OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {IC}


One Thousand Club
Mkay, it starts out just like the last one; You wake up one morning in a cell of some sort & its interior is decorated to symbolise your God or Goddess for instance, if you played Apollo, you' have a relatively light room with maybe a couple of instruments. A guard will collect you and Zeus will explain what happened. And GO!


Annie May woke up with an unfamiliar crook in her back. 'Ow,' she rubbed her hand on her spine. She sighed as she rubbed her eyes and turned around to get out of bed. Her feet hit the floor with a thud. She sat up straight and stretched whilst yawning. When she'd finally opened her eyes properly, she saw her room. It was decorated with olive leaves, possibly lending to the smell of an olive grove. She tilted her head and her yellow eyes seemed to glow with curiousity. What am I doing here? she thought.

'I should probably keep quiet just in case there's other people here...' she whispered to herself, scrunching up her lips to her side. She sighed and twiddled her thumbs before a guard came. She ran up to the "cell" bars. 'Uh, excuse me,' she started off with, 'do you know where I am, and why the hell I'm here?' she asked with a slight smile. 'All in due time, miss. It will be explained, don't worry, I'll just wake up the rest of the neophytes and we'll be on our way to see the head.' he nodded. The head? she asked herself. Who in the world is the head?

As the guard told people to "Get up and hustle", Annie got up and had a closer look at the leaves placed upon the wall. There was also a weapon, a helmet and a shield. She blink profusely in confusion. 'And what is this?' she narrowed her eyes and walked towards a green patch on the wall and placed her hand on it. 'Oh. It's moss. Ew.' she wiped her hand against her red jacket and rolled her neck over her shoulders.

Annie paced around her room, her eyes flicking all over it. The outside was enormous and beautiful, marble columns lining the echoing hallways of gold and cream.The place had a glow about it, an angelic feel. Annie didn't know what this was, but, she knew if she got to chill outside of this stupid cell, she'd possibly enjoy it.
Aspen awoke more alert than she had in a while, sitting up, she looked around the unfamiliar room, all the sights creating chaos for a moment before she was able to look at everything individually. Running a hand through her long, black hair, she stood, turning around to look at the room in its entirety. She noticed a bright crescent moon painted on one of the walls, She took a few steps towards it, mesmerized. It almost looked real, the way it was seeming to shine.

Aspen had gotten so close to the wall that she felt herself knock something over at her feet. Looking down, she noticed a silver bow and arrows. She bent, picking them up and holding them out to examine them. They were beautiful, shining the way that the moon on the wall had. She shouldered the quiver, getting the feeling that it would be a good idea to have the bow and arrows later. A small potted daisy caught her eye, sitting in the corner of the room.

Aspen's confusion shown on her face. She had only just realized she didn't know how she had gotten here, nor where 'here' was. Anxiety creating knots in her stomach, Aspen searched the room for anything useful. She had already grabbed the bow and arrow but, as she searched the room, she noticed the paintings along the bottom of the wall were of animals. There were bears, deer, wolves, and hunting dogs. Her confusion increasing, Aspen sat back down on the bed. Why someone had gone through all the trouble of doing this, she was unsure.

Aspen stood, searching the room once again for any clues as to what was going on. She noticed a hawk painted near the crescent moon that she had been distracted by earlier. Noticing she was barefoot, Aspen looked around the room for her shoes, only able to find silver sandals sitting by the door. After having pulled on the sandals, Aspen attempted to open the cell door, but to no avail. She desperately wanted out of here and back to her own bed.

"Hello?" she called out quietly, knowing that no one could probably hear her. She crossed her arms and began to pace, her light eyes darting all around the room. Who would have done something like this? Why? Aspen was relatively sure she didn't want to meet the people responsible for this as they were most likely crazy.

