[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

I will be rolling initiative for the goons and the tanks in a little while. At that time I will describe the scene and open it up for actions. Those who haven't rolled initiative yet (Absortio and Thorvald) will be assumed to have the lowest possible initiative score, unless they post a roll before the turn begins. I figure 36+ hours should be enough time to roll initiative.



Math problem. Initiative for Chimera group 2 should be 4 not 2. Terrible anyway.


So, total initative list







Chimera 1

Chimera 2

A note on cover- if you are bracing a heavy weapon I consider your torso to not be in cover. As in, your gun is rested on the wall/crate in front of you. Your legs are in cover, but none of the rest of you is.

Cover is as follows- the towers provide cover up to and including your torso (unless bracing a heavy weapon around the crenelations). The bunkers can provide 100% cover, so you need to specify how you are making a shot/pitching a grenade. The crates in the front can only cover your legs unless you specify you are crouching behind them.

For lcarity: Chimera group 1 is in the front and group 2 is immediately behind them.
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The Chimeras were closing the gap, though now they had slowed to combat speed and gunners were getting ready on the multi-lasers and heavy bolters. They had a taste for space marine blood, and suddenly these gods of war didn't seem so invincible. The Chimeras had arranged themselves into a double line, three in the front and three in the back. They had also out distanced the horde of mere humans by a wide margin.

The Chimeras closed to sixty meters.

OOC- Proceed with actions. As previous anyone with initiative better than the bad guys can go right away. Basically, Sevoly, Hyrion, Priad, Kyrios can act. Then the horde of plebs will act, then Fidelis. THen both sets of Chimeras.
Remember y'all: Bulging Biceps means we never need to brace.

Also, what are the Chimeras' weapon facings, or are they turrets?
Heavy bolter is 90 degrees to the front. Lasers are turrets.

I always treated bulging biceps as negating the penalty for not bracing, but not giving any penalty for bracing. Maybe I misread the rules. I cant remember if BB = always count as braced. I havent got my book handy.

Edit: I am shamed. Bulging Biceps entirely negates the penalty for not bracing, but in no place (core book or errata) can I find where bracing actually contributes a bonus to BS. Ergo, beginning immediately those who use the half action to brace don't get the +10 BS that had previously been claimed.

Short version: You are Astartes! You have no need of bracing.
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I'm dealing with the aftereffects of a migraine so might need to wait til tomorrow to get a proper IC post up. Also for most of the day these threads said I didn't have posting privileges even though I was logged in for some reason...
Hyrion- Yes, you need to roll to confirm righteous fury. Against Xenos, however, Deathwatch Training makes it automatic. But these aren't Xenos.

Sevolt, Bolter Mastery applies because you are using a Bolt weapon.
Devis get a +10 bonus when in solo mode and braced against something, that's why I brace, not because there is an inherent bonus to everyone.. If BB means I dont have to brace to still get that +10 (basically I stop moving and plant myself firmly on the ground) so mutch the better, but otherwise I just brace against something so that I can get the bonus.
Belial: the immovable warrior bonus is gained by firing a heavy weapon from behind cover. No bracing required, but you mist have cover.
Hey all. I'm going to be traveling abroad the next two weeks for work. I anticipate being able to post (unless this site is blocked by the government of the country I'm visiting for whatever reason) but my posting rate will probably slow and/or be at off hours. Just wanted to give a heads up that any slowdown on my part will be a temporary condition, not permanent.
Turn resolved. Turns out there is a little surprise (a good one!) for Hyrion. A not so good one for Priad. Though all in all, turning traitor seems to indicate that your ability to hit something decreases dramatically.

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