Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

"Em. I'm Nigel..." He stammered. "You look wonderful today!" "Can you tell me where the Oceanology/Oceanography class is?" He asked quietly.
Both Klaine and Sigfired nodded in unison," Sure, let's go," chimed Klaine. Sig blinked at Angel at her question," Ahm... No thanks. I'm fine with my ability, but I appreciate you asking," he gave a small smile. Klaine grabbed her brother's hand and swung it back and forth violently, causing him to give a glare to her. Klaine simply stuck her tongue out and follwed not too far behind them.
Thomas and Sabrina grabbed their bags from the car and got a kiss from mom before she left. The two were in the principals office for two whole hours and had the honors faculty trotted before them. The two rolled their eyes over how the principal went gaga over them. The only reason they were kicked out of the school for gifted children was that Thomas had his master plan for a robot made in the science lab mixed with sabrina's super software made the robot blow up along with the science lab so now they were stuck in this school with normal kids and this would plain suck. The pair finally left and were shown their own special dorm room. They headed to class Thomas was playing with his pet robot bird named birdy when he ran into Klaine as they passed outside Sabrina ran up to her and yelled "Hey you watch were you are going" Thomas tried getting up his skinny frame was prevelent "no it's my fault I should have paid more attention." H esmiled at the girl and started to walk to honors physics
Nigel had found his way to the physics class. Eva wasn't much help either. He eyed Thomas and his Bird.

"Oi! You!" Nigel shoved Thomas up against the wall.
(Naga just so you know this is the day BEFORE school so everyone can get situated in dorms :D Ty)

Angel blushed at the innocent thing but smiled,"thank you"she said the looked away,"so when are we ganna get there?"she asked.
Nigel looked at Thomas and studied him.

"Wrong person!" So sorry! He ran off to his dorm. The room was moderately big, had a bathroom and blue decorations of the ocean. "Wonderful!" Nigel said cheerfully.

Might as well explore the school and meet some people! Nigel thought. And with that he exited his dorm and went out to the pool.

(Also, is this RP more active during the day?)
(Erm it depends on who's online like if me and Stardust are online at the same time it's bumping but if me and you are online and haven't established a contention then it won't be epic as someone who has established a contention... I was at a play and lost my voice I'm sorry I should've charged my phone this morning I could've been online to greet you gomen)
Kael smiled, "we just got here." He said pointing into the open room. Esther was tidying up around the desk, her art and illusion books already filled the shelves. Her flowing cream colored dress made it clear how small she was, in height and weight. Her tiny pale hands drifting from object to object as she aranged her belongings. "Hey Es! You have company!" She jumped at her brothers voice, jeez Kael, thanks for scarying the living day lights out of me!" She said, then grew quiet as she saw the other three with him.
Angel waved,"hi!"she said the took her stuffed bear from her back,"okay okay fine"she said and wiggled her nose the bear was then complete and it was blue with a white stomach and a purple handkerchief around its mouth with a opened mouth with sharp teeth on it. It was cute but cool to Angel and she put it on her back,"I'm Angel!"she said excitedly then held out a hand to shake.
Eva sighed as she walked back to the car. How is blue-blazes did she forget to bring her luggage with her. Adrian forgot his luggage also for that matter. She exited the building to see her brother popping his head out from the trunk of the vehicle. Well, speak of the devil. "What are you doing, I thought you went to the dorms." Adrian grinned sheepishly. "I kinda realized I was missing something." He said gesturing to the bags. Eva laughed. "Great minds think alikes twinsy." She said before she waved her hands and levated all the luggage. Adrian and Eva went back inside and headed for the dorms. When they got there, they saw a group of people making greetings. One of the girls (Angel) had a stuffed animal. "Awww, that is so cute." Eva said before moving to get a closer look.
Klaine dragged her brother in, almost leaving a bruise on his wrist," Hello, Esther~ I'm Klaine Boulevard and this potato is my twin, Sigfried," she gestured toward the gloomy looking boy that stood beside her. Klaine grabbed Esther's hand and shook it violently, swinging it up and down in blurring speed. Sigfried rolled his eyes at his sister;s open personality, much opposite to his. Sig simply nodded his head as in a hello, his one good eye glowing a bit.
Esther looked at her feet then back at Angel,"h-hello, I'm Esther." She said with a timid smile. She took Angels hand and shook it gently. Suddenly the other girl, Klaine, took her hand and jerked it around, causing her to wince a bit. Kael noticed her discomfort, and put a hand on Klaines to stop her, and pulled Esthers hand away. "Excuse me Klaine, please be careful, my sister is rather weak." He released both of their wrists. Esther shot him an upset glance, "its f-fine Kael really." She rubbed her thin wrist. "N-nice to meet you."
While Eva was busy ogling a stuffed animal, Adrian took a minute to check out the other pair of twins in the group. Normally he would be analyzing the dark silent one, instead he found himself caught on the girl. Klaine was it? Adrian smiled a little. Hyperactive and overly friendly, cute...

