Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Angel smiled,"I can only ballroom dance"she said,"I have to be daddy's little princess......"she said the pouted,"just because I'm a little clutzy"she mumbled then took out a sketch pad she had with pictures of teddy bear ideas and some doll sketches that looked very well drawn.
"for me theres the waltz, tango, salsa....all those streiotypical popular dances. plus the cumbia, a dance from spain." he said. he looked at her sketch book, "youre quite the artist Angel." he leaned closer to her as he examined the sketches.
Angel nodded,"thank you!"she said happily,"and that's cool I can't wait to dance with you... I'm glad your a guy cause you lead so~ yeah"she said then rawred at him,"I'm a lion"she said.
Kael chuckled, "well of course i will twirl you all over the dance floor." he said, "no way, youre too cuddly looking to be a lion. no way you could be vicious." he said with a smile.
Angel pouted and hugged him,"then cuddle me cause I'm just a cuddly animal"she said pouting. Angel couldn't wait till she hit her older years so she can get her growth spirt and look sexy instead of cute like her mother did.
Thomas had never taken time to think of the dance but he would like to.go it would make use of all the lessons that his mother used to make him and sabrina do. "the dance is no problem my sis and I have been to many ball's. At this point Thomas never realized until now that esther knew nothing of his upbringing "My father is a diplomat and my mother was a politician before she died of cancer so we had been to many black tie events the fact that my sis and I would dance very well was a treat to foreign officials heck the queen of england invited dad to the prince's wedding to see us again." Thomas thought for a second and asked "so what do your parents do?
Sigfried unraveled the bandages on his arms neatly. He didn't like to take the ones on his stomach and chest off, for obvious and painful reasons. "Ready?" He smirked, cracking his neck to the side. "Who's your partner, Hitori? You gonna double-team or what?"
"Of course"Hitori said smirking then chuckled,"but all fights half to be monitored so you have to wait an hour"he said. Jack smiled at Sig,"cool......."she said liking that he was ready to fight,"lets just sit"she said as she sat in the seat. The class room was a gym with comfy seats infront of a gate dome. "The fence is electrocuted.... Don't touch it in battle"she whispered to Sigfried."lets talk about combos"Jack said then glared at Hitori. Hitori shrugged and walked away with Eva.
Kael smiled, putting his arm around Angel and pulling her in, hugging her close. "there, hows that for cuddling?" he said with a sly smile. as forward as he was, he felt himself getting shy inside. he was just slightly red now, but held her anyway.

Esther tensed a bit when he asked about her parents. "they.... uh..." her gazed was shifty. "i never met them." she said with little emotion. "my gaurdian taught my brother and i how to dance though." she gave a meek smile. "uh, anyway i think we should get to class right?" she wanted to avoid anymore questions for the moment. she wasnt ready to talk about her less than classy upbringing.
Adrian shook his head. "Me and Eva pretty much get along. Fighting with her is not really much of an option for me. If I get mad at her she flashes her puppy dog eyes at me and makes me feel guilty. And when she gets angry she fights dirty. Seriously, that hippy-dippy crap is just a cover. If Eva's ever mad enough to fight she's dangerous. That's why she has this thing about avoiding negative juju." Adrian sighed and laced his fingers behind his head. Sometimes you gotta let sleeping dragons lie....

Eva floated back down to the ground so she could walk. She glanced back at Jack and Sig. "Ya know she's was right. My powers make me really self reliant so I have never really had to worry about combat methods. I usually just fling people who annoy me and Adrian always took care of himself in battle. We fought independently, never as a team. I'm not sure how double teaming works but if you take Jake, I'll take Sig." She said to Hitori.
Hitori snickered,"I said that and it's a good thing you don't need to depend on me so if I get hurt or need a breath you can help me"he said ,"but we should work on combos just in case"he said.

Angel smiled,"feels cuddley captin!"she said then smiled,"and warm.... It's nice"she said the noticed him blushing and jolted,"are you sick?!?!?!?!?"she asked and put her forehead on his,"no your fine.... But why are you pink?"she asked.
Kael smiled, turning slightly more red, "youre just too cute, thats why." he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in to a hug. "you really should be more careful Angel, im a growning guy you know." he chuckled, pulling away from the hug and kissing her on the forehead. his face fully flushed this time, and he removed his arms from around her, "er s-sorry i didnt mean to..." he felt embarrassed now.

