OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {IC}

((haha i know LilyoftheValley, just poking fun :P ))

Chase saw a commotion nearby, and walked over to investigate. he saw one of the girls on the ground, getting kicked by the gaurd. he walks right up to the gaurd, "hey a**hole, why dont you try picking on someone your own size? only cowards would hit someone weaker then themselves." the guard was enraged, but as he turned to Chase, the ill tempered young man decked him. the guard recoiled, his nose bleeding. as he stood up, Chase grabbed his arm, twisted it uncomfortably behind his back and shoved him against the wall, holding him there a moment. "next time you wanna pick a fight, dont do it when im around s***face" he released the guard, and he stalked off in defeat.
Eva sighed. Suddenly this trip didn't seem so fun. She glanced at the guards, Maybe I shouldn't tease them anymore.... Seeing that the commotion was over and done with, Eva went to stand by Chase and tapped his shoulder. "Okay cowboy, thanks for that. Now are you ready to go?" Eva said waving to the others. "I still wanna know why we're here."

(Sorry for the late post. Im using my android X P )
Leonard was shoved into live with the others. "Now stay there!" the guard from earlier commanded. "Yeah..." he mumbled in return, taking his place behind a dark haired girl (Val) and waiting. "Now listen up! We're going to move to the head! Okay?" he stared at the leader of the line, "Well? Hustle!" he motioned them to move, Leonard swooning in his own little way at the guards leadership. No, Leonard, stop! Don't do this!! That isn't going to HAPPEN!


Annie scoffed at the boy. "You know, you can't just go up and bloody beat someone up. It's good to have a strategy besides punching and kicking. You do realise that right?" she raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Because if you don't there's still a possibility that they could beat you. And, that 'try picking on someone your own size' thing is SO cliche` that people laugh when people say it." she rolled her eyes. "And you're foul-mouthed. Also, the guard's a bit taller than you. He still wouldn't be picking on someone his own size." she looked at her nails and sighed, "But what can you expect from an amateur?"
Paxtyn shrugged and simply followed the guard as he was directed. He was always one to follow orders or directions along with making those orders or directions fun for himself. Now though he dint want to have fun or cause any trouble he just wanted to get back home. Every time Priscilla missed a practice, he let out a gust of wind, it was a nightmare. She seemed to always throw a fit and then pout in her rooms where, if you listened close enough, you could hear her foul mouthing you to her dolls at an emergency tea party. He had been to one of those before, when she lost her special Spiderman ring. Scoffing mostly to himself he thought back to the memory before shaking his head roughly and focusing what was going on around him. Turning his head slightly he heard a girl not younger than he tell off the male who had caused a ruckus a few minutes ago. She had snowy hair and golden eyes which sent a chill up his spine. Looking forward once more to make sure he didn't trip over anything he shivered and scratched his collarbone gently. "Man could this just hurry along?.." He whispered mostly to himself.
Chase looked down at the girl who mocked him, "well im sorry for standing up and helping out? i didnt see doing a damn thing. and i dont care how big he was, he obviously didnt know how to fight. it called reading your opponent. would you have preferred i tell him to pick on someone his own stupidity level? now, if miss fight champ would kindly stop lecturing me on how to fight, i would like to get the hell out of here." he glared again before jamming his hands in his pockets and walking down the hall without a guard as escort.
Eva called out to Chase. "Don't take it too hard dude! I can see the necessary of what you did, and honestly I can't complain about the results." Eva looked back at everyone. "But really guys, there's a lot of angry tension amongst us. It might be best to keep moving forward calmly until we know whats going on. Just saying...." She said with a sigh. Can this line go any faster?
Annie smirked, "Well then you'd just be calling yourself an idiot as I can see he isn't too bright, and you just fought with him." She watched as he huffed away. "So, so childish." she sighed, becoming less patient. She pushed the person lightly in front of her. "Go, if you want this to hurry up, then go!" Annie motioned forward, her yellow eyes almost blazing. She placed her hair over one shoulder, the tips just reaching her waist. She sighed and waited, the line not moving she bit the inside of her cheek to stop her from yelling out to go.
Chase stormed off down the halls with a scowl on his face. he had his hands jammed in his pockets as his heavy footsteps echoed off the walls of the empty hall. he came upon a large room with ancient looking pillars. it was bright and his every trudging step echoed off the walls. he looked up to see a throne, and someone perched upon it. "hey, why the hell did you bring us here? you know, as much as i hate it, i actually have a life to get back to? i mean seriously, have you even considered the people standing around in that hall? and your guards are being a**es to the females." he barked up the man.
The figure didn't speak. He stayed silent, a statue of stone upon the throne. Then, suddenly, he moved. Rising up, he stood, showing his Armani suit in its full glory. "Silence. Your life is of no consequence to me. It is your divine honor to be here, as it is mine. The reason of your being brought here shall be revealed presently, I'm sure." he said scathingly. As he said this, his red eyes flashed, as if lightning was thundering in each of them. Unexpectedly, his expression darkened, and he spoke in a soft, dangerous voice. "However, the news of my guards'... misbehavior is troubling. I shall rectify this situation. Lead the way, if you please." Suddenly, the man was standing next to the door of the throne room, having moved without Chase's knowledge. Holding the door open, he gestured out and said, "By the way, I am Zane, embodiment of Zeus. Now, let's proceed. I'd like to take care of this situation and find out what exactly is the purpose of our being brought here."
Chase couldnt understand why he was so edgy. it was like he was itching for a fight, which was unusual for him. he usually avoided fighting. in fact, he usually avoided people all together. Chase took the lead, his mood no better then it had been. "not that i care about the others, or that my life was at all worth it, but you really should consider what you are doing when you yank people away from their lives." he gave a sideways glance at the man, "my name is Chase Stihn. Splendid to meet you." he said in a sarcastic tone as he led the way down the hall.
Raine glared at the guard and said "now look what you've done." She stepped into the line gracefully and she said "I'm tired of waiting." She looked around and called out "thank you " to the boy storming off and she muttered "it did the job." With once last icy cold glare at the guard she waited with the others
Pax continued onward, not really paying attention the the others. He wasn't even paying attention to where he was actually. He had begun to sing inside his head, a tune that came from YouTube and he had replayed it over and over it again not too long ago with his buddy Kal. Hand gripping the staff of the trident he looked up to see a man on a throne, but he brushed it off as nothing once another male began to talk to him. He followed farther behind the two sneaking glances around the white pillars and marble floor once and awhile. Unnaturally calm, that was what he was right now. He had been ripped out of his life and shoved into a cell and now they were aimlessly walking around a large marble mansion towards an unknown person or people. And he wasn't all that phased right now, in fact, he was parched.

