[Deathwatch] Mission 01

Kyrios grits his teeth and continues to pour fire into the damaged Chimera, eager to get at least a single tank kill before the air support arrives. His sight starts to go a little red as bolts and grenades converge on the APC, and he growls low in his throat as he pours more bolts into it. "Go down, damn you!"

40 + 20 full auto + 30 size + 10 short range = TN 100. 4 hits again.


Damage (because of Tearing, taking the higher one of two successive dice rolls).


2 hits proc RF. Confirmed.


RF bonus damage on each proc'd hit:


Total Damage:

21 pen 5

30 pen 5

16 pen 5

24 pen 5

Dodge vs TN 63. 3 DoS.


Initiative: 16

[solo Mode]

Without much motion, Sevolt kept the Heavy Bolter steady, its muzzle flashes casting a grim light on his figure. He had sustained a severe burn on his face from Multi-laser fire. It would have been enough to send a mortal civilian reeling in pain but he barely noticed. Soon the healing process of his enhanced body would begin and take care if it. With a frown on his face beneath the Mk VI helmet, he kept going relentlessly, albeit with little success.

Keep shooting at the side.

BS 45 + 60 (+20 (Full-Auto) + 10 (Short Range) + 10 (Bolter Mastery) + 30 (Massive Target) + 5 (Power Armour), maxed out at +60) = 105


5 DoS = 6 hits


No RF = no penetration.

Dodge roll:


2 DoS.

Init R4:


Init is 14.
The bolt shells and grenades sang out, impacting the armored skin of the approaching tanks. Priad's bolt shells and Fidelis' krak grenade hit the chimera a moment before Kyrios' rain of bolt shells did, and the resulting explosion was deafening, as the war machine finally gave out. Kyrios was rewarded for his shooting with thudding impacts against the hull of another chimera.

The destroyed hull of the chimera forced the second rank to readjust itself to proceed down the causeway, which interfered with their firing as the drivers were too busy jockeying their tanks to give the gunners a clear shot. The remaining two front chimeras opened fire as they continued their steady advance, and the hordes of infantry maintained a good pace as they closed the gap a little more, still not in range with their weapons yet. Chimeras opened up with their guns, targeting Priad and Kyrios with multi-lasers and Sevolt and Fidelis with Heavy Bolters.






Hit on Right Arm with 3 DOS (VS BS of 55), so your dodge was not quite enough.


Total damage 13 at pen 5, so 2 damage to right arm.


Hit on Head.


Total damage 17 at pen 5, so 6 damage to head.

OOC- at the current time I am still using the Heavy Bolter presented for the Chimera in Rites of Battle. It runs at 2D10 pen 5 damage, rather than the errata 1D10+12 pen 5. This is for consistency, as when I first shot with it I drew stats directly out of the book and forgot the errata. This is entirely fortunate, as with the errata stats every shot is going to inflict wounds, whereas using the pre-errata the min damage is much lower.

You may also note the air strike isn't in this post yet. It will be soon, but I am dog tired and am going to bed.


The incoming airstrike squadron came over the vox again. "My lords Astartes! Please stand clear from the causeway, Imperial Navy Thunderbolts incoming! The Emperor Protects!"

Moments later a flight of three Thunderbolts came careening down from the sky, drawing a firing formation on the rear rank of chimera tanks.


Hit with 5 DoS, and full auto attack with 5 hits.


Confirm RF.


No RF.

Total Damage: 35 Pen 4. Chimera takes 8 points of structure damage.


Confirm RF.


RF Hits!

RF Extra Damage


Total damage: 26 Pen 4. Not enough to break the chimeras armour.


Total damage: 17 Pen 4. Not enough to break the armour.



Confirm RF.

RF Hits!


RF Extra Damage


RF Again!


RF Hits!

RF Extra Damage


Total damage dealt: 36 Pen 4. Chimera takes 9 points of structure damage.


Total damage: 22 Pen 4. Not enough to break armour.



The Thunderbolts showered the chimeras with autocannon fire, landing shells with precision. It made their failed attack with lascannons all the more devastating to watch. The autocannons severely damaged one of the chimeras, but failed to destroy any.

"My Lords Astartes," the Thunderbolt commander called over the Vox as the planes began to pull up, "we will come around for another pass!"

OOC- the Thunderbolts will make another strafing run at the end of next turn. One of the chimeras in the second rank has been heavily damaged, but is still capable of fighting. Currently none of the second rank has adequate firing solutions, and one of the tanks on the first rank has a jammed multilaser.

Let the next round begin!



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The Librarian rises from his meditations- gleaming with energy from the back of his Comrades ranks, as he advances- holding aloft the symbolic Aquilla in his grasp- preparing to chant the incantations to call forth lightning as he strides.

Hyrion came out of his cover, assessing the situation, his visor gleaming with datas and formulas about the enemy forces and percentages of success of every course of action he might take


Initiative is 10
The second rank of Chimeras stops, unable to proceed beyond the first rank, which is reeling from the sudden air strike.

OOC- Second rank holds initiative, opting to move at the end of the turn when the first rank is not directly in its way.

Update: 2 tanks on first rank, 3 on back. One of the rear tanks is smoking and damaged.
Fidelis is going to declare Overwatch (Full-Auto) on the back of first rank of Chimera's hoping to catch some of the heretics as they emerge.

OOC:Just going to roll attack and damage to get it out of the way in case they do emerge, if they don't ignore it.


Should be enough MoS for four hits.




