third limb, sending him flying all across the room, and at the same time he gave a quick look into the room, using his knowledge of basic Imperial tactics to foresee the heretics' next move.

A lot of things happened. So...Free Action: activate Solo Mode ability "Burst of Speed", increasing my base movement to 6. Full Action: Run, can cover up to 36 metres; i was starting at 24 m from the door. Enemies get -20 BS, + 20 WS Reaction: Standard Attack with the Servo Arm (can be used as a reaction, Core Rulebook p. 177).


I hit with 3 DoS (if there are not penalities or bonuses) so I deal 2 points of Magnitude Damage to the Horde.

Free Action: activate Chapter Solo Mode ability "Foreknowledge" (Honour the Chapter, p.31) if I win in an opposed Inteligence test I'll gain a +10 to my Reactions against this enemy until the start of my next turn


Failed really hard lol... I'm starting to think i should go back to my Techna-school on Mars :D

Initiative roll for next round

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His bellow of rage entirely contained within the ancient helm of his warplate and his vox-link killed prior to the attack, the Carcharodon caught sight of the heretics within and, letting the momentum of his landing drive him forward, rushed in to charge the heretics before him, his axe's motor screaming as the chainaxe's teeth rushed to spill traitors' blood. As she set about him to slay, Keraunos prayed, commending the souls of the traitors before him to whatever fiery damnation the Emperor reserved for heretics and oath-breakers. As his prayer reached a crescendo, his axe reached out to spray the heretic's vitals across the bunker, intending to reconsecrate the structure with the gore of deserved destruction.

Charging. Attacking wtih Astartes Chainaxe. Modifier to WS due to Frenzy and to hit due to Charge.

4 degrees + horde bonus.

Damage = 9+


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Brother Fidelis covers Pirad and the others following his orders as they lay down fire down on the Heretics. "I will lay down suppresive fire as we advance if any further heretics show themselves, Brother Pirad."

Since we have peeps in melee I am just going to declare Overwatch -20 to cover the advance of the others formed on Pirad, Full Auto +20

Raising his Focus the Blood Angel roars out- firing lightning for the closest target he can as he makes a tactical, steady, advance; channeling his might to let loose an stream of energy- he focuses..!


(Was actaully VS 75, Focus's give a +10 not a +5... So that's 4 DOS- which means.. well it means it worked.!)

Lightning Leaps from his hand- he let's loose wrath, and it bursts.

1d10 Multiplied by my Psy Rating, in a Radius of Psy Rating Metres, with a Pen of Psy rating. Psy rating is 3, this was unfettered.


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This situation was gettting out of hand quickly. Absortio focus that lightning attack on the right tower if you can, help provide cover while Brother Thorvald advances on the bunker oposite of the one Kyrios is attacking, Tactical use of grenades is suggested, Brother Fidelis you will advance behind Thorvald and provide support for him as well. Priad order hoping some one was still poaying attention, while he leaned into his bolter, drilling the left tower as hard as he could.

Full auto attack on the left tower skill of 55 +5 more for armor background, +10 for solo and braced, +20 for full auto total of 90 ( finally did my armors background)

Results: The horde inside the command bunker is devastated by the sudden loss of 4 men - two to Hyrion's servo-arm, and two the the merciless screaming of Keraunos' chain axe. Seeing almost half of their numbers die in seconds, and face to face with no fewer than 3 of the mighty Astartes, the Horde's resolve to fight wavers (expect a will power test to be made by survivors- if there are any!)

Brother Priad continued to rake the heavy bolter tower with his own return fire, and amidst the shrapnel created from the shells impacting the towers bulwark sprays of blood and gore could be seen. The gun crew that had been brave enough to open fire was being brutally punished for their temerity.

Brother Absortio's lightning struck the right most heavy bolter tower, causing pain and death. The lightning swept the tower, utterly extinguishing all life in the name of the emperor.

Total of 4 magnitudes done by the assault into the bunker. Given the cover at the top of the tower Priad will kill another two. I rolled a d10 for Absotrio's smite effect (I had to roll at home because for some reason dice roller wasn't working on my computer), since the power is an area effect and you add PR+1D10 for horde damage for area effect powers. Absortio kill 3+6, purging the tower and removing the heavy bolter threat from that quarter. I did have to drop the focus test by 10 to compensate for Absortio being more than 30m away from the heavy bolter tower, though it didn't effect the result in the least.
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The Carcharodon's axe let loose a wet, roar as it hewed down the heretics before him. Cleaving two down immediately, he kept up his momentum, shoulder-checking the corpses aside as he brought his axe back around in a wicked backhand stroke, aiming to further cut down the heretical chaff before him.

That the Emperor might consign them to the fire with the rest of their kind.


Full round attack. Succeeds, albeit not by much. 1 degree + whatever the full attack bonus / 10 is.

Autogun shells spurt from the bunker's firing slits, bouncing off of Kyrios's moaning armor. He opens his vox channel, as well as the external speakers, and shouts, "Your pathetic attempts are wasted! Judged in the name of the Angel, ye guilty! Be purged, filth!" At the same time, the Librarian focuses his mental presence again, unleashing a gout of flame shaped like a mass of mixed blood-red, gold, and ghostly blue-white feathers, and forces the blast through the bunker's slits to sear the heretics inside.

The only reply is screams, the sounds of skin and fat popping as they flash-boil, and bones cracking from the heat.

Focus Power vs 70 (Unfettered, so 55+15) to manifest Avenger.



