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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Shot after shot was being thrown her way. She tried to pay no mind to what they were saying until, of course, Damian had to bring up her fear. She snapped, once again, grabbing Damian's throat tightly. She would have lifted him off the ground, but sadly she was shorter than him. "You have no right to speak creature."
Warren's eyes went wide as he saw the two go at it. "Did I...miss a memo, or something?" He interjected. This was a rather unexpected series of events; all he did was say "hi" to two people, and now they were at each other's throats. Literally.
Moving his own hand to her neck with an amount of speed that was unreal. He griped down hard on her neck. Lifting her up into the air. Then dropping her, he let her hold onto his neck. He didn't mind, after all h e didn't breath. So he smiled at her with a huge grin .
After everything they had previously been through she never expected him to actually make a move against her. She instantly let go. Her eyes were wide as he lifted her up off the ground, kicking and clawing at his hand. Lillith fell to the ground with a thud as she held herself up her hands, gasping for air. Demons didn't need air in Hell, but in the Human World, it was a different story.
Warren was quite horrified at this turn of events, and decided to put a stop to them. He stepped in between the two, holding them apart, for fear of them coming to blows. "Ok, can we start over, here?!" He shouted. "I REALLY don't want to start my first day of school having to take a soul back to the Netherworld. In fact, I can't, so can you guys just break it up?"
"So you want to try that again...." He brought his face closer to hers. "Because I wouldn't mind choking you to death....Oh yeah but my moral codes forbid me to harm a lady, unless it's for self defense...." He then brought his head forward so his forehead was pressed up against the girls. "I'll help you get over that fear....if you give me a taste of that blood....Because a ruler can't have a fear can she....so how about" He said with a smile.
She was not giving up. She pushed the boy complaining about his first day aside. As Damian pressed his forehead against her she pulled back quickly. In one quick motion she landed a solid slap against his face. Her palm tingled at the impact, and she smirked. "I'd like to see you try me," she managed a steady voice between small gasps.
"Yo, hold on a second," Warren interrupted. "Ruler? As in, a queen?" Warren didn't know how to proceed. Here, he was making small talk with nobility as if it were nothing. Well, he was technically nobility as well, but not on that level. At least, not yet anyhow.
(Wrong rp sorry....)

Rubbing his cheek he smiled at the girl. "So you want me to try and bite your neck....ok" He said in a dark tone before he grabbed the girls shoulders with an iron grip slowly pushing her to a near by wall. He pushed her up against it and stopped to ruffle her hair. "Again.....your hot when your angry " Then letting go of the demons shoulders. "I'll bite you when we have a more.....intimate relationship...." He turned his head to the boy and said "Names Damian"
Lillith quickly kicked Damian's feet out from under him. She put her foot on his back holding him there as she dug her boot's heel in between his shoulder blades. She leaned down, grabbing his hair, making her look up at him. "Oh. You're so... pathetic when you're vulnerable," she purred into his ear.
"And your just mad because you know I'm right" He said as his body shrunk down into the form of a fly. Were he flew behind the girl reverting back to his normal form. "I'm behind you, young one" he said as he taped on her shoulder. "You know your pretty fun for a demon that thinks she's the ruler of the world and all"
Lillith was confused as he began to shrink. She looked around as he tapped her shoulder, making her flinch. She quickly turned to face him, eyes narrowing with deep growls escaping her chest. She was so sick of this stupid boy messing with her! She snapped, making a ball of Hell fire form in her small hand. The heat from Hell fire was something much more stronger than that of any regular fire. She pushed Damian back, shoving her hand into his face hoping to burn off that stupid look.
He jumped back far from the girl. He turned his back from her and began to walk off to an exit door which lead to the outside. Ripping off his shirt so he could sprout his wings from his back with out ruining his clothes. He black butter fly wings exploded out and he flew up into a tree were he would sit and wait for the girls arrival.
"Running. Weak." She smirked to herself going after him. She scanned the area looking for where the kid had run off to. "Damian! I demand you come out and face me!" She held her arms out at her sides, flames scorching out of her palms. He wasn't about to get away that easily.
Jumping from the tree. He landed on both his legs. "What do you want? I don't want to fight you...." He said to the girl as he flapped his wings ready to take flight. He was completely ready for the girl. He was ready to dodge really but what did it matter.
She stopped, not knowing if she heard him correctly. "You-... Don't want to fight? Than what is the meaning of all this torment!?" He was playing mind games and she for one did not enjoy it. The flames in her hands dimmed a bit. "Why do you insist on making everything harder on me..."
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"Because, like I said about three times.....your hot when your angry....literally your hands on fire" He said as he cocked his head at her giving her a smile. "You also have to learn things about your self that you can only learn from contact with others...."He lowered himself to the ground and sat looking into the girls eyes. "You just can't learn that from people that listen to your every command...."
The flames in her hands burnt out. She crossed her arms, pushing out her lower lip a bit as if pouting. "If I have to state this again there will be hell to pay... I do not enjoy contact. And what could that possibly teach me anyway?" She felt like instead of arguing with Damian she was arguing with herself.
"I'm not talking about physical contact you bum....and talking about verbal contact and such....you arn't going to have people that are always going listen to you and you don't seam to get that....so stop being a brat and I'll be nice to you....." He finished off. Then ruffling the girls hair.
Alex looked at the girl, and thought to himself before he answered her. 'Sure are alot of people talking to me today...oh well..' Alex gestured with his head for the girl to follow him, and went to the dorms. He had memorized the layout of the school when the teachers who owned his soul let him stay here until Alex was able to afford an apartment on a nearby street before school had started. Once he reached the dorms, Alex turned back to girl as the hallway to the dorms split. "If you take a left from here, you'll end up in the boy's dorms, go right and that's where your's should be. Need anything else?" Alex asked, however he felt that he was being a bit too nice. @TotalChaos
Kain had reverted to his human form after having relaxed in peace. He began his little stroll through the trees back to the school. Upon reached the edge of the woods he saw the boy from before go into the trees. Them came the demon ruler girl. On a pine tree not far away he leaned on it watching. He laughed to himself' those two just can't get enough of eachother can they." He thought. After they had spoken, and he had heard the man's words he slowly walked to them clapping hid hands" well spoken sir well spoken indeed." Kain said calmly.
After that rather strange encounter with the two other students, Warren decided that he should probably find some other people to meet, since he wasn't likely to be around them any time soon. Warren was done with classes for the day, so he really had nothing better to do than wander around the halls.

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