OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {IC}

Paxtyn held the trident closer to him as if any moment now someone would take it away. And he dared for anyone to try... Huffing lightly he stood in line and didn't look at anyone, he just wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery, and meeting new people wasn't after that either. Unbuttoning the first button on his hawaiian shirt he shoved his free hand into his tan jeans rather roughly. He had become frustrated suddenly which was rare for him, and his teal-green eyes savored the white marble around him. It was truly breathtaking and he wondered who could have enough money to afford a place like this. Thinking back to yesterday's events he wondered what he did to get himself in this predicament. Facepalming he shook his head and averted his eyes forward not down like some coward awaiting his doom. He was hoping this wasn't a bunch of freaky psychos looking for a good laugh. He shuddered as thoughts raced through his mind. "Get your head out of the gutter mate..." he mumbled to himself.

((ooc: @TheCreativeUsername isn't it Dave Strider not Striker? *looks at your signature* o_o))
Raine stood watching the others panic, clad in her new outfit, that accented her curves and she stood patiently against the wall. She seemed like the only one who was remotely calm. She supposed she would be afraid or mad too, but she had nothing back home worth anything. Her mother died when she was a child and her father was a workaholic, nothing really worth staying for in her opinion. The two guards still stood either side of her and she raised her eyebrows at then and one answered her unsaid question "What you did back there was dangerous." she rolled her eyes, she hadn't done anything!
Aethos still hadn't gotten in line with the rest of them. He still had his back resting against the wall just watching as the other kids got into the line. They went to the trouble of kidnapping all of them so he wasn't going to let them off easy once he got the chance and he was going to make trying to control him as painful as possible. Seeing the girl with the silver bow made him smile a bit. It was a warm smile and it almost seemed to glow a bit radiating a nice warmth like that of a sun on a nice summer day. It was a smile that everyone would probably see.

He boldly walked over to the girl with the silver bow and rested his back up against the wall near her. "I like your bow" He said giving her a grin just as warmly as the smile that he had previously given as he looked at her closely. He looked from his bow to her's and then finally for the first time at his clothes. He was wearing brown pants with a white t-shirt and over that t-shirt was a orange unzipped padded vest. His white t-shirt was plain except for the red sun emblem in the center of the t-shirt that the vest helped highlight in a way.

"Huh I really don't remember changing into these" He said not really to concerned. He looked back at her and said to her "these bows almost seem related don't they?" His voice seemed to have a nice richness and warmth to it as he talked. From the first moment he saw her he knew he liked her, there was just something about her that drew him to her. Probably the bows he though but it seemed a bit more than that.
Already knowing what his power was when he was waiting in his cell, he knows the powers of shadows. he made a few shadow animals and weapons, but made them dissapear. he made a shadow knew that unlocks his door. he sneaks pass the guards that come his way by the shadows of the building. When he found an arch, he found out there was no escape from the building besides the entrance. He decided it was time to get in the cell, until 2 guards find him and drag him into a line of other people. he made a shadow of a dog bite a guard in the rear.
Raine giggled when the guards started arguing whether she had done something wrong and was dangerous She continued to lean on the wall refusing to get in line and then the guard to the left of her (The rude one) shoved her on the ground, in the line. She stood and glared at the guard, walking to the other side of the room, he followed her and pushed her again and she got fed up and kicked him in she shin "GO AWAY" she hissed at him and the other guard stood by her nervously. He had no need to be, he had been kind to her, this ass hole however . . . From the ground he shoved her down again "Don't you dare Missy" Rain glared at him and tired to get up, but failed he kicked her in the stomach


(This is what she is wearing, but it covers alot less of the chest and she has a lace glove on)
Jack made sure this one hurt. A bigger dog bit the guard on the arm. the guard yelped and got a knife out and stabbed the shadow dog. the shadow dissapered.
i get a shadow knife out and put my foot on his back to keep him down "Will you stop trying to hit some one for at least one second?" the guard nods his head and i let him up. "Now go away.. geez"
[MENTION=4029]austinhalo22[/MENTION], please make your posts at least 3 lines at all times. Also, please wait a bit before posting again as some people have only done a maximum of 1, thank you.
Paxtyn had watched the commotion with a gentle smile on his face, some of the guards were pricks and they deserved to be bit on the butt. He leaned up against his cell door and ruffled his blonde hair. Becoming slightly bored he looked around the marble room for any exits or just a door. Half of him wanted to get the hell out of here, but the other half was eager to stay and solve this mystery. The question of why anyone needed him slithered back into his mind and this time Paxtyn actually wondered. Mum and Dad were in England and little sister Priscilla was with Pops... his eyes widened at the mention of his little sister. He was supposed to pick her up from school today! She had dance at four and a birthday part at eight. Slapping his cheek gently he scolded himself for not remembering her earlier. "Oh man she is really gonna have my head for this...​" He rested his head against the trident and sighed.
Chase had been standing around awhile and was getting impatient. he scowled and scuffed his shoes on the ground, looking around at the others. "does anyone know what the hell is going on? im losing my patience. what kinda screwed up jail are we in and where are we going? im going to start smashing some heads if i dont get answers." he said angrily, glaring around the room.
Vera had watched the whole ordeal with mild interest, as she found it all to be rather pointless. What was the point of venting their frustrations at a poor guard who was probably bored out of his mind? Vera rolled her eyes and huffed impatiently. She had done it again. Why were her emotions in such jumbles? One moment she wanted to hit the guard, the other she couldn't have cared less about him. Habit got the better of her as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall, her irritation building up inside her once again. "Now that you're all back on your feet and not that seriously injured, could we go back to the part where you take us to whatever place to meet whatever person?" She straightened her posture as she looked at the guards right in their eyes, narrowing her own threateningly. She had no intention of wasting energy and time arguing with the men, but if she had to, she would.