Minimum damage is 13, Pen 6. It hits the Horde 10 times (1d5 result of 2 for flamer hitting horde rules + 8 for the [range of 30/4] rounded up. Errata says this power acts on Hordes exactly like a heavy flamer).

So I think that's 10 Magnitude damage.
[solo Mode]

The man's eyes widened in fear as he recognized his doom but it was too late. A blink of an eye later a power sword stuck through his chest before the heretic was cast aside by Sevolt like a ragdoll. He went on to clear his section of the bunker with grim determination, striking down the Emperor's Harvest on anyone unfortunate enough to be in range of his holy anger. As he brought the emperor's will down on His enemies, Sevolt felt his hair raising in the back of his neck. Somebody was using witch powers nearby and he could swear it was one of those Sanguinius mutants outside. If he hadn't his helmet on, he would have spit out.

At Init 11: All-out Attack WS 45 + 20 (All-out) + 10 (Scourge of Heretics) = 75.


Expending 1 Fate Point (noted on my charsheet post).


Skipping the Damage roll, calculating Mag damage:

1 + 1 (DoS) + 1 = 3.

(At least that is how I run it: 1 hit for basic melee success +1 per 2 DoS. RAW reads a bit different (only the 1 per 2 DoS).
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The roaring of the chainsword mixed with the hissing sound of the Servo-arm, as Hyrion attacked the last two heretics who were standing between him and the cogitators



They quickly fell under his blows, blood slowly expanding on the concrete floor

All-out attack with the Chainsword, roll against 43 +20. 3 DoS so 2 damages to the Magnitude. Reaction: attack with the Servo arm; missed but shouldn't be a problem since the horde is no more :D

EDIT: Initiative for the next round, just in case

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Thorvald lines up his shots at the heretics in the tower.


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Fedelis follows and covers Thorvold's, despite the long rivalry between their chapter the Deathwatch is no place for such things and Fedelis' even temper on such matter is part of the reason he is here.

OOC=Initiative for next round [dice]6080[/dice] +4 for a total of 9
"Objective bunker taken, Brozer Priad", snapped Sevolt via vox. He took a quick look around at the mess that has been created, it filled him with satisfaction. He extended a bro-fist to the nearby standing Carcharadon, whose Chainsword was dripping with the blood of heretics.

[Free Actions, just fluff]
Move on to the next bunker and aid in the securing. Priad said as his bunker continued hammering the tower with his heavy bolter, trying to remove any remaining threat.

Full auto attack total out of 90

Though the gesture had likely been meant as an offer of camaraderie, Keraunos was unaware it had been made. His gaze cast around the command bunker briefly, his axe's engine rumbling in a hungry purr. The axe growled once in disappointment as Keraunos gunned the engine momentarily upon realizating that the foe had all been slain here. Weaklings! May they burn in His fiery judgment. More to kill. As he realized there were no more foes to face, he turned and crouched ready to propel himself outside. There was yet resistance within the other bunkers. He could assault those positions as well. His axe's smile could spill yet more blood in the Emperor's name. That was good, for his axe was, as always, hungry.
Shells from the heavy bolter rocked the tower. The men on top of it, at least what was left of those who started up there, crouched to stay under the line of fire.


(OOC: I should have +10 instead of -10)

Panic siezed them. Bolter fire pinging off the tower from a flanking position, coupled with another of their number exploding drove the will to fight from them. Two men rushed for the ladder down; the third took his chances jumping and didn't turn out so well.

In the final bunker the last remaining holdouts saw the final tower break. Their resolve wavered, having seen these 8 gods of war reduced more than 4 times their number to gory splatters in a matter of seconds.


Instead of standing to fight like men of the Imperium would have, these also turned and fled. A few, howling oaths to the dark gods of chaos, turned weapons on themselves and suddenly the landing platform was utterly silent.
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It is only with supreme effort of will that Keraunos is able to struggle his way free from the surging and bloody sea of wrath his thoughts had been. He had been one step from launching himself in pursuit of the fleeing traitors when he finally managed to remind himself that their mission was to hold the orbital defenses until reinforced. Gritting his pointed teeth, he blink-clicked the activation rune for his helm's vox once more. "It wouldst bode well if we make preparations to hold this position against the strength of arms the foe shall no doubt level against it forthwith. I shall scout lines of attack from atop one gun-tower."

That said, the gore-coated assault marine launched himself to stand atop the bolt-riddled gun platform, examining the approaches to the command bunker to determine what might be done to fortify it against reconquest by the deviant enemy.
[solo Mode]

In a gruesome move, Sevolt made sure that everyone in the air control building was actually dead. As Hyrion seized control of the arcane mechanisms of air defense, Sevolt made also sure that there was noone left hidden in the bunker, no secret passage way was overlooked. And finally he took one trip around the bunker on the outside. Only then he voxed to both to his leader and the Techmarine: "Objektive bunker sekured. Prosseeding to target bunker aleph." Sevolt moved swiftly through the night, boltgun in hand, to rejoin the spearhead of his kill-team, still having the taunting stench of the warp in his nose. He did not look forward to rejoining with the Sanguinius sons.

"Avaiting your orders, Brozer-Leader"
, he barked at Priad as he rejoined. Taking a look around, Sevolt added in a rough military voice: "Vee should take up defensiv positions. Our mutants should be useful in providing some rekonnaissanz about any counter-push by ze heretiks. Any news from Battlegroup Ikarus about ETA?"

Taking a look around. Dang. Obviously my PC has been blinded before going to the Deathwatch. xD


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