Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Angel smiled,"I can wear a yellow dress then!"she said then jolted remembering the yellow flower on her head and smiled,"I know I love when you give me flowers...... There all so pretty so it makes me happy"she said softly.

Hitori nodded,"oh by the way if I don't have a weapon in my hand or on me I kind go a bit crazy just a heads up....."he explained,"that's why I always have this"he said pointing at his sword.
Klaine giggled deviously," Fufu.. Street cred?" She smiled, random thoughts swirling wildly in her head. " Do you... need some help with that? I mean, it would be pretty fun~" she looked at him gleaming," I've never actually went around attacking random dudes. Basicly sparred and only pedo-weirdos," Klaine sighed.

Sig smiled warmly," No, it's okay, I'm practically immune to... that.. kind of stuff," he slowed a bit at the end, remembering some dark thoughts. He never told anyone, with Klaine as an exception, that he occasionally was... depressed, as you could say. But he was the lucky one. Every time he did, he would simply state he was practicing his abilities. He had a cover-up to his crazy obsession.
Jack shook her head,"nobodies immune to pain"she said then smiled she then jolted and glared at Hitori,"I mean I feel pain every time I look at him! He looks just like her but so sexiest I couldn't go to her funeral because I'm female! I can't run the family because I'm female! I can't go out the house and practice fighting because I'm female!"she yelled as her hair got shorter and her body turned into a guys body but more like her chest got flatter so she could look like a guy but her eyes still looked like a girls."I HATE BEING A GIRL! EVERYTHING WOULD BE BETTER IF I WAS A BOY!"she snarled and kicked a chair into the air then jumped into the air and wrapped around it like a snake and broke it. Jack put a mask on and walked back to Sigfried,"if anyone asks your gay"she muttered and sat on her chair angrily. She then jolted,"what were you talking about?"she asked blushing,"sorry I'm very passionate about everything I do...... So when I get angry"she said fidgeting embarrassedly.
Kael chuckled, "oh! thats what you were talking about. i think you would look fine in yellow. it would fit you sunny personality" he smiled, "you can have as many flowers as you like if it keeps that beautiful smile on your face." Kael complimented. he already knew that he cared a lot about angel, but he understood that she may take awhile to even just understand what such feelings meant, let alone like him. she might end up liking someone else anyway.

[MENTION=3762]maker[/MENTION] you still there? if you are the last post i made for Esther is on page 36 i think....))
Angel smiled happily and hugged him,"thank you~"she said then began swinging her feet as she drew something the teacher then walked in and class began."lets see your artistic powers.... I like to go in order from first names because most teachers go by last names so it's a nice change..... So.... Angel Fidorium please come to the front and show us your power!"the teacher said excitedly. Angel jolted,"I-I didn't think..... I would have to go to the front..."she mumbled standing up nervously. She stood at the front fidgeting nervously."awww she's so cute"a student said,"I want her as my partner"another said then got bonked by there partner,"I-I'm Angel.... F-Fidorium,.... A-and"she started nervously and barely heard,"we can't hear you!"one yelled,"yeah speak up!"another added. Angel jolted and began shaking,"I-I'm Angel Fidorium m-my power is"she said as tears welled up in her eyes. She was scared they wouldn't like her,"what?!"one pair yelled together."shush she's going to cry"one whispered."m-my power my power.... It's"Angel mumbled rubbing her eyes then jolted as the teacher patted her back,"we'll call your partner up to help you"the teacher offered. Angel shook her head,"K-Kael....."she mumbled looking at him about to cry.
Kael was surprised to see the teacher bring Angel to the front. She looked scared, and people were mumbling which obviously making her more nervous. When the teacher suggested she bring her partner up Kael gladly walked to the front of the room. He was 6 feet tall so in front of the class he was huge next to her. He gave the class a charming gentlemanly smile before leaning over and whispering into Angels ear. "Its ok, just show the class one of those dolls with the beautiful clothes you make so well." He suggested.
Angel blushed and held his hand,"okay"she said. Everyone thought they made such a cute partnering."I just think about what I want my plushies to look like then wiggle my nose or snap my fingers and it'll appear...."Angel said smiling confidently. She thought for a moment then wiggled her nose which was adorable. A doll appeared with a cute dress and two pigtails it spun around humming like a princess,"t-taadaa!"she said. Angel smiled and the doll dissappeared. Everyone then clapped."since her partner is up here why doesn't he show off a bit as well?"the teacher asked. Angel nodded,"yeah! Kael's power is the best!"she said smiling happily up at him.
Kael gave a slightly embarrassed look, " well its nothing to special...." he waved. His hand over his head in an arch shape, making a garden gate appear around him and Angel. The gate was made entirely of vines, dotted with a variety of flowers. He thenheld his hand outward, a single red rose appearing. He handed it to Angel with a smile.
Angel blushed deeply taking the flower smiling happily. She then kissed his cheek holding the flower. Everyone though it was cute how well they got along already. The teacher had then sit down and moved onto everyone else. Angel leaned on Kael as they sat with her head on his shoulder,"hey is it true that every flower has a meaning? What does this one mean?"she asked holding up the red rose."mom told me it means eternal love"she added softly.
Kael smiled at her question, "roses can mean many things, but a red rose speaks only one word, love. A yellow rose represent happiness affection and joy, which translates into a sincere and eternal love. Now if it were me, I have a few other flowers in mind that would make better for anytype of confession, or even a way to express mutual feelings." He said. He wasn't sure how Angel took it, since he had purely meant the red rose to be a subtle sign of affection. Kael had many a better idea than roses to express his feelings, but that would come later.

