[SIGNUP] The Grandos Paradox


Four Thousand Club
First of all,read the thread that I'm about to link in full. It contains a lot of important information.


Second,before posting in this thread,read it in full. I don't want to see ANYONE say "Well,I didn't know" when I have it written down here or in the idea thread.


-This is my RP. As such,my word is the last word.

-However,you may argue against my rulings if you want...But make sure you have a VERY solid argument,first.

-Grandos runs on my rules,not yours.

-The only civilized race in the setting is humanity. No other race is compatible with humans.

-One of the most important ones. Put effort into your posts. Writer's block isn't an excuse. Use the surroundings in your post if you need to pad it out,or be overly descriptive. People need SOMETHING to post off of.

-Try to avoid back-and-forths. If you see that you and one other member of the RP are locked in a back-and-forth conversation,wait until some other people post. Who knows,it may make plot happen.

-Players are free to fight eachother,but make sure the reason you're fighting makes sense. No fighting to the death over the last tea biscuit.

-This RP is equal parts Fantasy and Science Fantasy. This means wiggle room,so use it.

-Fun is important,and so is plot. If you feel like I'm railroading you,sorry,but I'm trying to tell a story here. I'll try to keep it fun,however.

-There is SIGNIFICANT tension between Mages and Mundanes,so be mindful of that.

-This is an original universe. I don't want to see transplants of characters from established fiction.

With that unpleasantness out of the way,the character skeleton!

Name: First and last name,please.

Gender: Male or female.

Age: No children,no teenagers. Minimum age of 25,and I'll start to reject people if there are too many twenty-somethings.

Spark: Does your character have the Spark of Magic? Yes or no.

Appearance: Include your height.

Personal Effects: What your character has on their person. This includes clothes,jewelery,equipment,anything that isn't their body.

Background: Your character's story,essentially. Include which continent they were born on,if they know,where they are now,and everything in between.
Name: Lucien Franco

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Spark: yes

Appearance: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7hizvmWHA1r38m1ho1_500.jpg Height: 6ft 0in and under his clothes, he is covered in runic tattoos including symbols and incantations.

Personal Effects: Usually carries around a notebook, an extendable police baton, earrings, pencil and a novel (he swaps it out for another when he's finished with it) and a gold & silver medalion from his parents, which he uses to focus his magic, and use his body and tattoos to direct the magic outward.

Background: Born in Almaz but raised in Bokrath, Lucien became sly and wise like his parents, but grew to appreciate the toughness of the Bokrath people, ever since he was tiny, Lucien has been an eccentric boy, often drawing scenes from the books he reads, and his art skill has become amazingly good, when he finishes a picture that he can't keep, he finds someone else to take it for him, he mostly enjoys drawing urban scenes with lots of different people, Lucien first discovered he had the "spark" when he as a child was chasing a ball kicked by a friend into a mage's house in the middle of a healing ritual, his presence reacted with the spell in a way that a mundane wouldn't have, this revealing his "Spark"

Lucien spent several years under the tutelage of this mage, learning to harness and use magic to a basic degree, and has since used it to try and help the people he lives around, from driving off bandits and wild beasts, to using a healing spell to help a mother recover after giving birth, but with the great flash in the south and mounting tensions, Lucien fears that his magic will eventually have to be used to protect himself, rather than protect others, for fear of this, Lucien was asked by his neighbours and his family to leave the continent and travel to Almaz, for his own protection with the mounting tensions, he has since done so, and recently arrived on the shores of Almaz
I am signing up... I have just... trying to get a Character sheet up Dx Will edit... later! As in.. Tomorrow later!

Name: Roda Tally Opals

Gender: Female

Age: 36

Spark: No

Appearance: Roda is a rather tall figure, her stature standing at a 6’1. Her brown-red hair usually remains frizzy and untamed and does not go down further then her shoulders. Her skin is dark and her face is sharp. Her eyes are a bright green color.

Personal Effects:
Roda’s style is light cloth shirt and pants, long boots, gloves and a Slouch hat. Roda carries no jewelry except a single gold earring piece in her right ear. Roda Carries Two magic powered hand guns around a belt the hangs loosely on her hips. Roda has a relatively large bit of money. She also has a small Airship.

