Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Angel jolted and blushed deeply,"adorable?"she mumbled softly then looked away smiling to herself. There was a board at the top and the pairs showed up with names side by side with a picture next to the name. Someone then came out,"everyone! Sit down next to your partner when you are seated by them hold hands then when we come bak on stage hold up your hands together like so"the principal said into a mic then held a hand of a teacher and put up the held hand,"thank you we will start when everyone is seated!"she said into the mic then walked off. Angel blushed looking at Kael,"holding a boys hand?"she mumbled covering her mouth with her hand in a fist with a worried look on her face,"is it okay?"she asked still red and nervous due to him calling her adorable.
Sigfried laughed," Haha It's quite alright. Klaine just overuses it." He patted Jack on the back lightly.

"ADRIANNNN!!" Klaine called and walked around aimlessly, scanning around like a military woman.

([MENTION=1487]Nello[/MENTION] where are you? TT.TT Klaine be lonely..~)
(Ikr I was waiting for her chara to appear~)

Jack smiled then looked at the board and grabbed Sigfrieds hand intertwining her fingers with his,"we ended up as partners"she said smiling,"good I didn't want someone who could be sexiest or mean like Hitori"she said.

(OH MY GOSH EVERYONE IS ONLINE AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! :D I'm so happy right now TT^TT we're just missing Song and Nello~ but this is awesome!-globness!)
Kael realized what he had said, and felt bad for making her feel awkward. He blushed slightly as well. "Uh well yea, like....a sister? Right. Like aadorable teddy bear sister." He said, using her version od escripton.
Angels heart somehow dropped at the words,"yeah totally"she said smiling as the blush faded and she held his hand,"we got paired!"she said excitedly. She was no long nervous but wondered why a single word such as adorable from a guy can make her nervous.
Kael bhoped he hadn't done anything wrong. Angel seemed ok so he tried not to worry. "I guess we are paired together. " he smiledd once again. "I wish they would do a better job of explaining though. I didn't lknow anything about it till you told me."
"It's what this school was made for..."Angel explained then opened up the panflict,"ehem 'a school made for mingling of the super rich or super intelligent with pair involved and romantic classes that demand the students to fall for there pairings and practice there Powers romantically or for combat reasons'"she read then smiled,"although if you want to switch you have to file it like a divorce you need your signature your partners, your new partner and there partner...... Sounds crazy but yeah"she said,"it also says during the semester you can't leave your partner and no 'sexual intercourse'..... Whatever that means"she explained then tilted her head confusedly.
Kael gave an odd expression. "forced romance? or at least pushed into importance. that seems unnatural. shouldnt love happen naturally?" he asked, somewhat more thoughful then usual. he shook his head, "anyway, while neither Esther or I are rich, Esther is the intellegent one. where do i fit in that pamphlet? the class clown?" he said with a chuckle. he couldnt help but notice that Angels innocence was more then just in her looks. he wondered if she had ever had a proper sex-ed class.
Sabrina blushed deep red from the kiss on her hand and she thought there was no way that anything could get her off cloud nine right now looking away so they could not see her she saw the list and her expression changed from happy bliss to barely contained horror. Pairings? She nabbed a program from another student and screamed outloud "what kind of school is this?" She saw the list and found her name and yelled again "who the hell is lamda?" She had to get up and walk saying to hitori and satoku "ill catch you later" and set off looking for lamda.