(I do a lot of gardening so.....yea. I know a lot about botany. Herbs included.))
Angel smiled,"I've always liked red roses better though..... It's cool you know so much Kael! Maybe that'll help you with math"she said with a smirk. She then smiled at the rose,"but I think if anyone wanted to confess to me this would be the way! Daddy had Sokoku give me red roses all the time.... Before the engagement was called off..... It was scary"she said then shivered. Angel looked at Kael and poked his nose,"tall person"she said.
Sigfried said, a slight irratation hiding in his tone," Jack! Get a hold of yourself!" He hissed angrily, clutching her hands tightly. " You just freaked about." He snarled," It fine. Fine! Say I'm gay but I'm not going to let you.. you--" Sigfried sighed," Nevermind. It's cool. Tell any problems and I'll be there, okay?"
Jack jolted then looked at there hands,"n-no tell me! I told you if I ever did something you didn't like to tell me so please just say it!"she said worriedly. She didn't want to be a burden to him or make him upset she wanted to be his partner. But not a partner he secretly didn't like.
Kael chuckled, "well im sure anyone who was truely sincere would not have to be told by someone else to give you any sort of gift." he said, then gave a curious look, "you were engaged to sokoku....? but isnt he your cousin? and arent you a bit young to be engaged?" he asked, crinkling his nose when she poked it.
Angel laughed thinking it was a funny face he made,"yeah he is but... My family is weird..... And i was engaged not married.... Sokoku told me to do weird things and play dress up a lot..... Daddy didnt like it so he called it off....."she explained.
"Okay then, you need weapons and I have a time limit. We should be good to go." Eva said nodding. Crossing her arms, she floated again. "So what combos did you have in mind Tori? Right now I'm up for trying anything. I seem to have an abundance of energy right now." She said while doing the backstroke in the air.

Adrian grinned, Klaine's devious face was a real turn on. "I like the way you think babe. I'm sure there are plenty of idiots around this school just looking for a fight." Adrian stroked his chin. "Ya know what, I bet we'd be doing the Academy a favor by getting rid of some of the dead weight....Whatever, if your up for it I'm up for it."
Sigfried spoke with half-closed eyes," No, you just being what you are, okay? You can be Jack the boy or Jack the girl. Either way, I'm right here," he smiled and held up her hands, holding tightly but not squeezing. Sig sighed," Jack.. You're an amazing person, Jack." He laughed," you just need to calm down a bit, okay? No worries~" Siggy smiled.