With an exasperated sigh, Aspen sat on the edge of the bed again, gripping the almost glowing silver bow tightly, waiting for something to happen.
Vera's eyelids fluttered open as she heard someone say "Get up and hustle." She rose from the bed angrily and huffed. "How dare you talk to me--" The words died in her mouth as she looked around the room, fully registering the fact that it was not hers. "Where on I?" she whispered to herself. There were miniature models of cows, and paintings of peacocks, and statues wearing diadems and holding crows. What did I do to get stuck in such a place? She was also rather perplexed as to where to where all the anger had come from earlier. She sighed and got up, smiling slightly at the fact that the floor was not terribly cold despite the fact it was marble. She walked around the room, although it was rather small, and inspected every nook and cranny. She opened a drawer in the desk that sat at the corner, and found a diadem that matched the statue's, along with a single peacock feather. Without a second thought, she put the diadem on, and held on to the feather. It felt oddly right. Feeling empowered by the new accessory, Vera walked up to the cell door and knocked on it thrice. "I demand you let me out this instant!"

The guard outside merely sighed. "I can tell who you are just by listening to you. Just stay put, alright? It won't be too long."

Vera was indignant, but decided that she could do little to protest. After all, she was the one in the cell. She stroked the feather she had been holding and went back to the bed, loving the texture of the blanket and the sheets. At least they know of quality. She noticed that there was a pomegranate next to the pillow, and reached for it, examining it carefully. Surely it wasn't poisoned? She shrugged and decided to take the chance. She carefully split it open, and ate a couple of seeds. Not bad...She ate an entire half before deciding that she should save the rest, so she took out her handkerchief and wrapped the other half. She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for something to happen.
Paxtyn snored every so loudly his cell until the guard's words woke him out of his slumber, "Get up and hustle." He sat up straight and wiggled his toes, something he always did when he awoke in the morning, but as he inspected more closely at himself, strangely enough, he was not in his usual attire for sleeping comfort. His feet suddenly swung off the bed so he could stand tall and stretch. As his tired green eyes adjusted to the bright room he finally realized he was not at home, but it didn't really bother him.

The walls of his cell was was a mix of turquoise, blue, orange, and yellow. The majority of the turquoise paint was formed into large waves with white foam at the top and below the waves was a beautiful sea life scenery. A barrier reef to the left held life to three dolphins and a few pink jelly fish. On the wall opposite of the jail cell bars was a still life ocean scenery with a wooden pirate-like boat floating across the surface. Behind the boat was the horizon, a mix of orange, yellow, and a golden sun with swirling rays of light around it. The waves on the side walls of the cells seemed to be moving, as far as Paz could tell, they were aiming towards the boat. He reached his hand out towards one of the waves and as his fingers grazed the wall he felt moisture stick to his skin.

A grin broke upon his face and he turned towards the sun. Right next to it, leaning agains the wall, was a golden trident, standing just as tall as he. And that was saying something considering he was six foot exactly. The trident was a simple three-pronged round fork and as soon as his hand connected with the staff he felt a little surge of power travel up his arm and then diminish. With the smile still plastered on his face he went over to the cell bars, "Hey what does a guy have too do around here to get some chips? Not fish! Just chips..." He wiggled his toes again and looked down at his bare feet that were peacefully plastered to the white marble floor.
Annie sighed a stared at the floor, seeing a glint of silver. She looked around and dropped oonto the floor to see what it was. 'A pin?' she tilted her head. She smiled to herself, staring at the lock on her cell door. Annie was always one to make up plans; whether it was how to get her best friend off the highest spot of the playground in kindergarten or if it was helping with the sports teams tactics, which lead them to certain victory... mostly.

She found a pen and paper on the bedside, walking over to the lock, investigating and drawing it. From the look of it it look like a 5 spring lock... she thought. Easy. She had a sinister smile as she picked up the pin off the floor, , drawing a diagram of that, then imagining if the pin would unlock. 'If I maneuvered it enough, maybe.' she said to herself, twisting the metal with ease. She looked to see where the guard was. 'A couple rooms down, okay.' She nodded and then she approached the door, the pin yielded in her hand, she turned the lock around as quietly as she could...

Gripping the lock, she shoved the pin inside the key hole, turning the lock, it made a reassuring click to show it was unlocked. The door creaked slightly as she snuck out of the room. She snickered and smirked before another guard found her. 'Seriously?' she sighed, trudging back to her room. The guard was completely taken aback by Annie's lack of.. well... retaliation from being caught trying to take off. 'Yeah, you go back!' he said nervously. 'Will do.' Annie rolled her eyes as she walked into the cell, closing the door, looking it and throwing away the key she'd made.