Background: Roda was born and raised in Bokrath, she was an only child. Her family owned a small charter company that did rather well, owning several small airships and crews meant for hire. Lol still working on this....
Name: Aeris Rogberth

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Spark: No


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Personal Effects:

Her Locket

Her Sword

Her Regular Outfit

Her Dressy Outfit


Aeris was born in Canak but raised in Almaz. She had an unusual predicament that most didn't know about, her parents both had the Spark but Aeris had no trace of magic at all. When she was eight her mother gave her a silver locket before she died in hopes that she might one day have the Spark. Most of her life she grew up motherless but with a good family who took care of her well enough. They were richer than most and she was better off than others in her village. Eventually they moved back to Canak and she grew accustomed to the people there. She has lived there since. When the Flash happened she was out with one of her classes, for she had taken up teaching, and they had been out in one of the few grassy fields working on flower chains. She had see the Flash from a distance and hurried the children inside, where she watched from inside.

Name: Darian Valdictus

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Spark: Yes

Appearance: Darian has a height of 6'4". He has unruly black hair which he is loathe to comb. His skin color is olive, kind of tanned. He has scars running all over his body from an accident when he was young. Darian isn't overly ripped, but he is lean and muscular. His greatest asset is his agility. He has defined cheekbones and a firm jawline. His eyes fluctuate between their normal emerald green to their angered dark blue

Personal Effects: Darian wears a simple white shirt, jeans, a leather jacket, and a scarf that means a lot to him. He wears a black glove made of a thin fabric interlaced with platinum, silver, and gold. He doesn't own a lot of objects. He does, however, have a small booklet full of things he doesn't like to talk about. Lastly, he owns a dagger with jewels on its hilt. On the blade, the words "ab antiquo, absolutum dominium", which means "from the ancient times, absolute dominion".

Background: Darian was originally born in Almaz. Both of his parents were exceedingly powerful mages, and as such, they excelled in creating their own spells. However, one day, a spell went awry and caused an explosion that killed both of Darian's parents. At the time, Darian was outside. But, the force was strong enough that he was covered in scars all over his body. The scars weren't ordinary shrapnel scars. These scars were in the shapes of runes, and they covered 75%-80% of his body, not including his face. The booklet and the dagger were the only remaining things found in the debris of his house. Interestingly, both objects were untouched, and there was a 3 foot circle around the objects that had no debris on them. Since then, Darian has wandered around all of the continents. He never stays on one continent for too long. However, he is fascinated by Dagnone, even thought he knows the dangers. Something about the dagger, the booklet, the circumstances surrounding his parents death, and his scars invariably draws him there. He visits the continent once every year, and so far, he has just barely survived each trip.
Name: Tatsuo Maruyama

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Spark: No.

Appearance: http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/104027/Anime-Guy-wsword-White.jpg

Height - 5'10

Personal Effects: Usually, he would often wear a black trench coat with a white undershirt, along with white pants. He would also wear his white robes at times. (As seen in the image.) Tatsuo also has dual-katanas, with the swords resting on the left and right sides of his waist. Both inscribed with the names of his ancestors. He also wears this around his neck: http://www.wired4style.com/images/black_arrowhead_necklace.jpg

Being born in the continent of the North, which was known as Canak, Tatsuo had to rely on his own knowledge with his weaponry and on how to survive without the use of magic. Since he was raised in the harsh conditions that Canak held for the young child and his people, his parents had helped him to learn about the way of life in the land. They thought him how to hunt, how to fish in the waters, and most importantly, how to defend himself.

It was only natural that he was able to survive the harsh conditions that stood in his way. Along with learning quickly. It was rather impressive due to the fact that he didn't have the Spark. Although, he had a few thoughts that maybe the ones who had lived long ago before his mother and father must have held some sort of Spark within themselves.

Soon enough though, he began to grow a certain interest over his sword skills, in which he would try to perfect his training every time he had the chance. He also had skills in other uses of weaponry. Things like spears and daggers, for example. And due to the fact that he wasn't born with the Spark, he really cared less about magic as long as it wouldn't get in his way.

Eventually, Tatsuo had finished working on honing his own weapon skills. But soon after, he had gotten very interested in the way technology played a big role in people's lives. This is what had made him travel to the other two continents when he was around his mid-twenties. He was hoping to at least gain some knowledge while he was out there. He did however, learned a thing or two.

