[SIGNUP] The Grandos Paradox

Name: Raidain Tisea

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Spark: No

Appearance: Stands at around 6'5 and weighs about 13.7 stone. He has broad shoulders, and a rough and jagged face.He has large eye brows, His eyes are a dark brown his hair long and black, it tends to cover his eyes but not enough to hide his eyes from view. He has a tattoo of a fishing hook on his left wrist, Normally has large bags under his eyes and normally has a worn out expression on his face.

Personal Effects: Always has a green piece of fabric wrapped around his right wrist, Carries a switch blade on him at most times which he normally keeps in his left pocket. Tends to wear a black t-shirt covered by a jacket with blue trousers, he has a slight beard on his face barely. He always keep a pair of sun glass in his free pocket for when the light gets in his eyes during fishing.

Background: Born in Fisherman's Horizon Raidain had been brought up by his mother, he'd never known his Dad and his Mum would never talk about it, he guessed it was a sensitive area she didn't want to go back into. Just when he was a young lad his mum had taught him how to fish so they could get in some more money to buy food and clothing, he'd got the knack of it quite quickly and soon become fond of the whole idea of waking up to the smell of salt water at 6 AM. He'd made quite a profit everyday at market making his daily catches, the local men had been surprised for someone of his age to be catching so much and that was when he was only ten. When he was around 21 his mum had passed away, died in the midst of night from old age. Then he'd just been on his own, not that he didn't mind that. He liked to be alone, it was comforting to him, Whenever he'd fished he'd been alone so it felt perfectly normal to him. he'd kept getting better at fishing each day, it was his passion really, it was all he knew. People asked how he did so well, he just said it came from the heart. He'd even started giving out lessons for a small fee, you'd of never of thought you could make that much money by being able to throw a line out into the water and wait for something to bite onto it. Life had been going just fine for him, that was until he reached the age of 35 and then the flash came, nothing was the same after that, not even the fishes...

(Posted in waiting for Slots to open up)


You were accepted into this RP with the expectation to keep up to date on it and post regularly. I have already had to proceed without your initial posts. You two now have until 1200 EST on January 19th 2013 to post before I assume you've dropped from the RP.


Time's up. You two are now considered to have dropped the RP. I gave you a week to post before I issued the warning,and three days after. I understand that real life is important,and if that is the reason of your inactivity,then that's alright. However,I won't be able to allow you back in,due to how the plot will be moving,and concerns regarding activity.

And now the RP is open to signups once more. We can hold two more characters,but be warned that if you're accepted at this stage,you'll have to wait for my go-ahead before posting in the RP,even after being accepted. The coming event will make it implausible to properly introduce new characters to the play.

[MENTION=2671]Dino[/MENTION]: You were patient. Sort of. Ridain Tisea is APPROVED. I'll inform you when it's a good time to get him introduced. And it appears that Lazar has some competition...
Name: Jason Thrace

Gender: Male

Age: 27 (Is this okay? I can change it)

Spark: Yes

Appearance:View attachment 10605Ignore the claws. Height: 6"2'

Personal Effects:Usually wears what you see in the picture above. That is,a red shirt with black pants,along with black sneakers. In warmer weather,he swaps this out for a red short-sleeved shirt,a pair of black shorts,and some sandals. He also owns a red winter coat,along with some snow pants,gloves,a hat,a scarf,and a pair of black boots. He carries with him,at all times,a wooden staff about as tall as his shoulder,which he uses as a walking stick. It is also used to focus his magic. He also has his mother's gold chain necklace,which is his most prized possession. He threaded it through a hole in his mother's lucky silver coin after she died,which was when he was eight and his sister was four.

Background: He was born on the continent of Almaz,learning all about the many flora and fauna that grew and lived there. He once witnessed a powerful mage eat the wrong plant and die instantly,and so when he discovered he had the Spark he vowed he would never believe himself to be above others,to be a God. All Mages are mortal,whether they believe it or not. He discovered his Spark when his little sister,at seven years of age,tried to eat the same plant that killed the Mage. Overcome with fear,he couldn't move. The only thing he could do was get her attention and make a slow swiping motion with his walking stick. The plant flew from her hand. When he saw the flash over Dagnone,he knew it must mean something. He traveled to Fisherman's Horizon to seek out comrades with which to investigate the flash. None have stepped up so far. To the contrary,they all ran away when he mentioned traveling to Dagnone. He hasn't lost his conviction,though,and continues to search.

[MENTION=4166]The Librarian[/MENTION]: Jason Thrace is PENDING. First and foremost,your staff cannot naturally change shape,and no enchantment can do that either. To change an object's shape,the appropriate spell must be cast on it,so you might as well remove the transforming bit from the staff's entry. Second,magic demands ritual and reagent. To do that telekinetic burst as described in your background,you'd need several hundred grams of gold,since your arm as the focus would inhibit much of the power. Finally,those ears are not possible with that explanation. Your way is technology and science,not magic. And to do gene splicing with magic,you need plenty of platinum.
Alright. I changed it so he had the walking stick,and used it to gesture for the telekinesis. I also made it so he had his mother's gold chain necklace. Would that be enough,or does he need more?
He'd need to use money. By law,all civilian jewlery in Gtandos is alloyed. Only unalloyed gold/silver/platinum may be used in magic.
Name: Zane Verisof

