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  • Users: Nello
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  1. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    Eva nodded. She took a moment to center herself. She let her nature shields become a physical barrier around her body. Taking a deep breathe she solidified this shield before focusing on Tori. "Okay, I'm ready. Bring it on. Eva smiled. Whenever she went into a battle the theme music from Mortal...
  2. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    Eva nodded. "Okay Tori, lead the way." Eva grabbed his hand. Standing like that in the sunshine, Hitori really did look like a prince. I'd follow you anywhere...Eva blinked, where'd that come from? She shook her head as she started walking. Adrian walked up and put his arm around Klaine...
  3. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    "Magic? Yeh I think I like that one." Eva chuckled before raising an eyebrow at Hitori. "Ya know, I put alot of thought into that nickname. It was right up there along with Prince Charming, Sir Galahad, White Knight, Lancelot--see a theme here? All in all I decide I liked Tori the best." Eva...
  4. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    "Of course, I use nick names to remeber people." Eva said. "Tori, Black-Jack, Angelfish, Klainey, the artist never formally known as Sig." She said while laughing. "I also call Adrian the Other Me. I have yet to figure out a name for Kael, Angel's partner." She said. Eva turned to Hitori. "So...
  5. Nello

    OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {IC}

    Eva called out to Chase. "Don't take it too hard dude! I can see the necessary of what you did, and honestly I can't complain about the results." Eva looked back at everyone. "But really guys, there's a lot of angry tension amongst us. It might be best to keep moving forward calmly until we...
  6. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    "Okay then, you need weapons and I have a time limit. We should be good to go." Eva said nodding. Crossing her arms, she floated again. "So what combos did you have in mind Tori? Right now I'm up for trying anything. I seem to have an abundance of energy right now." She said while doing the...
  7. Nello

    OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {IC}

    Eva sighed. Suddenly this trip didn't seem so fun. She glanced at the guards, Maybe I shouldn't tease them anymore.... Seeing that the commotion was over and done with, Eva went to stand by Chase and tapped his shoulder. "Okay cowboy, thanks for that. Now are you ready to go?" Eva said waving to...
  8. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    Eva nodded. "Sounds good. Maybe I'll work some of the Kung Fu moves my brother taught me. I just transformed them into yoga moves but they may be useful in combat." She said matter-of-factly. Eva winced. "There is one other catch. When I'm in combat my powers have a ten minute window before they...
  9. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    Eva nodded. "So what did you have mind? Want me to fling you at your opponent so you can knock her down?" She said half serious. "The way my powers work is I can multitask a defensive shield and an offensive push. If I help you with an attack, I will have to stay shielded. If I toss you my...
  10. Nello

    OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {IC}

    (( who hasn't posted yet? I already did two so I'm holding off))
  11. Nello

    OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {IC}

    The guard unlocked Eva's cell. "Okay, time to come out." Eva sighed. "Yeh, about you come back later? I'm kinda busy." She muttered. Eva had finally got comfortable in her meditation position and she didn't feel like leaving. The guard rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was...
  12. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    Adrian shook his head. "Me and Eva pretty much get along. Fighting with her is not really much of an option for me. If I get mad at her she flashes her puppy dog eyes at me and makes me feel guilty. And when she gets angry she fights dirty. Seriously, that hippy-dippy crap is just a cover...
  13. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    "I think I love this school. Its so nice being able to use my powers whenever I want." Instead of walking like a normal person, Eva decided to float. Reclining back, she swirled around Hitori and viewed his glaring match with Jack. "I'm guessing you have a lot of staring contests with your...
  14. Nello

    OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {SU/Info}

    MaggieEdwards There's Adonis, Hephaestus, Aether, Chronos (Not to be confused with Cronus), Hemera, and you can also look up Roman Gods and Goddesses. ^^
  15. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    "Klainey I can take anything you dish out!" Adrain said with a cocky grin. "Just be ready to throw down to night." He looked at the board questioningly. Have a romantic year? Who says stuff like that? Isn't this suppose to be a school? Speaking of which....Adrain looked down at Klaine. "So it...
  16. Nello

    OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {IC}

    It smells lovely in here...Eva thought dreamily, Gardenias, Roses, Orchids....She yawned and opened her eyes. Sitting up to stretch she checked out her surrounding. "Wha..." Eva's eyebrow furrowed as her gaze became clearer. She was in a canopy bed covered in flower petals. Pushing the lace...
  17. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    "Sorry for being late, it's all Eva's fault. My dear darling sister has issues in the morning." Adrian said with a long suffering sigh. He hooked his arm around Klaine. "So catch me up on what I've been missing. What are we partners for? Not that I'm complaining." "If you say so," Eva...
  18. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    "I know right?" Eva said rolling her eyes. "So why would you have a staring contest with Sokoku? He gives off way to many negative vibes for me to every stare at him directly." Eva shivered, remembering her last encounter with him. "You were right about him being creepy."
  19. Nello

    [SIGNUP] The Grandos Paradox

    Riddle78 I changed my bio. Does it work better?
  20. Nello

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    " too." Eva said dreamily. She checked to see who she was paired with, "Hey it looks like we're together Hitori! I'm glad I didn't miss much." Eva said before grimacing. "It's all my brother's fault I'm late. I found him asleep on my floor this morning. It's like he passed out before...