Annie flopped onto her bed, staring up to the ceiling, 'When will I get out?' she growled slightly. She waited, obviously no one was considerably easy to wake up, although a smithereen of hope was felt after she heard someone shout to let them out. 'At least I'm not the only one...' she rolled onto her side, 'I'm not the only one here... that wants to get out anyway.'
Aethos woke up in a brightly lit room and found himself rolling off the bed making a loud thunk as he hit his head on the stone floor. "Owwww" He said standing up rubbing his head. He looked around and saw a strange room that had a large sun made of bronze hanging on the wall and how the light of the real sun reflected off of it coming from to rectangular windows on the opposite side of the room. He looked at the bed and realized that the sheets on the bed were made of red cow leather and the walls were painted a orange color. "How then hell did I end up here?" Aethos said scratching his head trying to think back.

He saw a wooden long bow with gold on it in one corner that shimmered in the light. He walked over to it and also saw that next to the bow was a quiver of arrows made of some kind of red wood with gold tips at the end. As a kid he had always liked archery so he knew how to shoot a bow pretty well. He picked up the bow and pulled it back and let it go pretending to shoot an arrow. As the string was released hot air rushed out of the bow and little sparks of fire seemed to be coming off of the string but Aethos thought he was just imaging it. He set the bow down and rubbed his eyes afraid that if he played with the bow any longer something bad might happen. He looked around the rest of the room seeing what else there was.

He then noticed a electric guitar in the other corner with a lyre and a old fashion wooden flute. That is so weird he though noticing the flute and lyre. He walked up to the electric guitar and sat down on the bed with it. He had learned how to play the guitar and it just came naturally to him. He started playing and the guitar seemed to magically make a great and loud sound without having the guitar plugged into an amp. He was playing some rock music he knew till he hear a grunt coming from out side the wooden door. "Hey kid shut up!" He heard the guard say to him. Aethos put the guitar down and walked up to the door and looked out of the small square window in the door that was near the top of the door. "And just where the hell am I and why the hell am I here?" Aethos said annoyed as he tried the door knob realizing that it was locked. "That will come later kid" the guard grumbled back.
Sighing Paxtyn turned back to the bed once he realized none of the guards were going to bring him food. He finally inspected the bed and realized it was made of dark black cow hide that was silky to the touch. Flopping onto the bed, his head slammed into the white pillows and tons of feathers popped out. "Oh crap.." Sitting up he frantically grabbed for the feathers, he didn't feel like getting in trouble for destroying the bed. He managed to get all the white feathers into the pillow and the stuff it behind the rest so you couldn't tell at first glance. Dusting his hands off and smiling to himself he turned back towards the cell bars to see a stray white feather disappear to the left. "Damn!" He face-palmed, but decided to act like nothing happened. Turning once more he decided to sit on the ground so he doesn't wreck anything else.
The echo of her own breathing woke Valorie from a dreamless slumber. She opened her eyes to reveal a darkly adorned room. It almost looked like a cavern, the walls seeming real enough to the touch as she reached out a hand to touch the rough surface, her fingers coming away wet with silt and moss. She crinkled her nose slightly, brushing her black hair out of her eyes and searching about for any sign of familiarality but she couldn't recognise anything. How drunk had she been last night? And where was the cute brunette she remembered picking up at the club? She smiled fondly, sleepily at the memory. She'd been a sweet little thing, Val remembered now, with long brown hair in ringlets and vibrant green eyes. And such full lips, she thought with a wicked glint in her eyes. But where had she gone? And where was Valorie now?

Sitting up, she let her eyes adjust to the gloom, noticing that the ledge she was laying on was the only thing that wasn't hard. She checked underneath her and sure enough there was a mattress set on the carved out ledge. Had she been kidnapped? That would certainly be something new, she thought to herself, deciding to stand up. 'Hello? Anyone around?' She called but her only response was the echo of her own voice. She sighed, wandering around the cavern, stopping when she was confronted with a heavy oak door with the big heavy bolts in the wood, very much medieval dungeon style. Great, she thought with a little irritation, I've been abducted by medieval activists.' She said with a shake of her head. She peered out of the small barred window and was blinded by the whitewashed walls on the outside. So, not a dungeon then? Maybe a mental asylum.

