[Deathwatch] Mission 01

The lead Chimera was only 150 meters away now. He was moving too fast to target accurately, but his multi-laser was still an obvious threat as it scored dark lines along everything it touched. In minutes it would be close enough for even the most inept gunner to land a lucky shot.

Just then the Kill Team Vox crackled.

"By the Emperor! Ordo Xenos Deathwatch Kill Team, this is Commander Bloch, Imperial Navy! I have a squadron of Thunderbolts who wish to repay you for dealing with the orbital defense network! They are two minutes out! If you require a strafing run, please reply to the affirmative on this channel! The Emperor Protects!"
Kyrios draws his force sword, holding his tongue: it is not his place to confirm such aid, but his Kill-Sergeant's. Though it might be prudent, it is not as if a pack of APCs is a match for a Kill-Team of the Emperor's Finest, he thinks. He sends the command to his jump-pack to process a quick intake, ready to move at the Chimeras once they close a bit more...
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We have Enemy armor on the way we would appreciate that they don't reach us. Should be about half a dozen of them. Anything above and beyond that just makes our job easier. Priad said His bolter pressed against his brace and readied for something to get in range.
"Copy that Kill Team! Strafing run will commence in two minutes! By the Emperor, give them hell!"

But two minutes was too long. The Chimera multi-lasers opened fire, targeting the lone assault marine standing atop a tower, hitting him with a spark of light in the left arm.



{Wounds remain: 17}

The next 3 shots missed. But the transport after that hit Keraunos square in the the chest, showering another field of sparks and breaking through his power armor.



{wounds remain: 4}

The final Chimera lands a solid hit on Keraunos' right arm, and in a flash of light the arm is severed at the shoulder, completely, the chain axe it bore hurling through the air with the hand and arm attached. The power armor of the Carcharodon kicks in, injecting stims and working to stabilize his condition, even as he falls to the ground.



{Wounds remain: 0; Critical Damage: 8}

OOC: This is done in agreement between Thief of Words and I, so Fidelis, there is no need to attempt first aid on him. Keraunos is now on the injured list, but he will live until the end of the mission. If you survive the catacombs you may recover him on your way back to Erioch.
[solo Mode]

"VHAT ZE...?!" spew over Sevolt's lips with a curse. The Black Templar was audibly unhappy about Keraunos' fate. While they did have a situation before, the Carcharadon was still one of the Emperor's finest. These rebels had to pay.

I have been trying to move into position before. I am trying to get sideshots on the Chimera here. If I can overwatch the causeway from the right bunker, then from there. If not, from the corner of bunker or the corner of the right tower. I want to spew holy rage at these cowards as soon as sideshots are possible (ideally without standing in the open). Until then, I will stay in full cover and only occasionally pop a head out to keep track of their progress. Sevolt wants revenge.
Staying in cover and trying to keep a height advantage Fidelis is going to try and move into position to use a Krak grenade on the lead Chimera.

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[solo Mode]

Sevolt peeked around the corner. A few more moments and he would be able to get a clear side-shot on the leading vehicle. He still could barely contain his rage over their firing at one of their own. Quietly, he brought up the Heavy Bolter and aimed at the Chimera. 3... 2... 1...

"Engaging!", he shouted via vox against the drumming sounds of his weapon as conflict erupted anew.

Full Round Aim. Conditional: not sure if this precedes Fidelis attack or if I am the one who initiates combat (or the enemy if they spot me). It would make sense to wait until I can get sideshots.

If not, straight full-Auto Burst at the Chimera's side.

If I initiate combat and don't get spotted, then Full-Round Aim plus Full-Auto Burst at the Chimera.

Init is 11 (Mk VI armour).

Hyrion stood behind cover on top of the left tower,waiting for the Chimeras to drive nearby, with his trusted bolter and a krakgrenade at hand

[solo Mode]

Sevolt unleashed the rage of the captured Heavy Bolter, its machine spirit spitting hatred against those who had dared to turn it on the Emperor's sons before. Its muzzle flashes and its bellowing noise cut through night with frightening sharpness.

