Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

(Oh well I'm sorry hehe I just ment for you to get a little experience because it can be a little overwhelming for a new rper to rp with people who can type so fluently and detailed trust me I know but please get better and come back but follow StarDust's beautiful sigy "don't cry because its over smile because it happened" it's beautiful to me an had many meanings so please follow it I think more of a P.O.V way I worry about how people react to my words so I'm very careful in choosing them so try that too put yourself in other people's shoes maybe even your own chara perhaps?)
(So, with all that said and done with.....)

Adrian watched the rubber man knock the prince unconscious. "Well...I'd definitely say you won this battle, cheers mate." He said with a shrug. He glanced at Hitori once more before making his way to the weapons section. Poor guy, he's gonna feel that in the morning. Adrian turned back to the twins and motioned for them to come over. "Hey Klaine, Sigfried, choose your weapon so we can start our match." He called out.
Jack blinked under the mask and stretched an arm to the swords and pointed at it wondering if they would alow such a person to join them in battle. Jack then looked at Hitori who was still asleep. Jack then swiftly with one hand wrap around Hitori and set him on the bench to be unconisous safely.
((im back! let the happy return~ and im glad you like my sig! its something i think about a lot.))

Kael felt the snakes wrap around him, and after struggling a moment, he created a layer of soft moss on his skin, cushioning the snakes grip. "leave Angel alone! it doesnt matter what her powers are of what she does with them, she is a nice girl with a kind attitude towards others. i see it doesnt run in the family." as he spoke, he forced vines to sprout from the moss. the wrapped around the snakes, and grew thorns that jabbed at the snakes.
"We choose..." Klaine started slowly, thinking deeply.

Sigfried finished her sentence," Ourselves!"

Klaine giggled as her right arm turned into an enormous sleek black cannon, fully armed and ready. Sigfried ripped off the bandages that covered his arms, revealing bloody gashes underneath. Sig leaped on Klaine's cannon-arm, and jumped forward. In the air, he hissed," Supaiku!" And the blood on his arms shot up, spiking upright in a large quantity of red needles. He jumoed closer, swiping his arm at Adrian as his blood was his weapon.
Angel blushed looking at Kael,"please Soku just.... Please..."she said softly. Sokoku could hear the trembling voice and release Kael and the snakes slithered off. Sokoku rolled his eyes,"don't worry my Angel... Ill make you strong"he said smirking then began walking away. Angel came out of the bear and walked over to Kael as tears streamed down her delecate cheeks that were usually pale but now as bright as a red rose against snow."I-I'm sorry....."Angel said and sniffled.
Kael was a bit sore, but he ignores it. as Angel came out of her bear and apologized, he smiled gently, "its fine, really. you didnt deserved to be treated like that, youre far too nice." he patted her on the head as he thought her rosy red cheeks were a bit cute. a lily appeared in his hand and he put it in her hair. "now, how about we go cheer you up? you look much better with a smile"
Angel sniffled and then nodded,"o-okay"she said then looked at the flower petal in her vision,"that's really cool"she said softly then stood up and rubbed her eyes,"can I see your schedule now to help you find your room?"she asked and hugged her bear after removing the knife from its chest. Angel hugged it and began sewing the wound,"it'll be okay"she said softly then finished and kissed the wound and put the bear back on her back."we~re off to find your room~ the wonderful room of this dorm~"she sang and began skipping in no certain direction.
Kael chuckled, "thats more like it." he watched her sew the bear. he couldnt help but smile. she gave each bear life and in a sense individuality. it really was a great power. he dug through his bag as she skipped down the hallway. he followed after her, handing her the paper. "ok miss tour guide, lead the way!"

Esther finished her unpacking, and decided to wander. she heard a commotion nearby, and peaked in the nearest door. it appeared that the others from earlier had engaged in some combat training. she watched quietly from the doorway, too nervous to go and watch, let along participate. she deffinately wasnt the fighting type, but she was intrigued the moves and abilitoes displayed.

[MENTION=3314]SongOfTheSpiritWolf[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1487]Nello[/MENTION] thought i should get Esther to do something. hope you dont mind a shy stalker.))
(I fixed my first post)

