[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

Nah. :tongue:

Just explaining Keraunos' IC reasons.

Sevolt makes a case against himself, anyway.

Also, he's not ignorant of it, he just deems it an unacceptable weakness in a leader. One the kill-team would be better without. Should it come to blows, thanks for justification for use of both my personal and Chapter demeanor.

Anyway. Delaying my post to give ANYONE else a chance to disarm the situation, because Keraunos' action would be to activate his Solo Mode ability, enter Frenzy, and endeavor to kill Sevolt to rid the squad of his weakness.

EDIT: the cutting off the majority of a long post with an attempted interrupt, however...bad form, Jack.
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Yeah, we should clear one or two things OOC. You can't talk like that to a Black Templar, I think. Especially not one with that Personal Demeanour. I appreciate your rational approach but Sevolt has a completely different personality (he's more a man of action and not of deep contemplative thought) and if your PC is truly smart and calculating, he'll not press the issue further and instead weigh his words carefully.

Perhaps the wisest thing for your PC to do would be realizing that other people might have a different codex of honour and respect that as such. Just sayin', man. It's your character, in the end.
Same right back at you. Smart and calculating is only half of his demeanor. The other is a bone-deep intolerance of weakness in any form coupled with a killing bloodlust when his ire is roused. He percieves at present that Sevolt is a weakness to the kill-team. Equally as much so as "you can't talk like that to a Black Templar," you can't show weakness to a Carcharodon. Right now there are two options. Should the Watch Captain intervene, and should squad go with Sevolt, Keraunos will in fact consider orders from him suggestions at best until he proves he has the good judgment to merit otherwise. He will not enter squad mode with him. Or they can fight. One or both of them will die. It will be a waste. And to Keraunos' mind, it will be entirely Sevolt's fault, as he gave him numerous opportunities to take the wiser path, and the Templar chose not to utilize any of them.

Long story short: there's a reason they can't ever count as better than Desperate Allies with anyone in the tabletop game.

As a side note: the funny part? He's not challenging Sevolt as a rival. He personally has no desire to lead. His initial question was an honest one. He felt Sevolt was presumptuous, but was (at that point) willing to let the Templar prove his qualifications. That Sevolt responded by throwing a temper tantrum marked him as a weakness. Keraunos would not be a Carcharodon if he permitted it. Weakness is to be culled. That is the first lesson taught to the Chapter's initiates. The weak die. The strong serve.

I'm going to toss your words right back at you. I understand fully that you're just playing your character. I'm only doing likewise. Don't expect others to bend when you're unwilling to do so yourself. Your sarcasm and snide tone can go hang. Further, as OOC advice, don't ever expect me to be willing to accede to the whims of someone behaving like a bully. Which you are doing now. You chose to escalate it to IC violence. You don't get to blame me for your choice to behave that way. My character knows nothing of the Templars, so it is unreasonable to expect him to walk on eggshells around your character's easily-bruised ego because of information he doesn't have.

In the meantime, I am waiting for the DM to weigh in. Keraunos will not cease saying the truth simply because Sevolt doesn't wish to hear it. If the Templar moves so much as a hand toward his weapon, then Keraunos will respond with lethal force.

If the DM chooses for it to play out as seems inevitable, then Keraunos will use his Demeanor and roll a full action attack on Sevolt. He will be aiming to kill him or, if requested otherwise by the Watch Captain, incapacitate him at a minimum.

To condense a very long post into its point: Respect is earned by behaving in a manner deserving of it. Sevolt has not done anything even resembling that.
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[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Same right back at you. Smart and calculating is only half of his demeanor. The other is a bone-deep intolerance of weakness in any form. He percieves at present that Sevolt is a weakness to the kill-team. Equally as much so as "you can't talk like that to a Black Templar," you can't show weakness to a Carcharodon.

Yeah but there is a difference between perceiving weakness and expressing it. And I can't talk for anybody else here but it's not just Black Templars. Have you ever read up on BA Librarians? I play one in another online campaign and there is a reason why they stay away from other Blood Angels (and from each other). Right now, your character is a bit like a dude stepping to a samurai and saying: "Hey, dude, you don't look like you can handle a sword." In front of his brothers-in-arms.

[QUOTE="Thief of Words]
Long story short: there's a reason they can't ever count as better than Desperate Allies with anyone in the tabletop game.

But that rises the question how and why your PC was drafted to the Deathwatch then (which only drafts Astartes considered compatible enough). Because with that attitude, he is bound to run into trouble with many chapters. I mean, look at Sevolt: here he is in a room with not one but two witches. And he hasn't drawn his sword on them yet - which costs him more mental strength than one might think! :D

To make a long story short: to have a testerone-filled codex of honour goes for a fair number of chapters. There's a reason why Samurais have been quite careful in each other's presence.

[QUOTE="Thief of Words]To condense a very long post into its point: Respect is earned by behaving in a manner deserving of it. Sevolt has not done anything even resembling that.

That attitude doesn't work with Samurais. They demand respect for being what they are.

You're being hypocritical, but that's irrelevant.

As stated, I await the DM's response.

I don't care how you justify your character being a bully. You don't care how I justify my response to that. Given those facts, this argument is futile and I'll waste no more time on arguing it with you.
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[QUOTE="Thief of Words]You're being hypocritical, but that's irrelevant.