But besides traveling and trying to master his training techniques, he continues to live a pretty easy life alone in one of the local towns in Canak.
Name: Calida Wing



: Yes

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Personal Effects: She usually wears simple dresses with black heels. She always wears silver earrings her mother gave her. She carries a wand but doesn't use it much and has a bag she carries supplies like food in if she's going somewhere.

Calida was born and raised in Almaz, but travels to Canak once in awhile to visit her father. Her father left Calida and her family when she and her brothers were very young. Her mother died a year after her father left and Calida and her two brothers moved in with their aunt. When Calida was 19 she was given the chance to go to Canak, where she found her dad. Her dad was very sick though and she decided to move to Canak until her dad was better six months later. Calida moved back to Almaz missing her home once she was sure her father would be alright. She has been visiting her dad since, and was getting ready to go to Canak when the flash hit.
Alright,sorry for my absence. This RP will begin in earnest when there are enough people accepted. Go ahead...Sign up. Let your mind fly into high gear. When magic meets technology,anything can happen.
My chary is a villian, is that ok?

Lady Desari Savage

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Spark: Yes


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These Claws are an antiquity she uses to focus her magic. (The nails are way longer.)


Born and raised in Canak, Desari comes from a long line of mages. Over the years the Savage line has thrived in Canak. Gaining so powerful they built a fortress around their village. Taking over the land they became its leader. Lord Byran Savage was Desari’s father. He personally taught her in mastering the art of magic. He also taught her the family legacy. Knowledge is power, and power is everything. He saw to it that Desari got all that she desired as long as she upheld that legacy. As time passed Desari grew conceited in her own knowledge and wealth. She also became more conning and arrogant. The only person Desari shows true emotion for is her mother. Desari’s mother is the only example of unconditional love that she has. Regardless of her outwards persona, Desari protects her mother from the harsh realities she faced with her father. After her father’s passing, Desari became the ruler of the lands conquered by her ancestors.

[MENTION=1487]Nello[/MENTION] I'm sorry,but that isn't alright. I already have all of the major plot points sorted out,and there's not much room for new antagonists,no matter how small-time. However,feel free to make a protagonist that's a major jerkass. I like conflict in the ranks.
Name: Estus Trialin Mirose

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Spark: Yes

Appearance:​ 5' 8'' with a toned, though not overly muscular build. She has long chestnut hair with a single thin white streak running along the front (common in her family line). The majority of her hair is kept pinned up in a large bun along the back of her head by two needles, each of which possessing a banner that appear as falling rose petals. She allows the hair on either side of her head to flow free, producing two large streams of hair that extend down to just above her chest (the left stream containing the entirety of her white streak).

Her eye's are a piercing violet that almost constantly wear a no-nonsense gaze. She has obviously healthy appearing skin that is surprisingly well cared for despite her numerous altercations, the majority of her scar's being healed away magically so as not to blemish her family name. Embedded visibly just beneath the collar bone is a large (6cm by 3 cm by 2cm) Amethyst gem that has been flawlessly cut into the shape of a tear drop.

She wears a black leather trench-coat at almost all times that bear's the symbol of her family line along the back prominently. Underneath she wear's a crimson red and black corset jacket that cuts down and over her chest in a V shape so as to cover everything but the gemstone. Despite her top's tight appearance, it is actually quite loose. She wears a deep crimson set of pants that allow her full range of motion and breathe easily.

Upon her hands she wears a set of black gloves that possess metal knuckle guards along the inside (imperceptible to the outside while worn). Along her feet she wears leather combat boots, each of which possessing a scabbard for her daggers.