Thomas grunted when he hit the brick of the building looking fiercely at the lot of them "Stupid animals" he pushed through towards the entrance of the science wing his sister in tow. They net the physics teacher who also happened to head the entire science department. Soon after getting access to the lab they donned white lab coats and worked on the next big project a robotic helper working on the blueprints thimas ordered parts and Sabrina drew schematics after three hours thomas looked outside and asked his sister. "Do you wanna go for a walk sis it's a nice day and my back is tight from that earlier run in." Sabrina looked up from her computer and yealled at him "Thomas when are you gonna take work seriously and your back would not be so tight if you ate and had more exercise." She quickly went back to work as thomas headed to the door. "Dear sis you are right I should exercise more so I am going to take a walk." Sabria was about to protest but had left already. Out walking Thomas happened upon a girl who was watching combat training. He was right behind her when he mentioned. "Hi you do know that it's not polite to stalk people you know it might give off the wrong idea?" Thomas stood there his hands in hi pockets and waited for her answer.
Esther jumped back, having not heard the boy approach. she opened her mouth to say that she was not stalking them, but no words would form. she scuffed her shoes against the floor, fidgeting. after a moment she spoke quietly, "i was j-just passing by and wanted to see what was going on...." she could feel her own brain yelling at her. she was an intelligent girl, who was capable of comunicating, yet somehow she was over taken by shyness. it was the only thing that ever beat out her prideful nature. she brushed a strand of her long golden hair behind her ear with a small slender finger. it didnt matter who she was with, her 5'2 stature always made her feel small.
Thomas saw her stammer and smiled she was shy and that never happened to him with girls usually they did not talk to him tha much but this time it was the girl who was shy. When esther pushed her curls from her face Thomas saw how pretty she was. In his head he tried to deal with his own nervousness. I had no idea she was so pretty he thought it totally ruined his confidence and he stammered himself." Well maybe instead of hanging ou here you might want to see one of my inventions over a soda at the cafeteria" Thomas felt dumb the way he sounded so boyish but man she was cute and he had no friends bsides sabrina here and he needed to be away from his little sis for now. Thomas then realized he did not introduce himself. "Oh sorry im so rude my name is Thomas" He really had no idea what else to say when his robot pet birdy landed on his shoulder. "Oh and this is birdy my first creation" He placed a finger at his shoulder and the bird perched on it. Thomas then offered the metallic creature to Esther to hold.
Eshter noticed that this boy seemed a bit nervous as well, and managed to relax a bit. he seemed nice, and when he invited her to see his inventions or get a soda, she gave small nod, "food sounds good." she said, feeling rather hungry after all her unpacking. she smiled slightly when he showed her the little birdy. "your ability is invention?" she asked as she took the small mechanical bird, holding it carefully in her small hands. she looked at it with curiousity, she was always one to learn. she had a sudden curiousity for his inventions, and if she felt she could trust him she would definitly want to see his creations.
Thomas smiled well at least he got her interest Birdy jumped back on his shoulder. As they walked down the hall he grew more excited "Yeah my sister Sabrina and I are inventors I build things and she programs them if I could explain it any better it would be like I build the house and she furnishes the house." He laughed at the idea and how simple he made it sound. turned to her and asked "You never told me your name." He continued to talk as they entered the cafeteria and got in line "My ultimate goal is to one day create androids and give them human feelings and emotions to graduate mankind to godhood by us creating new and intelligent life and we have that upportunity with robotics" Thomas realized he was rambling and apologized "Im sorry I must be boring you to death."
Esther listened to him talk as they made their way to the cafeteria. she heard him ask for her name, but then continued to ramble. when they got to their destination he apologized for rambling, "no, its all right really, someone has to do the talking." she was feeling a bit more brave, and curious as well. "my name is Esther, and i actually am quite fascinated in your technological specialties." she was now able to smile comfortably, as she had now met someone who could carry intellegent conversation and not see her as a nerd of geek. "im actually into art, but i really enjoying learning about inventing and engineering." she ordered a cup of hot chocolate, which she drank any time of the year, as well as a bowl of tomato soup. her stomach rumbled quietly since she had skipped breakfast.
Thomas ordered a wrap and a soda he showed his student I.D. and the meals were free taking a seat in the corner so they could be alone he continued hearing her name. "Esther thats a pretty name" Thomas did not realize what he was saying untill it came out so he changed the subject. "Art huh I hope you have some for me to see and I would like to see you more often when I get a break from the lab" Thomas began eating and wondered about asking her if she wanted to see his new project but then he remembered his sister and he shuddered. Thomas wanted esther as a friend and not scare her away since Sabrina was so protective she might bite the poor girl's head off. Thomas looked at esther and wondered if she had family here too but thought it might be too soon to ask.
as they sat down, Esther took a sip of her hot cocoa. "thank you, i am quite fond of my name." she felt rather nervous when he said he would like to see her more, she felt she had already made herself a good friend, and thought he was bold despite how nervous he still appeared. by now she had settled down, seeing that he was fun to talk to she had no reason to be nervous. "if you really do want to see my art, i wouldnt mind showing you sometime. i paint and draw, as well as a bit of bead work." she said, holding her wrist out to show a bracelet beaded with plastic beads that had the appearance of crystal. it was all she could afford from her part time job back in the town where she used to live. "i would also be interested in seeing some of your creations."
Thomas was excited about her wanting to see the creations he had but he remembered Sabrina. "Well I have to let you know I came here with my sister and she is pretty protective of me you see last year I was very sick I even almost died Sabrina stayed at the hospital everyday on summer break doing her best to help me get better. Before we were not that close we fought all the time but now since I recovered she is so overprotective it's kind of crazy." Thomas continued to think about what invention to show her. Thomas reached in his lab coat and produced a metal glove. "This is my super glove you put it on and whatever tool I need is right at my fingetips. Since I invented it work efficiancy has gone up twenty percent."Thomas smiled he hoped not to scare away esther but he might as well get the whole Sabrina thing out in the open. Thomas looked at her braclet and without thinking held her hand for a closer look. "Wow esther you have real talent you should design jewelry when you finish school." Realizing he was holding her soft hands he pulled back embarassed. "Im sorry that was to forward of me."
Thomas talked about his sister, and Esther found it quite similar to how her own brother was always looking out for her. he pulled out a mechanical glove, and explained its use, which Esther found quite interesting. he examined her bracelet, taking her small hand in his own larger hand. after a moment he pulled away, apologizing. Esther simply smiled, though her face betrayed the slightest trace of red. "no its all right, you were simply looking at my bracelet so its fine. i appreciate the compliment, but jewelery is really my least skilled area of work. Painting is by far my favorite medium." she took took a few sips of her soup, "its not all bad having an over protective sibling. i have a brother, Kael, who is always trying to get me to make friends, but he is such a people person he ends up having a whole group in tow. i get really uncomfortable around groups of new people."
Thomas listened intently while Esther spoke of her art and her brother the whole time she mentioned her family Thomas smiled. "Well at least your brother encourages you to make friends Sabrina really does not mind guy's hanging out with me but she hates it when a girl shows any interest in being my friend she has the idea that no girl is good enough for me so I just have birdy and her as my friends." Thomas was happy that he was able to help this shy girl get a friend not a part of her brothers group. "So do doe's your boyfriend and your brother get along or is it like my problem where I can't get a girl to stick around because of her jelousy." Thomas was wondering if he was going to personal for hanging out for the first time since he himself was socially awkward.
(Screw the god damn suggestions! I just want to ******* RP! I spent ages on this website looking through all the ******* categories, and found something that sounded fun. This RP. But no, I get kicked out for doing something that was okay?! The **** is up with all these god damn standards! I can't RP when nobody is on! I tried to move the story along then Kandy is like "Oh **** off already!" That's it then. *tear*)
Angel smiled taking the paper,"I'm ganna do this!"she said and took out a map and looked at it determinedly,"okay so if the numbers go down like this then~"she started then walked down some stairs and was at the floor to hers was on,"okay this should be your room!"she said smiling as she pointed at the door then got on her tippy toes to point out the room number,"1 as in the first floor, 2 as in the right side and 1 as in the closest to the exit."she explained. She then jolted and walked to the dorm next door,"122!"Angel yelled pointing at her door. She bounced happily then hugged Kael,"my friend is my neighbor! We can play games and watch movies and talk and help each other with homework and each candy and drink tea and and have a sleep over! "she said excitedly talking about all the things friends do being that she's never had a human friend before.

