Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Sabrina finally spotted Thomas and stood waving her hands "Over here Thomas" she stood waving wondering why he was so late and saw thomas talking to a boy with blonde hair the boy was pretty cute actually so she hoped Thomas had made a new friend this time. opening up her super tablet she hacked the schools database and pulled up the boy's profile his name was hitori which was an odd name she also noticed he was a whiz with weapons which explained why she saw the sword. Sabrina put her tablet away and finally caught her brother's attention as the two walked over she exclaimed "It's about time you emerged from your lab" smiling Sabrina looked at Hitori feigning igorance. "Who is this if I may ask?"

Thomas saw Sabrina but answered Hitori "Yeah I know the first day is always hecktic and I did not sleep so well last night I had too much on my mind walking over Thomas answered his sister "Hey Sabrina this is Hitori we just met in the hall how about we sit over where Hitori's friends are." Thomas half expected protest but Sabrina did not mind actually as Sabrina stood she smiled at Hitori "I am Sabrina by the way I hope we are in some of the same classes this year." she was being friendlier then usual but she was usually like that to boys.
Hitori blinked,"yeah..... Well that seems fun..."he said then took a step back,"we can sit here there's no problem besides I bet Jack wants to be alone with her new friend and I don't see Eva so it's fine"he said sitting down he took out a small dagger and twirled it on his fingers as a bored reflex.
Thomas went to sit in the chair next to the one Hitori took but Sabrina gave him a glare that could cut steel. sitting next to his sister his mind wandered off wishing esther was here and worrying if yesterdays events ruined his time with her but then again she probably did not even like him so he might as well forget about it. Sabrina after her glare to Thomas had it's effect sat down in the new chair and asked Hitiori "I like your sword Hitori do you know how to use it?" Of course Sabrina already knew the answer but she raelly just wanted to get to know Hitori better so talking abouut his interests should work.
Hitori blinked then smirked,"of course! It's what the Kokoro family is known for! It's weaponry!"he said,"I'm better at swords then anyone in the world give me a weapon and ill be the best-"he started but Sokoku was behind him,"but truly conceded"Soku said smirking,"what?! Soku go away! You and your creepy bugs and slithering snakes"Hitori snarled at Soku."eh? But that's not all the animals I can control"he whined smirking. Hitori rolled his eyes.
Sabrina saw the other boy and smiled untill Hitori mentioned bugs and snakes which she hated she shivered at the thought and put her opinion in. "Well so far as I can tell Hitori is not conceited he is just confident which is a great quality in a man anyway" Sabrina reached out and asked "Can I hold your knife I wanna see it since I saw it had such a pretty hilt" Sabrina was going to try and pretend like she knew anything about weapons since Hitori did have a cocky attitude and a cute face and so she wanted to impress him and she figured this was the best way untill she heard from Thomas "What do you know about weapons you are totally lost on anything that is not a computer program you can't even cook even though mom has tried teaching you a million times" Thomas was going to try and ruin this chance for his sister the same way she ruined his chance of frindship with esther.
(Did you look to see the pairs 0v0 look at the names by your characters it'll help a bit when decided who your chara will lean towards)

Hitori let out a chuckle,"wow can't cook? Hehe women are supposed to be naturally good at that"he said smiling,"not unless the man can be serious and can actually fend for himself without take out"Sokoku said to defend Sabrina."shut up snake boy"Hitori said."I can control other things!"Sokoku said and sat down looking away angrily. Hitori looke at Sabrina,"sorry but this sword was my grandmothers I treasure it and don't let others touch it"he said a bit sad. Sokoku looked a bit sad too being that he knew Hitori's grandmother and came to treat et as his own. Hitori was aware of this and wanted to be his grandmothers favorite and better then Sokoku so he could please her from heaven although Jack was also in this race although didn't care too terribly much.
(I did see that and since Sabrina has not met her paired charrie yet she is being flirty with any boy really and besides it's her nature to be flirty and jealous)

