Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Kael pulled Angel closer, "i wont let him hurt you. i promise." he then got up and offer his hand, "so, partner, what should we do first?" he asked with a smile.
Angel jolted and came out of the teddy bear and grabbed his hand,"eat! Wait what......?"she said due to the fact she was hungry eat was her first response,"ah look"she said pointing at the board.


-Today is a half day of school due to the Freshmen Dance to welcome all the new students.

-There will be papers there to switch partners if needed or wanted.

-Class starts in an hour notice you and your partners have the exact same schedules.

-Half days of school consist of your First Second and Third classes.

HAVE A ROMANTIC YEAR ALL!"Was on the board for all to read.
Kael smiled at the thought of a dance. "do you have any ballroom dancing experience? and im not talking about the swaying back and forth stuff." he said, "because i happen to be a great dancer." he twirled her around as they got ready to leave the auditorium. they did have classes soon, so he thought they better grab a bite before it was too late.
Angel blushed at being twirled,"a tiny bit........ My step mom told me when I dance with a guy if he passes my waist I have to smack him"she said pouting,"so dot make me smack you!"she said putting on her backpack and ran out like a ninja,"come on! Come on!"she yelled bouncing at the entrance for Kael to follow.
Thomas smiled at his partner and asked "well since today is a half day why don't we hang out at the lab after classes are over?" Thomas stood up and policed up the trash from the snacks they had eaten the trash can was at the end of thev aisle and when he returned he asked "Esther the first class is closer to your room then mine so how about I pick you up at your door after i go to my room to pick up books and we walk there together?" Thomas was about ready to go anyway since the first meeting at the school had some strange consequences but before he grabbed the last of his things he told esther. "You know esther you are not awkward at least not to me and I should know im a genius if anything you are sweet and kind and pretty but to most importantly you are my friend." Thomas was speaking from the heart again but it was too late to catch himself but those words were true he did not like how at times esther put herself down. From that point thomas decided no matter what happened between them thomas was going to make esther feel like a special girl.
Klaine nodded thoughtfully," Not really sure. I know it's an assembly of some sort," she then saw the message board," Oooh... we're gonna dance," Klaine spoke in uncertainty, but with a sudden jolt of excitement. She didn't know whether she wanted to dance with Adrian, but the feeling was kinda nice. Klaine turned to hher partner," Guess we''re gonna dance," she laughed lightly, then smirked deviously," You man enough to do it?" she teased.

Sigfried shrugged," Rather sit by you than that loudmouth," he said half jokingly. He blinked and tilted his head at the announcement, as if trying to read a foreign language. "Huh, guess we gotta tango and square and something like that," he yawned and scratched the back of his head. "I know you're uncomfortable with that stuff, would you rather drink punch or something instead of dancing?" he then jolted," I-I'm fine either way," Sigfried then backfired again and sighed. He was spewing unnecessary junk again. He spoke as if he was in love iwth Jack, but he knew that wasn't true. At least that was what he wanted to think.
Jack giggled,"yeah I guess"she said twirling her hair with her finger. Some guys noticed her and walked over,"well hello sexy want to trade partners"he asked."if you can beat me and my strong partner in a fight-"she started and stretched her arm out,"why not?"she said bringing it back. The guy gulped,"so you can change body types with that power?"he asked smirking. Jack twiched and stood up,"hah! If body types is what your interested in go away I want a man who can beat me in a battle, make me feel special and isn't completely stupid or sexiest!"she snarled. The guy jolted and ran off. Jack stretched up to the ceiling then did a tumble roll to the door and landed on her feet with her hand on her waist she really did have the curves to help her powers. She looked back at Sig with a smirk,"come on Siggy"she mouthed smiling.
Esther gave a shy smile, "well, youre my first friend and youre turning out to be one of the sweetest guys ive met." she said standing up. "i think that sounds good." she said agreeing with his plan. "im looking forward to seeing your lab, but what about the dance?" she reminded. she had in fact made a dress before she came to this school because she thought there may be formal functions.

Kael smile and followed her out. "captain Angel, lead the way to the first class." he said with a playful salute. "and dont worry, i dont have wandering hands, so they will most definitely stay above your waist." he chuckled. he could be free and have fun with Angel, which he was extremely happy about. he wondered if she would ever understand the difference betwee sibling type love and serious love.
Angel smiled and began marching out she giggled a bit then turned around walking normally but backwards,"hey hey look what I can do"she said and did backflips she did the last one and smiled on her tippy toes before banging into the wall,"who put that there?!"she said glaring at the wall then did the sign language for 'Im watching you' as she backed away.
Kael laughed at Angels antics, "watch out for rogue walls Angel" they finally made it to class, and Kael held the door for Angel, "after you m'lady. find us a place to sit." he said closing the door behind them.
Angel walked to the double desk closets to the window in the back. The double desks where couches for two and a table at good height infront. Angel rolled onto the couch,"hey what th-"she started then saw a snake and screamed as she threw it out the window,"ew.... Those things are crawling everywhere"she said looking out the window she then looked at Kael,"ew don't call me m'lady my nickname is An"she said smiling.
Kael chuckled, and tensed as she chucked the snake out the window. he had a feeling it was Sokokus doing, but he didnt say anything. HE sat next to her, slouching into the couch. "ooohhhh....this is sooooo comfortable. i could just nap here." he grinned at Angel.
Angel smiled at him,"then sleep"she said sitting by him she then took off her bag and put it on the table,"I hate snakes..."she mumbled pouting.
Kael sat up again, grabbing a lemon muffin from his own bag. he nibbled at the lemon pastry as they waited for class to start. "so what class is this again?" he said holding his hand over the muffin. he rubbed his fingers together and a few black seeds fell onto the muffin. "lemon poppy seed muffins are my favorite" he grinned. "especially with fresh poppy seeds. i can get fresh plants and seeds whenever i want."
Angel smiled,"I'll commit that to memory"she said then smirked,"design..... Then English then.... The history of powers"she explained excitedly."I'm going to love this class!"Angel said happily.
"Klainey I can take anything you dish out!" Adrain said with a cocky grin. "Just be ready to throw down to night." He looked at the board questioningly. Have a romantic year? Who says stuff like that? Isn't this suppose to be a school? Speaking of which....Adrain looked down at Klaine. "So it looks like this thing is over.You ready to go to class?"