Clicking his tongue gently he suppressed a cough so he wouldn't interrupt the two male's conversation a few feet in front of him. His throat suddenly felt dry and he wiped his watery eyes as his vision began to blur. He literally itched for water right now, it wasn't an that itch you get in the morning and your tongue felt heavy it was the kind of itch after you've run eight miles through ricky terrain and can't seem to feel where your tongue is. Swallowing awkwardly he tried his best not to think of the water thing. He just walked hoping they could hurry this along.
Aspen followed the others, her nerves increasing with each step. She wanted answers, yes, but something told her she might not like what she was going to hear. She had been kidnapped by these people so there was obviously something bad going on. She listened to the man, Zane, speak. She wanted to laugh when he said he was the embodiment of Zeus but something in his expression told her that wouldn't be a good idea. Zeus? Really? What kind of crazy place was she in? She crossed her arms, confused even more than she had been when she woke up in a strange room. Uncrossing her arms, she looked down at the bow, lost in thought for a moment. She ran her fingers along the smooth surface of the silver bow. There was something odd about the way it shined. Glancing up, she noticed a man holding a trident. Zeus. She couldn't seem to get that comment out of her head. She tried to remember all she had learned about Greek and Roman mythology in school. Admittedly, she hadn't given that section of English class much thought. However, she did know the trident belonged to Poseidon. She just shook her head, wanting to laugh at herself now. Those gods weren't real. This is all just some weird prank and it will be over soon.

Having come to that conclusion, Aspen was able to calm down and follow the others down the hall. There was nothing to worry about. She would be home and in her own bed soon. She hugged the bow to her chest as she walked, eyes surveying the hall. The architecture was interesting and beautiful but certainly nothing Aspen had seen first-hand before. She tripped over her feet, managing to catch herself before she fell. Her cheeks reddened and she hurried along, keeping her eyes forward now, focusing on walking.
Annie raised an eyebrow at the guard. "Well? Are we gonna go in or not?!" she demanded, her golden eyes, inside a mist like substance moving around. She crossed her arms, awaiting his answer. "Relax Annie May." the guard looked at her like she was crazy, when really she was just really impatient with this thing."I will once we get to see him! And I figure out why the hell I'm here!" she growled, facing the guard. He put up his hands and opened the throne door. "Come on everyone!! Time to see him!" the guard pushed everyone into the room."VADETE CELERIUS!" he shouted from the door. Don't tell me to go faster! she thought angrily.


