Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Thomas unfolded the paper and smiled seeing four classes that they would share together. "Homeroom then we have art and music and gym class together." It was too bad we don't have them all but this way Sabrina won't get jealous and I like music this way I can play my violin and I have a friend that will give me honest criticisim instead of Sabrina always saying it was good Thomas handed her the paper and walked with her to the door. He thought a bit and shyly asked. "You know sometimes I get a little lonely while working I mean I know I have Sabrina to keep me company but she is usually working so I don't have people I can talk to so if you ever want to stop by the science lab I would love the company." Thomas tried to smile but still looked nervous as he held the door open for the girl to pass through first.
Adrian converted his lighting volts into pure energy again before creating a static wall of electricity. He took a deep breathe before expanding it to block the force of the cannonball headed straight for him. The impact still managed to knock him on his backside but at least he wasn't dead. Adrian smiled, Man I've been missing this...He rotated to the balls of his feet, and charged up again. Channeling all the electricity to his fist, Adrian punched a hole into the ground and sent light volts shooting straight to Klaine and Sigfried.
Esther smiled, "well it looks like classes should be fun then." She walked out as he held the door, "I leave it to you to guess what instrument I play. I would love to visit your lab as well. I can bring my sketch book too, who knows, I may find inspiration in your lab." She said happily. She wondered what they should do next. "So what's next? Your lab or my art studio?" She said, appropriatley calling her dorm a studio.

Kael watched Angel work on the doll. She was quite skilled with her hands and he found himself very intrested as she gave the doll a makeover. "Don't give up. It may be weird now, but imagine how happy the doll will be when you're done." He said sitting next to her as she worked.
Angel took a deap breath and nodded she pulled the arms from the sockets then pulled the roller blades off. She took a deap breath,"please be a good and just hero with a kind heart I pray the happiness"she said softly she did this so the doll wouldn't be evil. Angel gave the doll a cute pink long hair,"erm short or long?"she asked Kael.
Kael thought a moment, "long hair seems to be more fitting for this doll." he suggested. the doll seemed to come together slowly, and Kael also hoped for nice heroic doll, but more for Angels sake, because he knew she would feel better about it.
Angel began putting something cute together. She set the doll down and began making a tight shirt with a daisy on it so it wouldn't get in the dolls way then a black Lacey tutu with a cute white ribbon that had bells on the ends. Angel put the outfit on the doll and put blue holster on the dolls thighs and two knee high white socks and black school shoes. She had the dolls hair be blonde at the roots and slowly go into a hot pink by the tips and put a white headband on the doll with a black choker necklace with a bell on it. The doll opened its eyes and white gloves appeared on the doll and she held golden guns,"Officer Saraphina reporting for duty ma'am!"the doll yelled in fighting stance. The doll hand beautiful blue eyes. Angel smiled,"Miss Saraphina you are top notch guard!"Angel yelled. The bear from before saluted and bowed,"protect and defend the princess!"the bear yelled and Saraphina bowed and sat down by The bear. Angel smiled happily,"cute"she said.
Bith Klaine and Sigfried were affected badly by the shockwave of electricity. Yet Klaine looked more down. She choked and knelt of one knee, holding her cannon-arm with her free hand. Since Klaine's cannon was made of hard black metal, the netal conducted much more electricity than it should have. While she gasped for air, the black haired girl changed her arm back to normal.

"Guess that's not much use..." She whispered, standing up and dusted off her coat. Gulping, Klaine leaped ointo the air, with helps from her brother, and changed the same arm into a black and dark blue revolver gun. Instantly, Klaine shot all six bullets.

Sigfried swung his arm, hissing," Makikomu!" which meant 'engulf'. The little splatter dots of blood from his arm covered Klaine's bullets in a shell, then Sigfried commanded," Supaiku!" (which was spike)

