Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] I am sorry I am working 12 hr shifts right now untill the 27th so I will give permission to stardust to use my charries sabrina and thomas untill i can return and further the rp
"Oh, alright then," Sigfried said lightly. Just then, he could see his sister run up to the cashier woman and bombard her with orders. Klaine spoke in a wild frenzy," I wanna #5 combo extra large chilidog with french fries! But make the french fries curly because I like curly fries, and add two weiners instead of one on a single fat bun! I wanna medium soda Doctor Sprite with 3 grams of extra sodium and sugar! Make sure it has only 12 calories~!"
Jack just sat there with a straight face,"w-wh-how much can she eat?"she asked twiching a bit then shook out of it and continued eatting,"I still want a battle you know"she said to Sigfried,"I think your powers cool so I wanna try mine against it"she said smiling.
Jack laughed and nodded. A group of guys walked in,"hey is Jack here?"one asked. Jack jolted and made her body more masculine and put on her mask. The group walked to her,"hey Jack listen there's been a bunch of new kids getting bullied so I was wondering if you wanted to help us get them back.... Of course we'll pay you"one said. Jack nodded getting up,"does your friend want to help?"the guy asked looking at Sigfried. Jack blocked the guy from seeing Sig and shook her head,"fine fine lets go"the guy said backing up.
Jack was about to answer but one guy cut her off glaring at Sigfried sensing his irritation and not liking it,"we're school safety patrol!"he growl. Jack coughed to clear her throat and the guy backed up,"anyway lets go Jack dude if you really want to come come~"another guy said pushing the one that was about to start the fight away. Jack looked at Sigfried,"want to come?"she whispered so the guys didn't hear her voice.
((I'm going to pretend Thomas and Sabrina are back in their room already. Maker can figure stuff out later.))

Esther yawned, it had been a long day, but her unpacking was done and Thomas had left. She glanced over at Angel and Kael. "You should get her back to her room before she passes out on the floor." She motioned to the sleepy looking Angel.

Kael chuckled, looking at Angel as well. " suppose you're right. Take care Es, see you tomorrow." He escorted Angel out and crouched in front of her, "want a piggy back ride back to your room? You look tired." He offered.
Angel jolted shaking her head,"I'm not tired"she said yet yawned,"I wanted to say hi to your sister I feel bad now"she said rubbing her eyes.
Sigfried smirked. "Yeah, alright," he said smugly. Siggeh followed the Safety Patrol people. He looked over at the guy with the fiery personality," Who're the people you guys are getting back at?" he said.