Personal Effects:
Family Signet Ring Made of pure silver and bearing the image of a rose upon it's top with a snakes body coiling around it.
4x Throwing Daggers High grade steel throwing daggers, perfectly balanced. Each dagger has a gaurd that is angled to catch and trap enemy blades for the purposes of disarming. Handles are made of sharkskin leather and the blades plated with gold embleming. The steel itself is burned during crafting to make it black and gold
Leather Trench-coat Black, moderately heavy and used to conceal the rear dagger holsters. Likewise possesses the family emblem of a rose with a snake coiling around it along the back in vivid red. Two large pockets on either side with one inside pocket on the left side
Leather Combat Gloves Black as well, with metal guarded knuckles and wrist area, denser leather along the finger tips made of shark-skin for increased friction with daggers
Leather Boots Black; the soles are covered in a softer layer to help reduce noise on hard surfaces. Each boot is scabbard-ed to allow one dagger on the outside.
Steel Pocket-watch High quality, Government issue galvanized steel pocket watch that serves as identification as an inquisitor. Affixed to a long steel chain with a clip on the end, attaching it to the inside of the inner pocket on the trench coat. The chain is long enough to comfortably pull it free for examination
Back Dagger Scabbard Durable leather scabbard that will accept a dagger on either side attached to a belt. Sits at the small of the back and releases weapons straight to the side when pulled with enough force.
2x Leather Pouch Small pouches tied to a thin band that holds it to the thigh, large enough for a single average book
Personal Journal Private journal, usually carried in the left pouch. Does not carry around ink but keeps a feather pen pressed inside it's pages
Feather Pen See Personal Journal
Gemstone A six by three by two inch, tear shaped, 58 carat Amethyst gem. Flawlessly cut and placed inside the setting surgically implanted upon her.
Gemstone Setting A specially constructed, one of a kind setting that has been surgically implanted into the upper portion of Estus's sternum and extending to just about the collar bone. It is designed to hold a Gemstone shaped like a tear drop. A small retractable ridge extends up and along the sides of the gem to hold it secure. The ridge distends only if pressed in a very specific way to prevent removal of the gem in the case that she is captured.
2x Steel Hairpin Needles High quality galvanized steel hair pins with tapered edges on one end and a ring at the other. Each needle is about a half foot long and about a centimeter wide, possessing a foot long banner stitched to appear as rose petals touching at random points tied to their rings.

Background: Estus Trailin Mirose, born on Almaz, comes from a long and prestigious line of powerful mages. Despite having such a proud lineage however, she has thus far proven incapable of using even the simplest of magics. As such, she quickly fell in standing with her family and was to be wed off to consolidate another powerful mage family into her own.

Feeling as if she were a failure and a disappointment to her family, she searched for another way she might distinguish herself among them other than becoming a trophy wife. Seeing her chance, she eventually joined the Almaz military services as a low ranking infantrymen. Working tirelessly and ruthlessly, she forged a name for herself among the ranks and was eventually admitted into the Almaz Black Op's division despite her inability to use her spark and tap the power of magic.

While she became something of a poster child for the Mirose line, she still feels as if a huge part of her identity is missing by her inability to perform the very thing her name was synonymous with. Not wanting to give up on her family's true linage and to show her dedication to her roots, Estus had a setting surgically implanted just beneath her collar bone and along the sternum to allow for a fairly large gemstone to be held semi-permanently (removable when desired but intended to stay long term)

Estus is known for her willingness to accept almost any mission, including high risk ones and especially including those that involve hand to hand combat. When not running missions for the interests of Almaz she studies magical lore and application tirelessly, using the freedom afforded to her by her position to travel anywhere there might be a clue to using her spark. To relax, she practices her fighting with varies forms of weaponry as well as unarmed. Needless to say, Estus is a very driven person.

Owing to the large family symbol along the back of her coat, which she insists on wearing everywhere, she has earned the unofficial nickname of 'Scarlet Rose'. She accepts no excuses in what she perceives as her duty to Almaz, hunting down transgressor's to it's more important rules relentlessly. She will also not allow anyone to besmirch her family name, even in jest. She likes to believe that Almaz only calls upon her when they want the job done right, and that the deeds of those she may be sent to hunt must have truly been bad for them to deserve her.
Name: Grimm J. Verglas

Nickname: Frost

Gender: Male

Age: Twenty-seven; born on July 31st 12:06 a.m.

Spark: Yes

Personality: Grimm appears to be a laid-back and irreverent individual at first glance, but this scruffy exterior hides his brutal, impulsive, excessively-violent personality and a lethally-short temper. However, despite his aggression and obvious blood lust in battle, Grimmjow possesses a feral cunning and has a knack for quickly exploiting any opening his opponent reveals. In addition, he is blunt, sarcastic, and quite sadistic, revealing a psychotic grin or laughing maniacally whenever he becomes excited. He is also very rude and quite disrespectful.