The bloody coating on Klaine's bullets sharpened, into the shape of sharp arrowheads. The now pointy bullets were now fured to Adrian.
Kael gave a small applause, "see? if you keep working at it, you wont have to be afraid." he smiled, looking at the interesting little doll. "so what do you want to do now?" he asked
Angel opened her mouth to speak yet her stomach answered the question with a growl,"maybe lunch in the garden?"she asked blushing with embarrassment. Angel got up and patted the dolls head,"stay in the shadows if you want k?"Angel offered the doll seemed to dissappear. Angel put the bear on her back,"but I did do that when I was calm no knowing what will happen when I'm frightened"she thought and began walking out then looked back at Kael and smiled,"I bet tomorrow's ganna be fun"she mumbled.
Kael chuckled at her stomach, "sounds like you ate a grumbling bear." he commented. "i can help you fight your fears if you want, we can always work on it. but for now, i think we should work on fighting that hungry stomach." as he said this his own stomach growled as well, "well, two grumbling stomachs. why dont you lead the way? you did good last time" he smiled.
Angel looked at Kael in awe,"your ganna let me choose?!"she asked then grabbed his hand and ran she jumped off the boucany happily into a bunch of bears that cushioned there fall,"that was sooooo fun!"she yelled happily then got off and began walking around,"I know there should be one around lalala lalala!"she sang and found herself at a cute tea table and chairs,"cool... Cool"she said and put her bag down,"now what to eat"she mumbled thinking as she took out a phone determinedly."teleporting pizza or speedy Chinese or maybe time travel Spanish"she said looking at her phone as she clicked buttons.
Kael watched her jump down, and took a moment to think about how he would proceed. he took one of the vines from the balcony and slung it up to the balcony on the floor above. he did the same thing with the other end of the vine so that the was a swing of sorts. he held tight to each side of the swing and stepped on. he grew the vine out till it hung all the way to the ground, lowering him down like an elevator. he joined her at the table as she rambled about different foods. "whatever you want, im not picky." he said filling the empty vase on the table with flowers.
Thomas walked with Esther and was really happy at the question he beamed his curiosity peaked he answered. "Well let's go to your studio I have time" Thomas heard his cell go ff and saw a message from Sabrina "Where are you?" Thomas put his phone back and smiled at Esther. "Yeah I have plenty of time" walking with her he found himself checking her out she really was petite but she was really cute. Thomas caught himself and looked ahead embarassed at himself. He decided to quit thinking about it and decided to ask. "Hey this weekend the return to school carnival is this weekend would you like to go with me?" Thomas thought that if Esther liked him maybe she will say yes. She really accepted him for who he was now if only he could find out if she liked him or not. Thomas was a little bothered by the comment that she never had a crush so maybe she might not ever feel the same way.
Esther led the way to her studio as she wondered what she should show him first. she had never heard of the carnival that he asked about, but it sounded like an oppertunity to make new friends, and have some fun outside of her art. "sure, a carnival sounds like fun" she smiled, "ive never been to a carnival." as they got to their destination, she opened the door to reveal the paintings hanging on her wall, which were only a small portion of her works. "here, this one is my favorite." she pointed out a painting of a sunset over the ocean. "i painted this because i really want to see the ocean.
Angel smiled,"I really do love your power"she said smiling then dialed teleporting pizza and it appeared with a guy holding it,"hello"he said,"hi~ here ya go!"she replied handing him the money and a tip,"keep on teleporting!"she added before he dissappeared. Angel smiled and opened the box smelling the slices,"beautiful~"she said softly she took a slice,"bottoms up"she said and began eating it. Angel ate like a cute child she jolted chewing on the hot cheese trying to rip it off the pizza but it was too gooey so she continued chewing with a nervous and determined face. Some o the sauce already on her cheeks making her look adorable.(I imagined it and went awwwwwww xD )
(Hey PK, when are we gonna start the first day of school?)

