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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

((I'm at school atm.. So this is the only post im making for a while))

Domino followed the boy, looking around as they walked. When they arrived, the other spoke, directions to the girls side. "Thank you. And no, not really. I'm Domino Vexx, by the way." She replied, with a smile. -short-

((@SilverAngel303 ))
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((got it ^^))

"Huh...Domino's a unique name, mine's Alex Tors. I guess your pretty unique, with that name and your eyes being different colors.." Alex responded, as he noticed the girl's eyes. He thought they were pretty, but preferred to keep that to himself. Alex felt his stomach grumble again, and he decided it might be good if he at least got to know somebody here. "If you want to come with me to the food court, I'm willing to pay you a meal in return. I ain't tryi-" Alex stopped, realizing his southern accent was starting to show a bit. "I am not trying to force you, it would just be nice to at least talk to someone else besides myself sometimes." He continued, correcting his speech. Alex was a bit embarrassed about his accent, as he thought it sounded stupid.

((@TotalChaos ))
Turning to graze his eyes on the other male. Damian wasn't interested in the boy that showed up from the forest he really didn't care who he was. So he turned his head to ignore the boy and to look towards Lillith awaiting for one of her stubborn comments. He was rather bored with the whole situation was quite boring in fact.
Lillith swatted away Damian's hand as he ruffled her hair for what seemed like the millionth time. Annoyed, she brushed her hand through her hair. Maybe he did have a point... Maybe she was too spoiled. But no one had ever lived long enough to tell me that, she thought. Just then she heard a slow clap. Looking over, Lillith rolled her eyes again. "Ah, once again the self righteous pretender. What do we owe the misfortune of you here." She crossed her arms, irritated.
Kain looked at The girl" know there's no need to be harsh madam I was simply passing by when I happen to cross paths. I do a plod your friend here's words of wisdom. I do say you should heed it." He said calmly. He began to walk past them, and to the back door" I shall depart know, and leave you to love birds to your own devices although I should say don't do anything rash iv already had to fix one part of the school today I'd hate to haft to do it again." He said cheerfully before opening the door.
Lillith scoffed, "As if I could feel love!" She shook her head angrily. "You know creature it would be best to keep your tongue in check. I'm wearing thin on patience today," she warned.
"Calm down....Hes only trying to get you pissed and your falling for it...." He told Lillith. Shaking his head in disbelief on how this pathetic girl thought she could take on every body at ounce.
Kain did not wish to tease the girl so he simply looked back then walked in the school door closing behind him. School life was ganna be interesting that was a garunti. He slowly walked down the halls amused that she thought she could not feel love every being was capable of it.
How on earth did Warren's parents expect him to do well in this school? It had only been his first day, and already he had seen two people trying to kill each other. Well, they probably aren't all like that, Warren conceded. He went outside, slightly paranoid that he might end up dead. Not that it would matter, but then again, getting killed is not a good feeling.
Amelia had already finished putting her things away and by now she has taken to observing others around campus. It was entertaining that some had only just meet, yet personalities were already clashing. The excitement had made her soft silvery, white ears and tail pop up which she had made no move to hide. She has propped herself on one of the window ledges of the school building, having climbed up there to get a good view of anything going on below. She let her legs hang of the ledge, her tail swishing back and forth, in the room then out. "Dear father. .. school is lame. " She announced as she grew bored.

