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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Like I said I won't tell...." He wasn't amused by how the girl didn't trust him. He was really annoyed by this fact. "Why don't you go find your little army.....they might need your leadership or something" blurting out as he made his way back down the hallway.
The black stretch limo pulled up to the school. It was huge. Through the gates Tine could see people congregating. His stomach flipped upside down. "How will I possibly fit in." he thought. That's when the boy felt a cold hand gripping his. "I assure you my young master. This is for the best." James looked down at the boy as he stood dumbfounded. Those were the most words he'd ever heard James say. Tine released the man's grip. "Well... I guess I''ll be go-" Tine turned around to see no one there. He smiled to himself, and slowly walked through the gates, his bag over one shoulder.
Kain took off into the air soaring high into the sky. The wind flowed around him as he soared. He missed the feel of the wind, and it soothed him. He made sure to stay away from prying eyes of humans as he roamed the skys. After a while he landed back in the same spot the wind from his wings blowing against the trees. He rested against the ground relaxing.
Lillith meant to yell something snarky and life threatening as he left, but couldn't. Something about the way he spoke made her feel wrong. Like she had caused this feeling and she it wasn't right. Demonic or not, she was feeling... Bad. She sighed quietly, dropping her eyes to the floor, for once at a loss for words.
Damian turned the corner only looking back at the girl for a brief moment before he stepped out view and made his way to the library were he decided he would read in till he was interrupted. So he made his way to the going straight for the fault in our stars. He's got a soft spot for the book...so why not read it again.
Kain remained their falling into a light sleep the earth felt cool underneath him. He closed his eyes as he slipped into a light sleep.
Lillith decided it would be best to retire and to find herself a dorm room. She began walking back to the main hall but stopped halfway. She could see the door that had been broken down. She had to pass the pool to get back. She was hesitant. No, she thought. I can't be afraid. i'm going to be a ruler. I can not fear anything. Lillith put on a brave face, heading straight for the broken door. As the sparkling water came into view, she froze. She wanted to move, but felt as if something would happen if she did. So, she just stared.
Now that he thought about it the girl would have to pass the pool again. He decided to go check up on her to make sure she could pass by a door.

So Damian walked back through the hallway and arrived at the entrance to the pool where he saw Lillith. He walked up behind the frozen girl. He put his chin on her shoulder and warped his arms around her lifting her up. "Really...you went back to the pool...trying to be brave arnt we" he carried her down the hallway farther from the room containing the pool. "Your welcome again" he walked began to walk off again.
Lillith struggled, thrashing about the entire time. "Get your hands off of me! I do not need help!" Once he set her down she growled. "I'm not afraid!" She spat the words at him as he walked away. "I fear nothing."
Warren stepped in front of the academy's entrance, feeling a sense of both excitement and nausea. Well, here we go, He thought to himself. He took a deep breath, and opened the door to his new home.
"You fear water girl....You fear water" He babbled as he walked. He cocked his head back to her giving her a smile. "I'll see you in hell" He walked off towards the dorms were he could just lie down and rest and avoid the worlds troubles.
Amelia had arrived at the academy hours ago, but as she had walked to the the main building to receive her schedule and dorm she had grown sleepy and so in spite of her father telling her to immediately go and get her information she had wandered off the path near one of buildings and climbed up a tree and fall asleep. Now the neko was stretching languidly, yawning and was surpisngly smiling as she came to. She turned and let her arm hang of the rough branch, absent-mindedly swinging it. " I probably should go get my... dorm and schedule.." she said after a few moments of tryng to remember what exactly her father wanted her to do. She sighed and stretched one more time before jumping down, landing gracefully on her feet. "Hm.. now lets see... which way to go.. "

