Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Kael smiled, "well if he is scary then o won't let him get you ok?" He then looked at the clock, "jeez. Do classes always take this long?" He asked, realizing that he hadn't actually been to a real school. His gaurdian at the orphanage had always homeschooled everyone.
Angel shrugged,"I don't know... I told you I was home schooled"She explained and stretched forming an X with her body. She looked at Kael and kissed his cheek,"your the best Kael thanks!"she said.

Jack smiled and hugged his arm,"I guess I'm attached to you already"she said then the teacher walked in and introduced himself,"now students I won't have you battle today unless your up to it but.... Please practice!"he said and in the dome there were doors,"every pair gets a trainning room to practice in private! The bell rings soon have a fun time!"he said and names lit up on the doors. Jack began walking to her name with Sigfried holding his hand,"this will be fun"she said.

Hitori chuckled,"fine then Magic lets get to our room and practice"he said standing up and holding his hand out to her.
Eva nodded. "Okay Tori, lead the way." Eva grabbed his hand. Standing like that in the sunshine, Hitori really did look like a prince. I'd follow you anywhere...Eva blinked, where'd that come from? She shook her head as she started walking.

Adrian walked up and put his arm around Klaine. "Careful babe, make sure their idiots before you pummel them." He whispered before giving the guys a bland smile. As much fun battling beside with Klaine would be, starting fights with innocent victims wasn't his style. Adrian eyed the guys over, they looked like they could do some damage. He wondered how much. I hope they are idiots...please let them be idiots...
Sigfried nodded and went along with Klaine. He saw the door with their names engraved upon a little sign. "Guess we should get started huh?" He slowly started unraveling the loose adhesive on his arms. Sig cleared his throat and folded them neatly and set them off to a corner near the door. Sigfried then stood up on a half-hearted battle stance, for he was a bit groggy from staying up late last night.

"Oy! Who's your friend, Klaine?" one of the boys slurred clumsily. Apparently, these boys were only partly sober. Klaine crossed her arms," My friend here is Adrian. My partner for this school. Obviously, YOU don't have one 'cause you were out here chugging alchohol during the assembly, Deuce," He giggled lightly and smiled," What're *hic* you talkinn boutt??" he spoke and glared iwth lazy eyes," I was there! *hic hic* Theeeeeerreee! She's my partner!" Deuce pointed to Adrian. (Deuce basicly told Adrian he was a girl xD )
Thomas understood what all this had meant. "So I guess this means you and your brother were orphans then." Thomas placed his hand in esther's and smiled. "I hope you know this changes nothing I still like you and thats not going to change esther. Thomas laughed and asked "Were you worried that I would not like you if I knew that you and your brother were adopted?" Thomas stood there still holding her soft hand wishing for something more then a friendship every moment he was with her.
Esther stepped away from him. "i didnt say that! gaurdian doesnt mean orphan!" her eyes were wide. she walked up and got really close to him, putting her finger to her lips, "please dont say anything." she said, her eyes pleading. "i knew you wouldnt judge me for it. i dont talk about it because i hate pity. and it hurts. i have no parents Thomas, would you want to talk about it?" her expression was complicated, their faces very close and her voice low. she really hoped he understood.

((Kandy weve been in class too long i cant think of anything for Kael to sad. :( ))
Jack smiled and walked into the room after Sig. Some battle robots where there and Jack smirked,"you ready"she asked as her body began changing her hand turned into a hammer while the other into a sword,"this will be all to easy"she said smirking.

Hitori walked into the room to see the battle robots,"lets try you on defense first k?"he asked and took out his sword it was long an thick. The jewels on the hilt shined and he smiled twirling it around in his hand then stopped it and took up a battle stance.

(oh okay all you had to do was say that meow 0v0)

A teacher walked into the class room,"can we get some of the freshmen to help with the Apperence of tonight's dance?"he asked drinking tea. Angel stood up,"I want to try!"she said raising her hand then jolted as everyone looked at her and she sat back down. "Okay? Anyone else?"he asked.
((will remember that next time.))

Kael stood with Angel, "sure, i would love to help. im great with floral decoration." he said, poofing up a flower, then blowing the petals around till they disapeared.
Thomas looked agast at how esther was really upset by this and tried to calm her down but as her face got closer to his the more uncomfortable he felt. Thomas cleared his head before reassuring her. "Don't worry esther I am your partner you can trust me with anything and don't worry about a thing I would not want to talk about it either if I were in the same situation." Thomas swallowed hard before saying his next statement "But Esther I do want to be the guy you want to tell anything to and I want you to be that girl for me." Thomas gazed into esther's eyes their faces still close everything seemed quiet around them but only because Thomas could notice nothing else but her.
Angel smiled as others offered,"okay come with me"the man said and walked away. The students followed and Angel hugged Kael's arm as they walked,"I love your power"she said,"I wish mine was as cool as yours"she mumbled.
Kael smiled as theey walked, he couldnt believe how attached he had grown to this girl in the short time he had known her. "stop that now Angel, the dolls you make are just as beautiful as my flowers." he pointed out. he wanted to show her that her power was amazing and that she should have more confidence in herself.