I beg your pardon? I hope the GM clamps down on IC conflict spilling into personal attacks between players. I am used to first meeting conflict between PCs in Deathwatch, in fact one could say it's kinda customary. :D It's part of the fun of bringing very different PCs with big egos together. ;) No reason to get personal though.

Guys don't transform an IC (perfectly motivated) fight into an OOC one :D

You both have your reason to act this way, remember that your character are different from yourself and don't "let the rage flow through you" since we were speaking about StarWars in another thread

EDIT : ninja'd by ak73 :)
[QUOTE="ak-73]I beg your pardon? I hope the GM clamps down on IC conflict spilling into personal attacks between players. I am used to first meeting conflict between PCs in Deathwatch, in fact one could say it's kinda customary. :D It's part of the fun of bringing very different PCs with big egos together. ;) No reason to get personal though.

You insisted that you're correct in being stubborn about your character's actions yet I'm wrong to be stubborn about mine. To me, that's holding up a double standard and (thus) hypocritical. Yes, I insist on being stubborn, but I also think you're right to do the same. Like I said before, it's you playing your character. Not trying to attack you personally, just to point out that your OOC arguments have come across as less than consistent. If it was taken as a personal attack, I apologize for stating it so bluntly as to suggest I meant it that way.
Firstly @ak\-73 Its a game.... Grow up... Your playing a pair of matcho genetically enhanced war machines with an overdeveloped adrenal gland and no way of sexual release... Your both going to be stubborn ass Bastards, there is no reason to start a flame war over it..

I cant take the Suspensor as it requires me to be Respected, and he allready sees in the dark because of his gene seed mutation.

Ill take Hell Fire rounds for my bolt pistol, 12 (normally 25 per clip but it cost half for a pistol)

a Red dot sight for the bolt pistol 10

and the flamer for 10
Belial said:
Ill take Hell Fire rounds for my bolt pistol, 12 (normally 25 per clip but it cost half for a pistol)
a Red dot sight for the bolt pistol 10

and the flamer for 10
As a suggestion, Belial, why not grab a Hellfire flamer using an extra 3 requisition plus what you'd spend on the hellfire bolt pistol rounds? Since we're marines, we all have quick draw. And I'd be willing to drop grenades off my requisition list to enable it.
Yep. The purchase was for extras because blast damage is great against hordes.

It's in First Founding on page 98. It's basically the hellfire round effect (ignores Natural armor, Righteous Zeal on a 9 or a 0, but applied to a flamer for 25 requisition with no Renown requirement.

EDIT: @Belial Added a bit as an truce offering to Sevolt. Only had just finished editing it in.
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ill take it, it would be 25 for the hellfire flame

and well.. Ill take the Prey sence for 10

Plus the Unpowered Sea Lance for free

also, Iron snakes carry with them a Flask of water from Ithaka, that they use as a part of a ritual when they land on a knew planet, its only fluff, and has no actual statistics. They just poor a few drops of water on the ground and say a quick prayer then move on. Im assuming it isnt a problem to have a flask of sutch.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]You insisted that you're correct in being stubborn about your character's actions yet I'm wrong to be stubborn about mine. To me, that's holding up a double standard and (thus) hypocritical. Yes, I insist on being stubborn, but I also think you're right to do the same. Like I said before, it's you playing your character. Not trying to attack you personally, just to point out that your OOC arguments have come across as less than consistent. If it was taken as a personal attack, I apologize for stating it so bluntly as to suggest I meant it that way.

It's not about being stubborn to me. Experience with DW has taught me that Astartes (just like Samurai) better treat lightly among their own. Which is why Sevolt didn't provoke any librarians. I don't think your character's words were light treatment (whether intentionally or not) by any means in the presence of a loathing Black Templar. Also, I was under the impression that your character, judging by his words, was generally the more reasonable one, aka the one capable of careful analysis. Maybe I was wrong. ;) I thought calculating meant trying to understand what makes the other tick and using that to one's advantage. As for Sevolt, he does not have an entirely bad impression of the Space Shark. But what that exactly means, well, maybe we'll get to find out.

Anyhow, you will notice that my PC hasn't added fuel to the flame in my latest post and unless any PC starts it again, the tension could ebb off.

You don't know for how long he had to pray to be able to temporarily swallow his hatred for you guys. ;)

I leave for a day and missed so much T_T Not even sure if the leadership has been resolved or not.

As for requisition:

Hellfire Rounds 25

De-Tox 10

Can't think of anything else
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For my part, it's amounted to: Keraunos will go along with the Templar being leader, so long as he doesn't show weakness or flaw in the course of doing so.
While having no central leader is Black Templars-style, this probably leaves us without Cohesion. From a Crunch POV, either of the Tacticals is probably best. I am not hell-bent to lead, so Thorvald would be a viable alternative. Just sayin'.
To play devil's advocate to my own character, no Oath = no Squad Mode = no Squad Mode abilities and no Cohesion to spend. So while it might be cool to swear our oath after we drop in, we might regret it if the resistance at the drop site is strong.
So I was at work and I come home to find a terrifically entertaining IC and OOC discussion going on. And for the record, Kasblane wasnt about to step in. Kill teams need to learn to sort these things out. What if it had happened on a mission abd he wasnt there?

On a side note, nobody should feel the need to explaon IC actions OOC. So far as I am concerned that was some damn fine role playing and it needn't be more than that.

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