Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Klaine scratched her head," Hmm... I think it should be," she said, thinking deeply. Klaine then noticed a girl come over and introduce herself. The girl said that her name was Eva.

"Eva? That's such a pretty name!"

She spoke then asked curiously," Are you Adrian's girlyfriend??" Klaine asked, her hands on her hips. Sigfried scolded his twin," Klaine, you can't just ask about other people's relationships, it's rude!" The female twin whipped around to Sig and scoffed," Who says you're polite, either, Sig?!" He rested his hands by crossing them and spoke to Eva," Don't mind her. I'm Sigfried Boulevard, and this is my sister, Klaine Boulevard."

Klaine gave a cheery wave, her loose coat fluttering in random directions.

Sigfried looked at Jack's high-five. He hesitated, but ended up giving Jack a hand slap," Nice, so you're Jack?"
Jack nodded. Hitori began walking for the helmet on Jack's face. Jack didn't seem to notice so Hitori smirked and swiped the helmet off Jack's face. Jack was revealed the blue eyes young girl gave Hitori a blank expression. Hitori stood there in shock then smirked,"Wow Jackie you grew"he said. Jack rolled her eyes,"it's Jack....."she said and kicked Hitori to the ground,"would you like to go for a spin?"she asked. Hitori gulped,"I-it's fine"he said nervously.
Eva and Adrian where slightly alarmed that Klaine thought of them that way. Adrian even twitched a little bit. "We're fraternal twins. My brother's older by a couple minutes. We don't look too much alike anymore since we dyed our hair." Eva said, motioning to her bouncy green curls and Adrian's red locks. Then she was suddenly distracted by the spectacle Hitori and Jack were making. "Dude you can speak! I thought you were a mime or something!" She said surprised. Then she looked down to see Hitori on the ground. "Wow your a tough broad." She murmured absently. Adrian shook his head. "Dang man, that's the third time you got whipped by this chick in the past hour."
Kael gave a distantly happy smile, "yeah, these plants are the closest ive ever been to real nature, my sister and i were stuck in town where we used to live and never got to see much. traveling was always a dream of ours."
Angel pouted,"well if you become my pair ill talk you anywhere you want at the price of a hug!"she said and held her arms out open,"because friends are supposed to help each other achieve dreams"she added softly.

Jack glared at Adrian,"that's why I was quiet because of sexiest acts of stupidity"she mumbled."hey trust me if you see Jack here angry you will never want to mess with this she-devil"Hitori said standing up the stretched,"besides my power is to become a professional with any piece of equipment I touch"he added. Jack staied quiet again not talking much she just didn't care that's all.
Thomas wished to hear Esther play but the flute begged questions. "Why would you have an old flute like that was it passed down to you?" Thomas sat down on a chair sitting in the room and quietly scanned the room. The only other girl's room Thomas had been in had been his sister's and it really was not his idea of girly. Thomas looked out the window and saw the setting son and had realized just how long he had been out "Wow I can't believe it's so late right now my sister is probably looking for me." Thomas laughed as he worried I hope she really is not looking for me she is probably mad right now.

It had taken a while but Sabrina finally found the orm room where Thomas was she rapped the door a few times and called. "Hello is anybody home I was wondering if my brother thomas is in there. Sabrina sounded nice and she also sounded as if she was not sure if thomas was there but the tracking software never failed before and she really was mad. She could not believe the lack of focus from the boy and she was gonna let him have it.
she closed the case and set it down again, "it was...well, yes i guess you could say handed down. my, um, " she hesitated, "my mother gave it to me." she said. this wasnt entirely a lie. she had received it from her mother figure, the head of the orphanage. she heard a knock on the door and went to answer. there was a girl there. she seemed nice enough, but something was weird. "hello, are you looking for my brother maybe?" she felt the need to ask because she wasnt a people person, but her brother was.
Eva glared at her brother. Adrian sighed and lifted his hands in mock surrender. "Sorry Jack, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just stating a fact."

Eva rolled her eyes. "Ignore my brother Jack, sometimes he says stupid stuff." She smiled and linked hr arm with Jack's. "Lets head to cafe guys!" She said energetically.
Jack blinked, "so much contact" she mumbled nervously unblinking the arms, "alright let's go" she said. Hitori smiled and began walking and walked by Eva, "pssst Jack isn't used to people touching her" he said.

(star I replied too :D )
Jack looked at Sigfried,"so how was the electricity in your body? I mean how bad was it?"she asked curious about the pain just in case she ever had a fight with him."I would like to have a battle with you sometime...."she said not really with emotion.
((i sorry Kandy. heres your reply))

Kael was a bit suprised, "you really would?" he asked, thinking of the places they could travel, then realized he didnt know what she meant by pair. he cleared his throat casually, a slight pink on his face, "pair?" he said curtly, giving her a curious look. she was so childish and innoccent, yet somehow mature and understanding. she was very unique, in very good ways.
Angel blinked,"don't tell me you entered this school without knowing what it's famous for..."she mumbled then pouted,"a pair is two people in the school that are chosen and are supposed to be lovey dovey with each other like a couple"she said happily,"or did you know that and not want to be my pair?"she asked pouting.
Sigfried held his arm up, inspecting it closely," Hmm... Before the attack, I hardened by blood so I would be more compact," he explained," If electricity is run through an object with compacted mass, mire electrons would be absorbed."