Frost is six foot one inches tall. He is approximately one-hundred and seventy-six pounds. Although, he is fairly slim at first glance. His jaw is angular, his cheekbones balance out his nose and ears, and his eyes are an ice blue. The hair a top his head is a baby blue color and is usually spiked up at odd angles. He has a very muscular build, but he isn't too keen on showing it off. If you do catch him without a shirt though you can see a bold, black 6 tattoo on his back shoulder and a large maroon scar going down his chest.


Another Anime

Personal Effects: He wears a blue button up long-sleeved shirt, but the sleeves are rolled up above his elbows most of the time. A pair ripped black jeans cover his lower half. Frost isn't too fond of shoes so he simply wraps white bandages around his heels and foot, but not his toes. His right hand carries a large ring on his middle finger that once belonged to his father and he also wields a five special wands that belonged to his caretakers. The only one that seems to have worked for him all these years is the second one from the right. He also carries a gold gauntlet with a sapphire jewel in the middle, he never messes with it for fear that he may break it.

Background: To Frost's knowledge he was born in Canak into a higher up class of people. His father owned a tobacco company and his mother worked down at a local school for the children. His father did not have the spark however he was unaware that his wife did. Since his mother came from a long lineage of Mages she taught additional skills to Frost as he grew up, but she also taught normal schooling to him as well. When he turned eight, his easy and simple life was crushed before his eyes when a gang of mundane's bombed his house after finding out about him and his mother. His father was slaughtered in front of him and his mother was stripped of all her magical guilds and burned alive. The mundane's had not killed Frost since they wanted him too suffer alone. For days the young child sat outside his demolished home, his mind twisted cruelly at the scenes he had just witnessed. A group of elder Mage's had been passing through the secluded spot, where his house had once been, and found Frost. They took him in and taught him more than he already knew. Once his five caretakers passed, when Frost was twenty-two, they handed down their wands to him in hope he could make a difference in Grandos, but after his parents had died the young man had grown to hate mundanes and his hatred turned into a mere insanity that was hard to hide. For the next five years the man walked every continent of Grandos, with revenge for his parents in his mind. Recently he moved to Almaz to settle down and figure out his rein of vengeance, but before he could take action he witnessed the flash with a devious smile plastered on his face.

((Tell me if I should change anything lol this was sort of rushed sorry. :3))
Name: Allen Jaques

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Spark: yes

Appearance: View attachment 9807 6'4''

Personal Effects: A leather jacket over simple brown leather pants, rough leather boots, cotton shirt, leather vest and a similarly rough leather cap to keep the hair trapped against the bitter winds of Carnak. He carries a surplus amount of bolts for his crossbow, and an old fashioned mechanical knife that is more like a small sword. he refuses to use anything with magical properties after all. He carries a waterproofed sack of sorts on his back where he keeps any number of dried food provisions, fresh water, a lighter only for emergancies. He tries to avoid using it. He also carries a tinderbox with him, which he's adept at using. Added to the list are some small carved bowls, utensils, and a water canister, a sketch of his family, a notepad, pencils, a small set of tools he uses for crafting and maintanence on his weapons.

Background: Your character's story,essentially. Include which continent they were born on,if they know,where they are now,and everything in between. Allen was born and raised on Canak. His father died of pneumonia when he was fourteen and he was forced to find a way to help support his mother and younger siblings. He started tinkering with projects on their small farm, figuring out ways to make his tasks easier without resorting to using Magitek. Although he was born with the spark, he had no one to train him and he tried to figure it out but couldn't, his mind set to a way without the technology. When his father fell ill he tried to use it to save him, but to no avail. if anything, it made it worse. He blames his father's death on himself, convinced that if he'd had the training he could have saved him. He hated the spark within him. What use was it if it couldn't help him when he needed it? His hatred for it grew over the years until it became something of a phobia. He despised it. he wouldn't let his family use any of the tek provided for them, he wouldn't even allow his mother to use one of the lighters for the fire. Instead, he insisted they use the flintplate he'd constructed. Eventually his mother passed on and his siblings moved out on their own. Forced with the decision to stay on the farm or find some other source of income, he travelled to one of the main cities of the continent and become a hired hand for the man, aka, a soldier. He was loyal and obeyed all orders. He was sent on a delivery mission to Fishermens Horizon so he was there when the flash occurred. Unlike most of the witnesses, he wanted to investigate but no one would take him out to the location due to their own fears.
I think it's time to review the character files. If you're approved,great! If you're denied,I'm sorry,but your character didn't meet muster.