Sabrina's eyes grew big and and her forehead wrinkled as she furiously stepped on her brother's toe for letting the information slip. She then heard the response and crossed her arms and turned her head away from the boy's so they could not see the hurt she felt. "I can do other things well I just can't cook" It took her a few minutes and she swallowed her pride and ask the two boy's "So do you guy's know each other outside of school." Sabrina pushed her white hair back and looked at the two the light from her green eyes showed her curiosity.
( xD okay)

Sokoku sighed and nodded,"yeah sadly"Hitori responded."hey if you really can't cook I could help you learn"Sokoku offered smiling softly. Hitori rolled his eyes,"I'd rather help her then have you help her"he said and they glared at each other.
Esther and Kael were both amused by Angels ramblings. Esther smiled, "i wouldnt mind hanging out with you. im just glad Kael hasnt brought me another entourage of potential friends. when there are too many people around i get kinda shy." she said.

Kael chuckled, "well, it doesnt matter where we go, i would just be happy to travel. but only if Esther will be ok staying here. i dont want her to get lonely." he gave his sister a cheeky glance, no doubt trying to refer to her friend from last night.
Angel jolted, "really? For me when there's a group of people I get excited" she said then looked at Kael, "i wouldn't know where to go" she said softly. Angel then yawned a bit and jolted, "yesterday I had butterfly's in my stomach because I was a tad nervous about today so I stayed up all night." she explained pouting.
Kael laughed, "and when Es cant stand the large group anymore she explodes. she has a temper and....ooof!" Esther elbowed him in the ribcage with a glare, "anyway, how about a greenhouse? the biggest garden ive seen is the one but at the...." Esther glared again. "back at home." he finished.
Angel jolted and touched Kael were Esther hit him, "you okay?" she asked worriedly then thought, "i could take you to see my aunts garden in Paris" she offered smiling.
Kael smiled awkwardly as she checked where his sister had slugged him. "haha...im fine no problem. isnt paris too far away for a weekend trip? i dont want to trouble you." he said, feeling slightly embarrassed. Esther huffed beside him mumbling about how he deserved it.

((is Angel doing that on purpose? XP ))
Sabrina giggled as the two boy's seemed to spar with each other it made her feel important even though she had an idea that these two had been rivals long before they met her and this probably was not even about her. "it's fine really I may not be able to cook but I can really order up chinese food or pizza real quick I am usually too busy programming robots or hacking the schools database to really worry about domestic stuff you see thats why Thomas and I are here we are the worlds best builder and programmer of robotics and so we got a free ride in this school to complete our work" Sabrina was enjoying herself she was actually making friends.

Thomas listened to Sabrina drone on about how they were here for the work but now his attention went to his stomach. He had not eaten since he last saw esther and he was hungry getting up he started moving down the aisle calling to his sister "Im getting snacks from the vending machine I will be right back." walking up he saw plenty of students and almost before he got to the door he saw esther. Feeling embarassed over the previous day he said nothing but only waved to her as he made his way to the vending machine. "She probably did not even notice me" He told himself out loud as he grabbed a couple of sodas and some chips before walking back inside the busy room.
Esther was begining to slip into a foul mood because of her brothers blabbering. she spotted Thomas, who waved as he walked by. her mood lifted a bit and she waved back. she watched him exit then return with full arms. she waved to him again, wondering if maybe she should move seats. she wasnt sure she wanted to put up with Kael anymore.
Thomas walked down over to esther after her wave the sight of him holding all those snacks and sodas looked funny. Thomas peaked from behind the mountain of food "Hey do you want to sit over there" refering to two seats at the end of an aisle "My sister is starting to bug me and I think I bought more then enough snacks for me besides I want to talk to you." Thomas looked ahlf expectant hoping that esther was not mad at him for the way he left the other day. Sabrina continued to talk to the two boys back at the seats and probably would not care to interrupt Thomas right now.