Assuming Chimera OW stats to offload some work from you GM. If you take different stats, you need to recalculate yourself.

BS 45 + 60 (+20 (Full-Auto) + 10 (Short Range) + 10 (Bolter Mastery) + 30 (Massive Target) + 5 (Power Armour), maxed out at +60) = 105


4 DoS = 5 hits.


Dang - no RF! Because of Tearing, taking the higher one of two successive dice rolls. Also +2 damage due to Bolter Mastery. So :

20 Pen 5 = 3 damage against side.

21 Pen 5 = 4 damage against side.

23 Pen 5 = 6 damage against side.

21 Pen 5 = 4 damage against side.

22 Pen 5 = 5 damage against side.

Total: 22 damage.

PS I am totally okay if you rule that Bolter Mastery does not apply to Heavy Bolters. I know I house rule it that way in my games because I prefer Tacticals with (Storm) Bolters. With Mighty Shot, the Tactical does more damage than a Devastator!

If I get attacked by a Heavy Weapon, I wanna Dodge:


Not too shabby!

Init Round 2 is 11:

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Hyrion throwed the krak grenade in a high arc, aiming at the same heretic Chimera Sevolt attacked.


Against 55 (45 + 10 for Half Action Aim)

1 DoS

I guess i'm attacking it from front side, since i'm on the left tower.

Damage roll is 3d10+4 Pen 6


So it's a Righteous Fury? Do I need to confirm that? (asking because I house-rule it)

Btw, those are 20 damages Pen 6 + RF (I'll wait GM answer to roll that)

After this , Hyrion goes back behind his cover, Dodging if needed


Against Ag 43

Initiative for next round



No way.... 58 against 55... No RF i guess... :(
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The ordered scene goes to Hell quite fast. Kyrios looks to see the Carcharodon marine falling from the tower he had hunkered down in, his arm flying separately from his body, and notes the Kill-Team's brutal retaliation: heavy bolters roar to life, krak grenades sail through the air.

Kyrios says nothing, jumping into the air on wings of flame and smoke and landing at the point the Carcharodon had been holding only moments before. He pulls a krak grenade from his belt and, noting the volume of fire directed at one Chimera by Sevolt and Hyrion, flings his grenade at the Chimera next to the one bearing the brunt of fire.

To hit vs 43: [dice]6231[/dice]

Damage: 14 pen 6


Next round initiative: 9

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Loose Grenades brothers! Priad ordered chucking a Krak grenade at the same Chimera as Kyrios

This is out of 60


Penetration is 6

OOC- using Chimera stats found on pg 218 of Rites of Battle, which references Rhinos on pg 178 of the same book. Unfortunately those stats present a front/side armor of 31 and a rear armor of 20...


Grenades lobbed and the heavy bolter barked, but the Chimeras rolled on through the shrapnel and explosions...and came through with their armor plating intact and barely scratched.

The troops behind the Chimeras marched, moving at a quick jog. Even then they weren't yet halfway across the bridge.


I believe it is now Brother Fidelis' action, and then the Chimeras, followed by Absortio and Thorvald, if they choose to join us.
Fidelis attempts to get a Krak Grenade into the rear arc of a passing Chimera.


Which is way off.


to wherever it lands


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OOC- this post is assuming that everyone is in the following positions: Sevolt, right hand bunker; Priad, at the start of the causeway, behind crates; Fidelis, by Priad; Kyrios, right tower; Hyrion, left tower.

Hyrion, I just caught this now: you should be throwing with +20 BS! (Massive size +30, long range -10). I will take the liberty of adding the extra damage of your confirmed RF, just for the sake of time,


For a total of 42 damage, which translates into 11 damage against the tank. Sorry, I should have caught that earlier.


