[Deathwatch] Mission 01

From the top of the tower Keraunos can see the length of the causeway connectingvthe landing complex with the rest of the city. It extends about 200 meters in length and is about 20 meters wide.

It would be possible for the enemy to launch a mechanized assault, though unless the command bunker could sustain heavy shelling any assault utilizing artillery would be foolish. There was not yet any sign of a mounted counter attack. It would likely be a few minutes before the heretics even realized the landing controls had been seized.
"I shall prevent those stragglers from alerting aid too quickly," Kyrios announces as he watches the surviving heretics take off down the causeway, taking a moment to peek through the bunker he roasted to determine if any survivors lurk within. With a controlled burst of his fiery wings, he then launches into the air, clearing the towers and dropping to the ground ahead of the fleeing body of gibbering traitors. "Thy souls be purged!" the Librarian announces to them grimly, before gushing forth a torrent of fire upon them. After their flesh stops crackling, he speaks over the vox: "Bunker forces are destroyed. Kill-Sergeant, your orders?"

Awareness vs 69: [dice]6102[/dice]

Focus Power [Avenger, Fettered] vs 70: [dice]6104[/dice]

Damage: 12 Magnitude

Fedelis continues to cover Thorvold also firing on the Bunker.

Full auto +20 making the target 69 [dice]6107[/dice]
Fidelis and Sevolt insure the area is clear of any remaining enemies. Would do to have some one sneak up on us. Heryion if you can deactivate or redirect those space canons to something that isnt our reinforcements do so. Every one else will secure the front gates Until he has accomplished that. He said holstering the bolter and hauling one of the crates up so that he could use it to brace his bolter in front of the path coming in.
Keraunos shook his head, voxing over his alternative suggestion. "Squad-Leader? I would advise we find a way to cut off vehicle access to our location to prevent assault by mechanized infantry. The further down the lanes we block, the longer it would take counterattack to arrive. Similarly, forcing foes to approach through designated bottlenecks would simplify repulsion efforts."
Left alone in the control bunker, Hyrion took a moment to admire the cogitators inside. To attend, to SPEAK to wonders like that were his purpose in life. He extracted his ElectroGraft from one of his fingers, and connected to an external port. The flow of binary chatter run directly through his veins, his heart filled with joy and honour in speaking once more to the almighty Machine God.

"Connected to the cogitator, brother leader. About to redeploy orbital defences"

Should i roll some TechUse here?

While inside the cogitator's heart, Hyrion tried to foresee heretics' intention. He began to search for security cameras to spy on the enemy, or vox channel to intercept and/or jam enemy communications.

Again, some TechUse here? Techna-lingua?



Both rolls are against 61 (51 Int + 10 for the ElectroGraft use)
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[solo Mode]

Sevolt met Priad's instructions with a moment of stunned silence. "Ze immediate surroundings of ze air kontrol bunker have already been deklared sekured. I vill proceed to klear and sekure ze right bunker plus tower and man ze Heavy Bolter atop, if still funktional." Moving on with firm steps he voxed: "Brozer Fidelis, do you kopy? Proceed to klearing and sekuring ze left bunker and tower."

Sevolt went on to visit the remains of the victims of witchcraft. The mere thought filled him with disgust.

Ahahahahahaha! My character never sees or hears anything! Zis is preposterous! :D

Anyway, trying to search the structures, then take control of the right Heavy Bolter.

A small growl of irritation had entered Keraunos' tone as he dropped grudgingly into Low Gothic to make sure it wasn't simple ignorance on the Iron Snake's part that had led to him ignoring his report entirely when issuing his orders. "I have already scouted our surroundings, Squad leader. There are no approaching foes of yet. You waste time we can use to create obstacles for our foes."
The machine spirit responded eagerly to brother Hyrion, not wasting any time in redirecting the orbital batteries away from the imperial landers.

Then the machine spirit rose to the challenge presented by Hyrion. It eagerly scrambled vox communications, haphazardly rerouting deployment orders and making a mess of the traitors who scrambled to the defense of their city. Their normal reaction time would be measured in minutes, butnow the time would be longer.

Security picters relayed images of the defenders. It would be nearly 15 minutes until the defenders could pose a threat, and it would be nearly twenty five minutes before Icarus made their landing.
Hyrion detached himself from the loyal cogitator, glad that at least the machines here didn't turned away from the light of the Omnissiah. He opened the squad Vox channel, addressing brother Priad

"Brother Leader, Hyrion reporting; disturbing action successful, estimated enemy response time: 15 minutes. Imperial Landers ETA: 25 minutes. Moreover, map of the hive lowers levels received.

I suggest to put my skill in improving cover at good use, Brother Leader. Awaiting orders."