((youve provoked him now!))
Angel looked a bit shoked,"I um......"she said backing away,"I-I think we need to establish rules..."she said softly looking away,"because I remembered you are a growing boy and they do certain things..."she said nervously. She then began writing something down.
Kael scooted away from her to the edge of the couch. "er sorry....i really...." he felt really bad now. she was small and innocent and naive, and he had let his self get to close. he figured there wasnt anything he could do about his own growing feelings, but she didnt know anything about this kind of thing. he felt bad now. "i wont bother you if you dont like it." he said, turning away to hide his embarrassment.
Angel blushed,"it's not that I didn't like it"she said,"I just almost died that's all......"she said then smiled at him,"hey that's rude"she said and turned his head to face her,"that's better"she said then thought she wanted to clear the air. So she grabbed him and pulled his head down to her lap,"now I can be a pillow! You said you could sleep on here right"she said.
"well ok then." Kael said, looking up at her with a smile. "you know, im glad you didnt 'die'. by the way, you make a very comfortable pillow" he gave a cheeky grin as the color faded from his face.
Angel smiled,"it's because I'm human and I give off body heat yes yes"she said trying to be smart she began drawing in her sketch book then things started forming infront of her without her knowing. When she erased the part dissappeared while when she added things looked a bit odd from an unfinished point of veiw.
Eva nodded. "So what did you have mind? Want me to fling you at your opponent so you can knock her down?" She said half serious. "The way my powers work is I can multitask a defensive shield and an offensive push. If I help you with an attack, I will have to stay shielded. If I toss you my shield, I have to focus on fighting." Eva waved her hands like a balance. "It's a give and take thing."
Sigfried thought," Hmm... I could try molding the components of my blood into a cone shape. Harmless on the bottom but sharp on top. And we could try something with that. Well, I can basicly create any simple shape, as long as it's not too crazy or big."

Sig thought for a moment.

"Hmm, if you stretch your arm quickly, it could be used as a way for fast transportation."

"Also, if you expand the mass of one of your limbs and compact it hard enough, it could be used as a shield or hard weapon."

Klaine laughed," Hah~ So that means I shouldn't mess with her, yeah?" she smiled. Klaine then looked at Adrian with a big grin," Aww you're like a big teddy on the inside,huh?" She patted his head lightly.
Kael smiled up at her, "youre comfortable cuz you are soft and cuddly like a taddy bear" he said. "whatcha drawing? be careful, your making materials appear again." he said as a calm warning.
Jack blushed happily,"I-I've got such a smart partner!"she said an hugged him,"I'm so glad"she said. She then let go,"I guess we know what we're going to try first... But remember.. If you get hurt tell me"she said with cute worried eyes.

Hitori smiled,"that sounds good and I'm not limited to a sword we get to choose a weapon at the beginning if we need it"he said smirking.

Angel jolted,"I'm so sorry!"she said and erased everything on the paper and it dissappeared,"I was in Lala land.... "She said then brushed her hand on his cheek,"thank you.... For being so nice to me"she said softly.
"how could i not be nice to you? youve done nothing to make me want to be mean. besides, im not that kind of person." he gave a cheeky grin, "so what were you thinking of when you were in lala land?" he asked.
"Marriage....."Angel said bluntly,"daddy said that when I get married all I have to do is sleep by and with my husband relax have children and care for them then after they are raised me and my husband can relax together forever"she said dazedly,"but since I look and act like a kid nobodies going to like me in that way unless I look sexy so I plan on doing that tonight"she said smirking then looked at Kael,"yellow goes with pink right?"she asked happily.
Kael raised an eyebrow with curiosity, "you don't know much about love do you?" he said, sitting up again. "when you fall in love it will happen naturally, and even if you dont understand exactly what your father told you, you will learn by being in a real relationship. no one completely understand love." he ruffled her hair a little, then gave her an odd look. "yellow and pink...?" he wasnt sure what she was talking about.
Eva nodded. "Sounds good. Maybe I'll work some of the Kung Fu moves my brother taught me. I just transformed them into yoga moves but they may be useful in combat." She said matter-of-factly. Eva winced. "There is one other catch. When I'm in combat my powers have a ten minute window before they give out. It's like holding your breath underwater. At some point you have to come up for air before going back under. When we fight, try to get it over with quickly or I'll need you to back me up while I recover." She warned.

Adrian chuckled. "Yeh, I guess you could say that. But don't tell anyone, I don't want to ruin my street cred. Do you know how many heads I would have to bust to get it back?" He shook his head. "It would be a crying shame to put that many people in the hospital so early in the semester." Adrian paused. "Though you know, it would be pretty fun..."

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