(please stop we settled this and your starting to make me angry and that's not okay go away and if your still having problems then pm me stop bombarding people with your stupidity over a website its not okay! I am very sorry that your sad I can't change that but you need to stop doing this on the rp were people escape reality to become another person! I have no pitty for people who curse at me and put curses in my mouth because using curse words on this website is not okay I have never cursed at you and I was saying this in the nicest way possible but please just leave this rp alone with your insolent idea that rps move fast erm no they don't people have lives outside of this rp so hush child and leave)

(to other fellow rpers just ignore this person if they continue and try to have fun sorry for the inconvenience of this matter k? Have as much fun as you can :D )
Esther turned slightly red at the question, "er, i havent...well ive never dated. my brother has never had problems with anyone i talk to, since i dont make many friends, but i dont think ive ever had a crush on anyone before." she looked a bit embarrassed, since this was something she didnt usually talk about. "as for my brother, he can talk to anyone, but he mostly has just friends, he doesnt seem to have any close friends, and because of where we lived before we came here, he never dated either." she sipped up more of her her soup. "you really shouldnt let your sister decide who you hang out with." she suggested.

Kael followed Angel as they walked the hallways. she said directions and numbers as she led the way. Kael couldve found his room easily by himself, but he found it more fun to have someone to talk to along the way. he heard her shout his room number, and he set his things down. "well, it looks like i a great neighbor then." he opened his own door, "would you like to keep me company while i unpack? i have snacks in my bag." he suggested with a smile.

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