I should probably be paying attention to people right now Eva thought But that cuddly-wuddly thing is sooooo adorable....
The bear did a wave. Angel blinked turning to the bear looking over her shoulder,"what do you mean more people?"she asked then looked at the new pair,"hi there!"she said smiling then looked at the girl then the boy and smiled."more new friends! She seems nice and if there related he has to be nice too so they have to be nice friends"she thought happily bouncing slightly.
Eva smiled brightly. "Hi I'm Eva Hendricks and I have a passion for all thinks cute and adorable." Her focus went back to the bear as she pointed over her shoulder. "This is my brother Adrian." Hearing his voice spoken, Adrian pulled his gaze away from Klaine and nodded at Angel. "Nice to meet you." He said, giving a mock salute. "I'm guessing you power has something to do with stuffed animals?"
Esther looked at the two siblings who had just arrived and suddenly got even more nervous. she opened her mouth to introduce herself, but no sound came out. she looked down, scuffing her shoes against the floor. Kaels saw her getting increasingly shy, and took the liberty of doing her introduction for her. "nice to see weve formed a group already. im Kael and this is my sister Esther" he pointed at the fidgeting girl. she gave a meek wave. Kael popped up another flower from his hand, and handed it to the new girl, then offered a hand to her brother, with intention of getting a handshake. all the while he hoped Esther would open up. she was open a with him, and sometimes even showed attitude, but when it came to other people she totally clammed up.
"The pool just has to be closed!" Nigel shook his head. He headed down to where the other dorms were. There he spotted four people inside trying to shake hands and such other stuff. "Hello everyone!" Nigel said. "Do you have any water? The pool is closed."
Angel blinked,"I bet the vending machines have water"she said smiling brightly. Angel looked around and pointed at the vending machine,"want me to help you get one?"she asked.
Nigel dove right at the vending machine, crushed all the water bottles, and absorbed every bit of liquid.
Klaine and Sigfried stood side by side, both the exact same height. Either Sigfried was short or Klaine was tall, but almost symmetrical either way. Klaine then turned to Adrian and Eva, smiling brightly," Wooah, lots of siblings here~ YEAH!" Klaine shot her fist into the air in a lightning speed, almost slugging her brother. Sigfried hissed and grabbed Klaine's wrist,"Calm down, geez," he said, glaring at Klaine. Klaine stuck out her tongue, and moved her hands to her hips, smirking at Sigfried," Oh c'mon Siggy, you're just jeolousbyou don't have these CUUURRVVVEESSS," Sig facepalmed and said quietly," Do you have any shame at all?"

Klaine huffed, crossing her arms together. Her pouting personality then switch over to much happier like before. She then grabbed Sigfried's head and slammed her knuckle into him, noogieing violently. "Don't. Mess. With. Sister," she spoke darkly, in almost a creepy sadistic manner. Her arm on Sigfried's head shifted into a sleek shotgun, pointed right to his head.

"I dare you," he spat without emotion to his sister, his eyes piercing right into her.

Klaine then burst out laughing, releasing her grip from her brother and her shotgun then transformed back into a normal hand," GAAH! Th-that's adorable! You-you thought I was gonna ACTUALLY shoot you! Gya!" She giggled uncontrolably.
Angel giggled,"it's actually pritty cool"she explained. She then patted Sigfried's head,"you shouldn't hurt him... Because if he gets hurt you'll be sad..."she said softly remembering how her little brother died before she could see his power.
"Call me jaded, but usually this question comes about now so I will answer straight away! I can control all forms of water. Even make it into ice!" Nigel exclaimed proudly. "I also get much more powerful when in water. Thats why I'm in the pool all the time." He looked at the door and twitched a little bit.

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