[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

sorry im out of town right now on work, Ill try to keep up with posting, but Im slated to work anything from 10 to 12 hours a day 7 days a weak, so some days I may come back to the hotel and say fuck life... Also the interwebs suck massive dong here.
Son of a bitch i just realized my chapter ability allows me to reroll failed BS tests... <.< I need to remember that next time..
I will end the turn and call for init tomorrow.

I will also do roll call before we enter the catacombs- we have suddenly a staggering inactive player ratio.
Hey everyone. You may have noticed a startling sudden inactivity by your GM. Sorry about that. I recent;y went back to school for a much-needed career change and I though I could handle school, work, family, and deathwatch. But it turns out there are only so many hours in a day, and of course deathwatch is the first thing to get cut.

Short version: I will be taking a break for a while. I don't know how long.

If/when I come back I will contact the players to see who is interested in picking up where we leave off.

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