Adrik left his dorm and headed back outside, his wings occasionally rustling against his white button down. If you stared at his back you'd see the occasional pitch black feather peek out from the slits in his shirt. He waved a hand add he wandered, shadows tinged with a flame color sluding over his hand. Blood sprung past the broken skin before it welted. Those slithering shadows wiggled with delight and he shook his head amused. "You're as bad as me. "
"I'm not falling for anything," she snapped. Lillith watched as the boy left, thankful she wouldn't have to fight anyone else. She just wasn't in the mood at the moment. She hated to admit it, but she actually felt overwhelmed. There was too much to try and grasp so quickly upon her arrival. She turned to Damian, a defeated look on her face. "You don't have to worry about my harassment any longer. I must focus on my task rather then trying to understand and comprehend this world and it's beings."
Kain wondered the halls examining all that had happened. He took note of all the individuals he had met so far. He opened the door to the courtyard as he made his way across it to the dorms. He paused as he looked at the water fountain in the middle. It displayed two water dragons swirling around a water spirit. He looked at it as he rime index himself of past times.
"Good luck with what ever shit idea you have about taking over the world...Ill just watch from afar....." Damian said as he looked into the girls sapphire eyes. Then he laughed at the thought of the boy who tried to stop the two from killing each other it was rather funny to see him try to stop it but ultimately fail. "If you need help understanding creatures of this world....Read a book there chalk full of info on the creatures that roam this planet"
Lillith shook her head, "I would rather perish a million times over than rule this world. I want to rule my world." She thought about going back to the library for another book. Maybe she could find something useful if she had a specific topic to learn. It's settled. Lillith looked to Damian with a new spark in her eye. "Brilliant. I shall earn the act of... Kindness and compassion!" The thought seemed repulsive, but she knew it could not be avoided.
Cocking his head in confusion. "Ummm okay not what i meant but alrighty then....." not sure how she got kindness and compassion from what he said, but kindness and compassion were better the i'm going to obliterate your face for touching me. "So yeah kindness and compassion have fun with that doll...." He said looking at her face to make sure she was serious about what she said.
"Not really that unique. And sure, why not." She replied, with a smile. This other, Alex, might turn out to be someone worth knowing, in the end, and she would like the chance to speak with him more. She also noted the accent in the others voice, though he soon corrected it, and found it to be interesting, though she did not understand why the other had corrected himself.

((@SilverAngel303 ))
((sorry my computer went AWOL on me for a moment >.>))

Alex started walking away from the dorms, and chose to continue the conversation because Domino seemed easier to get along with then the others he had met. "I'm not too sure about that, your the first person I have met who's real name is domino. That and the only other person who I have ever seen to have eyes that were two different colors naturally was my 4th Master." Alex stated, he usually didn't like talking about his 4th Master since Alex was forced to help with the boy's suicide. ((@TotalChaos ))
Lillith wasn't sure why he wasn't understanding. "You see, I am not getting anywhere because I keep being referred to as: rude, prissy, and all around mean. Which is true and I take pride in that. However, if I become nice then people will flock to my sides begging to offer up their souls to me!" Everything in her mind made perfect sense. It was a brilliant plan indeed.
"Wonderful plan darling....But there a major flaw.....People don't beg someone to take there souls....no one does...." Damian was simply amused by the girls thought process. "I have a better plan....You can act all nice and happy and ounce you gain there trust...You can stab them in the back...Doesn't that sound marvelous.....You still can be mean, but you wont be mean all the time. You can even plot there deaths..." He finished up his sentence.
Lillith thought for a moment. In Hell tormented souls would beg... But she guessed that would not be the case here. Sighing she shrugged. "That plan may work as well... But since you now know of my plan, your soul will have to be the first I take." She smiled at him. "I thank you in advanced for your sacrifice."
"So your going to kill me....Here...Hit me" He stood arms to his side. He really didn't care if she went after him. He already had an escape plan to the fight. Trees....a forest was behind him which he could command to bend there roots and shoot out at the girl. Giving her a smirk. "But I bet you cant do it."
Lillith put her hands on her hips angrily. "Don't patronize me creature... First I must gain your trust. Then rip it away from you. It's your plan after all. Pay attention to your own work." She scolded him.
"But if I know of the plan why would I fall for it..." He said flicking the forehead of the girl with the strangest thought system he has ever met. Walking past the girl, he approached the doors to the school, and with out turning said "Bye Genius" and pushed the door inwards.
Lillith swatted his finger as he flicked her. "-going to break that finger off soon enough," she muttered to herself. She watched as Damian made for his ever-so-famous exit routine. But now she had to focus. Lillith quickly made her way back into the academy, darting through halls to the library where she stalked the shelves for the perfect book to study.
Warren stood under a small tree, flinging his mediocre scythe around as if he knew what he was doing. This only succeeded in lopping off one of the branches and causing it to fall onto his head, coaxing a loud "Ow!" from his mouth. "How the hell does my sister do this?" He asked himself frustratedly, as he rubbed the part of his head where the branch had fallen.

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