Wanting to hold his last krak grenade for futures encounters, Hyrion quickly scanned his memory files, trying to figure out how to stop the tanks in a bit more refined way


"Maybe if I hit them with this pointed stick they'll stop..."

If I can do another action beside the Tech-Use test, I'll declare overwatch on the infantry too, ready to pop some heretic head.


Against BS 55 (45+10 Semi Auto) so it's another wonderful roll for me :D
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The two tanks making up the front rank rolled up off the causeway onto the landing platform. They targeted weapons at the marines holding the bridge head. Their heavy bolters began tracking targets, and one multilaser. The operator of the other one worked feverishly to try and get it unshorted.

VS Hyrion (HB)



No damage dealt to Hyrion.

VS Absortio (HB)



VS Fidelis (ML)



Fidelis takes 3 damage to the body.



Unjam fails.
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As Absortio raises the Aquilla in his hand, and bellows forth as he channels his powers. "Begone! Be Smote!" he says, as lightning begins to crackle around his arms...!

The second rank of chimeras push up onto the landing platform, but it requires some skillful driving to pull up beside the first rank. There are now four relatively undamaged chimeras and one heavily damaged chimera on the landing platform facing the kill team.

THe Kill Team was bracing for incoming- the chimeras would disgorge soldiers soon. Absortio drew attention to himself for a moment, as he is slammed bodily into the ground by an invisible assailant, but fortunately his armour and toughness absorb the impact. The experience would have terrified a normal human, but Absortio was a Space Marine.

OOC- at this point maneuvering to get a shot on the rear armor is much easier

IC- The thinderbolts come roaring in, performing another low-altitude strafing run against the rear of the chimeras, and the trio of planes unleash autocannons and lascannons on the traitor transports.



In a disappointing display that merits perhaps a return to navy school, the thunderbolts miss their targets entirely, and the kill-team is fortunate enough that they weren't hit by the cannon barrage.

Suddenly from across the bridge there are four columns of smoke.





OOC- worst rolls in the history of all rolling. If this wasa roll-over instead of roll under system that would have been epic.

IC- All around the bridge explosions rock as the missiles fail to hit their targets. Its difficult to tell who was being fired at- the chimeras or the marines.
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Roll for Initiative


EDIT apparently the merge cancelled my roll... it was a 9 btw
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Fidelis is going to use Medicae to perform First Aid on himself.


With the +20 from the Narthecium and the double healing should heal him for 8 Points.
Hyrion's autosenses started to glow with a faint red light as they spotted the battered point on the rear of one of the Chimeras. The Blood Raven lined up his shot and fired a semi-auto volley, not knowing where his battle-brothers were or who was left of the original kill team.


Against a BS of 55, so 2 hits


Two hits both 9 + 9 (if I recall correctly the bolter stats) so 18 damages each

"Brothers, may I have your position and your current status? My datas are a bit messy now, and I hate disorder in my files."

Waiting for the answer, he began to think about the previous missile volley. Was it directed to the Astartes or to the heretics?

OOC I assumed a Logic test to answer my question. If you want me to use a different skill or if you think i deserve some bonuses ( ;D ) feel free to modify. As it stands now, it's a failed roll against Int 51



Against perception 43
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Priad didnt let up on his firing arc, even as hell rained down on them from above and from afar he did not falter, he simply leaned into the trigger, opening up on the Chimera that looked the most wounded.

Full auto attack out of 90


(2/8) 8+12 =10 Pen 5

(8/10) 10+ 12+9 =31 (righteous fury) Pen 5

(91/10) 10 +12+8=30 (righteous fury) Pen 5

(8/9) 9 +12 =21 Pen 5

(5/6) 6+12 = 18 Pen 5

(3/1) 3 +12 =15 Pen 5p

Damage roll


I think this is the rending reroll, but I dont remember the exact name, and dont have time to look up the exact rulling, just that I get to reroll my hits.


Righteous Fury

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The Chimeras made a critical mistake: they presented vulnerable rear armor to the Astartes, and a hail of fire reduced another chimera to smoking ruin. Shells exploded on a second, staggering it and causing obvious damage to its systems. While this was happening, Fidelis proved his skill as a medic.

Hyrion got a clear view of the newcomers with the missile launchers. Their banner was blood-stained and tattered, but it wasn't desecrated, and it showed the proud colours of one of the PDF regiments. The four missile launchers were reloaded and acquiring targets again. They had some fifty other soldiers with them, too far from the Astartes to be support, but the PDF had assumed a defensive position on the other side of the causeway.

"Milords," came the voice of the Thuderbolt flight leader, "We will make on final pass, but after that we are needed to fly escort for the landers! The traitors will be too close to yourselves for use to risk lascannon fire."

That next pass proved fateful as autocannon fire reduced the damaged chimera to little more than a charnel pit, and then shelled another, shattering treads. The Thunderbolt lascannon gunners finally got their duty done as a bright beam of light literally sheared a chimera in half, igniting its fuel supply in the process.

Of the five Chimeras who had made it to the landing platform, only two were left, and of those two one was badly damaged. Of one accord the missile launchers across the way barked their volley, and to the credit of the gunners, three of the four shots hit the rear armour of the undamaged chimera, snapping armour with a loud crack -- no doubt how the missile got its name -- and causing an explosion sufficient to disorient the other chimera, evidence by the inability of its turret mounted multilaser to find a target.

OOC- well, I suppose that makes up for the terrible rolls the supporting humans have given this far! One damaged chimera left.

There are still 150 goons (5 hordes of 30) advancing down the causeway.

Feel free to attempt to establish Vox contact with the loyalist PDF survivors.

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