[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

Cool. That was my opinion of it too. Also, ak, OOC advice, please don't press him on the name or face. Every single Carcharodon except Tyberos in Imperial Armour 10 is listed as "Unidentified Battle-Brother" for a reason.
also Priad can use his squad ability without a squad. benefit of the Kill marine package.
Regarding extra req:

Hopper mines or demo charges are always nice. Or a cartography (only 5).

People lacking jump packs might look into a climbing harness from Rites of Battle.
I posted my revised requisition... as well a a suggestion for the extra

here it is as well

By my current count we have a total of 24 Requisition points left over from every one.

Ill be taking a Hellfire Flamer for 25

Prey sence on heavy bolter for 10

Plus the Underpowered Sea Lance for free

Witch leaves me with 5 free points, giving the squad a total of 29 points extra.

Id suggest outfitting our Techmarine with a Breaching auger, witch can be fitted on a servo arm, or a harness witch ever he chooses. It can be used to rip open a bulk head if we need to our drill into something. As a weapon it has the following profile and doesn't need any Renown:

Damage: 4d10+3 +stb Pen 7 Special: Tearing, Unwieldy, Power field: Wt 28 Req 18

witch leaves us with 11 points: If no one minds Id like to go with a backpack of Kraken rounds for the heavy bolter for 10 points, witch will increase my penetration by 2 to 8 and give me a range of 225. Given that we are supposed to be fighting tyranids witch might have a thick carapacce i figured it would come in handy..

Let me know if yall got a problem with this.
I'm just going to voice my opinion here: from personal experience, the breaching augur weapon stat block is overpowered as all hell. It's supposed to be the jaws of life but is also like the Ultimate Melee Weapon on top of it. To me that causes some cognitive dissonance since it's better than weapons that we can't even take yet due to our Renown rating. Also your stat block is for the pre-errata damage; errata it's 2d10+11(+SB) pen 7.

Personally I think Metal Storm is a better option for the heavy bolter to fight hordes, but I also have an unlimited-use magic heavy flamer to hit them with, which helps the ammo balance fighting groups. And a backpack of krakens costs 20, as the baseline magazine of kraken bolts is 15 req, not 5 (per the errata).

We should also see if we can hold Requisition in reserve to request help from the Imperial Guard, should we need it. They can provide some OK options IIRC.

NB: the errata is here if you haven't seen it yet.
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as ive seen in the book for the Kraken rounds, Its 5 requisition for a clip of Kraken rounds, and for a back pack supply its an additional 5, and meant to Crack armor not hordes, the flamer is meant for hordes.

As for the Auger, its a good melee weapon either way Overpowered or not, and can be used to drill threw things we might need to get threw. That and they have the Breaching shears wich are just as bad except they arent powered. But they are fucking bad... And they are more like the jaws of life... Are you sure you weren't talking about the breaching shears? they actually do more damage.

Its also all a suggestion, was looking for the advice of every one else. I also dont have access to this Erata, if you dont mind linking it to me Id like to have a look for myself.
Yeah, I don't use a lot of the gear from RoB as GM. Breaching Augurs and Bulkhead Shears are both OP (I think one of the ideas to fix them was to not apply SB). RoB Melta Bombs are deservedly better than Core though.

Sadly, Rank 1 marines don't have Demolitions skill...
With regards to the "tools" mentioned earlier: I will ne house ruling something about them, given their tremendous power. Why would any hack assault marine not take one?
I'm going to grab 5 of the remaining to get a cartograph, unless someone else got one. I think better safe than sorry with that.
Mhm. I already got Det Charges, a Psy Focus for my own use... Hm.

I can break Pinning and Fear for the Squad with Inspire, I got smite- and I can communicate telepathicaly. I hope no one minds me spending Req points ona Charm.
Ok fuck this errata... A Nerf bat doesn't equal better... <.< Heavy bolters went down from 2d10 +10 to 1d10 +12 <.<

Any ways Im not finding anything on amo. SO unless the story teller tells me otherwise Im just going with the book witch says you pay an extra 5 for the heavy bolter, and Kraken rounds are 5 so it would cost me 10, and last I checked we had 29 Ksh used 5 leaving 24 and I used 10 leaving 14 and I have no issue if you buy a charm.
Well, it deserved a nerf.

Belial said:
Any ways Im not finding anything on amo. SO unless the story teller tells me otherwise Im just going with the book witch says you pay an extra 5 for the heavy bolter, and Kraken rounds are 5 so it would cost me 10
Page 3: "Special Issue Ammunition (page 159): The correct requisition cost for Kraken rounds is 15, not 5."
Balls to all of that. And no it doesn't need nerfing do to the fact we need to fight shit like hordes of tyranids.. And deamons... and Deamons... and Hive tyrants...
Thanks kshatriya for the errata reference.

As for the heavy bolter nerfing, it really did need one. I played a mission where a dev with a heavy bolter killed 22 guys (horde; 220 total damage dealt) in 3 turns. He beat out the avenger psychic power by about 6 kills. It was epically ridiculoud. Firing on full auto with a good roll still means the hb cleans house.
Bah, Im not going to argue to have it reversed but Ill never agree it needed nerfing. I despise nerfing things, even when I run as a dm I absolutely hate it.
Well, the heavy bolter is actually still equally effective against hordes as ever it was-- my buddy who annihilated crap had this setup- BS of 65, aim as a half action (=+10 BS), Fire full auto as half action (courtesy of deathwatch suspensor =+20 BS) for a total BS of 95. He rolled a 6 on his BS test. 1 hit plus 8 degrees of success = 9 kills in one shot against hordes. Since you don't roll damage against hordes, he cleaned house and let other people do the heavy lifting when we got past the hordes.
Guys, can we please stop posting OOC stuff in the IC thread? Having somewhere to post that stuff is the whole point of this thread. And my original requisition is as was.
Still not conceding.. Though the suspensor will be useful once i get the renown to use it.
I am actually the guy who first suggested this particular nerf on the FFG Forums (pre-errata), so, yeah, that HB nerf was more than called for. Here you can see why:


Basically, the Core HB is a S6 AP4 Heavy5 weapon-equivalent. AP3 with Kraken rounds. Way overpowered.

Here's a set of house rules (regarding ranged weapons) I use in my game:


It's purpose is to make weapons operate in relation to each other about the same way they do in 40K 5E (which is DW's edition).

I care about ensuring that someone familiar with the TT can more or less feel certain that the weapons fill the same niche in DW.

But every GM has different preferences, so take or leave, the game works well enough with 1.1 anyway.

But, GM, I also have another issue on my mind: Squad Modes. FFG completely garbled it up in the Core, the errata clarifies a lot but not everything. One particular rule was later retconned via official response. But since there was no 1.2, it could never be made quite as official. As a game aid (yes, I am pushing my blog here), I have simply compiled the errata rules and all official responses to rules questions and condensed it in one blog entry:


I just want to make sure we're on the same page here. I want to know from you two things:

1) Can a KT maintain more than 2 different Sustained powers? IE, a Black Templar Armour Of Faith and the rest of the team Tactical Spacing. I have read conflicting answers to that from Ross Watson (DW author).

2) When you pay for a Sustained ability and you cease sustaining it, can you reactivate it for free (errata 1.1) or do you have to pay cohesion for it again (later official ruling from FFG)?


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