Tech marines have the "Improve Cover" special ability. I can add my Int Bonus to the Armour Points of any cover with a full action. Just point me what do you want to see fortified (since we have 15 mins i can also fortify everything)
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Kyrios, noting that the fleeting heretics have been purged, fires up his jets to launch and land on the tower next to Keuranos; he takes a moment to survey the Carcharodon's bloody chainblade. "Are we moving forward now or continuing to secure this area until the Guard lands? Certainly, Space Marines and five heavy bolters, among other weaponry, should be sufficient to hold against whatever trash a traitor PDF cares to throw at this position."

If we care to take the time for that, he silently adds to himself. Surely we are not truly needed to contest this pathetic beachhead, beyond securing the orbit defense controls?

The Blood Drinker shifts slightly, sheathing his unused force sword.
"I am in position to assault the causeway if needed," he adds over the vox. "Standing by for orders." Kyrios turns his attention to pivoting the other heavy bolter back out towards the approach from the city. Better safe than sorry, then a thought enters his mind. "Brother Hyrion, did the cogitators happen to disclose to you a path into the sub-levels from here? And perhaps a map of that area?"
"Affirmative answer to both your questions, Brother Kyrios. Watch Captain Kasblane talked about a cargo lift situated near the landing pad which we can use to access one of the generator facilities, and I've stored in my Auspex the sub-levels map. I'll pass it onto your dataslates when the loyalist forces arrive."
[solo Mode]

As Sevolt reached the top of the tower, he took a good look at the distorted remains of the victims of witchcraft. In moments like these, he wondered what side he was fighting on after he had joined the Deathwatch. The Black Templar readied his hand flamer and purged their corpses from any lingering corruption of the warp with holy fire. Before taking control of the Heavy Bolter, he reloaded his firearm and voxed: "Did any of you skrutinize the perimeter from above yet?"
I understand many of you think that holding this point is beyond your talents, however if these Orbital defense canons fall into the hands of the Heretics we will be finding it rather difficult to extricate ourselves at the end of the mission if those cannons are blowing down our transports as well. Further more destroying any possible Xenos threat here will be rather moot if the Guardsman are unable to defeat the Traitors here, and I have no intentions of fighting off an entire Heretic army with just the 8 of Us, we are here to purge xenos. SO my suggestion, Heryion will inform these guardsmen they have exactly 25 minutes to get forces here, and we will be moving on to the next objective. The rest of us will fortify this position in every manner we can before these bastards show up. Now does any one have any better Ideas? He asked securing his bolter and pointing it down the choke hole.
Fidelis does a sweep of the area to look for signs of any heretics that need to be finished off. " I am sweeping the area around this bunker now."
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"Message sent, brother - leader. Confirmed ETA of 25 minutes. With your permission, I shall proceed to fortify our positions, starting with the left tower."

I move to the left tower and add 5 to its cover, repairing the damages done by Prius. Who's up there with me? I've lost track of everyone's position

[solo Mode]

2 minutes later Sevolt emerged from the buildings, Boltgun slung around his body but with an acquisitioned Heavy Bolter in hand. The irony of killing the heretics with their own weapons was just too delicious a thought.

"In 11 minutes from now ze forces of ze heazens vill arrive. In 12 minutes from now, zey vill have to justify zeir deeds before ze Emperor. Vhere do you vant me to take up position?"

Tearing out the HB and taking it with me. If it was mounted on a tripod, I'll carry that in the left hand if necessary.
Sevolt grab a heavy bolter and help me cover the path. Heryion go ahead and do what you do best. Every one else, use your best judgement... Your all vetran marines I assume you know how to hold a bunker from a few heretics.
Fidelis looks for a spot with good cover and field of fire that allows him to interlink his fire with his fellows, setting up and "L" ambush if possible.
Minutes ticked away, trickling like sand in an hour glass. Two hundred meters away the enemy slowly coalesced into a distinct force. Three divisions of infantry, totaling some hundred and fifty men, supported by a half-dozen chimeras and their attendant squads of men. When the enemy had gathered enough strength to consider the assault to be a success, it began. The chimeras, armed with powerful multi-lasers and heavy bolters, began an inexorable advance on the Kill Teams position. Already in range, the weapons began to fire even as the chimeras slowly trundled closer, though they were horribly innacurate.. The infantry platoons of men followed close behind the tanks, seeking cover behind their armored shells.
Looking out over the approaching mass wishing he had his Ravenwing Bike so that he could go amongst them and show them the errors of their ways with bloody result. "I am sure I don't need to state the obvious bothers but I will nevertheless, we need to knock out those Chimeras."
Kyrios surveys the scene, making a face behind his mask. At least we shall not be bored with this holding action... he thinks.

"Brother Hyrion, is there a way to...retract or raise the causeway? Barring that...well-placed krak grenades, into gun turrets or through viewing ports will make short work of those Chimeras. And the heavy bolters should shred the mob."

"Take ze left flank, Brozer Priad. I vill take ze right. Vee kan force side-shots on zeir light vehicles." After reassuring himself of the Devastator's assent, Sevolt moved as swiftly as possible into a covered firing position to the far right of the causeway.

Running. Also use the new Darker forum style to read my direct speech.
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