Klaine agreed," Yeah! Yeah! We can't have them going around wrecking this place! Dummy-dumbs are just waiting to get their butts thrashed!" She announced, swinging her arm into the aky. She was pumped now, very excited. Klaine had many adrenaline rushes, and this was one now.
"dress up?" Kael repeated curiously, "somehow i would imagine that as something you would enjoy. i mean, you are great at making pretty doll dresses why wouldnt you want to dress up yourself every once in awhile?" he said, poking her nose this time.
"Yeah but we can't do anything till the teacher comes in so lets just talk"Hitori said then blinked,"I see you've already picked out nicknames for everyone"he said smirking.

Jack blushed going back to normal and hugged him,"partners are supposed to help each other... So I'll take your advise"she said taking off her mask,"by the way do you like someone or something?"she asked smiling.

Angel shook her head,"not the way he plays it...."she said hugging Kael and hiding her face on his chest,"he's scary......."she mumbled. Angel then jolted and smiled,"anyways it's going to be sooooo fun tonight"she said happily.
Sigfried blinked, a bit confused at the question and sighed," Meh. I haven't really truly enjoyed alot in my life. There was that 'fun' rollercoaster that I almost passed out on, that time when we were gonna go on vacation but a big storm hit us instead, and that..." He went off thinking wandering thoughts, completely lost in his own mind. Sig then paused and spoke," Not really. Everything so far in my life has been a total bummer. You and Klaine are basically the only people I've actually tolerated." Siggy said melancholy.
Jack smiled,"I'm glad you can tolerate me then it's good"she said then laid her head on his lap to relax,"they say when someone is comfy that they can light your matches and make you feel vibrant and beautiful"she said smiling up at him. Jack reached her hand out to him her fingers tips slowly brushing against his face her soft palm then cushioning his cheek,"I really do enjoy our conversations..... Although they lead to... Well what some might call morbid daydreams...... As to say they are out of the ordinary rather then sick"she said softly.
"Of course, I use nick names to remeber people." Eva said. "Tori, Black-Jack, Angelfish, Klainey, the artist never formally known as Sig." She said while laughing. "I also call Adrian the Other Me. I have yet to figure out a name for Kael, Angel's partner." She said. Eva turned to Hitori. "So whatcha gonna call me? I know Eva isn't the easiest name to make a nick name for but you gotta call me something special." Eva rested her head on Hitori's shoulder. "We are partners after all."

Adrian nodded. "Okay Klainey you chose the dumbies, and we'll pound them. I suggest we leave the auditorium though. It's probably not good to damage anything in here." Adrian said smiling. And I thought this school would be boring.... Heading for the door, Adrian looked back at Klaine. "You coming?"
Hitori chuckled,"it's sorta not my thing besides you giving me a nickname wasn't special.... You could call Kael "flower boy".... That is his power......."he said then thought,"and Sigfried doesn't like nicknames..... But a good nickname for you would be..... Magic.... Because your magical like that"he said smiling as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"Magic? Yeh I think I like that one." Eva chuckled before raising an eyebrow at Hitori. "Ya know, I put alot of thought into that nickname. It was right up there along with Prince Charming, Sir Galahad, White Knight, Lancelot--see a theme here? All in all I decide I liked Tori the best." Eva grinned. "Besides even you don't think it's special, it already is because I gave it to you. I'm just awesome like that. " She said half-serious.
Sigfried laughed," It's all right. Daydreams are cool. They're like pictures but in your brain," he said. "Haha, you don't someone to tell you you're beautiful, Jack," Sigfried smiled.

"Yeah!" Klaine giggled and went along to outside. She saw about two or three boys outside the campus," They look pretty fight-willing," she pointed toward the boys. Klaine went up to them," Hello~hellow!" She said acting innocent and cute. She motioned for Adrian to.come over.

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