@bettsyboy: Lucien Franco is DENIED. You need something to point as a focus,not a pendant or tattoos. Your arm would suffice,but it comes at the cost of power. Also,as a "hedge mage" (A mage without official tutelage from Almaz officials),you'd be something of a dull razor,but this is just a middling issue.

Ricia: Roda Tally Opals is PENDING. I'd like a more comprehensive background,and I want to know if your handguns shoot magic energy or use magic to drive a projectile.

Xx-Katherine-xX: Aeris Rogberth is APPROVED. Is the sword a simple,normal sword,or is it an Impact weapon? Impact Swords,when triggered (they have a trigger on the grip),vibrate violently for a moment,rending the flesh it's embedded in.

Gabriel Ryker: Darian Valdictus is PENDING. This is primarily due to concerns about your activity. I realize that you work hard in university,and that's more important. If this RP takes off like a rocket,you'll be left behind if you don't keep constant tabs on it. If you feel you can keep tabs on Grandos,I also need Darian's current location.

Darksoul90: Tatsuo Maruyama is APPROVED. A master of the katana by 30 is believable,considering how hostile Canak is.

darkminathegone: Calida Wing is APPROVED. An "average everydude" is exactly what we needed.

Nello: Desari Savage is DENIED for reasons explained earlier.

Pristine Dark: Estus Trialin Mirose is ACCEPTED. We have ourselves a member of Almaz State Security here. Badass by definition.

Doctor Who?: Grimm J(ames?) Verglas is ACCEPTED. The exact date of birth is immaterial,and PLEASE tell me that hair is dyed.

IndubidablyAli: Allen Jaques is APPROVED. A boomerang bigot. I like.

All future Mages will be denied until we get some more Mundanes.
Name: James Johnathon Monroe

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Spark: Yes, he is very good at electrical magic. Summoning storms, that have a lot of lightning, but that drains him. He rarely uses his magic.


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He is about 5'8. He wears the head band over his eyes.

Personal Effects:

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The blue sword only glows when he uses magic with it, as it is his focus item.

Background: The youngest Monroe, his twin being 2 minutes his elder. He was born in Almaz. He learned of his spark at age four. Exactly one year later, while trying to make an object move away from him, he made it fly at him, and strike his eyes, blinding him. He then started to use electrical magic, becoming highly skilled with it. He also learned how to use a sword, and minor hand to hand combat. He also had to be highly dependent on his family, due to his blindness.

Name: Jack Marshall Monroe

Gender: Male

Age: 26. Two minutes older than twin James.

Spark: No.


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is two inches taller than James.

Personal Effects:

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Background: The second youngest of the Monroe’s. He was never jealous of his twin having the spark, in fact, he did his best to help him. Once James blinded himself, Jack made his decision to always stay by his brothers side, and protect him if he had to. He eventually learned how to use knives, and became very skilled with them. Born in Almez.

Name: Naomi Juniper Katiah Monroe

Gender: Female.

Age: 28

Spark: No.


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She also wears black pants. She is 5'6.

Personal Effects:

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materials for to make food, and for to help others who are injured.

Background: Born in Almez. The eldest Monroe. She is a few minutes older than her twin sister. She was not jealous of her brother. When he blinded himself, she cried herself to sleep. She actually told him that he shouldn’t practice anymore, but, when he became good again, she supported her baby brother with all her heart. She stays near him now to make sure no one can touch her baby brother.

Name: Tiera Maya Monroe, goes by Maya.

Gender: Female.

Age: 28, a few minutes younger than Naomi.

Spark: No.


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she wears red jeans. She is about the same height as Naomi.

Personal Effects: A red bo staff. And things to cook, and help others who are injured.

