Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Jack had a straight face, "so weird...." she mumbled. Hitori grabbed Eva's hand, "come on let's beat them there!" he said pulling her along walking a bit fast but not running so he would hurt Eva. Jack walked by Sigfried, "I'm not running" she said flatly.
Kaels face cooled, but was still slightly red. He put his hand over her smaller one. "You wanna go check up on my sister?we can walk back to our rooms together after that. It is getting late after all." He said, pointed out the retreating sun along the horizon.
Eva laughed catching the end of her skirt so she could run. "Ya know I have a better way we can do this." She said. Closing her eyes Eva began to levitate. Gripping Hitori's hand she pulled him up into her orbit. Together they floated over Adrian and Klaine. "When there's a smile in your heart..There's no better time to start.." Eva sang. "Think of all the joy you'll find, When you leave the world behind, And bid your worldly cares goodbye! You can fly, You can fly, You can Fly!!!" She sang floating past her brother and Klaine.
"FASTER MIGHTY STEED!!" Klaine panicked when she saw Eva and Hitori fly past her. She changed her arm into an airsoft gun and shot a blast of air behind her, shooting them forward a bit.

Sigfried sighed," Yeah..." he mumbled," Everyone's so....hyperactive today," Sig looked up at the racing pairs trying to beat eachother. "I guess we could walk...yeah,"
Hitori laughed then looked at Eva's brother and stuck his tongue out,"this is fun"he said holding Eva's hand happily.

Angel nodded,"okay"she said a bit happy she got to go around a bit more before school even though she knew she would probably be so happy and excited she would stay up for half the night."I guess that was dinner"Angel said as she began walking.

"I'm sure there's still going to be food there...."Jack said and yawned,"sometimes I wonder what fuels them to be so...... Words can not describe there energy"She said then looked around then at Sigfried,"I think they were all made for each other"she said.
Sigfried laughed," Haah! I just hope Klaine doesn't overwealm the poor fellow," he said, motioning toward the fact Adrian was running and carrying her at the same time. She also had an unpredictable personality. "Well, I guess it's fate or something of that sort," he shrugged. SIgfried sighed," Besides, it's nice Klaine has someone else to release that energy on," he remembered his sister's immense strength and violent tendencies.
Jack blinked and looked at him with curiosity,"are you abused by her?"she asked then jolted,"never mind don't answer that... Anyway come"she said and took Sigfrieds hand and went a different way,"there's a shortcut we can show them slow and steady can win this race besides if I win I can get Hitori to buy me dinner and breakfast tomorrow... Ill split it with you"she offered.
"Oh...okay," he said as he was dragged away. It kind of slipped out, but he spoke," Thanks, Jack," Sigfried said. He was about to answer her first question, but he was cut short before an answer came out. Sigfried ran along with Jack. I guess I'm in this crazy race too then... he thought in his head as he ran.
Jack slowed down as the walked into the cafe it wasn't that far away with the short cut,"hm? Why are you thanking me?"she asked as she leaned by the door way. She knew if the looked like they'd been there for a while everyone would wonder how they got there and she had already thought of a good answer.
Jack chuckled then laughed odly enough her laugh was soft and feminine,"no it's fine you can have half"she said smiling,"I don't mind sharing besides you let me drag you along"she said smiling then realized they were still holding hands and let go.
Adrian laughed. "There is no way I'm letting my little sister beat me." Even if he wasn't charged up, he still had a lot of energy to burn. "Klaine blast that air gun on overdrive!!!" Adrian yelled. He held her closer and began to run at full speed.
"OVERDRIVE~!" Klaine said loudly and cocked her airsoft gun. She shot about ten rounds with a BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM! She laughed a bit hysterically and held her arms up so she was hugging Adrian.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry, uh...ah," he jolted his hand away, face slightly pink," Uh..." Sigfried stammered," This..is awkward..." he scratched his head.
Jack smiled a bit and grabbed his hand,"no it's not see no problem..."she said softly,"lets get a table ill order and make Hitori pay for it later so you can order to and ill pay for yours"she said then let his hand go,"and you look nice when the blood flows to your cheeks"she said smiling as she began walking to a table and sat at it.
Sigfried jolted again. How could he let someone see him like this? He coughed and told himself, Jeez, Calm down, he said to himself. He nodded and followed Jack. "Thanks..." he repeated. Sig went over to a lady standing behind a counter. "Uhm.. I'll take that," he pointed to something on advertisement in the side and told the lady. The woman nodded and pushed a button on her transaction thingy, and he looked at Jack to see what he would order.
Jack pointed to something she liked and ordered it and without realizing it she was pritty close to Sigfried even leaning on him,"hey erm.... I was wondering... Can I give you a nickname... If you don't mind it... I think Siggy really fits you in my eyes I like it on you"she said smiling then moved away and blinked a waiter tripped and she stretched her arm and caught the waiter and stretching the other arm to catch what he dropped,"you okay?"she asked not moving at all one move and she could drop everything. The guy blushed and got up grabbing his tray,"thank you."he said before running off. Jack blinked and sighed.
"i guess" Kael said, "im still full, besides its been a long day, unpacking and all." he led the way back to his sisters room. he didnt even bother to knock and walked right in. she was standing with another girl, a boy standing near one of her paintings on the wall. he grinned, "well hey Es, who are your friends, youve branched out good job!"