Sabrina was impressed by the sword "It is in good condition for being in your family you should show me how to use weapons one day im quite curious you know." Sabrina tried to pretend to be interested but really besides computers everything else was a bore to her. She had a new though snd asked Soduku "So what kind of animals have you tlked to?" She was interested in finding out how a person could communicate with animals.
Esther smiled with relief, "i would gladly sit with you. one can only take so much of him" she said referring to her brother. she turned and muttered to him about her changing seats, to which she elbowed him again. she got up and followed Thomas to the end, taking a seat next to him. "you wouldnt happen to have any gummy worms or grape juice there would you?" she pointed at the stack of goodie in his hands.
Thomas produced a package of gummy bears and grape soda and handed it to esther and Thomas himself opened a bag of chips. "So you are having as much trouble with your brother as I am with my sister" Thomas smiled at esther hoping it could get her to open up a little he looked around and saw how some students were couples back for another year at school and he had to admit to himself he was slightly jealous of the way some girls held hands with their boyfriends and mortified at the way some other couples were acting in public Thomas wondered if he was the only one noticing the trend "There sure are an awful lot of couples on the first day don't you think?" Thomas asked really for her opinion not realizing that the question could be hinting at other things.
Esther gladly opened the gummy bears, popping one into her mouth with smile. she also opened her grape soda and took a small sip. "my brother? oh he isnt that bad. he makes decent company until others show up. he can be obnoxious sometimes but i know he means well." she said with a slight sigh. she looked around at the couples, Thomas was right. it seemed like this school was a dating service. she wondered if other school were the same. she flexed her hand wondering what it would be like to hold someone hand other than her brothers. he had held her hand a lot when they walked the neighborhood where their orphanage was when they were little. she snapped back and gave Thomas a somewhat embarrassed smile, "er yeah. must be nice...." she had a light pink on her face. she hoped she had not made things awkward for her friend. she wondered if it was ok to say they were friends. she was so naive with these things that they sometimes frustrates her.
Thomas decided now was the best time to bring up that thing that was bothering him. "Esther I am sorry that my sister showed up at your room and we got into a big arguement in front of you it's just I really like you and I enjoy spending time with you so please don't be mad about what happened I want you and I to be friends for a long time and my sister is just going to have to learn to deal with it." Thomas looked at his bag of chips and was worried she milght think of him wierd or something so without thinking he placed his hand on top of her's and squeezed tight "Im really sorry is there anway I could make up for leaving you so suddenly that day" Thomas looked straight into her eyes with a serious look hoping that she might forgive the situation.
Esther did in fact feel a bit awkward, and when he squeezed her hand she felt herself blush slightly. "hey its totally fine. stuff happens." she said, calming her nerves, "im glad that we are friends, its not something ive ever really had. besides, we can find plenty more time to hang out. i would even visit your lab if your sister really doesnt want you to leave. i know what its like to be lonely, when Kael has all the friends and im left alone..." she drifted off, losing herself in thought till unconsious swirls of color appeared in front of her. they had no particular shape, just abstract illusions. sometimes she didnt have control of her illusions ability. most prominently in her sleep, but sometimes when she day dreamed.
(Yes it is too late :P I closed it but I dunno how to put the closed thing up if you check before the pairings I say .Autmn. Is the last one I'm accepting)

Angel smiled,"it's not really too far as long as we take the jet we should get there by saterday if we leave Friday"she said hugging him happily she then let go and glared at the stage,"when are they ganna start~"she whined pouting.

Sokoku smiled finally a question for him,"I've talked to most animals anything that isn't human I can communicate and control"he said smiling as Sabrina. Hitori twiched but smiled prince-like,"oh but my dear such delecate hands and fair skin would have such and ugly effect against the hilt of a sword or rather I would not like to see such a beautiful woman upset and fighting rather I would like to fight for her"he said holding her hand then kissed it. Sokoku twiched Hitori only did this to get him mad but Sokoku actually found interest in smart girls.
Kael smiled, "well, I guess I will look forward to our trip!" He chuckled as she glared at the stage. "I think its about to start. You aren't very good at glaring, you are still too adorable. You remind me of a little bear." He commented

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