Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

(Riiiiiight xD )

Jack woke up and took a shower and got dressed she then looked in the mirror,"rubber girl? Heh nobody accepts that"she said and put her hair in pig tails with a black necklace she put on her makeup wich was just lipstick which was red. She put on tights that were like the harlequin pants and a black tutu and a white large shirt with the jokers face on it,"I have to appeal to my partner I suppose"she mumbled looking at her reflecting as she put on joker sneakers. She always thought of herself as Harely Quinn and one day she would meet her Pumpkin(Joker). But less crazy and abusive and more kind to her. Jack walked to the school and saw the new kids she glanced at her mask that was on her hip but shook out of it."hey guys kinda late.... Did you find out your dorm yet? This is a boarding school"she explained she then smiled noticing the girl cry,"hey you okay there buddy?"she asked softly.

(I thought I forgot something xD )

Angel slowly woke up,"I'm tired papa"she said rubbing her head,"tell auntie to stop using we telepathy! I'm fine!"she said and began brushing her teeth,"yes I made friends now go back to work bye!"she yelled and began doing her hair. Sokoku was leaning on the wall by Angels door. Angel's dad asked him to walk her to the assembly to see who her pair is and get to know him.
Klaine and Sigfried got up and did their usual morning things. Klaine made sure her weapons weren't rusty and Sig changed his bandages. They dressed in casual but nice clothing. The brother wore a loose hoodie with black jeans, and held his hair in a light low ponytail. Klaine wore her usual long pigtails and clothing, but buttoned up her coat today to hide her tummy. ( xD ) They both came out and high-fived eachother, and made their way to school.
Kael rolled out of bed with a yawn. he showered quickly, putting on blue jeans and and a plain blue t-shirt. he combed his hair and grabbed his things before heading over to Angels room. he saw Sokoku standing in the door and gave a wary glance. he slipped past him into her room. "hey Angel, you ready to go? i was just here to make sure you were up..." he said carefully, wondering why Sokoku had returned.
Angel smiled wearing a cute pink dress for the first day of school and a cute green scarf,"hey!"she said and hugged him,"lets go make more friendligs!"she yelled happily.
Kael smiled, "let's get going to our first day of classes." He said, leading her down the hall past Sokoku.

(Sorry about the short post))
(It's fine im suriprise you even replied anyways~! merry Christmas)

Angel smiled walking by Kael,"I hear we have an assembly to get to first"she said excitedly. Sokoku stopped her,"your dad ordered me to watch you.... Because you obviously can't fend for yourself"he said flatly. Angel jolted and hid behind Kael,"oi don't be like that I'm not ganna hurt you!"he yelled angrily then sighed face palming,"anyway I'm ganna walk you so tell your little girlfriend to walk by herself"he said teasing Kael about his feminine power.
Kael shook his head, "no its fine, dont. Trouble yourself kid, I got this" he gave an obviously irritated smile, taking Angels hand. She saw him as a brother, so he would protect her as if he was.
Sokoku grabbed Angels hand,"sorry not ganna happen so back off and go away"he said and pulled Angel away,"l-let go!"she yelled and Saraphina kicked him away. Angel ran to Kael,"his power isn't girly it's awesome! And cool okay!"she yelled then began running pulling Kael along. Sokoku kicked Saraphina out the window then sighed fixing his hair and began walking to the assembly.
Kael smiled again, "thanks Angel." He watched Saraphina take a hit and gasped, "is she going to ok? Are you alright to go to the assembly?" He asked with concern.
Angel nodded,"I'm ganna give her a check up when I get back home but she should be fine I built her to be strong"she said softly as she ran,"right now I don't want my big teddy bear to get hurt"she said smiling at Kael. Angel started walking thinking they were far enough and smiled,"what an..... Exciting day"she said smiling.
The twins locked arms. Actually, Klaine locked her arm unto Sigfried, yanking him along the halls. She skipped merrily while Sig was jerked along. They finally came to the assembly and they stood in the back for a while, trying to find their friends. Adrian and Jack specifically~

(merry Christmas everyone!)
(Merry Christmas! I wanted to do a Christmas special but maybe next year xD it's to early right?)

Jack walked into the assembly room and sighed taking down her pigtails she felt too much like a child she brushed her hair back with one hand letting out another sigh,"damn it..."she mumbled noticing the patrol group in the front."I knew I couldn't keep the sexism thing for long but really?"she thought walking to the back. She bumpt into the twins and quickly did a backflip to move away and not fall,"sorry"she said covering her face. She did this when she was nervous she never liked anyone to see her face when she was like that. Jack looked up seeing the twins,"oh hey erm.... Sorry"she said helping them up,"Sig and Klaine it's good to see you again"she said with a soft smile.
Kael nodded with a smile. he looked at her pink dress a moment, and poofed up a yellow carnation in his hand and stuck it in her hair. "yellow goes well with pink, i think. now lets get going to the assembly, shall we?" he said, offering his arm in a gentlemanly manner.