'Hey buddy! Let me out yeah? I have a cute brunette to find!' She called to a guard who seemed to be talking to someone else on the other side of another door.
Leonard awoke in a strangely... cheerful mood. He shrugged and yawned before looking around.'Uh... this ain't my room. Where the hell am I?' he asked the cute guard, keeping a straight face and not falling prey to his rugged stature and high cheekbones. Leonard shook his head. 'Where am I?' he pressed, hoping to get an answer. 'All in due time, kid, all in due time.' he smiled slightly at Leonard and walked to the next room. 'Oh. My. Freaking. God.' Leonard slammed his head against the wall. 'Five seconds here and I already think someone's cute.' he shamed himself.

He sighed, plopping onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling, he saw a pair of wings painted on the roof, 'Hmm?' he stared at it for a while. Leonard decided to get up to put on his slippers, but instead he found golden boots adourned with white wing with gold outline and aura of sorts. He tilted his head. Leonard was starting to get frustrated. 'Okay, this is getting freaky, let me the hell out! NOW~!'

Getting no response he sighed and bit his lip angrily. A drop of blood fell to the floor, as he licked his lips, he went over to the wall and looked at all the strange paintings. 'Hmm...' he said, calming down some. 'Interesting...'
Aspen heard a few people's voices as she walked to the cell door. She jumped back as a guard walked by. "Hey, where am I? I want to leave," she said, trying her best to sound like she wasn't seriously freaking out. The guard paused, took a look back at her, and started walking again. "Just wait," she heard him mutter. With a sigh, she began to pace around the room, thoughts bouncing around in her head. Where was she? Why was the room decorated this way? Who were the people that brought her here? She sat at the edge of the bed, staring expectantly at the door, hoping the guard would come back again and allow her to leave.

At least I'm not alone, she thought quietly, remembering the voices she had heard earlier. Not that it made much of a difference: they were stuck in cells basically at the mercy of whoever was in charge of this place. She began to twist the end of her hair, a nervous habit. She stood suddenly, walking to the door. "Does anyone know what's going on here?" she called out, hoping someone would respond.

Head jerking up at the sound of a girl's voice, Paz stood and went over to the cell doors. As a guard passed by he stuck his tongue out at him in a childish manner in hopes of some response, but alas the guard gave him a quick glance and then walked on without a word. Muttering profanities under his breath he decided to say something back to the maiden, "I doubt any of us would know what the hell is going on and not be raging to the guards for their release." He grinned wickedly at the thought of some bloke who decided to rage and spit at the guards for them to be let out. It was a funny scene and if he knew the face of the people in here it would be even better to imagine one of them doing it. Sighing he sat in front of the bars so he could watch for any other guards. The curiosity was eating at Paz, he really wanted to know the reason why he was in this cell. What would someone want with him? "Besides my good looks.." He muttered or himself, he was joking of course, Paz wasn't really that cocky.
It smells lovely in here...Eva thought dreamily, Gardenias, Roses, Orchids....She yawned and opened her eyes. Sitting up to stretch she checked out her surrounding. "Wha..." Eva's eyebrow furrowed as her gaze became clearer. She was in a canopy bed covered in flower petals. Pushing the lace canopy away she saw that flowers covered the ground around her as well. Moving off the bed Eva stepped onto the floor to find that it was warm beneath her feet. In fact the whole cell was warm...and bright. Tapestries covered the walls, all of them brightly embroidered. They depicted the changing of seasons and also the changing of life. Each cycle leading into the next but ultimately ending where it all started, Spring and Renewal. "Hmm, thats cool." Eva murmured. "Wonder what this is all,..whatever" Eva was probably to go-with-the-flow for her own good. She noticed that some of the flower petals formed a halo. She put it on thinking it went well with her blue hair and shimmering white gown. I don't remember putting this dress on.....

The guard walked by, "Oh your wake. That's good." He said The guard saw that Eva was about to ask him a question an raised a hand to stop her. "Before you ask where you are, I won't tell you. All will be revealed soon." He said with finality.

"Umm....actually, I was gonna say I have to go to the bathroom." Eva said frankly.

The guard gaped at her. "Can you hold it? Never-mind! Just hold it!" He said flustered.

Eva sighed "Fine, but I got another pressing question..." The guard looked at her expectantly so she continued. "....Do you have any gum?"