"Damn!" Adrian had time to mutter before ducking to dodge the bullets. He was able to evade four but the other two caught him in the side. He let out a string of curses as he covered the bleeding wound. Adrian sighed, healing his wound would require him to transform his whole body in to pure energy and then regenerate. It only took a few seconds but it used up the majority of his active power. Whatever, live to fight another day. Adrian flexed his muscles, working the electric charge through every part of his body until he burned white hot. A blinding flash took over his body. Once the glow died down he was back to normal, albeit alittle wozzie from the static high. Adrian tried snapping his fingers together to make a charge but all he got was a few sparks. He looked at Klaine and Sigfried. "I'm all out, it looks like it's gonna be awhile before I'm charged up again." He shrugged and put his hands in his pocket. "I guess you guys win this fight."
Kael took a peice of pizza, managing to eat it with mess, for the most part. He looked back at Angel and chuckled as she struggled with her food. A light pink crept onto his cheeks as he thought that she looked cute, mess and all. He grabbed a napkin, "hey, you trying to paint yourself?" He said dabbing at the sauce on her face.
Angel chewed off all the cheese then looked at Kael and tilted her head not getting it at first, "what" she asked cutely the same blinked and giggled, "thank you" she said allowing him to take off the sauce from her cheeks,"do you like the pizza? "she asked happily. (when everyone's ready for the next day so let's start raping up to get to the next day by Thursday or wensday afternoon.)
" of course i like the pizza! its delicious!" he smiled. he finished off a few pieces, and was satisfied. "that was good lunch." he pulled out his beaten old wallet, "how much was it? i should pay you for at least ghalf of it, that way its 50/50." he asked.
Thomas smiled as he saw her portrait. He was reminded of summer break and mentioned. "Family lives on a shore house by the ocean during the summer it's nice to walk on the beach and swim in the ocean." Thomas got close to esther not realizing how close he was to her and just enjoyed the artful brushstrokes and the scenery gave him sweet memories. Meanwhile in Thomas's pocket his cell phone started to transmit a beacon and back in the science lab somebody had pinpointed thomas location. Thomas turned to esther and asked "Have you ever been to the ocean it is quite fun I love the sea and I love my hometown. Thank you for reminding me of home esther you are way too awesome and talented I am glad I have you as my friend." Thomas smiled and pushed his glasses up on his face enjoying himself.

Sabrina got the coordinates and left the science lab fuming. "That boy has been gone for hours he is jeopardizing the research we have completed this boy has no focus whatsoever." Sabrina started storming down the hall pushing past others in the hall being quite rude as she went.
Esther gave a slightly sad smile, "im glad you like it. ive never been to the ocean, but i really want to. its probably one of my biggest dreams. ive never actually gotten to travel. my brother and i never left our home town till we came here." she didnt elaborate about her past because she was unsure if it would effect Thomas opinion of her." she smiled once again, "im also glad to have you as a friend, you are fun to talk to, you know that?" she walked over to her bed and picked up the small black case that sat on it. "you never asked what instrument i play." she opened up the case revealing an old flute. the silver color was tarnished in places, it looked as though it had its share of uses over the years. "its a little old, but it still plays beautifully."
"no way I don't mind at least you enjoyed it" Angel said as she finished her food and smiled, "i like pizza a lot" she said and looked around, "and eating lunch in such a beautiful place was fun" she said happily.
Klaine giggled and returned her revolver hand back to normal. She loved winning, but was purely against rubbing her victories in people's faces. She skipped over to Adrian, slapping him hard in the back, laughing," Woah~ That was 100% awesome!!! I have a newfound respect for you, Adrian!" Klaine said. Klaine him a nice punch on the shoulder," We should totally spar more often, right Siggy?"

Sigfried walked over, both stepping casually and wrapping the bandages back aroumd his arm," Uh, yeah, sure." He said. Sigfried felt weird beingso open to people. But, he had to admit, Sig admired Adrian's skill in electromagnetism.

"Nice volacity, man, lots of power,"

He felt really funky saying this, but hey.
"Thanks man." Adrian grinned. "I do try to liven things up." He smiled again as Klaine slapped and punched. Did it mean that he had masochistic tendencies because he enjoyed? Whatever...Adrian's stomach growled. He grimaced and looked back at the other twins. "I could really go for a bite right now. Do you guys think the cafeteria is open?" He asked.

"It probably is since this is move-in day at the Academy." Eva called out as she made her way down from the bleachers. She went to stand next to Adrian and smiled. "That was a nice battle guys. I wish I had my camera, because that was totally gonna go on Youtube." She turned back to Hitori and Jack. "Are you guys hungry too? We could make a party out of this and all go together." She suggested to everyone. "I'm Eva by the way." She told the twins. (Have they been introduced to her yet? Can't remember)
Jack noticed Klaine and Sigfried and walked over with a thumbs up, "you did good" Hitori translated from afar. Jack nodded and looked at Sigfried with a high five held up Jack thought his power was cool.


Hitori nodded walking over, "heck yeah and maybe Jack will take off that stupid mask" he said looking at Jack who shrugged.

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