After a few seconds, however, she dropped the challenging stance and rolled her eyes again, turning her eyes away from the guards to look at the girl. "I do hope your injuries will heal quickly." Her eyes briefly flickered to the boy who had just slapped himself, wondering what on earth he was doing, but she quickly reverted her attention to the girl. Vera might have been ridiculously irritable and annoyed, but she didn't like to see people get hurt for no good reason.

When she heard another boy threaten to use violence, Vera rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that day and cursed inwardly. "Pray tell, what good would smashing heads do? What we saw just now was a pretty good example of pointless violence, but smashing heads! I'm sure that will be one of the best." Her tone had resumed the bitterness as she mentally chided herself to not care too much about these people until she found out exactly what was going on.
A shadow dog goes up to me and i pet it. then i get hit in the back of the head. i fall down and the guard gets on top of me and started to punch my face repeatedly until the shadow dog bites his neck. the guard shrieks and throws the dow off, then goes to the medic room. Jack says "Geez.. that guy has problems.."
[MENTION=4029]austinhalo22[/MENTION], just saying. I never accepted you into the roleplay. Everyone please disregard any future posts he does. I'm not going to ask you to disregard the other posts, because that would screw up your posts but if he posts, please ignore them. Thank you.
(Austin, sweetie, you dont have enough standing to have a thread removed when it's only crime is being awesome and not clamping down on your unauthorised posting sooner. It's a shame you can't just deal with the consequences but its how the site works. No authorisation, no posting. Everyone knows that and understands it. You will understand one day too I hope. I think you'll find many of the more renowned members of this site have asked people to leave their rps and their threads were never removed. Good luck and see you around the site. xox Ali)

Valorie walked over to the two that appeared to be talking, raising her eyebrow as she studied the man without any shame. She was very open as she scrutinised him, paying intense attention to his belt region before smirking, looking to the dark haired young woman. 'I wouldn't waste time with this one. He doesn't seem to be bringing in the goods, if ya know what I mean.' She winked at Aspen, chuckling to herself slightly. 'If you ever want to know how a woman should really be treated, come find me.' She said, smirking and walking away, but turning back at the last minute. 'No offense to you of course sweetheart, I just don't see why all the guys have to get the good looking girls. She's quite lovely, even if she's not my normal type. You fall just under parr in my personal oppinion.' She told him with an apologetic smirk, falling into line behind a girl with ivory coloured hair (Annie). 'This could be a fun play date.' She said aloud, laughing quietly. She hummed a soft tune to herself and looked to the guard. 'We going yet or what Buster?' She called out and the guard shot her a glare but began to walk. 'Follow single file.' He grunted in a hoarse voice and slowly the line shuffled forward.
(And yet, this rp is still VERY much active. smart one sweetie, smart. I believe the GM asked you to leave the thread. Kindly make yourself scarce. I look forward to rping with you at a later date when you learn some manners and have a few maturity badges under your belt. xox Ali)
((LilyoftheValley~ be nice to Chase he is the replacement for the God of War, he is supposed to be violent. besides, hes verrryyyy handsome ;) ps im waiting for other posts.))
((I would love to be nice to him, but that's just how Vera thinks and speaks >.< Hera is not the most patient of goddesses, and she's a bit vexed at the moment. She'll loosen up in time.))
Aspen froze when the man approached her, looking up at him, eyes wide. As he smiled at her, she couldn't help but let the corners of her mouth turn up. He just made her feel comfortable and at ease. She was surprised by her own reaction: she didn't normally feel that way around anyone. "Oh, yes. I suppose they do," she said in response to his observation. It was almost as if he had read her mind. She looked down at her own clothes, realizing she had paid them little attention as well, more concerned with figuring out where she was. In addition to the silver sandals she had found in her room, she was wearing a pair of dark jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt, and a grey sweater. The black sweater had a small crescent moon at the collar. She pushed it to the back of her mind, deciding that her clothes were the least of her concerns at this point. "What's your name? she asked, curious. She wondered if his name would ring any bells. Perhaps they had met before?

Aspen heard the girl before she saw her and her cheeks turned a bright red as she spoke, unsure of what to say. When she said to find her if she wanted to know how a woman should be treated, she looked at her, head tilted. Truthfully, she was quite flattered. She didn't receive many compliments and they always embarrassed her slightly.
"Oh, thank you," she murmured, unsure if the girl even heard her as she took her place in line. She gave the man a weak smile before turning to follow the line at the guard's orders.
(( Okay, I'm sorting this who's allowed to post so people can catch up business out, if you have done 3 or less, you're still allowed to post to catch up as some have done, like, 4 or 5 So, for example @Nello, you can post as you have done two. People who've down more than three posts, please slow down so others can catch up, TCU))

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