[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

Kind of in a quagmire -- spurts of inactivity (typical of a play by post game) bog us down. I don't even know if any of the others are aware of the move to the new forum since I have invited all and only 2 are more than invited status right now. Sill waiting on initiative for the next round. I'm certainly learning that this group seems to need it hard and fast.

Whoa...3 initiative rolls just popped up, dating back to monday. I swear those werent there an hour ago...

Anyone else for initiative rolling?
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@Belial - hey no worries. I get that RL happens. I got 3 kids, my wife is pregnant with #4, I work full time and I'm going back to school in September. Believe me, I know life happens.

I just wanted to make sure you haven't dropped. We have a few who, despite PMs and tags, vanished rather suddenly.
I'll be on holiday since this thursday until september. I don't know how much I'll be able to post, and for sure it won't be a regular thing. Just wanted to let you know ;)
Welcome back!

Update: In a strangely lucky turn of events (and rear armour fire arcs help) we are down to one damaged chimera. It has made it to the end of the causeway and will be spewing its passengers any minute. There are still 150 goons marching across the causeway.

The air support thunderbolts have pulled back, returning to cover the landing of the fleet.

Across the causeway a small group of loyalist PDF have set up. There are about 50 men and 4 missile launchers.

Roll initiative.
Time to Kickass and Use my Astartes Pattern Baldness as an lock on point for Drop Pods.

Err, I mean.

Just the ass-kickin part.
Sorry for the delay all. My two year old went in for minor surgery this on Friday. Everything is good, he's just been a handful. I even took a few days off work to help my wife with him. ANyway, for the sake of expediency lets do it this way-

All Deathwatch goes first,

then the traitors,

then the PDF loyalists.

There is one damaged chimera, 5 hordes of 30 goons on the causeway about half way along. I don't expect this will take too much time.
Uh Guys?

I called for actions 5 days ago. Here, let me try again.

Make your actions! Lets wrap up the grunts and move on to the really good stuff!
I gotta admit, I for one have been checking the main therad waiting for those everyone to go who rolled ahead of me in initiative order I did not see the post here in OOC.
Yeah, post rates are definitely slowing. Time to inject something other than "why cant I kill this tank?" into the gamr.
Tomorrow night (approx 30 hours from now) I will end the turn, even if only Fidelis and Priad have acted. Please, if you wish to act in initiative order, act before then.

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