Adrik left the office, shifting through his papers curiously. He had been here before, but he was returning late this year, his father keeping him in their realm longer than usual. He exited the building and walked towards the dorm area easily ignoring others, if he passed anyone at all. He ran a hand through his hair and touseled it, sighing. "I hope I don't have to deal with the roommate situation again this year." He muttered. Last year had just caused problems when it turned out his roommate was a human with powers. Needless to say he was immediately given his own room since there wasn't only animalistic hostility between him the the other guy. It had outright annoyed him to be honest and that was putting it lightly.
Kain awoke after a half hour his wings outstretched as he let out a yawn which almost sounded like a roar slightly vibrating through the forest. He stood up stretching his wings and body looking at the sun. The lights rays reflected of his white scales glimmering in the light.
...Warren was completely lost. He had no idea where to start; should he head to the dorms, or the office? Heck, the gym? He already had his schedule, but he still had a day before he started class, and his luggage was already packed in his dorm, so there was nothin' doin' there. Maybe I should get to know some of the other students? He thought. Warren decided this was the best option, and went to see who wasn't busy.
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Lillith shook her head muttering, "-impossible, childish, incomprehensible little..." This Human World was turning out to be a lot more difficult then she had originally planned. And then there was Damien. He was a whole other strand of problems. She wanted to hurt him, but was repulsed at the thought of him in pain. It would be an easy fight, but she couldn't bring herself to make the first strike. Frustrated, she sulked the hallways looking for a comfortable dorm room, muttering the whole time a string of insults on his behalf.
Jumping up and down on his dorm bed like a child. He was quite bored. He left the book he was reading in the library and we'll there was nothing to do. He doesn't need to sleep so what's the point in trying. He could run around the halls like an idiot, but the headmaster might catch him. He could scare Lillith if he wanted to but he was done with her for the day so he just jumped up and down like a child trying to wake there mom and dad up on Christmas.
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Lillith shook her head muttering, "-impossible, childish, incomprehensible little..." This Human World was turning out to be a lot more difficult then she had originally planned. And then there was Damien. He was a whole other strand of problems. She wanted to hurt him, but was repulsed at the thought of him in pain. It would be an easy fight, but she couldn't bring herself to make the first strike. Frustrated, she sulked the hallways looking for a comfortable dorm room, muttering the whole time a string of insults on his behalf.

Warren noticed the dejected young lady walking about, and opted to greet her. This was a great opportunity to make friends, and he was going to seize it. "Uh, HI!" he shouted, wincing after realizing that it came out louder than intended.
Lillith turned her head, irritated at the random shouting. Her eyes narrowed. Oh what could it possibly be now, she thought. She turned to the boy crossing her arms, obviously in a bad mood. "You speak as if we are familiar with one another. Which is not the case. Now explain your reason for shouting."
Warren was taken aback slightly at her snapping. "Oh, uh, sorry for being a bit loud, I got a little overexcited. I was just looking around the campus, meeting new people, the usual, ya know? This is my first year here. I'm Warren, Warren Atkinson. And you are...?"
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Adrik entered the dorm building, ignoring anyone in the entrance and immediately walked down his hall, glancing at his paper one more time before looking up and staring at the numbers on the doors. His ruby eyes slipped from one door to the next, uninterested and only concerned with unpacking as soon as possible. Realm jumping could make anyone weary, even his father, after a while and all he felt like doing was resting a bit. He noticed his number coming up and the shadows that looked like a dark mist that constantly hovered around his legs, slithered forward, pushing the door open for him as he entered. He paused at the sight of the male on the bed across the room. Great, so I do have roommate.... He didn't comment on the fact that he had caught his new roommate bouncing childishly on his bed, merely dropped his duffle bag on his bed. He made no move to unpack his things, merely looked over the surroundings shrewdly. "Hm." He muttered. Everything was actually as it should be. Good.

Amelia found the main building eventually and got her schedule and dorm number with a pleasant smile. She headed towards the dorms, by now her hair was standing up just a little, static charges running through a few silver strands, with her new found excitement and curiosity as she surveyed the school. Violet eyes looked over everything as quickly as possible, flitting from one thing to the next till she entered the dorms. "Let's see..." She moved down the hall, counting the room numbers out loud as she walked in what she figured was the direction of her room. She was beginning to get into the excited new kid phase and if she managed to get anymore thrilled it would only be a matter of time till her ears and tail pop out.
Oh. So this one had feelings... Just perfect. "I'm Lillith, obviously." She was beginning to realize less and less people actually knew who she was or where she came from. The thought was a bit disappointing. "And if you are looking for friends, I'm not the person to be talking to." She seemed to be a bit down as she spoke. She really wasn't the kind of person to easily make or keep friends. Or have friends for that matter. It was for the best. She seemed to be the only person she could trust here.
"You don't really seem very outgoing," Warren pointed out. "Haven't you ever had friends before?" He joked. This "Lillith" person really seemed rather introverted, and Warren didn't think that was quite healthy.
Damian looked up at the other male and immediately stop bounce. Jumping off the bed he walked from the room embarrassed to be jumping like that. So he did the next best thing he walked around the school looking for Lillith. When he did he noticed another person standing across from her. As he passed by the male and was now standing in front of Lillith he blurted out "I wouldn't try to be friends with this women....she'd probably recruit you for her army." Looking back at the male with a smile. "But she's not to annoying when she's scared...." He said looking straight at Lillith's eyes as he stuck out his tongue at her.
Warren chuckled at the stranger's teasing. "And who are you, exactly?" Today was off to a great start. Even if Lillith wasn't too friendly, at least this other guy was.

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