Fidelis' grenade misses its intended target, but in a freak accident it hops and rolls, coming to a stop under the tread of another Chimera, which crushes it with explosive force! The Chimera takes 6 points of damage.


The tanks all begin to zero in one targets. Given the spread of the five marines, the tanks all begin adjusting to fire on different targets. One Chimera pivoted it's multi-laser to return fire on Sevolt, though its heavy bolter was unable to make the angle for the shot.

From the rear rank, one tank aimed a multi-laser at Kyrios, and two aimed at Hyrion. Despite his inaccurate throw, his grenade had actually done damage. The heavy bolters from the rear rank could not achieve a firing solution because of their forward comrades.

In the front rank, two multi-lasers aimed at Fidelis, and one at Priad. Of the remaing two heavy bolters, (Sevolt's tank is in the front rank, and its HB gunner is too busy trying to shoot him to worry about shooting forward), one targeted Priad, and the other targeted Fidelis.



Sevolt: 1 Multi-laser



Kyrios: 1 Multi-laser



Hyrion: 2 Multi-lasers



Priad: 1 Multi-laser, 1 Heavy Bolter


2 hits


No damage.


5 damage to right arm

Fidelis: 2 multi-lasers, 1 heavy botler


Hit by HB


no damage


When the potentially lethal volley subsided, its true effect was revealed. The Emperor had smiled! Only one brother was injured, and that was the merest flesh wound, easily tended by an apothecary.

The chimeras advanced another 15 meters while firing, closing to 45 meters distant.

Result: 5 damage to Priad
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The Tactical Marine was not amused. They were facing high-grade gear with insufficient weaponry. Not that it would change the outcome, just delay the inevitable. Sevolt shifted the steady stream of bullets to the side of the driver's compartment, hoping to punch a hole or two there.

Full-Auto, trying to aim at the driver's compartment, if possible. Not sure if this is a Called Shot or just a smaller target size.

BS 45 +20 (Full-Auto) + 10 (Short Range) + 10 (Bolter Mastery) + 5 (Power Armour) + X (Target Size) = 90 + X


I'm assuming this means all 6 rounds strike. Damage rolls:


Confirming RF:


One confirmed.


Final damage:

16 (Dice) + 12 (Weapon) + 2 (Bolter Mastery) = 30 Pen 5. 4 damage penetrating.

Hopefully enough for a nice hole in the driver's compartment.

Dodge roll in case heavy weapons attack me:


That's an unsuccessful dodge.

Init Round 3:


For an Initiative of 10.
That just made Priad sad, He would have to remember to grab something that could punch a hole threw the side of an armored vehicle next time he went on a mission, then the round ripped threw his armor and he cringed ducking lower behind the crates he used as cover and loosed his bolter into the side of the Chimera hoping to slow the beast down while air support moved in.

This is a full auto attack out of 90.


Bolter damage: (I still hate what the living errata did to them <.<)


Each hit does the following damage and has a penetration of 5






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Seeing the lack of impact his grenade caused to the foe, and ducking even as the multi-laser plays ineffectually across his position, Kyrios growls and resorts to the next best thing: one of the two heavy bolters still in place from the heretic-defenders. As Sevolt pure the fury of one of the heavies into a Chimera, Kyrios follows the Templar's lead. He whirls its firing arc around towards the oncoming Chimeras and, noting Brother Hyrion's accuracy with his krak grenade and Sevolt's heavy bolter hits, aims for the same vehicle. Kyrios lets the heavy bolter sing, the great weapon's roar testament to its rage against the heretics that turned its fury against sacred Astartes. Even as the bolter barks with each shot, the Blood Drinker calls over the vox to the Blood Angel Librarian., "Brother Absortio, surely a Biomantic Smite would slow their advance?"

Not even sure if Absortio is still around but thought I'd give it a shot.

BS test for the heavy bolter. 40 + 20 full auto + 30 size + 10 short range = TN 100. Shooting at the one Hyrion and Sevolt seemed to hit pretty well.


