Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Angel smirked, "snacks? I'll stay but if you get to the undies I'm leaving" she said pouting then walked inside and made a cute big bear and sat on it as it hugged her. She then set her other bear on the floor and it assumed a guard position, "oh you don't need to worry I'm sorry you got hurt" she said and the bear saluted and sat down Indian style.
Kael chuckled at her use of the bear as a gaurd. "i already told you not to worry, i chose to stand up and put myself in harms way, so its completely not your fault." he pushed one bag over to his dresser to unpack later, and grabbed another bag. he unzipped it and pulled out a blue tin. "do you like cookies? they are chocolate chip." he said opening the tin and handing it to Angel. the choclate chips were arranged in the cookie to look like smiley faces, flowers and stars. "i made those myself. can you imagine how manly flowers and baking cookies is?" he grinned at her.
"well baking IS dangerous you could get a burn" Angel said and took out a flower one and at it, "wow.....yummy" she mumbled and chewed. "oh by the way your power is super cool I wish I could use my power to protect myself .... Maybe a lot of things would be different" she said and ate another cookie,"oh have you thought about clubs? "she asked excitedly.
((Dang I missed alot!)))

Since the altercation with Angel's cousin, Eva hadn't talked much. Once she was finally able to calm down she watched the pair as they entered Kael's room. "Well it looks like your taken care of Kael." She said with a wink to Angel. "I'll catch you two later. It was fun hunting. Angel we totally need to hang out soon. I wanna checkout your bear collection." Eva waved goodbye and left to give them some alone time alone. She smiled, things seem to be getting pretty intense around here...Now if only I could get that to happen for me... Eva trotted down the halls and out the dormitory. She thought she should check on her brother and see how he was doing in the combat room. As Eva entered she saw that a battle was underway. "Guess I showed up just in time..."

Adrian did a side-slide away from Sigfried's blow. Converting the kinetic energy in his feet to electricity, Adrian formed a half-twist kick and shocked Sigfried in the solar plexus. "Tsk, tsk, dude...what happened to ready-set-go?" He said with a smirk. "Surprise attacks could really hurt somebody." Adrian moved the electric charge from his feet to his whole body. With a quick wave of his fists, he formed two lighting volts. Taking a fighting stance, he eyed Sigfried. "My turn.." Adrian made a break and lunged for Sigfried, his lightning volt making a plunging motion.
Jack was sitting to the side then noticed a girl at the door waved slightly then looked at the groaning Hitori. Jack put an ice pack on Hitori head. "listen Jack next time watch the face" Hitori whined.
Kael took a cookie as well. "i think your power is fine. you can find ways to protect yourself." he opened the door to his balcony and looked down into the garden, "of course ive thought about clubs." he put both hands on the railing and the vines grew further up till they wrapped around the railing and its supports, a few flowers opened up dotting the vines. "i bet you couldnt guess what my first pick of clubs is?" he turned to her and spoke from where he was on the balcony.
Eva was analyzing her brother's moves when she heard a groan. She looked to see that it was the guy she met earlier. Eva smiled and waved before noticing he looked unwell. She frowned and made her way over to his side. "Hello again," She said quietly. "Are you okay?" She asked, concerning entering her voice.
Angel thought, "oh cooking?" she said jokingly then smiled, "no I'm kidding your ganna join the gardening club!" she said and got up and walked over to the boucany, "i think I'm going to join the craft club" she said, "as long as there's stuffing in something I can give it life" she said then sulked, "i don't trust myself with that though" she mumbled then smiled looking at the flowers, "so pretty" she said softly.

"I'm fine Jack here just hit me hard while we were practicing" Hitori explained glaring at Jack who just looked at them. Jack just did a wave, "and when are you ganna take that stupid mask off!" Hitori yelled angrily.
Kael chuckled again, "bingo, we have a winner! and your prize is....." he dug in his bag again, this time pulling out a package ofplastic wrapped chocolate roses. "you get one of these." he handed her one of the edible flowers. "i recently discovered i have a talent for molding chocolate as well." he smiled, "dont be afraid of your abilities Angel, if you want we could go and practice sometime, and if something goes wrong i will be right there to help you stop it." he suggested.