Thomas heard his sister and saw that she grabbed a pamphlet. Thomas found his own pamphlet and read while drinking his soda with his free hand reading it he then saw who he was paired with and choked on his soda he then turned to esther and said "I think the school just forced us to be boyfriend and girltriend." On the outside thomas felt disbelief and shock however on the inside he was almost dancing realizing though what esther had said the day prior his heart sank and he handed her the pamphlet. "But you don't even like me in that way" handing the page off he sat there and looked at esther and asked "so what do we do?"
Esther frroze up looking at the pamphlet and flushed red. "Wh-what...?" She began to feel a bit flustered. "This isn't....I'm here on a scholorship....I..." herword were jumbled. She stopped a moment and realized this wasn't her, she wasnt the type to lose her cool easily. She took a deep breath, and though her face was still red she managed to speak clearly. "It seems a bit like.....match making. Perhaps they give us things to do and pair us up with people so that we take a bit of time to have fun and get to know others. I think love doesn't come in a day.you've got to get to know people, see who they are and find both similarities and differences." Esther found that analyzing the situation had helped her to calm herself. "That being said, I look forward to spending time with you, and hopefully opening up so that I can make more friends." She wasn't completely dodging the topic of love, she just didn't like the thought of being shoved into it do quickly, and didn't want Thomas to feel pressured into it either.
Thomas heard this and looked around the room. There were couples already taking this school seriously so much so he had to point it out "listen your thought process makes sense but most of these 2nd and 3rd year students are acting way to much like lover's. I agree that we should get to know each other first and see where that might take things but we need to remember even if we remain just friends we should play the part so the school stay's out of our buisness. I mean such a program here already show's they don't care about privacy" thomas then looked right into esther's eyes and said "esther I like you in my lab all I could think about was being around you and I have to admit you are by far the prettiest girl I have ever met and you are even nicer. If there were anyone I would have a relationship with it would be you esther. So in my opinion yes let's take it slow and see what happens but to me im hoping we become more then just friends and not because the school said so." Thomas felt dumb right after saying that exposing himself to her but for some reason he was just comfortable with her.
Angel shrugged,"I dunno I was home schooled....... I never really knew about liking someone"she said sadly,"the first time I ever went to school was when my brother was born..... Then.... When he died- ow..... I can't remember anything other then that"she said her hands shaking and she clutched her head,"I don't need to remember"she mumbled and the pain went away she made a teddy bear and hugged it shaking out of it,"anyway off that topic I was sent here to get married to someone and that's what that school helps with you can change at any time..... If you don't want to be my partner it's fine we can switch"she said softly. Angel then leaned on Kael,"my head still hurts"she mumbled closing her eyes.
Esther flushed red, REALLY red. "I'm flattered really, and I do have a lot of fun with you... and since we are put up to this, I'm glad I'm with you" she wouldn't accept Thomas feelings until she knew for sure what she was feeling for herself. He was her first friend so she wanted to be sure she knew the difference between friendship and love.

(Gotta run will post for Kael later)
((Sooo sorry guys. I had the longest Christmas Family Reunion ever. Happy Holidays by the way. Now I'm back to my computer with AVENGANCE!))

"This is all your fault Adrian. How could you let me sleep this late!" Eva said as she floated them to the Assembly Hall. Every time Eva went into a food coma she was sluggish the next day. My dear brother should know that..

Said dear brother was looking at his sister incredulously. "Have you lost your mind? Do you realize that your the one who knocked me into a wall when I tried to wake you two hours ago! I was lucky only to be unconscious instead of having broken bones!!!" Adrian yelled. He also knew that after a food coma Eva became noticeably violent in the morning.

Eva sighed. "Whatever, we'll pick this up later." She said as she entered the hall. Walking around she noticed Hitori not to far from her. She run up and gave his a surprise attack hug from behind. "Hey!" Eva said smiling. "What did I miss?"

