[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

I am using such a team sheet in my other PbP campaign:

Oath: Oath of Astartes (+2 Cohesion)

Codex Squad Modes: Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing.

Reserve Requisition: -

Cohesion: - (Starting: -)

Unlocked Squad Modes: - [This is for Squad Mode rules that don't require repaying deactivated Sustained Squad Modes]

Vehicle#1: Weapons, Vehicle Gear


PCs on-board:



Also, I will post my final Requisitioned Gear + Trapping under my Character Sheet (which is linked to in my Sig) for quick reference.


Calculating Cohesion: 4 (Priad's Fel) + 2 (Oath) - 1 (my Chapter Trapping) = 5. Does anyone have Lead From The Front armour?


1) Can a KT maintain more than 2 different Sustained powers? IE, a Black Templar Armour Of Faith and the rest of the team Tactical Spacing. I have read conflicting answers to that from Ross Watson (DW author).

2) When you pay for a Sustained ability and you cease sustaining it, can you reactivate it for free (errata 1.1) or do you have to pay cohesion for it again (later official ruling from FFG)?


1) Reading from errata page 5 and core page 220: short answer: yes, but any battle brother may only benefit from 1 sustained power at any given time, and they must choose which power they benefit from at the beginning of their turn and may not change until their next turn.

2) Going with errata 1.1 on this one.

C0balt0 said:
Question: how abouts fate points? How often do they replenish?
Non burned fate points replenish automatically between missions, unless stated otherwise in the mission briefing.

Hopefully this answers the questions clearly.
AlphaJester said:
Non burned fate points replenish automatically between missions, unless stated otherwise in the mission briefing.

Hopefully this answers the questions clearly.
Perfectly clear
So what Oath are we using. IMO Astartes is much better than Weapon since we auto-confirm RF against xenos anyway.
Don't we progress after everyone has taken their turn? I don't want to take my second turn before the others have done their first.

Also, I have another important for the GM: Do you make a distinction between Astartes-grade weaponry and the weapons of mortals?
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Everyone will get a free surprise action, and then on monday morning I will begin turn 1 with initiative rolls. Those who wish may roll initiative for turn one right away
I addressed an issue that came up in this OOC through PM's with the parties involved. I don't think it needs continued discussion here. @AlphaJester - I can only assume as moderator of the game, you can read deleted posts - you are free to contact players as well, just do so privately or avoid pointing fingers.
What does need continued discussion though is if the group finds a Black Templar too difficult to handle. I don't need to play a Black Templar but if I get to play one, I want to play them right. They are loathsome, xenocidal, psyker-hating Crusaders and mine is particularly scornful.

I can make a new, different character at the first adequate opportunity, no probs.

I am not of the opinion that you require a new character. If other players think it is necessary then we can revisit this.
Alright. Just saying that it wouldn't be problem for me. There's lots of less difficult chapters still to explore for me. I just don't want anyone to be too shy to say: "I would prefer PCs that cause less disharmony."
dude its one thing to be some what at conflict with a completely different chapter or one that has some rivalry with you, its another problem all together to be constantly disruptive. Even the Space wolf was causing less problems. If your chapter was as bad as you personify them to be then they wouldn't be aloud in the deathwatch. Hell you wouldn't shouldn't have been aloud. Whats worse is you havent even chosen to pick targets that would normally be on a Templars list of people hed fuck with, you chose to mess with the Charcheridon who was an assault marine. I realise that your charecter is a douche bag and you intend to role play him that way and that's fine, but the excuse I was RPing my character gos both ways. Sevolt can continue behaving the way he is, and in character responses will happen as every one else role plays their characters. If you're character continues to prove himself completely incapable of working in a kill team properly he may not make it long is said Kill team.
Guys, i think we're making a huge discussion out of nothing. Hell, in the champaign i run i have one Ultramarine who wants to join the forces of chaos because he's tired to be always the "good" guy . In the same group, when we play in fantasy settings (and i'm not Gm-ing) i always play dwarfs characters, and a friend of mine always plays elfs. We start every adventure with the same attitude that Keraunos and Sevolt. And no one, nor the GM nor the other players, has nothing to say about it. Cause it's how role games work. We don't like the D&D-esque attitude "Ok so you meet other 4 strangers in a tavern, suddenly you become best friends and you go robbing a lich tomb.". Every character has his own life and personality and, like in real life, not all of them are nice. We think it's funnier this way.

About the theme : "He wouldn't be allowed in the Deathwatch if he was so asshole" try to see it the other way. He has been admitted THEREFORE there must be something good about him.

What i'm trying to say here is that difficult characters are what makes roleplaying worth. Stereotypes are funny, sometimes, but boring in the long run. And that i don't think that alex requires a new character.

TL;DR Stop all this arguing and enjoy this game, it started pretty well (read it in Hyrion synt-voice please :D )
Amen Hyrion.

*in most official GM voice*

The issue is closed. Deal with the roleplay and run your character how you like.

IC crap happens. The only way that crap comes into the OOC forum is when you high five for cool roleplay. If you have an issue with someone elses role playing PM ME FIRST. If I see that garbage here I start deleting posts.

Its ok to have IC beefs and rivalries. Not ok to bring those here.
You're right. Sorry to everyone for making a mess out of things. I assume y'all would still want me to withdraw, given how much I overreacted. So yeah. I guess that's it.

I apologize for wasting everyone's time by creating pointless drama.
Hey Jester, I have a game-related question. Could you give an idea of the distance between the pod and the command bunker, and that bunker and the towers/etc? I mainly ask because the jump pack gives me increased movement, but I'm not sure how far on the map it can actually get me.
  • I have no objection with the caveat that I won't accept name-calling.
  • @kshatriya: It's 30m. It says so in the text. ;)
  • I have the impression that the Imperium, including the Adeptus Astartes, not exactly runs itself along rational, modern day army principles. But we'll see about that.
  • I don't feel narrative fluff text has to be always super rule-precise. Yes, my PC went first without rolling init. I wouldn't have objected if somebody else went there before me, it just would have made Sevolt grumpy in response. If one would have taken the narrative text literally, one would have had to rule that Sevolt couldn't take the run action because I described him as initially walking out of the pod. As long as there is no systematic abuse of it and it helps to weave a good narrative...
Thorvold without a helmet?!?!:tongue: With their wolf senses I can't imagine I can't imagine a Wolf ever wearing a helmet unless it is one of their special ones.

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