"For example, if lightning were to strike a tree, it would be set on fire. The tree has seperate air spaces between its cells, so the air causes the tree to burst into flames, because the non-compacted tree could not uphold the immense amount of electricity."

"But if it were to strike a metal pole, the pole has almost to none air trapped inside, so electricity would be absorbed."

Sigfried crossed his arms, looking at Jack to see if she understood," So if you wanna prepare, try tightening yourself with your stretchy powers before an electric attack. It should help."
Jack nodded,"I suppose that would be the idea"she mumbled stretching slightly,"forgot to ask have you ever lost too much blood in a battle?"she asked eager to know more about her next opponent."he's smart and physically advanced"She thought looking at him for the answers she then jolted as another question popped into her mind,"have you ever fought without your sister by the way?"she asked.
Kaels eyes widened a bit "oh, well I...my sister and I came here because we were offered scholoriships. We are only here one special abilities scholorships...." he suddenly felt awkard, the color in his cheek darkened. "But, I guess that's. Nice. Esther really needs to meet someone...er, sorry Angel. I always imagined it happening more....naturally. I do like you, but can we just hang out so I can think? This is kinda...sudden." he gave a guilty yet pleasent smile.
Sigfried answered the first question," I suppose it's possible, but my powers become inactive when I lose too much blood. Yet that's rarely the case. I can still manipulate my blood even if it is not currently on my body. So if I lay, half dead, I could simply call my blood back. Yet if I am unable to call it back, I will--certainly-- die."

He then decided to answer the second. "Hmm... We've fought a few times, but we have never gone to the extent to a full-blown battle,"
Angel giggled,"no no Kael we don't chose I mean I see you more like a big brother or a giant teddy bear filled with kindness but not romantically like that"she explained then giggled even more,"couples are tied to each other were ever they go "she added,"so if I went around the world you would come with me if you were my pair see?"she asked smiling then stood up,"if i did get to chose I think I'd want.... Hm... I dunno I don't like anyone and as a pair you get to know someone you could like ya know?"she asked then smiled,"ah your red!"she said worriedly,"are you sicky already?"she asked.

Jack nodded understanding and making mental notes,"by the way I've noticed you don't talk a lot to anyone other then your sister... But you don't seem shy to me.... So why don't you talk"she asked. Hitori glanced at the two,"the most she's ever talked and it's to someone she just met"he grumbled looking away.
He looked away," Mostly because....I-I just don't want to," he said. Sigfried was a moody kid. He just talked when he was really into something, and almost everything bored him to death. Sig looked up," I try not to take it easy. My overall physical health isn't the best," he chuckled lightly.
Kael gave an awkward smile, "oh so that's what you meant, oh no I'm fine, i m uh, just a little warm that's all." He said nervously. Some how he was a bit disapointed, but he let it go. He was having a good time with Angel, though he was still unsure, who knew? Something may happen to change that.
Eva shook her head at Sigfried. "That's too bad dude. Sometimes taking things easy can be good for you. Its like a release from the pressures of life. Have you ever thought about some calming exercises. I practice Raja Yoga. It really helps me to quiet my mind and simply absorb the positive energy around me. Hmm...its like being one a natural high." Eva said dreamily.

"Sis your killing me." Adrian rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "If you start talking about the tranquilities of a settled mind..." He began. "Peace love and all that crap, I promise you I will barf. I just can't take that much happy-go-lucky sweetness right now."

Eva rolled her eyes and leaned over to whisper to Hitori. "That guy has way to much negative juju in his life."
Hitori laughed,"your really such a sweetie Eva"he said to her. Hitori was very blunt and said whatever was on his mind he didn't care what others thought. Jack smiled at Sigfried,"well maybe things will get better for your health I mean some people say friendship is very good for you so i think you'll be fine at this school your making friends as long as you talk.... I mean I could always try to offer up interesting conversation.... If I'm not too terribly annoying at it"she offered lightly.

Angel smiled,"lets go do something else!"she said getting up and looking around,"like... Hmmmm why don't you choose!"she said watching him slightly thinking she said something to make him sad. Angel then walked up behind him and put her hands on his cheeks,"here my hands are a bit cold anyway"she said smiling. She was right they were cold a bit odd but they were cold soft and slender but also small her hand wasn't too terribly big compared to his cheek.
"Ah... Okay," he laughed lightly. Sigfried then said," Haha, no, you're not annoying the slightest," Klaine yawned," Let's gooooo," she groaned, throwing her arm other her brother. She overreacted and slumped over, causing Sig to jolt up and hold her. Klaine waved her hand over her head, saying dramatically," Oh, thouest comest sonewhere other than this place? I, maiden, ye bored as heckest~"
Adrian took this opportunity to jump in, "Ye heard the fair lady!" He proclaimed before swooping in and picking up Klaine. "Make Haste Knights! To the cafeteria! Away!" Adrian trotted off carrying Klaine.

Eva stared with a dropped jaw at the changeling that was suppose to be her brother. "And he calls me the Fruit Loop? I should have caught that on camera." She she muttered. He is sooooo never gonna live this down.
Klaine shrieked in glee when she was picked up, and pointed her finger forward," YES!! YES!! Onward, mighty steed, for ye shall carry I maiden to awayest to the tallow thy call von cafeteria!!!" she yelled, laughing loudly. Klaine waved her arms around randomly. She called to her brother," Come, thy stupid jester, for ye shall amuse thy maiden at lunch~" she said. Sigfried coughed and started to walk normally toward them.

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