((i have a really long work shift tonight, wont be on for awhile, bye~))
(So...does Jack not talk because the mask is stuck to his face or something?)

Eva sighed and relaxed. "Well thats good. I'm glad your alright." She said with a smile. After the weird incounter she had with the creepy cousin from hell, Eva was glad that no one was seriously injured today. She began to wonder if she should have come here after all. Eva looked back at Hitori and Jack. "I'm Eva by the way."
(aw kk bye go make dat money saaaan)

Angel ate the flower happily then looked at Kael, "no its fine maybe some other time" she said softly. Angel didn't trust anything but plushies and didn't want to hurt Kael so she decided it wouldn't be a good idea."but maybe we could try combat someday"she mumbled.

(Nope hehehe~ ill reveal that soon~ if you wanna take a guess at why Jack doesn't talk go ahead)

"I'm Hitori Madame it's nice to meet you"Hitori said as he sat up. Jack did a wave smiling under the mask,"do you want me to introduce you?"Hitori asked and Jack shrugged."this is Ja-"Hitori started but glitches at his head,"ow ow okay ow it hurts! You and your rubbery ares"he complained. Jack stood up and got Tylenol from a black book bag off to the side and handed it to Hitori.
Eva winced at Hitori's pain before holdin out her hand to shake Jack's. "Nice to meet you Jack. Apparently you pack quite a punch." She smiled cheekily. "I wish I had been here to see you guys battle. I'm sure it was interesting. Right now I'm wondering how this one is going to turn out. " Eva said as she looked back at her brother. She shook her head. " It amazes me. It's not even the first day of school but already there is some action going on everywhere around campus."
Hitori smiled,"obviously Jack here won hehe rubber girl is harsh"he said smirking and Jack twiched then looked at Eva and shook her hand. Hitori ate the Tylenol then looked at the fight,"they look too serious"he added. Jack nodded.
(wait, Jack is a chick? Second guess, did she make a vow to become silent because of a broken heart?)

Eva shook her head. "Nah, my brother isn't serious. He's having so much fun. Especially because of that girl, Adrian has a thing for her. She seems like a hard core chick with a lot of energy, and her brother seems like a vicious opponent. This is the best way he knows how to blow off steam and he's glad he has people who can challenge him without getting damaged." Eva smiled. "I'm sure he'll go all out by the end of this battle."

Jack shrugged again as Hitori yawned,"a powerful opponent huh?"he said looking at Jack. Jack shot a glare an touched the mask ,"finally"Hitori said then Jack looked away not touching the mask anymore.
(Hey PK, I gotta go for a bit and take care of some stuff. I might not be back on until tomorrow...sorry)
Sigfried saw that Adrian had dodged his spike attack, which wasn't surprising because of his lean structure. It in the corner of his eye, Sigfried saw Adrian lunging forward with a pair of lightning bolts.

"Kotai!" Sigfried hissed. Kotai meant solid, which hardened his blood.

"The more compact, the more electricity absorbed," he said, but still felt a stunning wave of static wave over his body. He stood stunned for moment, in a daze of the massive amount if energy that had surged through him.

Just then, Klaine appeared from behind her brother, her large cannon-arm swung forward.

Klaine released a cannonball the size of a bowling ball. Her cannon was pretty powerful, but the downside was that it took a long time to regenerate its ammo. A big solid ball is pretty hard to make.
Kael decided not to push too much on the combat subject, as he noticed that it made Angel uncomfortable. "its ok if you dont want to, just know that im completely ok with getting a few scrapes and bruises if you even want to try." he walked back in, closing the balcony door behind him. he went to a different, more rugged looking bag and pulled out a few vases. he filled each one with water, and placed them in various parts of his room. he grew a different plant in each vase, one had lilies, one had poppies, there was even a pot for a cactus and another with a bonsai tree. his room was very green when he was finished. "so what do you think?" he asked Angel.
Angel smiled,"Gardeny..."she said happily then looked at Kael and sighed she assumed he would probably pressure her to find out why like most people do. Angel grabbed his hand and walked into her dorm she pulled a suite case from under the bed and gulped,"come out Saraphina"she said and a creepy doll came out of the suite case it had gun arms one eye and skates for feet. Angel looked at Kael worriedly,"I can make these.... When I'm threatened or scared...."she mumbled and hugged the doll,"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry"she said hugging the abomination,"play with me"the doll managed. Angel got up,"one day ill make you better I promise"she said softly. Angel looked at Kael sadly,"do you hate me now?"she asked being that this was usually when people ran away from her.

