[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

The platform is 100m across and octagonal in shape. The command bunker is 20m on a side and occupies the centre of the platform. The pod landed on the edge furthest from the bunkers/towers.

Pod to command bunker: approx. 30 m. Pod to defense bunkers approx 80 m. Pod to towers is approx. 90m.

Edit: added a note about the command bunker to the mission description.

I will handle the results of all actions in the morning, at which time I will call for initiative rolls.
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Wow I was gone a missed all the drama, but I'd vote for Thief to stay-as far as I saw it was pretty much IC and I'm fine with IC drama--so long stays IC. In all my 30+ years of gaming one of the things that has saddened me most is when IC stuff ruins a good game becasue it spills into OOC. But I don't think it got so bad that Thief or anyone else need to leave or change PC's.

Also just to be clear @ak\-73 when you say name calling I assume you mean OOC because I expect that with some of the personalities of the characters there might be some IC name calling, which I am cool with as a player so long as, again, it says IC, but I just want to be clear and head off any speed bumps before we run over them at high speed in the heat of RP. My character is a pretty chill stoic Dark Angel and thinks the Imperium has bigger fish to fry, plus as an Apothecary he does not want to make extra work for himself so after that RP I instantly saw him as a peacemaker--or attempted peacemaker-- but I figured I'd ask just to know what I'm getting into.
IC prodding and name calling is fine, let's just be careful to stop before the point where we think the other would be forced to kill us in the name of honour - or in a moment of rage. This goes especially for our librarians here. The combination of Red Thirst and the ability to obliterate someone, just about anyone, with just one careless thought is a particularly dangerous one.
[QUOTE="ak-73]IC prodding and name calling is fine, let's just be careful to stop before the point where we think the other would be forced to kill us in the name of honour - or in a moment of rage. This goes especially for our librarians here. The combination of Red Thirst and the ability to obliterate someone, just about anyone, with just one careless thought is a particularly dangerous one.

Yep just wanted to be clear and make sure I was on the same sheet of music--my character is so mellow it would have to be a VERY rare day for him to name call, he might insinuate--but I can't see him name calling, Not his style. We already have enough forceful personalities as it is :tongue:. Which is fine, it can make for some great RP, but if every character is that way things can fall apart real fast ;)
I, meanwhile, am Gregarious, and actively try to be as close to perfect as I can, when I'm not Red-Thirst Raging.

Albiet, while he's Red Thirst Raging, he is Red Thirst Raging.
So how do we proceed from here? Does everyone post his actions strictly in turn order? Which means that the more guys are temporarily not able to play, the longer the break.

The alternative to that is announcing actions in random order and rolling init, the GM resolving the entire turn in initiative order and posting the results of the turn.

Also: Do you make a difference between human and Astartes Heavy Bolters?


Also: Do you make a difference between human and Astartes Heavy Bolters?


Yeah didn't he tell you? We are playing on insane mode so Astartes bolters do one point and human ones do 10d10+100 :tongue:. ---Just Kidding--- couldn't resist.
typcially the order gos in who went first, that way every one can react.
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[QUOTE="ak-73]Also: Do you make a difference between human and Astartes Heavy Bolters?

Thinking of appropriating one a la Space Marine? Not a bad idea if so...
well given that practically the entire squad decided to ignore orders and rush off to go Murders the pitiful mortals... you probably wont be alone when you get cut down.....
It depends on how smartly we play now. I dare to say that at least everyone 14+ will be able to go first.

Thorvald can only get init 14 with AG 48, so he can second with a 10. At best. So Mutant K is definitely first.

Btw, Thorvald: do you have Bolter Mastery or Tactical Expertise? Your sheet says both?
How tall are the towers? If I'm missing this somewhere else, sorry.

And does it appear that the heavy bolters have blind spots in their field of fire, i.e. the base of the tower they're in, etc

Tactics check for it just in case. 3 DoS.

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Towers ate 10m tall, sorry.

Obvious blind spots include inside buildings, base of yhe towers and behind the control bunker, which creates a blind spot that is several meters in size. As for the difference between astartes and human heavy bolters: just assume these are astartes equivalent. Only major difference is they arent backpack fed
So does that mean from where I am, I can hit the top of a tower with a 30m heavy-flamer-equivalent fire cone? Would it also hit (and if so, affect) enemies in a bunker?

The problem to me with flamers is, ok, you have the dimensions of length and width of cone, but what about height?
From where you are you would have to pick one, however either target is viable, particularly considering the length of your cone. I'm not sure of its height, but it is easy enough to angle your cone upwards to compensate. But to get both in the same cone and actually hit the guys on top of the tower) you would you would have to be above the tower.
being that I am terrible at math and the width of the cone is never specified can someone answer me this: if the length of the cone is 30m and the arc of its angles is 30 degrees, how wide is it at its end?
Yeah I would have made to roll but I was out seeing X-Men :tongue:

AlphaJester said:
being that I am terrible at math and the width of the cone is never specified can someone answer me this: if the length of the cone is 30m and the arc of its angles is 30 degrees, how wide is it at its end?
Don't ask me I'm a History major
Just so I'm clear: are we waiting on me to go since I have the top initiative? Just don't want to hold things up.

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