(Siggeh xD )
"Some bullies who wanted to mess with the new kids coming in today"he replied angrily. Jack just yawned she jolted seeing the people who were bullying others,"Jacks our best man watch"he said. Jack slithered over to the group and punched them in the face and kicked the others she did a handstand then a helicopter kick and kicked all the people around her then did a back flip away and stretched herself up the pole they had hung the kid on and helped them down then let the kid run off,"I got it!"someone from the patrol group yelled then ran after them. Jack sighed it was easy to do these things but so hard to breath under the mask sometimes she wished to take it off but the patrol group was guys only.
Kael chuckled, "its ok. theres plenty of time to talk to Esther." he said, letting out a light yawn as well, "c'mon, lets get back to our rooms. im getting sleepy jsut looking at you." h said.
Kael held onto Angels legs so she wouldn't fall, and took her back to her room.when they got there he opened the door and greeted her doll. "Evenin Seraphina." He smiled, "abgel you awake? We are back"
Angel was crying in her sleep,"mama"she mumbled. The head of a doll appeared infront of them and the tools to create a doll were floating around,"stop! No don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me... I don't want to die"she mumbled pressing her face against Kael's shoulder her legs on his waist getting tighter."stop!"she yelled and the doll was become a creation. Some teddy bears grabbed Angel from Kael and she began kicking,"no no!"she yelled crying. Her nightmares where horrible and she had one every time she slept in a new place. The doll was being created but the teddy bears put Angel on the bed all holding her down she began to relax and feel comfortable the items dropped to the floor unable to create the doll. Angel smiled in her sleep now.Saraphina stood up,"I was created this way..... Angels past isn't very good please forget this happened"she explained and began putting everything away some teddy bears helping although now Anel was on her bed under a bunch of teddy bears."if you could please wake her in the morning she'll be late because of the use of her powers in a scared state"she added then sat on the shelf.
Kael walked up and made sure she was tucked in, "sleep tight" he whispered. He turned to Saraphina, "if anything is wrong send one of the bears next door to get me. I will leave my door open a crack." He said brushing a strand of hair from Angels face. He stood up and headed for the door.
The bears giggled the small ones anyway,"Angel has a boyfriend"some sang amongst themselves some bears grew jealous of the attention Kael got from there princess. Saraphina nodded,"of course Kael-kun but please don't let Angel know I talked to you I really want to protect her forever"she said as she looked at Angel.
Kael nodded, a barely noticable blush on his face from the bears taunts, "I understand Saraphina. I psomise I will help her fight this, whatever it is." He said before walking out. He went to his own room and put on some pajamas, leaving his door a crack as he had promised. He sat on his bed with his viola and played a bit.
Angel listened to the music as she slept then blinked her eyes open and covered her face with the teddy bears,"what a lovely brother"she mumbled.
Adrian chowed down on his third burger. After waiting in line for all that food he was really hungry. Now he finally got to eat while sitting in a booth with group of his friends. His eyebrows furrowed, Where's Jack and Sig? He shrugged. Probably off on another rendezvous together. Adrian was finishing his Milkshake when he heard a weird growling sound right next to his ear. He turned to see a passed out Eva snoring on his shoulder and an empty bowl of what used to be pasta on the table. Even knocked out she still had a fork full of noodles gripped tightly in her hand. "Light weight." Adrian said, shaking his head. "Guess I better get her home. Good night guys." He said as he pulled her out of the booth. Adrian slung Eva over his shoulders piggy back style and began the walk back to the dorms. Once there he dropped her off in her room and picked up his luggage. It took him almost ten minutes to find his dorm, 123. Didn't Eva say that guy lived in 122? Looks like he has a knew neighbor. (Eva said the same thing. Twinsy think alike X P)
Kael finished his song, and put his viola away. he switched off the lights and crawled into bed. he stared out his partially open window at the moon and wondered what had happened to Angel to make her this way. surely such a sweet girl did not diserve to be plagued with whatever it was that she held in her heart. after a few moments Kaels breath slowed and he was fast asleep.

Esther smiled as she changed into her nightgown. she had made a friend today, and Kael seemed to have made a closer friend, rather then one of the people he was just aquainted to. she cleaned up what was left of the unpacked stuff and crawled into bed. she wondered if she would ever be able to tell anyone that she was a poor orphan. the fact the she and Kael were orphans was kept a secret by she and Kael, only to be revealed at her comfort. her brother didnt mind their past, but it made Esther nervous and sad so he promised that if anyone was to know, that she was the one who decided who they would tell. she drifted off, dreaming of music and art.
(Good job guys since Song isn't here I'm just ganna)

Jack watched the patrol walke home then looked at the tired Sig an picked him up and ran to his dorm she quickly opened the door and set him into bed then ran home. Hitori noticed the sleep Klaine an sighed picking her up bridle style and took her home seeing Jack run in the opposite direction he set Klaine down on her bed and walke to him room and went to bed.

~now next day guys~
Yay, now i can join!!!!!!! xDD

Blaze arrived at the school, her mother had told her to go on her own, and sinse she lived 37 miles away,

it had been a long walk. Looking at her brother, Lamda, Blaze smiled faintly and she looked up at the

building. "We're here " she sighed. It was always hard to find friends, they got scared by her power.

Blaze pulled her older brother's sleeve "c'mon!" she burst into the school, then realised how early it

actually was. Blaze widened her eyes when she saw the big emmpty corridors, and bit her lip when a

cold breeze danced across her collar. "uh... i think wwe're too early?"

Lamda nodded at his sister "wa-ay too early" he looked down at her pale face, she was crying again.

"hey" he soothed, turning to her "its okay, w're just a little early"

sorry it was short for Lamda, gotta go Dx

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