"What?! NO!!" The guard said slightly irritated. "Just wait in your cell."

Eva rolled her eyes. "Geez dude, hakuna matata. It was just a joke."

Eva sat back down on the canopy bed Indian style. If she had to wait around she might as well meditate. Positive energy in, negative juju out...
Chase kicked in his sleep, knocking something over with a loud clatter. he jolted up and saw a spear and shield lying on the floor he ran a hand through his messy blonde hair and yawned, looking around. the walls around him were deep red, and appeared to portray images of vast field filled with waring soldiers. Chase was feeling extra irritated today, and didnt have time for disillusions. Pops mustve hit me pretty hard in his drunken fit last night, or he managed to get some of that damn vodka in me. i swear if i see him again im going to f*** him up. He spotted an odd symbol on the wall right above the bed. he recognized it to be the greek symbol for the God of war. he scoffed, then picked up the equipment, looking at it curiously. a gaurd walked by, stopping at his cell. "you, get ready, you will be seeing the head soon." Chase scowled. "Sure what ever. i could kick you square in the-" "QUIET" "screw you." Chase was completely enraged, which was odd because normally he had control over his anger. when i wake up someones going to get it.
Raine Awoke with a strange feeling of the cold, of course she loved the cold, She always had. She sat up and looked around at the room she had been sleeping in. The ground was covered with a fake snow substance and had a simple fireplace in the other side of the room. She was sleeping on what seemed to be a pile of white blankets, they were fairly soft but not comfortable. The girl stretched gracefully before standing and walking around the room, barefooted. She looked down at her clothes and frowned she didn;t remember going to sleep in a dress. The dress it's self was white colour, with a triangle of fabric cut out of the dress, over her stomach. It was one shouldered, but her other arm wasn't bare, it held a silver lace glove with a slow flake pattern on it the glove was missing it's fingers. The dress was longer at the back than the front, which stopped at her knees and made her look lovely.

She saw a pair of silver shoes, the same lace from her glove seemed to be the key to keeping them on, like ballet shoes. She tied them on, her moments were silent Only when she looked out of the hatch in the door and said a "Hello?" in a bell like voice did the guard turn and look at her surprised, she wondered why she was here, a valid question for anyone in her position. "Why am I here?" she asked him in the same calm tone, that seemed a whisper.

The guard opened his mouth to speak to the girl when his partner said, instead "All questions will be answered by the head, follow him, and don't use that trick on him again." Raine was confused, she hadn't done anything to the man, merely ask. Her voice seemed to sooth him though, it seemed to melt in the air like snow flakes on your tongue. It sounded normal to her, this was how she always spoke.

She looked at the other guard, fixing him with a hard look and said "I believe I wasn't talking to you now was I?" she smiled gently at the other man as he opened the door and said "Thanks, Love." and followed the two to where the others where.
Ashtyn woke up, immediately leaning up and jumping back--hitting her head in the process. What...what am I doing here? She looked around taking in her surroundings. There were hammers, hotglue, many weapons that looked handmade and several other crafts. What in the world is this stuff? She asked herself. She slowly got out of bed, her whole body sore from whatever had happened to her before she woke up. She yawned but took heed to getting to bars. "Hello? Anyone there?" Am I in jail? She thought. Then she snorted. What could I have done? She shook her head a couple times.
Elizabeth awoke as golden rays danced over her tightly sealed eyes. Yawning, Elizabeth sat up n the small bed she was lying on, noticing it was smaller and not as comfortable as her own bed. Where am I? Is someone pulling a prank or something...? She asked herself, running her long, porcelain like fingers along the unfamiliar red silk atop the bed.

Elizabeth finally stood, noticing her surroundings more keenly. The walls of her cell were a nice shade of light pink and covered in painted dolphins with roses inside their mouths. A small dresser stood in the corner of the room, earning Elizabeth's curiosity. She walked with grace towards the dresser, smiling slightly. Elizabeth thought that maybe, just maybe, this dresser would have some information that could tell her where she is. Opening up one of the small drawers, she was unhappy to find absolutely nothing inside. Scowling, she opened up the rest, revealing nothing but a petite hand mirror. Smiling at her reflection in the mirror, Elizabeth twirled a strand of her blonde hair.

