[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

Results are up! Time to start the next round. Nutshell version: 14 dead heretics. Absortio took the cake on that one, with 8 kills by himself. This leaves 6 in the command bunker, 4 on the left tower, and an unknown amount in the other two bunkers.

Thief, because damage versus hordes is calculated by the amount of DoS on the roll rather than by damage dealt, abilities which increase damage will not increase damage dealt to a horde.


Kyrios 15

Hyrion 14

Sevolt 11

Keraunos 10

So since we don't even have half init rolled I will just call it: Roll initiative for round 2! If you have already rolled you may try your luck on a re-roll or use the numbers up there.
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Thief, I moved your post over to the mission.


And Heretics go last. I guess they are shell-shocked from the sudden mayhem.
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As a note, feel free to do you turn when you check the forum. I am not terribly concerned about initiative among the marines since the heretics go last.

Current positions: 4 on left tower, 5 in control bunker. Unknown # in right bunker.
Kyrios, Keraunos, ans Sevolt have acted. Waiting on Priad, Thorvald, Hyrion, Absortio, and Fidelis.

Go ahead and act in whatever order. There are currently 2 survivors in the command bunker, 4 in the left tower, and an unknown amount in either bunker. Though shots have ceased from the left bunker.
Just need priad and absortios actions. If they have not acted by tonight when I get home from work the heretics will act.
Combat round resolved. Shots from both bunkers are silent now, the towers are empty, and tge command bunker is taken.

Tertiary objective complete.

I will post a map of the catacombs tomorrow sometime. Maybe tonight if my schedule allows. Until tgen the secondary objective needs to be dealt with and the kill team can examine and evaluate their first encounter together.
So the bunker we haven't assaulted yet is...now emptied? Where did they flee to? Or did they all shoot themselves?
Several killed themselves. They failed their break test by 6 degrees. 7 are fleeing down the causeway connecting the landing pad with the city. you could catch them easily if you wanted.

The bunker may, or may not be empty. It does appear to be undefended.
Here is all the info you need on the catacombs. Hopefully the map is clear and you can all read it. A few notes:

All of the corridors are 1 meter wide and 2 meters tall- in other words, single file in the corridors. You also cannot jump/climb over whomever is in front unless they are prone. There is not enough room to slide by, given the power armor everyone is wearing. There are plenty of chambers however, if you need to switch things up (in case someone gets hurt, or you need a different weapon/skill set at the front). Several of the chambers will be sevarl dozen feet high, so if you have an urge to use your jump pack it is possible in many of the larger chambers. Assume the chambers are not empty squares, particularly if they are named. The chambers will have some debris/other stuff in them, and you will be told which chambers have enough to grant a cover bonus and which do not. I understand the scale isn't perfectly clear on the pdf map, but I can provide more accurate measurements upon request.

The last fight was particularly easy because I was getting a feel for how this particular group will work with forum play. In the catacombs there is the potential for death and the enemies can, and will, hurt you.

A little clarification on the house rule of squad leaders nominating new objectives: this happens during a mission, not just before a mission. For example, in the previous skirmish I would have accepted capturing the officer in the control bunker to keep for interrogation by the loyalist guard as a tertiary objective. Be creative, and since all of you are likely to get a go at being Kill Team leader, don't forget, since this can be a valuable source of EXP and renown.

I would also like feedback on the combat. Particularly: How do you think it worked having all of the enemies share initiative? How did it work having initiative simplified to acting before enemies and after enemies?

Oh, and don't forget the secondary objective.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bfe45432e_catacombmap_pdf.d85610b55d4276cec1686a95ed75f55a" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24579" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bfe45432e_catacombmap_pdf.d85610b55d4276cec1686a95ed75f55a" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

catacomb map.pdf


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Enemies sharing initiative is probably a good way to keep the action going, though obviously it works best for mooks like traitor PDF hordes rather than more powerful solos. In some ways when the threat is more relevant, it's nice to have Brothers able to act in response to the enemy's actions rather than all going first.
What I will do is have all similar enemies share initiative, with the exception of similar 'master' enemies. I will also keep the numbers reasonable- for example, 10 traitor marines would share initiative acting as a squad, but having 50 share initiative is a little over the top.

*rewrites next part of the mission* joking

Yeah. I am interested to see how the next portion of the mission goes.
Personally, I prefer the style I am used to: players declare their actions and after everyone has done so, the GM resolves the round all at once.
I like it the other way around, because the actions of one player or NPC can (and often do) change the actions of another. Can't really resolve that sword swing you were going to make if someone who acts before you do cut off your arm first.

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