[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

Omy concerns with one off initiative is the time it takes to run combat. On the one hand I have limited time, so running scads of npcs at different initiative orders could bog things down. Of course, I cant expect players to post more than once per day (though most of you do), and having you all act in strict initiative order can bog things down too.

Bottom line is: how do you want to do it? Againat the enemies coming up I am happy to try everyone acts at their own initiative.
Sure it speeds things up, but it can make credible threats (i.e. CSMs, gene stealers) too easy if they're a Horde.

I don't necessarily like the "PCs go then baddies go" but PbPs suffer the most in pacing, especially with larger groups as you wait for everyone to post, and if that's a way to keep a good clip then I'm all for trying it.
Tech use rolls done Alphajester... waiting for your response before communicating to the team leader :D

About the initiative

[QUOTE="Thief of Words]I like it the other way around, because the actions of one player or NPC can (and often do) change the actions of another. Can't really resolve that sword swing you were going to make if someone who acts before you do cut off your arm first.

i agree with thief on this, though not on the extension of the horde rules.

Another suggestion, maybe we can put a time limit on posts? Like, if you don't post your char actions for two days straigth, you count as delaying your actions and you simply act when you post. I'm new to PbP games, so i don't know if this is feasible :)
I'm willing to roll with whatever. Just saying that I am willing to sacrifice accuracy for the sake of speed.
I am a bit hesitant to claim I have searched something without having taken a Perception/Awareness test. Although, given my rolls so far, it's tantamount to not having taken a perception test either! :D
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Ak id like to ask you to change your text color please... No Im begging you to dude.. I cant see it, and im not putting in effort highlight it every time i want to read it.
On the bottom of the page is a button that says Roleplay Zone. Click it and you get a dropdown that gives the option to switch to dark roleplay zone. That makes it easier to read ak-73
Yeah. I use the dark style as well. The new one gave me headaches because it was quite bright, so I'm grateful they added the darker style on request.
As a side note, I'm withdrawing from the campaign. I don't really get anything out of playing in a team-based game if the majority of the team outright ignores my posts. Sorry. I pointed that fact out and gave folks a chance to fix that. They chose not to.
I don't really understand it but alright. Take care.

But two minutes was too long. The Chimera multi-lasers opened fire, targeting the lone assault marine standing atop a tower, hitting him with a spark of light in the left arm.
Structured time. Sevolt is not happy. GM, I require a short description of where every is at the moment this is happening. There is no way Sevolt is going to wait 2 minutes now.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]As a side note, I'm withdrawing from the campaign. I don't really get anything out of playing in a team-based game if the majority of the team outright ignores my posts. Sorry. I pointed that fact out and gave folks a chance to fix that. They chose not to.

Heck of a side note.

Sorry you took it that way, but sadly sometime in PbP games with people who have not played together some things get lost in all the shuffle of the posts and it may take a while for things to grove. I have had people skip or miss posts of mine and I just chalk it up to the format. I have even been guilty of getting home after a long day and finding several post which I skim--sometime that causes me to miss stuff. It usually gets better after the characters have worked together some in my experience--but not always. Maybe a training mission would have help us work out the kinks--but if that is how you feel I hope you don't take it personally (I can't speak for anyone else but it way not personal on my part) and I wish you the best of luck.

On an OOC side note I assume I am free to grab his gene-seed, if I can get to it without getting cut down? If he can't be saved then RP wise getting his gene-seed is important.
Keraunos is not dead, just inapacitated until further notice. So taking his progenoids would not be a good thing yet.

Ak, we arent in structured time currently, hence the chimeras have not rolled initiative. The actions against keraunos were agreed upon by he and I as a way of removing him from the action. If there is something you would like to accomplish before the thunderbolts arrive then by all means, go nuts. Attack actions will enter structured time.
Well, Thief, I'm sorry to hear that and see you go. I think it's mostly people not carefully reading every post (I actually saw a response to Kyrios from days ago just yesterday when I was looking back over the thread, it was indeed lost in a shuffle of posts) but I understand how it would be very frustrating to feel like your posts are being ignored.
Just to clear this up since we don't know each other very well yet: as a player, I am not hell-bent on forcing this fight onto the KT. Just playing my character! If you would rather want the reenforcements to take care of the heretics, well, my PC just audibly cursed and is apparently fuming quietly otherwise.
AK, Sevolt will be able to get side shots in a few rounds, once the chimeras get a little closer. Since he isn't carrying a backpack ammo supply for his HB, so he only has 60 shots. Thats 10 rounds of full auto.
Priad only intends to hold the line until the 25 minutes is up, the reinforcements show up to hold it for him, or the enemy all dies. Witch ever comes first.. He has given his orders on what he wants accomplished, and every one keeps trying to give him advice on obvious stuff that he has allready given instruction on. so he is more or less ignoring people. As far as he is concerned you people are all proven warriors, you wouldn't be here, so hell try to guide you but ultimately he trusts your ability to make decisions in combat or more importantly he trusts you to make decisions, specifically for yourself.

as for theif, If it feels like Priads been ignoring you he has been, He gave orders to the group based off the information he has gathered and for the most part hasnt herd anything to make him change anything, nor will he until something arises.

As for the hole no one is listening to me, you yourself are guilty of that action. Priad dictated to the entire group there orders during the landing fight, you were one of the first to brake formation in an attempts to show up Sevolt.
AlphaJester said:
Keraunos is not dead, just inapacitated until further notice. So taking his progenoids would not be a good thing yet.
Ak, we arent in structured time currently, hence the chimeras have not rolled initiative. The actions against keraunos were agreed upon by he and I as a way of removing him from the action. If there is something you would like to accomplish before the thunderbolts arrive then by all means, go nuts. Attack actions will enter structured time.
Ah OK I thought with the player bowing out he was as good as dead. But since he is not I won't worry about it.
Im going to give everyome until tomorrow morning to post whatever RP stuff they want then I will call for initiative. You may do initiative now if you have no rp stuff to take care of.

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