Result = 66; 3 DoS/4 hits.

Damage (because of Tearing, taking the higher one of two successive dice rolls).


RF Confirmation...made it.


RF Bonus damage: 4


Final damage:

20 Pen 5

26 Pen 5

21 Pen 5

19 Pen 5

Dodge roll in case I get shot at. TN 63 . Got 38...2 DoS.


And next round initiative, dang.

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OOC- On a general note, everyone remember your bolters/heavy bolters have tearing which means you may roll an extra D10 for damage and discard the lowest! This can have a huge effect when dealing with tanks, especially because many of you are able to get a BS equivalent of 100+, meaning you score 4 or 5 hits per shot. Have 2d10 and dropping one gives you a much better chance of RF, which seems to be the best way to hurt these Chimeras.

IC- The heavy bolters sang the Emperor's hymn, thudding out their explosive bolts with terrible precision, again thudding into one of the lead chimeras, with Sevolt's shooting even doing some damage. But still the Chimeras lumbered onward, maintaining their combat speed. The gunners on the rear rank of Chimeras appeared ready, but held themselves until their forward fellows advanced and cleared the firing lanes.

OOC- the second rank of Chimeras cannot advance until the front rank does, and they opt to hold their fire until the front rank is further along as well. In short, they sacrifice their turn and will act last.
Emerging from behind his cover and knowing well the weak spots on a Chimera armor, Hyrion aimed his second grenade at the rear of the heretic tank


Against 75 (45 BS + 10 half action Aim + 20 for the size)



15 Damage Pen 6
The krak grenade rolled under the tank and exploded, jarring the already damaged war machine, but the tank itself didn't slow, and the two ranks of tanks continued their relentless advance. Far behind them the soldiers reformed: 5 groups of 30 soldiers, spread in double ranks across the causeway. But they would not be an issue for minutes yet.

The tanks returned fire. THe rear rank was unable to get a firing solution with their heavy bolters, but one turned its turret to Sevolt, and the other two targeted the marine on the tower, Kyrios.

On the front rank, each Chimera targeted a different marine. One aimed Heavy bolter and multialser at Priad, one at Hyrion, and one at Fidelis.

OOC- last turn I neglected the full auto on HB and ML- its the only firing mode they have.



2 damage

Dodge roll successful against second attack, given your 2 DoS beats his no DoS. First attack hits you full in the face with 4 DoS.



1 Damage


Both shots miss.



I took the liberty of rolling a dodge, so only 1 shot hits. Dodge applied to multilaser


Heavy Bolter deals no damage.



Since you vanished inexplicalby I took the liberty of rolling your dodge. It failed, but you had to get 3 DoS to dodge that shot anyway.


No damage

THe blasts of laser light lanced out, scoring armor and in some cases actually burning the targets minorly. But many of the shots missed their mark, and many of those that were actually on target did little damage, negated by the durability of Astartes armor and flesh. The Chimeras trundled on, closing to 30 meters away.

THe Vox crackled again. "Ordo Xenos Deathwatch Kill Team, stand clear of the bridge! Air support is inbound!"

OOC- for those who want to know, the left most tank is smoking severly, but still operational. None of the other tanks are damaged enough to show it.
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Priad Turned his bolter on the Smoking tank and unleashed a stream of bolts down range at the target hoping to peal away enough armor to get a solid shot on something vital.

So just realising i get a +30 for the size of these things... this is out of 120 so 6 shots.



(3/2) +12 = 15 pen of 5

(2/7) +12 =19 Pen of 5

(5/9) +12 = 21 pen of 5

(9/1) +12 = 21 Pen of 5

(10/7) +12 +9 =31 Pen of 5 (righteous furry)

(3/4) +12 = 15 Pen of 5


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Fidelis throws another Krak Grenade as he tries to maneuver to strike the rear of one of the transports.





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