Esther pulled away slightly, blushing quite obviously. "u-um thanks...." she said shyly. she wanted to say yes, she really did. she hated how shy she was being and how only Thomas made her feel that way. out of all people, he was the one she was shyest around.as much as she wanted to say to him, she couldnt seem to find the words. "l-lets go to c-class...." she offered her hand, still blushing.
Angels grip on his arm got slightly tighter as she tensed up at his words,"no.... My power isn't as gorgeous and special and beautifully useful as yours...."she explained,"if I could have such a pritty and attractive power I wouldn't need to go to this school"she added softly.
Kael stopped, put his hands on her shoulders, and bent down to look her in the eye. "you stop that now. youre ability needs practice, but that doesnt mean it isnt wonderful. besides, if you wouldnt have come to this school i wouldn't have gotten to meet you." he smiled.
Angel blushed looked at Kael and looked at him then nodded,"I guess I should practice as much as I can then tell you if I still want your power.... But I seriously think it and you are awesome"she said smiling.
Eva nodded. She took a moment to center herself. She let her nature shields become a physical barrier around her body. Taking a deep breathe she solidified this shield before focusing on Tori. "Okay, I'm ready. Bring it on. Eva smiled. Whenever she went into a battle the theme music from Mortal Combat played in her head.

Yep, definitely idiots
Adrian smiled, which was synonymous to bearing teeth. "Deuce was it? You don't seem very bright, so let me help you out." He yanked the giggling fool by the collar and brought him up to his eye level. "Take a good long look sunshine. There ain't no way in hell I'd be your partner. Or are you blind? I'd be more then happy to give you corrective eye surgery!" Adrian bald up his other fist and punched the fool hard enough to send him reeling into his dumb friends. "Klainey be ready, $h!t just got real." He said before charging up to half power. No point in wasting good energy on these knuckleheads.
Kael smiled, "yea, yea i know. but you need to own your power. my power is only the way it is because of me. if i was a mean person my power would never be this beautiful." he said he leaned in a bit, tempted to kiss her on the forehead again, but he stopped, and poked her instead. he though it best not to make things awkward again.
Thomas seemed a little disapointed, he was almost sure that they had just missed a good chance but he triend not to show it. At the suggestion of class however he smiled to esther and replied "Sure lets go" in silence they walked hand in hand untill they reached the classroom. Inside Thomas and esther made their way to the desks they were assigned and together they sat and listened to the instructor drone on. Thomas mostly played with his pencil and watched esther take notes.

The instructor however was not impressed with Thomas and asked "Mr Bright would you stand up and tell the class your idea on the process of cellular mitosis" Thomas of course looking board stood and fully explained the process including some things not covered in the textbook. The teacher looked a little embarassed and Thomas was allowed to resume his not paying attention. Thomas flashed a smile at esther and went to drawing little pictures on paper to pass the time.

The teacher called for a study session and finally Thomas was able to talk to esther again. "Well another teacher who thinks he is smarter then me" Thomas sighed and asked esther "Is any of the material tough for you I could try to shed some light" Thomas smiled at her and told her without thinking "Im gonna start hating class since I won't always be able to talk to you esther I don't know why but it feels like im apart from you and it drives me crazy." Thomas reached out and touched esther's soft hand and smiled at her.