Eva turned back to Hitori. "Angelfish seemed really nice to me Tori. I like her, she throws off a lot of postitive energy. It makes me all warm and bubbly inside." Eva said smiling. She grabbed his hand and headed for the door. "Lets go to class partner!"
Klaine smirked," Let's see about that later," she hissed playfully. She then patted Adrian on the head a bit forcefully," Pft Adrian you silly goose we have to attend the assembly first! You that eager to start class?" Klaine said and held his hands together. She tilted his head, holding back a sadistic grin," Oh, so you're up to the dance? Challenge freaking accepted..." Klaine spoke darkly, but suddenly reverted to her usual giggly self and laughed. "So how long have you been here? First year or what?"

"M'kay," Sigfried wasn't fazed at all about the sudden incident. He then raised an eyebrow," Oy, aren't you trying to keep your gender a secret?" Siggy said and sighed," let your hair down then BAM you're getting hit on by random dudes." Sigfried glanced over and nodded," So I'm classified as a strong opponent? Is that why you're fine with dancing?" There he went again. Talking about things that wouldn't be necessary and agreed," Yeah, let's go," he led Jack over to a pair of seats, side by side.
Hitori smiled and nodded,"lets go.... By the way I think that I can give her a chance if you say so"he said smiling a bit.

Jack smiled and sat down,"no I just saw you fight and became interested to know more about such a strong guy.... I was curious to know about this new opponent.... And it's fine if its not the patrol guys.... Besides I've told people Jack is my brother who is shy as long as I can still beat the- ehem that sentence wasn't very classy.... Anyway what class do we have?"she asked leaning back in her seat she then jolted and glared seeing Hitori and snarled,"another fight?"she asked."one ill win!"Hitori said and they glared.(Jack, Soku and Tori are like a 3 way rivalry :D )
"I think I love this school. Its so nice being able to use my powers whenever I want." Instead of walking like a normal person, Eva decided to float. Reclining back, she swirled around Hitori and viewed his glaring match with Jack. "I'm guessing you have a lot of staring contests with your rivals huh?"

Adrian shook his head. "This is my first year at this school, but I think I'm classified as a Sophomore. When me and my sister passed the entrance exams, we decided to transfer here. What about you? How long you been here and what year are you and Sigfried?"

(gotta go guys, see you next year lol)
ive been away for so long, got caught up setting up my own RP.))

KAel chuckled, then let out a fake groan, "as long as there isnt any math. im terrible at math." he said. "math is like my worst enemy." he laughed a bit.
Angel smiled,"then we must battle it together and win!"she said although she liked math. She then hugged him,"if you don't like it I don't either"she mumbled and pouted.

Hitori chuckled,"it's not starring it's intimidation"Jack explained her arua getting darker as she got angrier,"I didn't realize a female could get that pissed"he said smirking. Jack twitched,"my gender has nothing to do with it"she snarled,"hah I may have accepted you as a rival but your NO threat"he said. Jack wrapped her hands around his neck tackling him to the ground,"I'll kill you!"she yelled."oh yeah try"Hitori said taking out his blade he cut her arm. Jack jolted and backed away looking at the blood coming out,"bastard!"she snarled and licked the blood on her arm.
Klaine leaned back,"We're sophomores too, but both me and Siggy have been here all highschool so far," she said. She then spoke a bit quieter," Ha, Sigfried got here with his brains and convinced the principal to get me in," she sighed," Don't get me wrong, I get pretty good grades, but when I tried out they didn't like my personality or whatever. But Siggy got them to like me," she crossed her arms then asked," What about you? You on good terms with Eva, or you guys try to maul eachother?"

"Hey dude, saw you on the bus earlier, Hitori right?" Sigfried said, looking at the blonde boy. He raised an eyebrow. A fight now? In the school? Wow, he liked this place already.
Kael smiled, "really? that would be awsome. i have this ongoing war with math, and i think its winning." he laughed, "but you shouldnt say you dont like it just for me." he said, returning her hug.

((sorry that took so long, been busy getting my new rp set up))
Jack stood up standing by Sig,"me and Sig here have pairing battles we will win and beat everyone"she said smirking widely."ha! As if both of your powers depend on someone else meanwhile mine and Eva's don't need ANYONE else's"he said. Jack twiched and her skin began repairing itself."the compliments of rubbery bodies"she mumbled.

(It's kewl beans bro :D )

Angel smiled,"yeaaaaah! I love math!"she said then giggled,"I will help you in your battle with math to make peace with it!"she said then thought,"so you dance?"she asked.
Kael nodded, "i used to practice with my sister. it was a way for us to pass the time since we never had much to do." he smiled, "our gaurdian would show us, then let us practice using her music. it was great fun to learn."

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