Background: Born in Almez. Had always been the quiet one. Didn't speak a word until she was four. When James went blind, she left for a while. And came back, with a bo staff. She became very skilled with it, but uses it as a walking stick. Also is obsessed with the color red.
[MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] Sorry for the inactivity for the past week or so. I just had midterms. Anyway, now that they are over, I'll be able to post multiple times pretty much every day. I hope that clears up any doubts you have. To answer your question, Darian is currently on Almaz.
Name: Alexis Grae

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Spark: none

Appearance: Lexi is 5’1” with a very small, lithe frame. Her skin is sunkissed and naturally blushed. Deceptively large, doe brown eyes are her most noticeable feature. They are, however, almost entirely hidden behind a mess of tangled brown hair which she is quite often too lazy to bother with. Judging by looks alone, one would assume her to be shy and awkward . . . not much to fret about.

Personal Effects: Lexi’s wears very loose, brown cargo pants with lots of pockets and places to quickly hide small items. Her shirt is a plain white tank top. An unremarkable, tan cloak offers her slight protection from the harsh glare of the Bockrath sun and, of course, has more pockets hidden inside of it. A pair of sharkskin boots completes her outfit. Two rather unassuming daggers hang at her sides.

Background: Alexis was born on the western continent of Bockrath. She has no knowledge of her birth parents. She was abandoned as a child to the outskirts of the desert city she grew up in. It was assumed, however, that her parents were foreigners due to the dark color and unusual composition of the cloth she was wrapped up in.

The people that adopted her were down on their luck and struggled to feed even just themselves, yet somehow they struggled through. At a young age she got it in her head to help them make ends meet. Her fragile appearance, age, and gender made it rather difficult for her to obtain culturally accepted employment. Unwilling to give up on assisting those who had shown her kindness, she adopted an alternative means of obtaining income – Lexi developed rather sticky fingers.

As with all new endeavors, there were many pitfalls as she attempted to hone her skills. She bears scars of these initial failings to this day even though her age and innocent eyes saved her from many more severe punishments. As time passed, however, she got better at her chosen craft. Eventually she began to also develop some skill with a dagger. This light weapon played to her small stature and allowed best use of her quick, lithe form.

After illness claimed her adoptive parents when she was twenty-five, Lexi lost her sense of self. Caring for her saviors had given her a sense of purpose. Now what was left for her?
Ricia has dropped the RP. However,her character remains accepted on the grounds that she can produce a proper background when she wants in.

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION]: Glad to hear it!

[MENTION=1487]Nello[/MENTION]: Desari Savage is still DENIED. The highest office I'll let any player hold is a State Security grunt. If you're a reagent or something similar,you can simply invoke your nation's armies against anything I could cook up. Feel free to try again,though. Looking at your character sheet,I'd hazard a guess and say you're experienced in roleplay. That experience will be served well here.

[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION]: An entire family,eh? Be warned,your characters are being judged individually.

-James Johnathon Monroe is
ACCEPTED. Do note that things only glow when magic is involved when the energy is discharged.

-Jack Marshall Monroe is
ACCEPTED. Balisong trench knife. Very classy.

-Naomi Juniper Katiah Monroe is
APPROVED. Hand scythes,eh? Unorthodox combat,HO!

-Tiera Maya Monroe is
ACCEPTED. Barely. Quite ambiguous. She better get some explanation over the course of the RP.

[MENTION=4074]Chaotic[/MENTION]: Alexis Grae is
ACCEPTED. A pickpocket and cutpurse,eh? I like diversity.
Name: Fay Corinne Mountainhike

Gender: Female

Age: 25 ((can be changed.)

Spark: Nope


Personal Effects:

And some black sneakers ^^

Waking up on a airship at the age of sixteen Fay knows nothing of herself; She doesn´t know where she was born or raised. The only thing she was certain about was her first and middle name. Fay Corinne. When she arrived at the port of Fishermen´s Horizon she was utterly shocked. She had no money at all and was man-handled by the airships crew. Saved by a man, who generously payed her debt and left her with only the name Finn. Fay continued to explore Fishermen´s Horizon and soon learned how this unknown world worked. For a year she lived in poverty and that´s where her hate for mages started. Fay used to beg with a small child on the street; while begging one day a mage walked by. Accidently the child poured a cup of water on the mage´s shoes. Angered the mage stepped at the childs hand while it apologized and spat at the childs face. The next year Finn found Fay on the street on the verge of starting consider suicide or selling herself for a piece of bread. He feed her, raised her and teached her about his work. He was a mundane for the military and slowly Fay wished to be a mundane. Learning the basics she developed her skills and slowly she started to consider joining the army herself. Deciding to join the army at the age of 22 Fay became one of the militaries mundane agents. Taking mostly assasination missions and patrols around the city Fay kept on living like that; Knowing nothing about herself and trying to walk in Finn´s footsteps. During the few years that passed Fays hatred for the mages grew and now she hates them to the core unless she has a reason to keep them safe she´d leave them to death.
Name: Nikon Lazar

