[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

You may have to tag them. Ever since the change over notifications have not been working like they used to, I have had several threads I am watching not notify me.
Tomorrow morning the turn will progress. If they have not acted or posted in ooc, sevolt and kyrios will join thorvald at the bottom of the initiative pile.
Absortio, you may do your thing!

Since the infantry horde is now only moving (they still arent in effective range yet!) Priad may act as well.
Yes, smite is an effective anti-horde weapon but it would be better aimed at the chimeras. The hordes are still 100 meters away, and the chimeras are right in front of you.
Just a heads up headed on vacation tomorrow will be away from the internet for about 4-5 days. So If Alpha wants to NPC Fidelis in the intern he was planning on switching to healing his own wounds next round and then healing anyone else who needed it after that.
NExt turn is up! Roll initiative!

I wasn't expecting to have so many turn inexplicably inactive at the same time. It makes for a challenge when the combat is halfway done. I have made a few survivability alterations. Just so you all know I only make these alterations on the first mission. After that, everyone in the briefing is in the mission, and if people drop out I won't be adding in survivability alterations.

If anyone is interested here is the current injury list

Priad- 1 damage in the chest, 5 in the right arm

Fidelis- 6 damage head, 3 to the body

Kyrios- 1 head

Sevolt- 2 left arm, 2 right arm

I will arrange the turn by monday evening for actions to begin.
At the risk of completely dominating the OOC chatter thread -

Hopefully everyone has gotten moved and situated successfully. Heres another call for initiative rolls for any and all who wish to be a part of the next round!

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