[MENTION=3762]maker[/MENTION] were did you gooooooo
Angel smiled holding Kael's hand out of tiredness,"hi"she said softly as she cutely rubbed her eyes and yawned,"I'm Angel"she mumbled tiredly and leaned on Kael.
Sigfried sighed," I guess it's fine. Klaine calls me that all the time anyways," he chuckled to himself. When he saw Jack catch the waiter, he laughed," Heh. Aren't you the popular magnet, eh?" he saw the waiter blush.
"Not really I just didn't want him to get hurt"Jack explained then looked at Sigfried,"erm... If you don't like it I won't do it"she said then looked at the table,"I hate when guys just start liking me.... I haven't ever liked anyone back"she explained.
"Naw, it's fine," he said casually to her attempt of a nickname. Sigfried gave her a pat on the back," Don't spazz your pants about it, Jack, you'll find somebody," he laughed and smiled.
Jack smiled and giggled a bit,"did you really say spaz my pants?"she asked laughing then smiled,"thanks Sig I thought your sister said you were depressing but your really not"she said then there food came and she began eatting.
Eva squinted her eyes. "I can see the cafeteria!" She yelled excitedly. "Dang, Sigfried and Jack beat us there." She looked over to Hitori. "At least we'll come in second." A thunderous roar sounded behind her.

"Oh no you won't!" Adrian yelled. Running at his top speed he was slowly closing the distance between them. When Adrian reached the two he grinned. "Do you really think I'm the type to come in dead last? No freakN way!" With another battle cry he sped past them.

"Oh crap!" Eva yelped. Flying was not as easy at it looked, she was already going as fast as she could. She started swimming through the air but she couldn't quite catch up.

Adrian jumped over the threshold of the building with a triumphant laugh. "Woo Hoo!!!" He shouted. Adrian didn't seem the slightest bit out of breath. He set Klaine down gently.

Eva and Hitori landed right behind them. "Whatever man." She mumbled. Arms crossed and pouting, Eva was kind of a sore loser where her brother was concerned.
"Yeah!!!" Klaine trumpeted and high-fived Adrian violently. She threw he fists in the air and hugged him," Yeah! Thouest my mighty steed has led thy maiden to her castle, le cafeteria!" she giggled.

"Heh. I guess I'm misunderstood huh...?" Sigfried chuckled lightly under his foos that was stuffed in his mouth.
Hitori sulked,"now I'm ganna end up paying for Jack's food"he mumbled really wishing he won.

Jack smiled,"well not anymore"she said then looked outside,"there here and it's getting dark..... Ill walk you to your dorm if you want"she said as she continued to eat. Jack then noticed Hitori sulking outside and chuckled.

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