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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

he looked at Lillith confused but smiled "okay, i'm surprised that you would say that Lillith, especially to me but it's alright" He took the sword and placed it into his bag. "what's up"
(Sorry for late reply just got off work)

Kain had witnessed the same boy from before provoke another into agression. The fountain he was next to glimmered in the twilight. As the two boys went their separate ways he spoke to the fountain" in all the eons our races have existed we still could not coexist." It kinda saddened him although he knew every race had their own traditions of how to establish themselves Kain saw those as simply a boundary between worlds. However Kain respected diversity. He turned heading towards the library he required further study before going to train. Kain made his way into the library where he walked towards the back. There he scanned till he found various books on dark magic. He collected 5 books on various dark magic types. After that he set them on a table going back, and finding 2 books on history, 1 book on english, 2 books of math and 1 book belonging to a volume of various species. He set them down and began to read through the books.
Lillith sighed, holding her book up, "I'm studying the cultures of humans and human behavior. Something even I could benefit from." She hated to admit that. "And yourself? I believe "I say a form of magic if I'm not mistake. And usually I'm not." She noticed "Mr. self righteous" picking up a few books. She clenched her jaw, trying to ignore him.
He studied the various books mostly the one pertaining to magic. He finished them only taking spells he didn't know from them. Then he proceeded to history. He opened a book on th history of humans, and began to read. He focused on it while he had senced magic being used near by he paid no mind.
Neal looks at him and a sit forms in his hand remembering the last time he fought him "i need to be stronger" he said under his breathed then turned back to Lillith "Yeah it's a kind of magic but i'm pretty sure you don't care" he said 'she is a demon so she wouldn't really care about holy magic' he thought
Lillith sighed. He was more than right. She didn't care because she didn't know anything about it. She's never needed it. "Well whatever it is you are doing, I hope it it successful for you." This was making her sick. However she was trying. "I can see you have previous obligations on your hands with this magic business, so if you wish, I shall leave you alone to work."
After finishing with the history he read the other books till he finished. His mind swarmed with new knowledge he tried to hold onto. He got up from the table taking the books back to their designated spots. Once done he grabbed a tablet he had with him, and proceeded to type notes on what he learned. He sat their hoping to finish before the sun went down completely.
"um thanks" he said he knew though that this was still not strong enough to defeat anyone only to keep him alive to feel more pain "Wait Lillith i can't believe i'm doing this but can you help me" he looked down as he was asking someone to help him.
Lillith stopped, thinking she had misunderstood Neal. It took her a moment. "You want my-... help?" No one had really ever asked her for help before. It felt strange to be needed. Yet it had an authoritative feel she craved dearly. "I-... Believe I could try," she managed.
"thank you" he puts his sword back onto the table "do you have any black magic that you could enchant my sword with none of these spells are strong enough if you do this for me i'll give you something in return" Neal said
Once done with notes he closed his laptop placing it back in his bag. He got up pushing his chair neatly back under it, as he proceeded to head towards the main desk. He recieaved a card from her as he put it in his pocket.
Lillith sighed, not knowing what to say. "Neal... I don't know the art of dark magic. I've never needed it. The best I could do is give you a bit of dark energy..." Even that was pushing it. She knew how important her energy was.
Once done he headed out walking outside of the library. He then proceeded to head down the hall towards the pool area. Stopping in front of the broken door he waved his hand as green energy flowed out to it. The door began to pick itself up every piece flowing back to its correct spot. It glowed white as the door was rebuilt, and the magic dissapeared. He remembered the incident that brought the destruction of this poor door. After he was done he continued down the hall walking in a slow pace for he was in no rush.
Domino entered the food court after Alex, and looked around. She then read the message he had typed, and looked to Alex. She really wasn't all that hungry, and shook her head to say so. She would however, probably stick around should he still want to be here, as the whole purpose of her accompanying him to the food court was to talk with the other.

((@SilverAngel303 ))

((Why does winter have to start so damn early... Its freezing, at least where I live. >.<))
"oh alright but you should have this" he hands Lillith a whip the glowed white and black "it was a weapon used by a human to kill monsters when i got it i used my magic and enchanted it with some demonic energy so a demon would be able to hold it, it's a legendary weapon that's been corrupted" Neal said leaving out that this was a family heirloom from his mother's side.
Alex nodded to show he understood, and quickly cut in line, got a bag of chips with two cans of soda, and paid for it. The person who he had cut in front of complained, but the cashier didn't mind since Alex paid for the items unlike some who just grab and run. He walked back towards the exit, and handed one of the cans of soda to Domino as he didn't like indulging himself in front of those he at least thought were decent people.

((@TotalChaos same here, but I'm warm in my house because of the firewood my family has e.e))
Lillith stared at the whip, not sure how to react. No one had ever given her a gift like this before. She grabbed the whip, looking it over. It was an amazing weapon. She shook her head, setting it back down. "I appreciate the notion, but I can not accept this. It's much too valuable. However I can still give you the dark energy."

((It's like 28 degrees here. I'm like a blanket burrito at the moment.))
"you sure you want to do this, it will be a great help to me but won't it weaken you" Neal was surprised that Lillith was going to give him some of her own power but he still cared a bit for Lillith.
Walking in the library. His eyes gazed upon the demon. He walked over to her "So how's the studying, young one?" Asking the girl next to a boy he didn't know. "Ohh your using the plan right now...the one I made for you...on this chap" Referring to the male. "We'll best of luck" He said before griping a near by book, then sitting on a chair next to the to.
"Thanks." Domino said, taking the can of soda. She then moved back out the door into the quiet. She held onto the door with a hand, waiting for Alex. "Too hard to talk in there." She said, either to herself or to Alex, she wasn't really sure. -short-

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he quickly turned to the boy and turns from Lillith to the boy "What the hell do you mean" he walks over to the boy with the handle. "well, speak vampire"
"Speak or feel pain Vampire" he grabs the whip and turns back to the vampire now wielding a sword handle that had demonic and holy energy and a legendary whip that has holy energy.
Alex saw Domino's mouth move, but could not heard the words very well. Thankfully, he could tell she was holding the door for him so they could talk in peace. Alex walked through the door, and stopped a few feet from outside the food court as he opened his bag of chips. He could have done it while walking, then again he wanted to wait a little for Domino. ((@TotalChaos ))
Damian simply looked at the boy unimpressed. "Whose to say I wasn't talking to some imaginary friends....really...and why would I tell you any thing....." The words spilled from his mouth as he took in the words of the book. It was one of his favorite...the Rangers Apprentice. "Now if you will let me be....we'll be fine and dandy..."

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