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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

After his roomate refused to answer, Tine decided it would be best to go to the library abd figure everything else out from there. When Tine arrived there were more people there than he had hoped. "Can't I get a break?" he whispered to himself. The boy walked to the very back of the library where a nice cushioned couch lie. "Hm, I wonder how long till curfew." the boy thought as he curled up on the couch.
Neal eyes turned red "luckily for you your not a demon and lucky me this will burn you" he uses the whip and wraps around his neck, a white light began to glow as it made contact with the vampire's skin. Neal began to smile
Kain walked outside into the courtyard. He then proceeded into the large garden behind the botany classroom. He held out his hand as a chair appeared behind him Kain siting down gently while he held out his right hand a violin appearing in it. He set it into position relaxing himself as he listened to the nights music. After a few moments he began to play.

(Here's the link if anyone want to know what it sounds like https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=wO5zVJ2fLomqggSF3oDYCw&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk4f9n2y33s&ved=0CCAQtwIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNHeWG8pW_7-v_6CnuwXtTyq3xE3Jg)
As the whip made contact with his neck the boy was gone. A tiny fly. He was now behind the boy, with burn marks on his neck. "Really interrupting my reading how rude...." The skin of Damian's right arm seamed to be shredding off. What was under the flesh was an assortment of vines which he launched and had wrap around the boy with a iron grip. Yawning with he's free hand.

The vines began to erupt with thorns they would dig into the boys flesh causing quite a bit of pain and bleeding. Then commanding the vines back, they would rip the skin as they returned.
Artimes had never left the library, but instead had gone to sit at a table. She had not bothers to look up from the new book she had been reading, just just recently, and what she saw was intriguing. She smiled at the weird one with the whip's new predicament and stayed put, intending to watch what would happen next.
"glad i applied this to my sword" "he slams the handle on his leg and a dark charcoal black blade appeared from the handle and he turned into a shadow and simply walked away from him and turned as he showed himself again. "why do i even have to waste my time here"
"Because your an idiot who attacked me for no reason...." He said as he made his on back to the table to read his book. "Don't bother me again, Kay?" He then peered back into the book.
he walked through the vampire and past Lillith and packed his bag and though the strap over his shoulder He stabs the ground with his blade and shadowy hands appeared from the ground and began to pull the vampire down "don't worry they'll stop once you reach your shoulders.... maybe" he walked past him and his eyes turn back to blue before leaving he gives one last glare at the two and leaves.
Lillith stood back. This was not her fight. Obviously both of the boys were skilled when it came to fighting. She knew this fight would go nowhere fast. She knew how Damian was. In a way he was like her. Kind of. Maybe... Sort of. She crossed her arms, not knowing if she needed to interject.
once Neal was at the door of the school he stabbed the ground again releasing the vampire and left the building

(it was just a froze)
Alex saw Domino's mouth move, but could not heard the words very well. Thankfully, he could tell she was holding the door for him so they could talk in peace. Alex walked through the door, and stopped a few feet from outside the food court as he opened his bag of chips. He could have done it while walking, then again he wanted to wait a little for Domino. ((@TotalChaos )) ((reposting so the user doesn't have to go back two pages))
Kain kept playing his music as all over firefly along with some nature sprites began to dance around him. Even some of the flowers began to move as if swaying in the wind. Kain kept his eyes closed as this hapoened. One of the sprites bumped into his head falling to the ground. It quickly got up laughing as it joined the rest Kain had paid no mind.
[QUOTE="Loke Fullbuster]Tine's body began to shrink back to size and the water flowed back into the pond. "Well... Better head towards the dorms. " he thought. Tine grabbed his belongings and headed towards the dorms. When he got to the dorm with his dorm number on it he heard noises from inside, so he knocked. "Hello?' He called out.

The sudden knocking jarred Warren from his concentration on the movie he was watching. It took him a while to realize that the person was trying to get inside. "Hmmm? Oh, uh, come on in," He invited. "Door's unlocked." However, he had apparently zoned out, and whoever it was outside was long gone.
)He walked towards the forest and was began swinging the sword left and right marking a line of trees he passed after walking a while he takes one last strong swing at a tree to break it and he sat on it."the time i trust her and she was going to stab me in the back" he thought
After a few minutes in the library, Tine decided to try for the door again. This time he juggled the handle a bit and the door slowly swung open. He stood there in the open door way. "Um... Are you my... Roommate?"
Kain hovered above where he was in spectral form. In the distance after seeing the fight, and hearing what was said he could see the boy he dulled walk out into the forest. He slowly went to him hovering closer. When he reached him he heard him speak to himself about what had occured. Settling on a tree even though you could not see him unless you could naturally see spirits or used magic. He spoke in a echoish voice" do not take it to harshly I'm sure she did not intend that to go the way it did. Those two always cause trouble for the other." He said calmly.
Warren turned to face his visitor. "Huh? Oh, right! Yeah, I guess you are. Sorry about earlier, I kinda dropped the ball and forgot to let you in." Warren went beet red with embarrassment. "Uh, but please, make yourself at home." Warren gestured around the room, and opted to go back to his movie, for fear of further digging the hole he was in.
"So how's the plan Lillith...because personally I'm offended that you would try to gain his trust instead of mine...after all you said I would be the first..." He blurted as he approached Lillith with a smile on his face. He then pressed his forehead against hers and said "Gain my trust and you can have my soul..." The moving to her ear to whisper. "I'll even beg for you to take it"
"i don't know where you are but what makes you think that" he said and stared down 'your using the plan right now' "what did he mean" he thought out load.
Kain played with a nature sprite" my guess is either he helped her with an idea or he simply said that to stir the hornets nest." He said as he let the sprite land on his finger. Kain looked at the boy" you were really taken back by what happened aren't you." He stated.
"yeah pretty much" Neal holds the whip in his hand "with this i would have enough power to destroy them... but i just can't and not only because the school rule" He put the whip beside him and sighs.
Lillith growled at Damian. He was honestly on her last nerve. She pushed his face away from her as he spoke. "You're ruining everything," she said through clenched teeth. "I was REALLY trying my hardest to help him. I-I give him my energy, I was even POLITE," she spat the words at him. "Then you show up." She looked him dead in the eyes. "I do not want your soul. Frankly, I don't believe you possess one." She turned her back, gathering her books up. "And that's something coming from a demon."
Kain looked at the boy" it is never wise to seek out trouble my friend, but it is still good to be prepared. I'd say give her another chance, and just maby things will work out. Of course if it dosent I'd be prepared for that. It's not easy to truly find a real friend." He said as he swung his legs back and forth.

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