Startling Elizabeth greatly, a voice sounded behind her, "It's greatly advised not to go through the belongings in your cell," the voice stated strongly, earning a small squeak in surprise and anger from Elizabeth.

She quickly spun on her heel, met by the sharp gaze of a man dressed in armor-like clothing. Elizabeth's face turned red in anger as she inquired angrily, "How dare you startle me?!"

Elizabeth was taken back by how easily her temper was put off, she was usually very understanding and never got upset. Thoughts raced through her mind, causing her to enter a panicked state of mind. "Where am I?! I want to leave now!!" Elizabeth cried, plopping herself to the floor and pouting.

The guard sighed in obvious irritation. "Get up and hustle," he replied, turning around and started to walk away, "the Head will explain everything."

Valorie banged on the door again with growing impatience. 'OPEN THE DOOR YOU USELESS FOOL!' She bellowed, and to her surprise, the door opened and a guard stood there. He beckoned with his finger for her to follow him. She eyed him suspiciously. 'I don't know if I ought to follow you buddy. I don't swing your way.' She informed him with a dull glare.

'You wanted out, this is me letting you out. Take it or leave it princess.' He said in exasperation. She peered out into the white hallway and shrugged. It beat being trapped in there in any case. She stepped into the hallway and the guards slowly started opening the other doors to reveal bored, surprised or dishevelled looking people, all roughly around her age or younger. 'Alright, everybody form one STRAIGHT line.' Her guard ordered and she smothered a snort. 'Watch your language buddy.' She instructed, grinning as she surveyed the females with interest, as if appraising cattle at the stock yards. Very nice selection, she thought to herself. A few cute ones. She saw the guys and shook her head. Not my type.
Aethos was getting rather tired of just siting on the bed just waiting for something to happen. He wasn't really angered that they had taken him here more of annoyed of the sheer boredom that he was facing being stuck inside the this room. He walked over to the corner with the golden bow and arrows getting past his uncertainty of it and strapped the quiver onto his back. He took an arrow and hitched it to the string. He held the bow up and began pulling the string back and aimed it at the door, just going through the motions like he had done it a million times. He wasn't really expecting to be able to break down the door with the bow but it was better then just being bored in his mind. Just as he had pulled the string back a guard had opened the door to his room.

"Wow there kid" Said the guard not really concerned that an arrow was pointed at his chest. "You should really put that down before you hurt yourself" The guard said to him.

"You think I will really hurt myself with this?" Aethos replied rhetorically. "I know this like the back of my hand" Aethos said loosening the string so the arrow wouldn't fly off.

"Look kid you can bring the bow and arrows just make sure not to shoot anyone with them, were bringing all of you to him" The guard said.

"All of us?" Aethos asked confused, putting the arrow back in the quiver. The guard pretending to not hear him and just walked out of the room. Aethos walked up to the doorway and looked out to see a couple of other kids walking out of different rooms. He still held the bow in his left hand feeling as tho the bow would protect him for some reason. He walked out of the room and rested his back up against the wall. "Well at least this is better than being bored in that room" He mumbled to himself.
Vera had been pacing around her cell, thinking. What had she been doing the day before? Before ending up in this place? She was certain that she had been home, with her family. They had dinner, and she went off to bed, only to wake up in this godforsaken place. She huffed impatiently at her own lack of recollection and kept pacing, stopping when she ears the guard sigh. She stopped and held herself still to avoid crossing her arms like a child. "Is there something you'd like to say, good sir?" she asked, the sarcasm heavy in her voice.

The guard rolled his eyes at her, although she couldn't see. "You're going to make a hole on the floor, little missy. Now hurry out and join the others. Single file, straight line. Don't step out of place." His tone was equally sarcastic, though better concealed than hers.

Multiple things crossed Vera's mind at once. Firstly, the guard had probably been instructed to be civil, judging by the fact he did at least try to hide his annoyance. Secondly, there were others here, probably the ones she had heard earlier, and they were all going off somewhere. Lastly, but most importantly, she found it hard to ignore the man's insolence. She was about to retort, but decided against it. If the guard was telling the truth, then people were most likely waiting for her to get out and join them. She flipped her long hair back and turned, walking out of the cell with poise and all the grace she could muster in her angered state. She felt like she was very irritable, more so than usual, and that scared her. Better get used to it, I suppose.