Leonard stayed silent the whole time, sidling towards the massive double doors that have been opened. Wow, it's big, he thought mesmerised by the gigantic columns lining the hallway. Hmmm... he stared at the art on the roof, the Greek gods and goddesses were all the, the 12 main and the many others. The story of Hercules, Medusa, The Sphinx, The Minotaur. It was all there, painted upon the roof and walls. The floor pure marble. "I could get used to this." he muttered. "VADETE CELERIUS!" he heard from behind him. We're going as fast as we can. Leonard thought.

Raine looked at the guards and rolled her eyes, she walked into the room and looked around. It looked like one of those sets for movies. She grinned and said what everyone else must have been thinking "Calm down, we are going as fast as we can. I'm sorry if not all of us move at inhuman speed" her icy blue eyes seemed to glow and her flashed in a smile before moving to the front of the room
Aethos was about to protest that he had plenty down there, enough for both of the girls but the one who insulted her walked away to quickly before he got the chance. The girl with the silver bow slipped back into line which kinda made him sad cause he wanted to talk to her some more. He somewhat made his way into the line, following slowing behind the girl with the bow. When he saw that guy he wasn't really that surprised or anything. He took it all kinda nonchalantly. He thought that what the guy called Zane said made maybe just a little sense and he was willing to follow along. He knew the basic Greek gods and all that stuff. He saw the girl with the bow and felt sorry for her when he saw that she seemed a little nervous about it all. He looked at her silver bow then to his own golden bow, Apollo he thought. It made sense with the sun and the lyre and the room and everything but he couldn't wrap his head around the idea that he might have an all powerful god inside of him. He waved that thought from his head as they entered the large hall.

He then looked at the girl with the bow again until he found himself staring. He looked away then he saw her trip and then she started to kinda hurry. He causally walked up to her and gently rested his right hand on her shoulder and said to her "You should trying slowing down a bit and taking a look around you... if you go to fast the whole world will pass you by and I never did get your name" he said with a small warm smile as he stepped in front of her to talk with her face to face "My names Aethos"
Aspen looked up, feeling a hand on her shoulder. She returned his smile; it was contagious, really. Looking down, she thought about her life before and realized most of it was spent working. Her parents hadn't been able to send her to college: they barely made enough to support themselves. So, Aspen worked hard in high school, keeping her grades up and working a part-time job to save up a good amount of money. That's just how she was, though. She was always working towards a goal. She looked back up at him, realizing he probably didn't understand how much that applied to her life.

She stopped walking when he stepped in front of her. Aethos. It didn't sound familiar, so why did she feel so attached to this guy already? A confused look crossed her face before she replaced it with a small smile. "Aspen," she responded simply. She nervously twisted her dark hair, biting her lip. "Vadete celerius!" she heard the guard yell. "We should hurry," she said, gently pulling Aethos along with her by his forearm as she began walking, her pace quickening. She thought they were moving fast enough. She didn't understand what the rush was about, anyway. What was it that couldn't possibly wait? She frowned slightly as she walked, following the others.
"VADETE CELERIUS!" Grinding his teeth harshly, Pax stopped himself from tripping over his own feet as a guard shoved him inside the large room. "I'll hurry up on my own accord.." he muttered to himself. As the doors shut harshly behind them he slipped towards the back of the group so he had a better view of the room they had been directed too. Lining the walls and roof were hundreds of paintings directed towards a Greek aspect. The twelve Greek Gods and Goddesses were elaborately designed which seemed as if Pax was watching a moving. The stories of the Minotaur, Medusa, and The Sphinx were also told throughout the room align with many other tales of the trade. It was all so breathe-taking and the elder adolescent found himself grinning on the inside. He had slightly heard what Zane had said earlier, about the whole Zeus descendent thing, but it wasn't really registering in his mind until now.

What if he really had some sort of Godly power inside of him and this wasn't all some joke. Eyes wandering down to the trident in his right hand he wracked his brain for the God that matched up with it - along with his cell decorations. It had been two and a half years since he took Greek Mythology in school so it was slightly difficult to remember, not to mention he had been curiously wondering about his place here for the last few minutes so his brain was fried. Shrugging he guessed he would find out sooner or later. Thinking back to what the guard said earlier he barely noticed he had spoken in a different language other than English. "Hmm.." he mumbled to himself curiously.

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