Esther was already sitting at the assembly, waiting patiently for the rest of the school to finish filling in all the seats.
Angel smiled blushing slightly and hugged his arm as they walked,"I'm so excited."she said as they walked inside. Angel began looking around for people they knew. Angel quickly spotted Esther and began walking towards her happily.
Thomas was still angry at Sabrina and it had been since yesterday that he left the science lab. Many times Sabrina had tried to get in or talk to Thomas but the same scene played over and over in his mind. Sabrina stood there in esther's door and once Sabrina saw Thomas she dragged him away in front of Esther her brother and all her friends. For a while Thomas could keep up doing busy work but there was one thought that always crossed his mind. Esther was so amazing to him and after the 13th hour inside the lab he could not accomplish anything due to his thoughts being so muddled. Thomas got out of his computer chair stretched and yawned. "I wonder what to do next?" Thomas went towards the door and typed in the password the door slide open and began to walk down the hall he decided to visit esther and he decided not to bring electronics so his sister could not track him.
[MENTION=3762]maker[/MENTION], its the first day and everyone is at the opening assembly, you cant just skip that far silly. :P ))

Kael smirked at Esther, "hey Es, you never told me who that guy from yesterday was. you make a friend, or maybe you got a boyfriend already?" he patted her on the back to which she elbowed him.

he is just a friend who wanted to hang out. besides, you cant like someone that quickly, can you?" she said skeptically. she didnt open up to others easily, but she had found a friend. for her however, love was a whole other story. she grew up poor and didnt trust anyone here enough to tell them that she and her brother were orphans.

Kael chuckled, "you never know. anyway, lets get settled in. we have about 5 minutes till the assembly starts."
Angel smiled watching such a close family,"I think you guys are so cool"she said,"I wish I had a brother like Kael"she said smiling then hugged him,"he's always so nice"she said then sat by Esther smiling,"I hope we can be friends too!"she said happily she had Kael her 'big teddy bear filled with kindness' but she wanted a female friend so badly and wanted to do girly things. She had such a horrible past it was unbelievably odd that she was the way she was."ah Kael if we do get partnered up where do you want to go over the weekend?"she asked curiously. Yet with all her rambling it might be hard to answer the questions.
Hitori walked through the halls to see Thomas,"hey do you know how to get to the assembly?"he asked. As usual Hitori was lost he remembered seeing Jack earlier oh why didn't he follow her he knows he sucks at directions. He knows how to use a map and all but hates useing one because he thinks he looks stupid following it.
Both Klaine and Sigfried did army salutes on each arms, creating mirror images. "You let your hair down today?" Sig said, while Klaine giggle and elbowed him. She left them to talk while she skipped off to find Adrian, or at least his sister.
Jack blinked,"huh? Oh yeah.... Guess it was noticeable"she said smiling then tilted her head when Klaine left,"we should get seated..."she said and began walking,".... I'm trying to think of an interesting topic...."she mumbled with an index finger on her chin looking up. Last night she stayed up longer then she should have practicing combat moves for when she fought Sig. She snapped her fingers thinking of a pretty good convo start up line,"I got it... Ehem if you don't like me calling you Sig or Siggy please tell me so I don't cause you discomfort."she managed as she sat down leaving a seat by her for him.
Thomas blinked a couple times as the boy asked him for directions and then it hit him he forgot all about the assembly. "Oh my god the assembly follow me" Thomas started walking at a brisk pace but not too fast as to where he would lose him as they walked Thomas introduced himself. "Im thomas me and my sis are new here whats your name Thomas finally reached the assembly room door and opened seeing so many students already seated "crap we are soooooo late" Thomas walked trying to find a few seats.

Sabrina was seated in the first row of the assembly room trying to text her brother to remind him not to forget the assembly after hitting send she sat there lonely fretting over where he might be or what he was doing.
(Hitori is a boy xD )

Hitori rolled his eyes,"okay then"he said then began looking around for Eva instead spotting Angel then Jack. He didn't give two whine bottles about Angel instea he waved at Jack but she did not respond being so into her convo.

"I'm Hitori Kokoro"He added looking at Thomas,"and I'm a freshmen too so don't worry about it it is the first day of school"he added and yawned putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

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