[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

Sevolt generally requested covering fire, hope this isn't entirely lost. One heavy bolter tower got struck by Priad, the other not so much yet.
Sevolt also charged off to prove his worth and decided not to follow our designated squad leader's initial order to form up and find cover. Not that I am calling you out for that OOC, but IC some characters, might just let a "lone gunman" be just that--alone. Once Sevolt charged off Pirad adjusted order's for some of us to secure the courtyard--having two people calling out orders is a sure way for everything to fall apart in my characters estimation. So speaking for my character alone, it was not lost but it will be ignored until the designated Squad leader says otherwise. No offense--just the way my character is wired :) . If The squad leader had ordered that, then Fidelis would back him up like a boss.

Not saying you should not play Sevolt the way HE is wired, just saying he may not get some of the backup he wants as he is not among a Chpater of hard charging crusaders like he is used to. ;)
Heretics have waved their impotence in the air. Everyone whos initiative was less than 12 may proceed to exterminate the heretics.
10 men, 1 pf whom os clearly an officer of some type. Double rank, 5 kneeling, 5 standing behind them. Offocer is middle of the back rank. All have autoguns, except the officer has an autopistol. Room is narrow despite buildings size. Lots of fragile looking computer type stuff.
I triggered my Solo Mode ability (which lasts for another turn). Just to clarify (to avoid any confusion), it states that spending a Reaction my PC can move towards the nearest enemy before they have even taken their shot at me. Since I was at the bunker door, I suppose 5m should be enough to end up in melee.

Probably best that someone tell Keuranos NOT to wreck the cogitators...too bad the only person there with him is NOT his CO. :P

Also how do you want to deal with Reactions/dodges when we're being shot at? I realize in this situation there's little threat so some cosmetic wounding or bullets bouncing off of us is warranted, but in the future with actual danger...?
I wrote my actions without reading here first, so feel free to change my description to fit the actual situation. Besides cosmetic stuff though i should still be in melee range to the horde, right?

@kshatriya he better stay away from my preciousssssssss cogitators, or else he'll face the wrath of the Omnissiah :P
Reactions: after nocs act reactions can be used to negare their results. Example- priad could use a reaction to dodge and thereby negate his 1 damage, pending a successful roll.

If this would change your action, go ahead and edit.

It is a horde of 10.
How does tearing affect hordes?

And no. It doesn't, because anything anti-horde he has also anti-everything-else-in-the-room. Like grenades. Or Flamers.
To inflict magnitude damage at all, you need to first succeed on inflicting 1+ point of damage on a normal damage roll. That's where Tearing can help against Marines, etc. What's your PCs Assault Marine's special ability, Thief?

@Seph: According to the errata you roll 3d10 not 1d10x3. Higher chance for Righteous Fury. ;)

[QUOTE="ak-73]Sevolt generally requested covering fire, hope this isn't entirely lost. One heavy bolter tower got struck by Priad, the other not so much yet.

And you should have 2 other marines fallowing you after you went charging off on your own.. unless you charged off some where else... Last orders I gave were for the tch marine and i think it was kish to follow you.. might have been sage.. it was one of the librarians... and for Theif to assault a tower.. well theif charged the command bunker instead, and the librarian went for another bunker...

Now i have to figure out what the hell every one is doing...
Him and sevolt are competing with your lightning are apparently trying to fit in the same doorway with our tech marine following in behind to Secure the bunker and the senistive command equipment that resides inside to take back the orbital defenses..
Keraunos kicked in the door of the nearest one: i.e. the command bunker (which we were instructed to seize control of and in no way damage or fry). I would recommend you aim for the heavy-bolter bunker not being attacked by your fellow-librarian, or hold off on the lightnings for a round or two at least.

EDIT: Thought of the question after the fact, but @AlphaJester does the bonus damage from his Solo Mode ability apply to magnitude Damage dealt to a Horde? It would sort of make sense, given their whole strategy is to close to melee and slaughter ALL THE THINGS.
Field positions:

Keraunos, Sevolt, Hyrion in melee inside command bunker. Absortio inside command bunker blasting a storm. Kyrios by left side bunker. Priad in the back shooting at left side tower. Thorvald advancing up the right with Fidelis moving to support.

All correct?

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