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Spark: No

Appearance: Zane is a largish man who stands at about six foot two and weighs about two hundred and twenty pounds. He has slick black hair that is beginning to fleck with steely grey. His eyes are seaweed green with tiny blue specks in them. He has strong calloused hands with many scars from fish hooks and such. He has now perma-bronzed skin and an odd birth mark below his left eye in the shape of a barracuda. He is a wide set man and has thick muscles in his arms, shoulders, and chest. His hair is long enough to just pass his eyebrows at the tips and lay over his ears. He has a single scar running diagonally over his throat. He is currently wearing a pair of blue swimming shorts and a white tshirt with no logos or anything. He has a ball cap on with Verisof Fishing printed on it. A belt lined with swordfish steel darts is wrapped around his waist.

Personal Effects:

A trident of steel, its length 5'6". It has a piston within it that with the press of a button pushes the head of the trident 1'6" forward and then retracts. If held the button will keep the head forward and cause it to rotate. The tridents pole is about three inches in diameter and has a button near the center about 2'8" up. There is a pattern of waves etched into the entire trident and there are barbs shaped like cresting waves on the points of the head. The bottom of the pole can be squeezed and it brings out the retractable blade of the shortsword, after this the rest of the trident most be dropped in order to wield the sword of course, although they can simply be put back together at the end of the battle.

He also has about ten steel darts on his belt, darts like you would use for a dartboard. They are shaped like swordfish and are weighted to be thrown to a distance of approximately 20 feet.

He has a pair of flip flops on his boat but often doesnt wear shoes around anywhere.

He has a net on his boat that is weighted and has tiny barbs on one side of the net. It can catch anything short of a whale shark or something of that size or large.

He has his large three story home on the town Heights, the wealthy portion of the town overlooking the city. It holds all of his extra clothes and such he would wear if he needed a change of pace or wanted a night out.

Background: He was born and lived on Fishermans Horizon his entire life. He lived on the deck known as Melora second from the top. The deck attracted a lot of tourist attention which was not really as good as it sounded as they normally would do things in his town they wouldn't dare think of in their own. Many children were born out of forced relations on this deck. He was one of them and his mother never quite treated him right for it. He didn't blame her though, she didn't kill him like he had heard many others doing on the deck. His uncle was the one who had taken care of him most of the life, He was a metalsmith in the forge and crafted his nephew many toys and things as he grew up. He was the one to give him the trident when he was 16 and then taught him darts around the same time, crafting Zane a personal set. When Zane was about 27 another man tried forcing himself on his mother and his uncle tried to stop the man. He was killed in the fight and the tourist ran away. Zane lost the only person he had a serious friendship and bond with and swore vengeance. He trained for many years on battling skills further then he had already learned. He found information to lead him to the tourists home on a deck several decks down. He found and confronted the man to find he was a mage with status in his deck. After a short argument the mage tried attacking but Zane killed him with his trident, he forced it into his chest using the piston and then held the button to rotate the barbed spikes inside his chest. He returned to his deck without anyone knowing he was who killed the mage, who had no family or loved ones living with him. Zane started up a fishing company that has flourished since and has married his wife Victoire, one of the most beautiful women on Fisherman's Horizon. They have the second largest house on deck and are acceptably wealthy due to his company. He has hired other fisherman to help of course, but he still does quite a sizable portion of it on his own. He also accepts contracts of battle as well now and is the one to constantly break up the fights and such from around the deck. His kids have grown up and moved away. Now he at 43 and his wife at 37 live life together and enjoy both peace and adventure. She is a warrior as well and often accompanies him to contracts.

This is his wife:
I know I don't have the authority to accept or decline, but I just wanted to inform Dago. A trident with a five inch diameter would be incredibly difficult to wield, even with both hands. Perhaps something closer to 3 inches? Just a suggestion. Really like the charrie though.
[QUOTE="Gabriel Ryker]I know I don't have the authority to accept or decline, but I just wanted to inform Dago. A trident with a five inch diameter would be incredibly difficult to wield, even with both hands. Perhaps something closer to 3 inches? Just a suggestion. Really like the charrie though.

Riddle allowed it, they were talking about it for a while last night
I saw that. They got really into it to. Discussing the dynamics of it,how far it would reach,something about hydraulics I think...Wasn't really paying too much attention.
This can also be used as an OOC thread,by the way.

@Venomarrah I update the thread's status in real time. The thread's title will be appended with the appropriate prefix if there is or not any room in the RP. However,even if there isn't any room,and you want in,feel free to make a character. RP's have turnover rates,after all,and I even may end up killing off characters,if the owners agree.

[MENTION=4166]The Librarian[/MENTION] Sorry for the wait. Jason Thrace is ACCEPTED.Post when I give the word. It wouldn't make sense for someone else to appear right now.

Same goes for you, @
[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION]: Knock knock,man. It's been quite a bit since you posted. I'll give you three days to do so. Failure to do so will have your character removed from the RP.

[MENTION=2753]CaterpilAli[/MENTION]: Same goes for you,Ali.
There will be a time to enter once the Unity Front cell has been dealt with. As an FYI,the Unity Front CAN win this scenario...Which will result in a total party kill.

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