Adrian heard Klaine calling and spotted her a distance off. Much like his sister he decided on a surprise attack hug. Adrian slooped in to pick her up agian. The fact was, he liked her in his arms. "Hey Klainey," He said with a grin. "Did you miss me?"
Hitori jolted blushing,"hey"he said nervously then glanced at the board,"they decided the pairs... Your late by the way"he said smirking widely. Sokoku rolled his eyes angrily twiching,"we'll continue this later"he said getting up."finish WHAT I won!"Hitori snarled."no you didn't it was a tie!"Soku said standing up and they glared at each other till Sokoku walked away to look for his partner."sorry that guy is just so annoying, creepy, and a I don't even know!"he said then hugged Eva,"anyway it's good to see you again"he told her.
"Hmm...you too." Eva said dreamily. She checked to see who she was paired with, "Hey it looks like we're together Hitori! I'm glad I didn't miss much." Eva said before grimacing. "It's all my brother's fault I'm late. I found him asleep on my floor this morning. It's like he passed out before waking me up." She said with a sigh. "So what did you win?"
"The starring contest we where having while playing thumb war"Hitori said a bit proud of it,"well that's messed up he could at least woken you up before passing out that way you could drag him here"he said smirking.
"I know right?" Eva said rolling her eyes. "So why would you have a staring contest with Sokoku? He gives off way to many negative vibes for me to every stare at him directly." Eva shivered, remembering her last encounter with him. "You were right about him being creepy."
Thomas smiled at how red Esther had become and her answer was better then expected so maybe he will enjoy spending all his time with her. At this point he had to laugh "you should see how red your face is" laughing a little he went on to say "Esther try not to be embarassed my feelings are something im still learning about and you don't even know if you have any for me so how about after all this I show you ny lab?" Thomas offered esther a cookie from his bag of snacks and smiled at her
Klaine shrieked in surprise, and turned around to give him a hug,"Adrian!" she said. Klaine then exchanged personalities. She reverted from giggly to a yandere," You're late!!!" Klaine hissed and gave him a violent noogie," LAAATE!!" she made a loud buzzer sound. Klaine then grabbed his hand and laughed," Guess we're partners, huh?"

"Heh.." Sigfried smiled and looked at Jack," You don't mind...?" he chuckled lightly," I see you're not the most social, Jackie," he held his hands together with her's.
Jack jolted,"just Jak is fine....."she said,"and yeah because not everyone can impress me.... And I don't hang out with stupid people who can't fend for themselves"she said bluntly then smiled,"but I'm glad that I'm matched with someone who can put up a fight.... I took a lot of combat classes if being a human rubberband was all I could do then I'd be useless....... Put stupid people stupid sexiest people are the ones I want to fight the most"she said looking determined glaring at the board with there names on it. Her arua became dark and fierce people moved far away from the two.

Hitori smiled,"good you don't like him.... I'm glad..... But with everything I'm saying he's not a bad person...... He has his good traits..... Like he does what he can to help even if it hurts he wants to help.... How he goes about helping is stupid..... And he's very self conscious and has a low self estem..... Even if we hate each other he's something of a brother to me"h explained,
"Hah... calm down before you mass-murder, Jak," Sigfried said jokingly and patted her on the back," How about we find our seats in the assembly, huh?" he spoke. He didn't want Jackie to unleash the strength she had. It was kinda cute to him, but Sig would never admit it.
"Sorry for being late, it's all Eva's fault. My dear darling sister has issues in the morning." Adrian said with a long suffering sigh. He hooked his arm around Klaine. "So catch me up on what I've been missing. What are we partners for? Not that I'm complaining."

"If you say so," Eva raised an eyebrow at Hitori. "But if we're talking brothers he seems more like an evil twin." She grinned cheekily. "I should know, I got one of those." Eva scanned the crowd looking for one of her friends. "Have you seen Sokoku's cousin Angel? I wanna find her and covert her teddy bears."
Esther smiled as he pointed out her tomaoto colored face. "Hey, I'm not used to this, give me a break." She said. "Well, I would still really love to see your lab." She took the cookie and nibbled at it. "You know, this might be a good way to make friends. Since I'm kind of awkward." She said, smiling.

Kael put his arm around Angel "shhhh. Don't think about it if it hurts." He kissed her on the head, "why would I want to switch partners?" He said with a warm smile. He found himself quite attached to Angel, and was sure that it wouldn't remain like a sibling for long. He hoped that Angel wouldn't notice right away since he was just her teddy bear big brother.
Angel smiled, "okay" she said then blinked looking around, "S-Soku" she mumbled and a big bear formed around her as protection as he passed by not caring about her.

"erm.....don't take those things.....they can talk to her without talking.... Like her little spies.... It's kinda creepy trust me if she wasn't so innocent she could use those in an evil way" Hitori said softly.

Jack jolted and laughed, "sorry" she said giggling, "yeah let's go" she said holding his hand and began looking around, "would you want to sit by your sister?" she asked. (that was a miss spell on my part btw it was Jack)

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