Jack noticed the fight,"I could totally win that"said a feminine voice behind the mask. Hitori rolled his eyes,"yeah yeah you could beat anyone unless they use ice"Hitori muttered.
Kael chuckled at her "gardeny" comment. she took his hand and led him to her room, showing him a dangerous looking doll with guns for arms and only one eye. to him it seemed like something she must have made without much thought, probably in a fearful moment. he looked back at Angel, "how could i hate you? it looks like you were just trying to protect yourself. this is why i thought we should practice a little bit of combat, so you could protect yourself without worrying about stuff like this. in fact, i have an idea." he said, running back to his own room. he dug through his school stuff, finding a notebook and a pencil. he went back to Angels room, and flipped open the notebook. he tried to draw a doll, but it wasnt much more the a stick figure with a dress and what appeared to be a belt with a gun holster. he showed Angel, "you could give the doll another eye, and some sort of body guard outfit and have the gun in the belt instead of on the arms. or if you dont like that your doll could have a sword and be a valient knight to fight off dragons, or police doll with a stun gun." he smiled, "you can fix this doll to be prettier. i know my drawing isn't really the best, but i wasn't exactly gifted for art like my sister." he had a somewhat embarrassed expression.
Thomas immediatly felt dumb he did no even imagine esther would not have a boyfriend she was too pretty not to have one. Thomas laughed before adding "Well I think it's too bad you never had a crush on anyone but hey everyone gets a special feeling for someone eventually." Thomas picked up his tray and threw out his trash and waited on esther to see what she wanted to do next Thomas heard the comment about his sister and laughed. "Yeah maybe you are right about that but she can be right sometimes I can get distracted easily and we have a lot of work to accomplish in the lab but it is nice to get out and meet new people." Thomas really did not want this time together to end, esther was a nice girl and since the ice had been broken he was not nervous anymore, his curiosity peaked he asked. "Did you get a class schedule yet I hope we have some of the same classes that way I could introduce you to Sabrina since we would be in class she might not get all cranky about somebody interrupting her while she was coding a new program or something she gets bent out of shape while working" Thomas waited to see what she wanted to do but he expected she was probably bored of him now and wanted to go back to where they met up.
Angel blushed, "Kael...." she said softly then hugged him, "your so sweet" she said happily then thought, "but it could be harder" she said sadly.
Esther got up and threw out her trash as well. she couldnt help but giggle at his comment on his cranky sister, imagining that his sister must be somewhat like her when Kael wouldnt let her draw. Kael was generally the only one who saw her less pleasant side, especially when he was being a bother to her. "i wouldnt mind meeting your sister." she commented, digging through a single pocket on her dress. she pulled out a neatly folded peice of paper, unfolded it and handed it to Thomas. "these are my classes, see any that match yours? it would be nice to have someone to talk to." she smiled. she was glad to have found a friend in Thomas, normally she had a hard time opening up to others.

Kael accepted the hug, "hey, the harder it is, the harder you try right? besides, it wont seem as hard if you have someone there with you." he patted her on the head, "practice makes perfect. i bet your doll would love a little makeover." he said with a chuckle. "she could be even cuter then the bears, and still defend you. i beleive you can do it if you put your mind to it." he encouraged.
Angel thought, "i can try" she said and pulled out materials and took out an eye ball and grabbed the doll and began sowing in the eye ball, "by the arms aren't stitched I'd need to take it out by the socket-oh this is so creepy" she said and took the life from the doll so it wouldn't be in pain. "this is so horrible" she mumbled sadly.

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