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Spark: No

Appearance: Nikon has messy but short dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that are usually narrowed under the attack of the sun. A slight beard is growing in on his squared off jaw, and his eyebrows are also slightly bushy. The man is 6’4” in height and muscular from the work he does and there are some slight scars that cover him. Nikon has a prominent right arm tattoo of a ripper fish and another of some scripture on his ribs.

Personal Effects:

For clothing, Nikon usually wears a bandana around his head and sunglasses over his eyes. If he’s wearing a t-shirt, it’s usually an open one and cargo pants cover his bottoms as well as rubber boots on his feet. As for gear, he carries around a harpoon, a metal chain of about twenty feet attached to the spear. Also usually draped over his shoulder or carefully hung through his belt loops is one of his cast nets. A favourite of his that is 9 feet in diameter and has small lead weights attached.

The man also carries a hard chef’s knife and sashimi knife on him, usually meant for filleting his larger catches, and a de-scaler for the same. He carried these in holsters that hang off is belt, a little inconveniently due to their size.

Nikon also owns a fishing boat he named ‘Antares’.


Fisherman’s Horizon was the place Nikon called home for most of his life, he was born there and lived on deck five for most of his life. Unlike the polis’ namesake, his parents were hardly fishermen, but they spent most of the day at the businesses they did work at. Nikon, however, knew at a young age he wanted to be out there. The great expanse of “The Sea” was all too promising, even though his parents warned it to be life threatening.

Still, the boy stuck with it, learning of the market trade and even working under one of the fishermen to learn the trade. Eventually the man he was working under helped him buy an old boat; they usually weren’t made anymore due to the troublesome waters. It was then that Nikon was left to find his own way, exploring as far as his boat would let him and finally finding his catch.

Off the shore of Bockrath, in the direction of Dagnone, he could catch fish that he had never seen before in his life. They were fish that didn’t dare cross the volcanic fissure that lay under Fishermen’s Horizon, or maybe it just wasn’t in their swimming pattern, but he had found his market. Nikon would spend a year or two travelling the shores of the two interconnected islands, but there was nothing as good as Bockrath.

Once selling his fish had earned enough he built a house off the shore, so he wouldn’t have to travel back so early in worry of the waters. The house was built on strong stilts and had a dock he could tie Antares to. Nikon has spent his life out there, fishing, but ever since that explosion…the fish culture have seemed to change.

Antares is a medium sized vessel that has a red cabin and grey bottom with a black trim. It is motor powered, and has a semi-working fish finding system attached. It has the mechanism of a dredge attached and Nikon keeps most of his fishing gear on it. This includes multiple angling rods, three tackle boxes, two pairs of fishing gloves (there should be a third around there somewhere…) and many extensions of fishing line, used for many of his fishing techniques.

There is an aquarium on the boat where he cultivates what he can, and there are two freezers, a small one that holds bait, and a bigger one for what he catches (although it never seems big enough). Most of his nets stay in the water, rather than on the boat, but he has an array of cast nets, drift nets, and gillnets. All have their proper weights and floats attached with some extras floating around…somewhere.

Stacked near the stern of the boat are the traps he carries: lobster, eel and crab, although he has few of them. The other tools that stay on deck are a gig spear, jiggerpole, and of course, his trusty hand net. There is also a section of the deck reserved for cleaning the fish, which he does before bringing it to the market place. The use of a hose is also available for washing this station down when he’s done.

His house also has a surrounding net attached, in the direction of Dagnone.
@HeartBrokenIceQueen: Fay Corinne Mountainhike is APPROVED. Your character can enter however you see fit,since they're spec ops.

Kagura: Nikon Lazar (as in laser!?) is APPROVED. You're just in time to get that mysterious letter of destiny.
Signups are now CLOSED! I'll open them later when some people bail and/or I can think of a decent way for characters to smoothly introduce themselves.

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