As Esther sat in class she got increasingly more bored. she stopped taking notes halfway through and started sketching out a landscape picture. when he stood to answer the teahcers question she raised an eyebrow in curiosity. she gave a shrug of indifference to his comment about the teacher. "you really should have a bit of respect. teachers are here to teach us, and not everyone c is as smart as you are. teachers dont choose this job expecting students to be smarter then them...." she trailed off quietly, "i mean....oh whatever. no matter how i say it it come out sounding mean." she frowned, but quickly changed her expression to a more thoughtful one. "by the way Thomas, you actually missed a few details yourself." she gave a small smile, writing what he had said, and add ing a few details. "these textbooks are really cheap." she showed him her write up, blushing shyly when he touched her hand.
When they got to there destination she had began to make decorations with paper. The more dedicated partners where helping each other. Such as a fire and ice pair made center pieces for bows by making a flame and freezing it over. Angel watched and noticed how quickly Kael was accepted and helped. Angel walked over to put her decoration up as the others did and jolted being too short. She sighed a bit and reached. Just then Sokoku picked her up so she could reach. She jolted,"p-put me down!"she said blushing as she slammed her hand on the wall pasting her decoration up."see how useless your power is... To believe you didn't change it when you were five... Can you still change it"he asked smirking as he held her princess style."I still can if I wanted to I just can't decide...."she admitted softly."I think you could make the right choice just do it"he said and Angel sighed she really did want to change her power. When Sokoku put her down she walked over to the corner of the room and created a teddy bear around herself. Inside she was changing her powers. Sokoku smirked widely,"it will still be the same but maybe he won't pick something with stuffing.
Thomas was annoyed when Esther made the comment that he should be more respectful to that bonehead teacher. "Hey who's side are you on anyway the teacher picked that fight with me and it's not like you were paying a lot of attention anyway." Thomas was upset and when he got upset he could be a snot "And don't get on my case about anything that has to do with science. you can leave the science to me and you can keep drawing your little pictures and call them art" Thomas pulled his hand away and started writing notes for later he ecided then that he stayed away from his work long enough after school he would probabaly go back to the lab and get to work.

Thomas after a few minutes felt bad about what he said and looked up to his partner and lost his angry look. "Im sorry esther I lost my temper I don't want to be mad at you I like you way too much it's just sometimes I don't take criticizm well" Thomas continued to write schematics for a new style of robotic arm useing new methods of miniturization.
Esther frowned when he pulled his hand away, and felt bad when he took her thoughts on respect as insult. he did however apologize, which made her feel obliged to apologize as well. "its fine really...i just think that the teacher was trying to make sure you were learning like youre supposed to. the teacher would not have know that you were as brilliant as you are." she threw in the compliment so that he would not feel threatened, "you better make it up to me about the art thing. these 'little pictures' are art that comes straight from the heart." she gave an awkward smile, hoping that perhaps what she said seemed somewhat amusing. she deffinately was not good at communicating. "anyway, youre not the only smart kid here." her smile became a little more natural this time.
The bear shook a bit and light came from the eyes. Angel slowly came out with her usual smile but her eyes where blue like her mothers once where. Angel hummed a bit as she skipped over and looked at the ribbons that started floating,"erm I don't know how to make a bow so"she said softly and the bow was made,"thank you"she said."so what's your new power?"Sokoku asked. Everyone seemed to look at Angel all curious."I can create and bring to life inanimate objects"she said blushing slightly as she fidgeted at all the attention. She jolted thinking Kael would become very angry with her and hid as everyone went back to work.

Hitori glared at the robot and ran up to them they seemed to concentrate on Eva a lot so he took the change and tried an attack his sword swinging at its head but it jumped up and turned around to fire an attack at him. Hitori quickly back flipped and threw his sword at it but missed and it landed by Eva. He jolted the other Robot got behind him and was about to fire an attack. Hitori quickly tried to move but just decided to fall to the ground to dodge.
Thomas smiled back at esther. She seemed more at ease around him now and that was good. Thomas thought sbout their exchange earlier and it was true esther was not trying to make him look bad but rather absolve the teacher who was doing his job after all. "Yeah your right I should not get bent out of shape when the teacher is actually doing their job and I only made that crack on your art because I know that would upset you" Thomas pointed to one of her sketches from class and pointed out "See look you can make beauty in such a short time and you make it seem so effortless. I know I should not be having my own talents but I can say i am a little jealous of your gift." Thomas handed the art back to esther and the bell rang out signaling the end of class. Standing putting his books away he asked Esther "There is time before our next class do you want to see my lab?"
Esther smiled, "yes, i would love to see your lab." she hoped maybe it would calm her nerves to do something fun. she felt like she had been tense all day. the partner announcement had started it, as she had never been thrust into something like this. next had been Thomas telling her his feelings, which had also never happened. all that followed by the interesting scene in class. she definitely needed to relax. she let out a sigh.

Kael had put up flower after flower, elegant vines and rose petals. when he turned around, Angel was gone. he looked around, hoping that Sokoku was not bothering her. "Angel? hey Angel arent we supposed to stick together, where have you run off to?"
Angel walked over to Kael with her eyes shut she tripped a bit and grabbe onto him. Sokoku chuckled,"just open your eyes Angel~"he said smirking and a snake crawled up to her cheek an hisse in her ear. Angel jolted and screamed she created a cage that caught the snake,"stop being cruel"the cage said. Angel sniffled hugging Kael,"c-can we go now?"she asked as the bell rang.

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