She looked to those already in line, examining them closely without staring too obviously. What had she in common with all these people? Why was she being treated like some sort of criminal? She narrowed her eyes slightly and joined the others, her hands tightly held together in front of her in an attempt to compose herself. She was slightly alarmed by the guy with a bow, but she couldn't blame him. Even she had the impulse to bring the dagger she had found under her pillow, although her weapon was a bit better hidden than the bow. She briefly wondered whether they would be pawns in a sort of twisted modern world gladiator battle, but quickly dismissed the thought. She would find out soon enough.
Grinning wickedly Paz had the trident back in his hand. For the last ten minutes he had decided to use his time wisely and practice with the thing. Since he was a long boarder he was very limble on his feet. He created no noise as he used the trident to spin, do a few backflips, balance on it slightly, and even hold it in his mouth like a dog. Wiping the spit off the shiney golden medal he turned to hear a guard open his cell.

"Let's go Jackie Chan we have more important things too do than spin like a ballerina." Gesturing for him to get out, Paz felt a sudden rush of anger at the guards mocking statement. He slammed the trident to the marble floor and a loud bang reverberated through his cell, "I don't believe you have a right to speak to me that way. You better watch it buddy or I'll stick this fork in you and feed you too the sharks." He pointed the three sharp prongs at the guards chest as he finished his own statement. With a truthful glint in his eyes and a sadistic smile across his face he pushed passed the awe struck guard so he could look around at the others in the white marble room.

His cheeky grin found home on his face again as his anger subsided. Deciding not too question the outburst he listened to another guard who was talking to a girl not too far from him. "...Now hurry out and join the others. Single file, straight line. Don't step out of place." He turned and gave a mock salute the the guard who had released him from his cell, then he focused on actually listening to the others.
The guard unlocked Eva's cell. "Okay, time to come out."

Eva sighed. "Yeh, about you come back later? I'm kinda busy." She muttered. Eva had finally got comfortable in her meditation position and she didn't feel like leaving.

The guard rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was beginning to get a head ache. "Just come out here and fall in line with the others, Please." He stressed through gritted teeth.

Eva rolled her eyes and complied. Stretching she walked out the cell with the guard. She looked him over."Ya know, that grouchy face doesn't suit you at all. You should try smiling more often." Eva moved to touch his face. Using her fingers she poked the edges of his lips upward. "There now, much better." She said, making the okay sign with her hand. Smiling, Eva joined the line of people leaving their cells. "The ants go marching one by one Hurrah, Hurrah..."
Aspen jumped as the door to her cell opened, the guard on the other side. She stood, hoping she would be let out now. "Let's go. Get in line," the guard said in a gruff voice. Aspen nodded, making sure to grab the silver bow and quiver before she padded out of the cell, the silver sandals still on her feet. She was surprised to see so many others here. She knew there were others but nowhere near this many. She immediately looked to the floor, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone, her dark hair shielding her face. She had never been good with crowds, always staying quiet. Aspen was just relieved to be out of the cell and that much closer to finding out why she was hear.

Aspen saw something glint out of the corner of her eye and she glanced up, seeing a man with a golden bow. She glanced at his face and then back to the floor, turning to block him from view. Their bows were similar besides the color and Aspen silently wondered if they were connected somehow.
Chase sat around in his cell till the gaurd came back. "you, time to go see the head." he said opening the cell. "why the hell not? its better then watching my father stumble around the house in a drunk haze. im guess i have no choice?" he scowled as he exited the cell, lining up with the rest of those who were here.
Annie was taken by surprise as the guards let her out. "Already?" her white hair cascading down her back. Her eyes glowed with excitement, getting into a line. She looked at everyone else and blinked. And who are these people? she thought. Am I not allowed to know anyone? she growled mentally and pulled the guard back. "And who the hell are these people?" she whispered angrily. "All the other replacements." she huffed and let him go. She looked at her nails, waiting for further direction. She looked around at all the girls for a second. Nearly all eyes seemed to be drawn to someone with a golden bow. She shrugged, she looked at the boys, then looked around at the marble surroundings. They were breathtaking.

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